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There have been 30 items by ChelseaBrick (Search limited from 15-June 23)

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#944637 glitchy taranuka broken bridgey thing

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 12 August 2015 - 18:01 in Bug Reports

and look at little ole me, soloing it like a beast. :D

#944541 glitchy taranuka broken bridgey thing

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 12 August 2015 - 00:45 in Bug Reports


#943945 Top lists bugged?

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 09 August 2015 - 19:44 in Bug Reports

I noticed that 20 achievement points weren't added to my score, if that what's you mean.  I sent in a ticket yesterday.

#943726 Shop Ideas

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 07 August 2015 - 16:12 in Suggestions

I don't mean the standard items, I mean special new items for special occasions.


A birthday cake that increases vitality for an hour or something...

Birthday balloons that the special player can carry in their vanity glove slot.

Roses in the vanity slot for that special someone, etc.


All can be added to the gift shop and bought with EP.  :D


**though Guth can get his founder statue added, hint hint hint.  :D

#943711 Shop Ideas

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 07 August 2015 - 12:29 in Suggestions

I'm sure this has been suggested before, but I think it would be fun if we had items in our shop that we can gift to other players such as  birthday balloons or birthday cake, similar to the anniversary items.  Like the balloons can be used in the vanity glove slot and the birthday cake can give some sort of boost. Flowers and teddy bears would be fun little gifts for special occasions as well. 


It's Guthix's birthday today and I just was thinking how fun items like that would be.  There is not one single game item he doesn't have in multiples, lol.  Except for that cute little robin pet that I want...


Anyway, have a good day and be nice to each other! :D 

#942509 Locations of Woodland Spirits

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 30 July 2015 - 23:55 in Game Content

This was tree-mendously helpful!  Thanks all!


#942036 Issue Connecting

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 29 July 2015 - 12:12 in Bug Reports

can't log in, having issues

ef5c16dfeb.pnguuugh, this is driving me insane.  now off to work for a massive 11 hour shift and unable to enjoy the new event.  the horror...

#941629 leave it as it is

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 27 July 2015 - 17:54 in Suggestions

 Now I have to fear being kicked for clicking a flag before someone in my group does.  :)


The flags should work like the totems for RG--they should be applied to everyone in the group. (what ernz said, I just scrolled up and saw his comment :) )

#939608 Quick Loot and Cloth Farm

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 21 July 2015 - 20:00 in Suggestions

Part of the problem is the delay from the pop up window blocking other loot bags when you're trying to pick them up.



#939436 Quick Loot and Cloth Farm

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 21 July 2015 - 12:04 in Suggestions

yeah, i spam chatted world chat yesterday with a bunch of "v's" lolz.  oopsie. 

#939422 Quick Loot and Cloth Farm

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 21 July 2015 - 05:49 in Suggestions

Has this "loot all" been instilled yet? If not...sorry for the grave digging, but I think it's an excellent idea.

#939109 Release All The World Bosses From Their Cage!

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 16 July 2015 - 23:29 in Suggestions

...anyway.  yes an "all hell breaks loose" weekend would be fun, but all bosses, not just raid/world.  the only safe zones should be the inside of buildings as they will roam around freely.  :D

#938911 World Events

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 14 July 2015 - 22:51 in Suggestions

it was a big giant walking rock with  5 kazillion health. :)

#938858 World Events

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 14 July 2015 - 15:47 in Suggestions

oh lol.  how about if every single boss was released on TA due to a seismic earthquake? Neither crafters nor pvpers would be safe...

#938856 World Events

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 14 July 2015 - 15:27 in Suggestions

I know that you're releasing the summer event, so this is bad timing on my part, but...


I'd love to have world events where the whole community has to come together to solve a problem and is rewarded for how much effort they've put into it.


For instance, a strange meteor has fallen from the sky and is releasing a caustic gas.  The community needs to uses pickaxes to break it away before all humanity is killed. Maybe this meteor will randomly spawn creatures that can be killed for a weapon upgrade reward for 24 hours or a 2%-5% permanent upgrade damage bonus. (Like spawn demented developers who attack us for a little revenge and we have to fight them back to their planet--we all know a zombie L3fty or body-snatched Anakiro might like to beat the crap out of some of us).  If the community succeeds at the end of the week, they're rewarded with awesomeness.  If they fail, I guess nothing lol.


