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There have been 26 items by BraveKath (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#944728 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by BraveKath on 13 August 2015 - 14:11 in General Discussion

Miss you already.

Well I am logging in to get rid of gear and perhaps when what feels like a milestone is gone, I'll get a wild hair - who knows :)


Thanks a bunch Belaric -- miss chatting with you and well many of FS -- really a lot of tremendously bright and fun people in this game, though many are gone now too.

#944697 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by BraveKath on 13 August 2015 - 04:20 in General Discussion

What would get you to play again?


I've done a few recent  events, but  I've moved on and have my interest elsewhere now.

#944686 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by BraveKath on 13 August 2015 - 01:26 in General Discussion

I'm not actively playing, so I'll say it, my opinion doesn't count and I can truly say how the Season PvP system evolved, I was fine with it.


What I did not understand with the poll was why not separate the PvP and Bounty system, as some folks had issues with just the BB - or at least that was what I was seeing.


Also I have to agree with Cyrus on the point he makes on page 2 about the 547 "Don't Mind" votes.  Don't mind is, by my interpretation: 'doesn't bother me, I'm not doing it, have at it'.

I know it takes time, but perhaps refining the poll and breaking down components would be valueable?  Perhaps don't have Yes - No votes, maybe have "N/A",  and a scale of how much people like or dislike each component.  I know you're not scraping the whole concept Hoof, but you're only bringing it back for short stints here and there.  

Scale: 1 = Worst thing ever; 2 = not my cup of tea; 3 = meh, I may play, I may not; 4 = Cool but I'd like some tweaks; 5 = YeeHaw Love It!

Just a thought.  I just felt the poll was a bit too simplistic.

#911643 Double XP Event Extended!

Posted by BraveKath on 23 December 2014 - 14:53 in General Discussion

Thanks for holding the Double XP event.   I'm quite happy it was extended, as this worked out great with my schedule and I got more levels than I anticipated.  I just finished my hunt a short time ago.



Peace & Joy to all the HCS Staff along with appreciation!



As Always, Kath

#905708 Update v2.60

Posted by BraveKath on 28 November 2014 - 22:17 in General Discussion

PvP Tokens + Dom Medals:



Why punish everyone who took the time to play the ladder.  I earned mine - used a LOT of FSP buying gear, buffs, potions and took a lot of time online.  It was a fun battle.  Then my range changed and the next few ladders were filled with people who refuse to fight or they only gang fight and bounty, and that holds no interest and I get peevish if I show up for a fight and no one else does or they're too lazy or incompetent to do their own fighting.  But what some folks do on the ladder is not the point.

Players who have invested hours and FSP into the Ladder shouldn't be shafted and have the PvP tokens removed or become worthless, and their medals should remain.  Perhaps there should be a store where some exhange rate is possible - that would be fair and respectful of players who are also let's face it - customers.  Most serious ladder players buy dots.

#905705 Update v2.60

Posted by BraveKath on 28 November 2014 - 22:07 in General Discussion

BraveKath, when you have an open slot to compose potions where it says use template, open the drop down screen at the bottom of the list of your composing templates is one for "new design", open that and construct the potion you want and it will show you the fragment cost like the old composing screen did prior to making the actual potion.


Thank you, but you're not understanding my point.  I've seen that -- but I want to look at my current template-recipes, without having to make the potion to see it, which is what I would have to do now.

#905542 Update v2.60

Posted by BraveKath on 28 November 2014 - 10:07 in General Discussion



Hopefully I've not skimmed over it, but I would like a means by which I can look at the composite /break down of a compose pot templates I have and now I don't have a means by which to see that except when the pot is completed.  


Sometimes I want to build a new one or re-do an old one slightly and I use my prior "recipes" to base that on.

If there's a way to see it in the new page set up, I apologize, as I'm just not seeing it.

While I do have this one request, I really think the new composing looks and functions great!


Thanks for your time and consideration, Kath :)

#905540 Update v2.60

Posted by BraveKath on 28 November 2014 - 09:58 in General Discussion

Guildmate sent me a composed pot and now my pack has disappeared.  No slots, no potion, no other items, nothing.  Also no count for pack, just shows /193)


Perhaps a surprise new compose Pot? 'Alakazam Bobbity Boo Nothing for You'  .... sorry, coming out of turkey coma and in a silly mood.  Hope it was sorted out.

