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#896837 Oidhche Shamhna III

Posted by Uralus on 30 October 2014 - 07:31 in General Discussion

Nice events, but please up the spawn rate of the seasonal titans. Not a singel one spawned in the last 30 hours.

#876014 Arena Update #2 v2.48

Posted by Uralus on 27 June 2014 - 07:19 in General Discussion

I like that the runner up now also gets some tokens. Makes losing the final less painfull. Thanks for that.


The biggest problem I have now is that there are so few arena matches of higher level I can join. Most matches are below level 200!, and almost nothing above level 1000. Why is that? Is that because the lower levels take a lot longer to fill?

#859102 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by Uralus on 01 April 2014 - 06:58 in General Discussion

It wouldn't (necessarily) be a penalty ...


The tiers would be based on CURRENT stamina, not MAXIMUM stamina .. If a player with a 100K max only had 20K current at the time of an event, he'd only need to expend 10K of that to reach the top (personal) tier ..


The minimum 1K / Tier could still apply if that's a concern :)

Sorry, I don't like the idea. It complicates things too much and will cause more problems than what it solves.


Global event is fine the way it is now in my opinion. 


I hunted on Sunday night putting in a bit more than 20K kills, hoping to get top 100, but knowing I coulnd't protect my spot because of work on monday, and no time hunt them then. It was a risk, and ofcourse it turned out I needed at least 28K kills to get in the top 100. What I want to say is that you should not wait till the last day, last hour, last minute to put in your kills, but do as much in the time you can. It can be that you used to much stam for something, but so what.....This is a game, and it is just stam in the game. It will regenerate and you can play again on another day. If you didn't hunt as much you can, then you have nothing to complain about. It was your own fault.

#858142 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by Uralus on 27 March 2014 - 16:47 in General Discussion

Yeah. So the magic Titan hunters are studs. Why implement any changes to try to catch them right? Lol. If you truly believe what you are saying then why would you care what HCS does. It won't matter because they are not cheating. No need to complain about it. Unless you have something to hide :o

exactly! Why complain for something that is introduced to catch scripters?


What is this thing that automatically kills titans the second you step on it?

#853912 New Xp formula for Composing needed

Posted by Uralus on 07 March 2014 - 16:09 in General Discussion

The event did get me into composing. potion pollution has increased. Instead of me throwing away all those common items, now i throw away all those useless potions I make just for the composing XP. The floor is getting all sticky from the stuff.


But, I have only touched my common frags. All those other frags are still savely tucked away, and will last me still a long time to come. I think that a lot less people will go hunt for frags in the next legendary or crystalline event. The great success of this last GE will ripple into future events...

#853387 Server Crashed

Posted by Uralus on 05 March 2014 - 19:40 in General Discussion

Who's hoove tripped over that wire?

#853254 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by Uralus on 05 March 2014 - 09:02 in General Discussion

The event got more people composing. A success in that area.


It is a good gold sink for the moment.


There should however be some more incentive, by either improving the composing pots somehow, or maybe make a composing only buff.  AL200 and conserve 250 are great, but many of the top players don't use them, so there is little incentive for them to do composing.

#853150 Global Event Frag Chests Problem

Posted by Uralus on 04 March 2014 - 18:19 in General Discussion

maybe best way to solve this is to not let this batch work for anybody, and then hand out a new batch. Otherwise how will you see who opened them, and who didn't?

maybe best way to solve this is to not let this batch work for anybody, and then hand out a new batch. Otherwise how will you see who opened them, and who didn't?

#853146 Global Event Frag Chests Problem

Posted by Uralus on 04 March 2014 - 18:16 in General Discussion

same problem here. Opened a chest, get the message you gained fragments, but there is nothing added.

#852393 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by Uralus on 01 March 2014 - 10:10 in General Discussion

No. This is designed to get more people composing. 

I always said, that I don't want to compose, but now seeing the amount of frags in those chests, I think I will join in the event anyway, and just try a little composing.


3 ruby chests gives 2100 crystalline and 1800 super elite frags!


only concern is that crystalline and super elite items will drop in price a lot

#851656 New Medals!

Posted by Uralus on 25 February 2014 - 18:24 in General Discussion

Some players reached gold medal for the relic defence a few hours after the medal release, and this morning I found players with crystal for this medal.

#851084 New Medals!

Posted by Uralus on 22 February 2014 - 10:18 in General Discussion

They should rename the medal to collaborators medal or change the way ticks are given. It would make more sence to give a tick per 24 hours a relic is held. I mean who attacks a relic knowing they are going to loose? If my stats are too low I just don't attack it.

#851079 New Medals!

Posted by Uralus on 22 February 2014 - 09:35 in General Discussion

Wow, some amazing players out there. They already have defender of the realm gold!

#850823 Game very slow

Posted by Uralus on 21 February 2014 - 10:56 in General Discussion

what! huh? now i am confused...

#850816 Arena tokens

Posted by Uralus on 21 February 2014 - 08:11 in General Discussion

Ofcourse they change setup. I go back to my stam gain setup, and sometimes i am trying different things. Sometimes I put up gear and then go to arena to see what the stats would be, but don't actually enter. Just playing around. If you just look at the completed tournies you know what type of setup they use. Sometimes when I get beat in the arena,  i wonder how did they hit me there, then I go search in the guide to see what gear they could have used, and you can quite accurately guess what they were wearing (not all gear is in the wiki - the official guide is more complete).

