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There have been 5 items by w3s4rhy (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#923335 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by w3s4rhy on 12 March 2015 - 18:24 in General Discussion

I don't even watch my stam grow its been max stam for about... 3 months? 


i keep trying to get a cow to notice this..months later still nothing..i am same way..used to be very active arena player..now check in 1-2 times a day for crumbs..nothing to join...nothing to do..watch the stam grow

We're pretty much the same person except I don't even check in anymore, nor do i watch my stam grow because its been max stam for probably 3+ months lol

#923215 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by w3s4rhy on 11 March 2015 - 22:28 in General Discussion

I'd also appreciate it if you could implement more lower level arenas, I used to be semi active just so I could play the arena but now i don't even log on because I know that there will be at most 2 lvl 1-200 arenas available at a time and theres no point in me even logging on.

#876085 Arena Update #3

Posted by w3s4rhy on 27 June 2014 - 16:10 in General Discussion

Yea i think they should increase # of Tourney's spawn only 30 tourneys up there for 2000 level

Perfect idea, solely because it helps me big time lol

#876083 Arena Update #3

Posted by w3s4rhy on 27 June 2014 - 16:00 in General Discussion

Pretty selfish request but can there be a little more lower level arenas? As of right now there were 15/26 lvl 1000+ arenas and that really sucks for people my level =( I couldn't care less about the price of pots and whatnot i just want my medal =)

#875732 Arena Update v2.48

Posted by w3s4rhy on 25 June 2014 - 23:28 in General Discussion

Hi.... I was wondering if the rewards for the level 1000+ were going to be reworked? as a low level arena player like myself I don't think its fair that the level 100 arenas only give 16 tokens while 2500 arenas give 96... that means I have to get to EOC to even compete in those arenas... Also will it only be level 100 500 1000 1500 2000 and 2500 arenas? if so i might as well just sell all my gear that isnt level 100

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