#891540 Pinata Frenzy II

Posted by BraveKath on 27 September 2014 - 09:55 in General Discussion

Thanks Grim  :wub:  :D   I needed frags

#890826 what happened to guilds defending their own?

Posted by BraveKath on 23 September 2014 - 10:35 in Guild Discussion

There's one consideration that I've not seen here.  While I have always felt it honorable to stand up for my guildmates and friends, I always have to know why and I have to agree that the situation is warranted.  Once in a while and for some folks more than that, we do dumb things - fingers fly a little too friendly and judgement not enough.

There have been guildmates, fortunately no longer at The Highwaymen, that would get PvP'd for gold or xp and they were quick to send insults and threats to the PvPer, and even do some very dirty tricks, but they would not stand up for themselves when they had the opportunity yet expected the guild to stand up for them when they had blown a random hit into a major incident.  These same folks consistently were never there for anyone else as they cherished their levels.

I find that usually when someone has a legitimate case that people do rally round and do their best to ensure justice is done.

#889972 Leveling... long time...

Posted by BraveKath on 17 September 2014 - 06:44 in General Discussion

EOC - End of Content - getting there quickly or even at all (no wish to be there) is a path chosen by some.  Many of us appreciate the wandering road in between where PVP, Titan Hunting, GvG, Arena, Potion Making, SE Hunting, etc and did I mention PvP :) are enjoyed.  I actually envy you a bit as your level was such a fun PvP level when I was there.

Look around - enjoy the journey enjoying all the by-roads and then you'll truly find why so many of us are still around and why some of us, like myself, wandered away, but couldn't stay away.

I did not look, so pardon me, be sure you're in an active guild that has people more knowledgeable than yourself, and who are enjoying the game's many aspects.

No game is for everyone it's true, but there's a lot here and getting to end of content isn't the most interesting of them in my opinion.

#889829 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by BraveKath on 16 September 2014 - 08:51 in General Discussion

The ideas definitely have merit and present a whole fresh approach.  I lean towards option 1, but # 2 isn't bad either.

Good luck with it.  

#889828 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by BraveKath on 16 September 2014 - 08:43 in General Discussion

We can talk about Open Ladder later, that topic will never stop to come back anyway, but now we need to find the fixes Ladder needs before new rewards get implemented, some like those minor tweaks:

1 - No attack = No rewards.
- 1 or 2 attacks on each players outside your guild would be nice.

2 - Ladder cooldown.
- Maeh's idea:
"Have the ladder work only if you initiate an attack. If you do not initiate at least 2 attacks ( per ladder combatant)  within a single ladders time frame ( 24-48 hours) you are removed from it for 48 hours.  "

3 - Deflect on Ladder.
- Ideas welcome.

4 - Guildmates limit on same bracket.
- Ideas welcome.

5 - Bracket lvl 2000+ with 200 levels cap.

I really want to see everybody helping this thing, but we need Devs involved, just like Luis said.


What Yghob has summarized based on tweaks here seems like a decent, workable plan.

#889827 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by BraveKath on 16 September 2014 - 08:39 in General Discussion

posted a dumb idea .... decided to delete it  ;)

#889325 NEW MEDAL : Garbage Collector ( poll included for fun)

Posted by BraveKath on 12 September 2014 - 10:22 in Game Content

Sounds like a fun Medal :)

#889277 Update v2.50

Posted by BraveKath on 12 September 2014 - 00:04 in General Discussion

As per feedback buffs, headers and the check all check boxes now have labels that can be clicked.
Also if you click on a player name in the list all that players buffs will grey out below, so you can see which they don't have easily.

This isn't working. My cashe is clear. I do have FSH running and I'm sorry you guys are a long ways away from incorporting FSH abilities, so I'm not going to turn it off. After using this new buff system a couple times I have to say it looks snazzy, but relatively ineffective. I don't need the buffs in color code categories, as I actually understand the buffs. BUT I could REALLY use seeing what buffs someone has on them and the list above - well at least it's there, but it's painful if they have a lot of buffs as then I'm basically going one by one.

1) consider doing all the FSH attributes you plan to do all in one roll-out
2) let players play with it before it's finalized. Heck - tell us you're going to try something from X to X server hours and to give you feedback if you don't want a test server. We can cope with an hour or two of the game in a test mode giving you feedback.

Make no mistake, I'm glad you're trying, but there's a deep lack of understanding of how things are applied in the game by those of us playing it (what works optimally) and figuring out how to overcome that will serve you well and all of us players.



