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#956909 how much fsp do you make per 2k stam?

Posted by cyrus7 on 12 January 2016 - 16:40 in Game Content

Cyrus you can't math rng some people make more some people make less

You could make a reasonable educated guess based on their level.

#956906 Guild Invitations

Posted by cyrus7 on 12 January 2016 - 14:48 in General Discussion

# is a hash >.<


£ is a pound!!! O.o

Silly Mister Doom. Sounds like you need some cookies:D


#956901 Guild Invitations

Posted by cyrus7 on 12 January 2016 - 10:57 in General Discussion

Tried to invite a guest# new player from their profile.. It only added 'guest' to the invite which doesn't work for that player you were trying to invite.. The invite link in the profile has to put their guest# too..

The problem is the pound sign (#) has special meaning when it's used in HTML/Javascript/URLs. When the Guest#123456 stuff first happened, they couldn't be buffed either. A dead account named simply "guest" was the target of all the buffs, due to every thing from # and after was ignored. Instead of simply removing the # from the temporary names, the target buff code was rewritten to use the player id (all numbers) instead of name (where the # symbol resides in the temp names). The same thing should happen on the guild invite code. Or, as I suggested at the time, just drop the # from the temp names, and call them Guest123456. Alternatively, if they want a name that players cannot choose, in order to avoid the rare chance of possible duplicates, use an underscore (_) or dash (-) instead. Those are characters players cannot put in their names themselves, and therefore could not create a name that would cause a duplicate with a system-created temporary name, but shouldn't interfere with the code for buffing, inviting, etc.


While I'm writing about it, why do those accounts get called "guest" anyway? They are not a guest. The moment they create an account, they are a player. So, in my opinion, if you want to set a temporary name, they should be "Player123456" or "Player_123456". Simply calling them a "player" instead of a "guest" gives a sense of belonging, rather than a temporary stay. Additionally, they should receive a log message or have a little pop up thingy during the tutorial, which tells them how to change their name to their permanent name.

#956871 how much fsp do you make per 2k stam?

Posted by cyrus7 on 11 January 2016 - 17:23 in Game Content


#956861 More Filter Options for Logs?

Posted by cyrus7 on 11 January 2016 - 14:38 in General Discussion

I think HCS should be working on other more important things like finishing that epic quest, or brining in PvP season. Not minor things that don't matter too too much.

Throwing in a 5-minute tweak here and there to improve little things isn't going to affect the long-term schedule of the other things that they're doing, but has the benefit of showing us they still care while we wait for the big stuff.

#956860 how much fsp do you make per 2k stam?

Posted by cyrus7 on 11 January 2016 - 14:31 in Game Content

Gold gained per creature caps out at around 300 gold per creature kill at around level 300. It stays there until level 1601, when it goes down to around 225-275. At level 1630 it goes down further to about 175-225. At level 1876, it finally goes back up to about 300.
So if someone is 1-hitting, you can somewhat easily calculate how much gold is gained per amount of whatever stamina; just have the variables of levels of Treasure Hunter, Merchant, and Conserve to take into consideration. No need for an open poll, really, because like most of the game, it's just math. :P

#956767 can you please update sigma at least so you can move around like in fs?

Posted by cyrus7 on 09 January 2016 - 09:32 in General Discussion

#956692 Rise of the Wraiths VII

Posted by cyrus7 on 08 January 2016 - 13:45 in General Discussion

Frags!  :D



#956676 New Content. 2826 - 2850.

Posted by cyrus7 on 08 January 2016 - 06:59 in General Discussion

It's not a massive deal, I mean there are so many frag events these days that people don't even need to frag farm.

Not true; I stopped leveling my composing (again) probably a month ago due to a shortage of commons. I see it as counter-productive to spend stamina to just hunt commons for leveling composing, so when I get very low, I just pause making the throw-away potions. I can make some nice potions already at my level, so I see no need to use stamina to keep leveling to composing EOC.



Do you remember when random amazing common/rare items were actually useful?

