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There have been 9 items by Pros (Search limited from 30-June 23)

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#925893 Eldevin kite shild look wrong

Posted by Pros on 29 March 2015 - 22:18 in Bug Reports

ohh wow, Lol

#918104 Crit bug? crit bug.

Posted by Pros on 04 February 2015 - 03:56 in Bug Reports

Damn !

#907053 CHristmas suggestions

Posted by Pros on 04 December 2014 - 17:57 in Suggestions

snowball ranged thing (itsa gem that u use on a ranged weapon and it makes u throw snowballs instead of whatever ur 


Ohh, like a projectile Override? 

would be pretty cool : P

#906118 Firework Stacks

Posted by Pros on 01 December 2014 - 17:54 in Suggestions

I was going to ask the same question, about 25!


100 would be nice, lots of hoarders out there, who want to use them for special times we don't want to wait another year for them to be released. ;)


example: use them for friends birthdays/special events ect!

#905843 My hat 100 feat in the air

Posted by Pros on 30 November 2014 - 02:38 in Bug Reports

Hats off to you too!



#900436 High 5 emote.

Posted by Pros on 13 November 2014 - 17:21 in Suggestions

damn, i remember posting this suggestion a while back xD

#893774 Halloween's Coming...

Posted by Pros on 11 October 2014 - 01:49 in Suggestions

please, please, please bring us Halloween stuffs soon. Halloween is a little over two weeks away. :D




Nope nope nope!

Nope nope!

#892268 Halloween's Coming...

Posted by Pros on 01 October 2014 - 22:43 in Suggestions



#891796 rock paper scissors/Thumb Wars Emote

Posted by Pros on 29 September 2014 - 12:04 in Suggestions

Don't know if this has been suggested before.

(And i'm sorry if it has been)


But this would be pretty neat!





1. You declare a rock/paper/scissors Challenge with someone.

(Example: When you're using the Hug Emote/Mistletoe)


2. They'll right/left click you (Depending on how you set your mouse buttons) and select the option that says Challenge.


3. If they accept it's game time. You'll be locked on and in a battle.


4. May the best man/woman win.



Side Notes: a random player can come and accept the challenge, even if you challenge someone else (Just like the other emotes)






Thumb Wars


1. You declare a Thumb Wars Challenge with someone.

(Example: When you're using the Hug Emote/Mistletoe)


2. They'll right/left click you (Depending on how you set your mouse buttons) and select the option that says Challenge.


3. If they accept it's game time. You'll be locked on and in a battle.


4. May the best man/woman win.



Same Rules/Methods apply, as stated above.





Additional Notes: Side notes apply to both side. Don't get mad if you lose.


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