#888720 Update v2.50

Posted by BraveKath on 08 September 2014 - 07:11 in General Discussion

Well good to see Roadmap progress. :)

The buffing feature looks great, and stam usage and categories all very nice. I concur with the request of many that the list above of those buffs a person has would be much more effective if simply (or perhaps it's not simply) signified on the buffing list itself. .... If you would actually regularly buff people you would see what we mean.

I know it's terribly late in the process, but would you not consider a testing server where a few players can actually give you concrete feedback while you're in process prior to game wide implementation? When someone is widely distributed there will always be negative critics and there will oftentimes be things that even testers didn't catch, but it might make your jobs easier in the long run and not as frustrating ... I at least would be a tad frustrated, as I know you guys are working hard.

This is definitely progress.


#888719 What are the new official rules for Relics?

Posted by BraveKath on 08 September 2014 - 07:01 in Game Content

It's always been my understanding and I once saw the math on it thus proving it that over 3 relics and there is a significant dip in benefit. Thus a max of 3 is really ideal. I'm sorry I don't remember the mathematics behind that, hopefully someone can provide it.

#887900 SE Slaughter

Posted by BraveKath on 31 August 2014 - 10:10 in Accomplishments

Congratz Pardoux!!! :)

#887209 New Global Event Idea

Posted by BraveKath on 24 August 2014 - 05:16 in General Discussion

This doesn't work for those of us who are not at EOC and are leveling in Composing. More events = more activity. If I don't want to participate in an event; for example, cave events -- I have no luck in the caves, thus I don't participate. No skin off my nose.

To me this is the every little Johnny & Janie has to have a gift when they go to a birthday party nowadays mentality.

I don't want to chose between Frags and Epic potions and get less of both. I'd rather use more stam and get more of both.

#887206 Guild Quests!

Posted by BraveKath on 24 August 2014 - 05:02 in General Discussion

Some great ideas here! I really like the idea of Guild Quests. There's so much gear in the game, I'd almost rather we got a Stam Pack with it or something of that nature instead of more gear. Also with gear not everyone will be able to use it, as you're either too low, too high whatever.

Depending upon the idea then scaling to guild size would be good, though an idea like Bloody's wouldn't require that.

It might be interesting to see if the quest could not be level dependent, thus you don't necessarily need an EOC player to complete it, but I like the idea of finding items and maybe riddles or puzzles you have to sort out.

#887204 About relics

Posted by BraveKath on 24 August 2014 - 04:53 in General Discussion

The Highwaymen have not participated in the free Relic Medals since they came out. I'm glad to say that it was unanimous amongst the guild. We're silly and bogged down in ethics and pride of accomplishment and all that silly stuff, but we like it.

A medal for re-taking - sounds good and fair - great idea Penny!

If implemented, will it be manipulated? Yes, just grab your popcorn and we know exactly where to look too; however, that doesn't mean it's not a good medal. It only means that some folks will know they worked for it and some could care less - the manipulation is the game for them.

#887203 AH IS DYING!!!!!!!!

Posted by BraveKath on 24 August 2014 - 04:44 in General Discussion

There are too many new updates that have ultimately hit the AH big. The arena for example is causing a fluctuation price on all invented goods at an all time low.

Market prices in FS are the same as they are in your neighborhood and globally - it's all about supply & demand. It has little do to with updates directly, except when we go for long periods of time without them then we lose players (AKA Demand)

High # of active Players = High Demand ... plain, simple -- and accurate. This is the basis of economics forever and always across all realms of real and game life.

Many guilds have an overabundance of gear, much of which we paid premium prices for and now torn between getting gold or maybe 1 FSP or just fraggin it.

Sorry, but your perception of the issues is off in my opinion.

#886916 Darksun Reborn!

Posted by BraveKath on 22 August 2014 - 07:32 in General Discussion

the upgrade is great! Thank you :)

#885825 Stamina Pack

Posted by BraveKath on 16 August 2014 - 06:54 in Game Content

ops sorry sir biggrin.png

Speaking up on Cyrus' behalf, though she doesn't need it .... Please pay attention -- she isa "She", thus Sir isn't cool ...

Karina, your pronoun use like your wanting stuff handed to you is all out of whack.

Epics are NOT expensive, not like they were and it costs very little to get out there and hunt a titan yourself.

As previously pointed out, there's already a method of buying stam and you can buy as much as you like. If you want it discounted, then buy FSP when HCS is running a special, as the extra FSP you get means you get to buy more stam, so there's your discount.

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