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There have been 187 items by cyrus7 (Search limited from 17-July 23)

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#963701 guild thieves

Posted by cyrus7 on 27 May 2016 - 18:28 in Game Help

If anybody /admin could let me know why I`d be thankful, terms and conditions are vague at the best of times but I`d like to know what I did wrong


#963462 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 19 May 2016 - 13:27 in Market Place

Here's a "don't archive me" bump.  <_<

#963446 Double Composing XP VIII

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 May 2016 - 21:16 in General Discussion

Nice! Thanks!  :D

#963150 Darksun Reborn V

Posted by cyrus7 on 09 May 2016 - 23:54 in General Discussion

I use "do not kill" function. Not too sure if that might be a FSH option.

To confirm for you: Yes it is a FSH option; that feature is not in the game itself.

#962857 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 02 May 2016 - 09:23 in Market Place


#962747 Only In Florida

Posted by cyrus7 on 28 April 2016 - 09:08 in General Discussion


The same thing happened recently elsewhere. Some silly person left their car running at the Taco Bueno when they ran back in for something they forgot, and someone came out of the restaurant and drove off in the car. The employees were like, no sweat, he just filled out a job application. They passed the info to the cops, who caught him.  :lol:

#962144 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 14 April 2016 - 00:54 in Market Place


#962134 Fallen Sword Guide Update v1.32

Posted by cyrus7 on 13 April 2016 - 15:23 in General Discussion

Now that you've made some recent updates to the guide, maybe hide the old update history (2013) on the Guide homepage behind a "click to view older updates"? The homepage is really long right now.

#962080 Game Update v2.87

Posted by cyrus7 on 12 April 2016 - 00:09 in General Discussion

Upon reading the news update, I immediately went and checked "Hide Tavern Notifications" and saved the preferences. I came back from dinner, refreshed the page, and had a Tavern Notification pop up. Soooo I don't think the opt-out is working.

#961913 Double Composing XP VI!

Posted by cyrus7 on 07 April 2016 - 03:54 in General Discussion

Half brew time would use twice the gold/frags as a double XP event.

Also having to run back to the computer every 30 minutes? No thanks; every hour is bad enough.  :wacko:

#961874 java not running on opera

Posted by cyrus7 on 06 April 2016 - 15:23 in Bug Reports




#961861 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 06 April 2016 - 12:02 in Market Place


#961777 Random Pictures

Posted by cyrus7 on 05 April 2016 - 02:58 in General Discussion





Sir Subway Helm should be advised of the last line in the warning.


Sure he's made himself some holes, but all it would take is for someone to turn his helm around and...



#961526 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 31 March 2016 - 10:26 in Market Place


#961318 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 26 March 2016 - 03:15 in Market Place


#961297 List of sites giving away Booster Pack promo codes...

Posted by cyrus7 on 25 March 2016 - 20:41 in General Discussion

For those players whose accounts were created before June 6, 2013, who are returning to their accounts after being gone a while:


Rather than use up the codes intended for new players, check your email (whatever email address was on your account at the time) from the date previously mentioned. There you will find that you received an email from "Hunted Cow Studios" with a subject of "Grab your Fallen Sword Booster Pack now!". There are three codes in the email: one for you and two to use to recruit friends into the game.


Yes I know that not everyone saves emails like I do, but just in case you do and are in need of a code, you can use the one you already received instead of one of the few left that are intended for recruiting new players from outside the game. :)

#961295 Quest Book Improvement Suggestion

Posted by cyrus7 on 25 March 2016 - 20:29 in General Discussion

should also show if a quest can be started or not... i have a lot fo seasonal quest but not sure what holiday there for and if i can start them now lol

The seasonal quests all have something in the title that tells you what event it goes with, such as "STF", "BFN", "Halloween", "Xmas", "Quango", etc. If there's no announcement on the homepage that tells you such event is open, then that's a pretty good indicator that they can't be done right now. wink.png

#961294 my questions

Posted by cyrus7 on 25 March 2016 - 20:18 in General Discussion

is the story of kidnapped princess complete-able yet?
 are these Easter quest? and can i start these quest  now?? Quango Adventures - Sacred Quango Eye & Quango Adventures - Vanishing Eggs quest

Kidnapped Princess is part of The Grimmnor Forest quests. [Guide search: "The Story of"]
Quango quests listed above are part of the Quango Island quests. [Guide search: "Quango"]
Neither are "Easter quests", and are not available right now.

Only the seasonal quests of Springtime Forest are currently open. [Guide search: "STF"]

#961196 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 24 March 2016 - 04:31 in Market Place

Time to put on your Bunny disguise to stalk the big bunnies!  :lol:

#961195 Fallen Sword Guide Update v1.31

Posted by cyrus7 on 24 March 2016 - 04:23 in General Discussion

When looking at "Container" item types, they have a weird number in the Enhancement section of the page.


For example, on the Average Easter Basket, it shows:


: 14176%
Also, it does not tell you what is in the container. It uses the same template as equipment, and therefore basically has no info for the item, because info that pertains to equipment is not relevant to containers.
There is an empty category called "Composed Potion".  :ph34r:

#960844 Coming Next Week.

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 March 2016 - 02:03 in General Discussion

For example, 1253 and 1255 common items do not show where they can be got. No drop, store, recipe, nothing. They're listed, but... yeah.

I'm thinking that they don't actually exist in the game, because all four items [two each at levels 1253 and 1255] show that 0 exist in backpacks, guild stores, or equipped. :o Ghost items!  :lol: But yeah so looks like they never actually got attached to their creatures. Not so much a bug in the guide as it is a game bug. Just my guess anyway.  :ph34r:

#960821 Rise of the Wraiths VIII

Posted by cyrus7 on 17 March 2016 - 18:38 in General Discussion

Wow another global already! :o
And I'm not even out of frags yet lol. :P
Thanks for the event. :)

#960671 Double Composing XP V!

Posted by cyrus7 on 14 March 2016 - 13:38 in General Discussion

Nice! Thanks! :)

#960670 What's coming?

Posted by cyrus7 on 14 March 2016 - 13:36 in General Discussion

I say they go for the ultimate troll move and make level 1, 2 and 3 sets.

Mmm funny. tongue.png But the cows have final say, and they would probably say such a move wouldn't be best for the community. wink.png

#960345 Gargantuan Mosquitos V

Posted by cyrus7 on 07 March 2016 - 13:31 in General Discussion

Global Quest: Kill Gargantuan Mosquitos
Progress: 51,094,816 / 25,000,000
Time Remaining: 1 second

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