That's a crappy example but without stealing ideas from other games, it was the best I could come up with off the top of my head.  One game had a giant cake that the whole community had to eat.  It took a week or two to actually eat the whole thing.  In the end, the whole world was awarded double experience for a weekend and those that did the most work, were rewarded with extra prizes.  


This would differ from seasonal events in that the whole community has to work together and not necessarily in groups, just side by side, working together.  It wouldn't be like the hulking troll where whoever hits first gets the reward.  This is a major world event.  No tank, no healer needed, no groups needed. And all levels are invited to participate.  



#938601 What's a girl gotta do...

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 11 July 2015 - 14:34 in Suggestions

to get my spell bar extended out?  Just like three more spaces out or another row?  Money?  Everlasting gratitude?  I'll be your best friend.  You have the power...  






#938485 Sirunax Void Buggy Map

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 09 July 2015 - 20:12 in Bug Reports

I've fallen into the void in Sirunax.  Now you sort of see me...


Now you don't...


#938458 Self Defense Feature

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 09 July 2015 - 17:05 in Suggestions

There are safe zones virtually everywhere.  I died yesterday in TR because I decided to read about Caitlyn Jenners's lifestyle choices in the middle of my run. It happens.  If you summon a void elemental or wolf and set them to aggressive, they'll attack enemies close to you. 


 I'm still waiting on my invisibility potion to be created. :D

#938227 More long term goals

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 06 July 2015 - 14:04 in Suggestions

There is of course a balance to be found between such ideas and what we can afford to do. Anything with the word revamp or overhaul is most likely to scare us off xD

You could reissue founder items (second editions) to raise money to afford to do things. :D

#937731 Pure Talents (level 50 end of tree talent)

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 01 July 2015 - 12:27 in Suggestions

A final tier that trumps all those hybrid weapons/classes. :D  After all, that's what you did to the pure classes by introducing the them in the first place. 

#937124 One or two more rows of abilities ?

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 23 June 2015 - 16:32 in Suggestions

and I'll gladly pay 10 silver for this to happen too! :)

#937123 Remove cooldown pop up confirm for group summon

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 23 June 2015 - 16:30 in Suggestions

It is only 10 silver, do we really need to have the annoyance of a going through the confirm and cooldown screen just to do this?  :P


Make it so we just get charged 10 silver every time we use group summon.


Can make it an option in settings if you feel it still needs a confirm for lower levels?

i'll pay anyone's 10 silver if they cannot afford it, just make it happen.  :)

#936745 NPC Templars

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 19 June 2015 - 20:33 in Suggestions

I don't know if anyone's noticed, but there is a serious lack of templars.  It's frustrating as heck trying to get any sort of run. I wouldn't be surprised if the remaining tanks that are running dungeons go on strike.  Part of the reason for this is the lack of incentive to raise a tank.  Yes, the costs have gone down but it's crazy boring to try to level one up.  Templars have to spam buttons while dealing low damage, they have to consistently hold aggro at all times while the dps run to the bathroom or eat a cookie while their Taco Bell gets cold, you name it.  They don't have any super amazing AOE skills or hold aggro skills...no wonder no one wants to be one. Something needs to be done.  Like a serious overhaul of this class.


In the meantime, while you all contemplate what could make this class more appealing, I think you should have NPC tanks that will allow tankless groups to purchase a rent-a-temp for a run for a specified amount of EP or something.  


I'm super shy so I won't advertise myself needing help.  You can only guess how many ICC runs I've been on.  It rhymes with shoe and they weren't even completed fully. 



#936545 Bug chairs.

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 18 June 2015 - 16:57 in Bug Reports

thanks hcs! :D


#935770 Help out Farming

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 16 June 2015 - 12:56 in Suggestions

I'm gonna say something that might get you guys mad, but farming is supposed to be slow... In reality you have to wait months to harvest, so in comparison this seems pretty quick.

True, it is.  However, since I'd sooner gouge my eyes out with a dull pencil than sit there and farm, something could be done to make it a bit more enjoyable.  I'd rather leave the plots and come back later to full crops because even RL farmers don't stand there forever--a watched pot doesn't boil after all.  


I'm going with whatever suggestion makes it less painful. :D (I think we suggested this a year or so ago along with fishing suggestions?  I doubt they're worried about the state of our eyeballs.)

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