#850813 Arena tokens

Posted by Uralus on 21 February 2014 - 07:45 in General Discussion

I don't exactly know about secrets in the arena. I don't think there are secrets, but you can always ask me for advice. I have even send advice to players that I meet in the arena, but they hardly ever even answer. All the info is there, you just need to read the description properly, and understand what is written. Also look at the completed tournies to see what the moves do. In completed tournies you can also see what type of setup different people use. If you see in a particular level band that 7 out of 10 use a defence setup, then add more attack in your own setup. It is a lot trail and error. People can give you advice, but you have to figure it out yourself. Move arena's are rock-paper-scissor, only there are more than 3 moves. Some moves are better than others, and some are better with certain setups, while others are better with other setups.  If you always loose, then you are doing something wrong, and it means you must change something. Also there is a lot of luck in the arena, and there is no winning setup. For every setup there is another that beats it. When people sell you a winning setup, then don't get it. It is most likely a setup that is used by lots of players, and it is better to get a setup that beats that winning setup.

#850347 Arena tokens

Posted by Uralus on 19 February 2014 - 14:28 in General Discussion

Arena is one of the few places where low level players can compete with high level players on even terms.


I really don't understand why so few low level players play it. They can specialise in 1 level band, but very few do this. It is mainly the same players you see in all the levels.


It is not as hard as people seem to think. Yes, you will loose a lot, but that is the nature of the arena. If 8 people join, then 7 will loose. All arena players loose a lot. Even the the players that win a lot. They also loose a lot.

#850131 Arena tokens

Posted by Uralus on 18 February 2014 - 16:53 in General Discussion

mmm, it is not completely impossible to beat "arena masters". i played some arena when it came out, but then I stopped playing for a long time. I only just started FS again this christmass, and I only just started playing arena again half januari. All my old gear was outdated, and I lost a lot, but now I got some new gear, and i think i am doing quiet well. I got 250 wins since i started playing again...It does take a lot of time studying the moves, what it says they do, and what they really do, because not all they do is written in the description. Some things you discover by using it.

#850094 Arena tokens

Posted by Uralus on 18 February 2014 - 15:32 in General Discussion

Gold tournies don't have decay, and some of them take more than a week to fill. How long will a tournie that has a price that does not even sell for 1 FSP and cost 200K gold take to fill without decay?

#850049 Arena tokens

Posted by Uralus on 18 February 2014 - 11:11 in General Discussion

Well, the decay has it's pros and cons.


The start entry fee for some items is too high. If you take away the decay, then all the entry fees would have to reviewed quiet often to make them realistic. Can this be done?


For some items which have a good entry fee people do wait for them to get cheaper because they can wait. If the arena had more participants, then this will not be possible. If you wait, then others will enter.


So decay is not a problem if more people play the arena. It only slows the start of some arena's because of lack of interest in the arena.


There are some level ranges for which I can make a quick slap setup which is not so good, and if the price gets really low, then I enter it knowing that my winning chances are really low. But it cost almost nothing to enter, so why not. If there was no decay, then I would not enter, and others do the same. So without decay these tournies would never start.

#849873 Global top 100 reward

Posted by Uralus on 17 February 2014 - 13:40 in General Discussion

Yes there is supposed to be a challenge, but looking at the top 100 list I find not 1 that has a join date of 2012 or 2013, so there is no challenge for them. If we don't give them a challenge, then it is no game.


The consensus is against changing it, (or rather was, because has been discussed is in the past)? Is that players from 2013 saying this? We do want new players to join us, or do we only expect them to join us and then say: wow, you guys are so great...



no, not age, but we say to the player that joined in 2013, go and compete against the player from 2006 or 2007. If you want to beat him, buy more stam.


If no one needs the top 100 to enjoy the game, then remove the top 100, afterall, nobody needs it.

#849866 Global top 100 reward

Posted by Uralus on 17 February 2014 - 12:56 in General Discussion

This like telling a 7 year old you have run against those 16 year olds. If you want to beat them, then train more.


Eventually he could beat them, or more likely he will just give up.

#849837 Global top 100 reward

Posted by Uralus on 17 February 2014 - 08:35 in General Discussion

Not competing, but yet you have a top 100 ruby medal? I agree the community also makes a difference. Having fun is important, but so is competing. Being able to compete is part of the fun.

#849828 Global top 100 reward

Posted by Uralus on 17 February 2014 - 07:39 in General Discussion

Can we please stop with always bringing tiers into ideas? New players need to pay their dues. If they really, really wanted they could donate and buy stam to achieve a Top 100 goal. It isn't impossible, rather more unlikely until they progress further in the game.

While I don't have an opinion about this specific idea, I do have an opinion about tiers. Tiers are needed. You can't claim that players with 8 years difference in join date have the same chances and the same oppertunities, and you can't treat them as if they have the same chances. You think you will get many new players to stay when they realise they have to spend a small fortune just to compete a bit with the rest? Tiers whether it is according to level or according to join date, or what ever other method are needed.

#848837 Arena tokens

Posted by Uralus on 13 February 2014 - 15:32 in General Discussion

If you would be able to make some potions which are usefull for hunting with the tokens, and are bound to the player, then hunters will be attracted to participate in the arena. The potions have to be bound, because otherwise they will just buy them from others, and not play arena anyway.

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