Yes. Sometimes I go back and look at my really old gear setup screenshots and laugh at the "junk" I wore.  :lol:

#956625 Change focus point in the World Map

Posted by cyrus7 on 07 January 2016 - 17:57 in General Discussion

I prefer being able to see my player. But good job thinking creatively.

Zoom out, and you can see your player. What the OP is talking about is when you're zoomed out to see the whole map, and you center the map in your screen, but then as you move, the whole map moves around even though you can see the whole map. So it's silly to have the map move around you; when you're zoomed out, it can just sit still and quit messing with your eyes. :P

#956614 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 07 January 2016 - 16:33 in Market Place

Are you still looking for the fire witch gloves?


#956491 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by cyrus7 on 06 January 2016 - 03:40 in General Discussion

For larger frying pans you should use a 5 1/4" floppy drive but good luck finding one of those - surely Tom is to blame there too.

I've got one of those in my closet, so Tom gets a reprieve on this one.  :lol:

#956407 how do you combine the Aether essence with the Earth rune?

Posted by cyrus7 on 04 January 2016 - 22:15 in Game Help

You receive a recipe during the quest which makes this happen.

#956367 Random Pictures

Posted by cyrus7 on 03 January 2016 - 23:01 in General Discussion



Sheriff's SWAT team poses with warrant, "Come Back With a Warrant" doormat



#956339 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 03 January 2016 - 04:00 in Market Place


#956336 Fallen Sword App Update #1

Posted by cyrus7 on 03 January 2016 - 01:38 in General Discussion

For the sign-in, you'll be able to get the app to save your details so you don't have to enter your info each time (unless you want to of course)

I think what was actually meant by the original question (at least, how I interpreted it, and I'm curious about this too), is not "can login details be saved so you just click login?", but instead "do you have to log in each time because you can only be logged into a single device?".


For example: User is logged in on their desktop computer. User goes into the kitchen and logs in on their cell phone to continue their guild chat. User goes back to their desktop... do they have to click login again, or is guild chat still flowing there as if they never touched their phone?


Basically, be able to be signed into multiple devices like we used to be able to, before the security stuff was put in to "protect" us from ourselves when scammers were conning login details from users with phishing messages.

#956136 Xmas Mount bugs

Posted by cyrus7 on 30 December 2015 - 08:06 in Bug Reports

When I am on my festive mount I don't lose my head but I do lose my hair and it's just a wee disconcerting, lol.   Please fix, thanks :o




I noticed that too. :( The horse is lovely, but I look really weird with that hairdo.  :o

#956131 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 30 December 2015 - 04:29 in Market Place


#955978 Guild Tagging Bound ( Non-Tradable ) Items

Posted by cyrus7 on 27 December 2015 - 02:25 in General Discussion

If an item is bound to a player, it is not guild-taggable.


In regards to your Aether Earth Rune, originally [very briefly] they were not player bound, and so some guilds may have tagged some during that time. However, then it was changed to be player bound (so that the player has to actually do all the steps in the quest, instead of just grabbing a pre-made rune from the guild store), so it is possible to see what you see. It was first guild tagged, and then it was made bound by the devs.

#955905 Merry Christmas HCS!

Posted by cyrus7 on 25 December 2015 - 07:25 in General Discussion

Those look pretty neat. :)

#955842 Christmas Present

Posted by cyrus7 on 24 December 2015 - 03:21 in General Discussion

Thank you HCS for the lovely tray of goodies!  :lol:

#955841 Merry Christmas!

Posted by cyrus7 on 24 December 2015 - 03:19 in Announcements

Merry Christmas to you too! :) Enjoy your holiday! :)

#955766 Flight of Dragons I

Posted by cyrus7 on 22 December 2015 - 19:10 in General Discussion

Eeek! So much stuff, so little stamina.  :o

Thanks for the new stuff, Grim. :)

#955698 The Forest of Yule Opens!

Posted by cyrus7 on 21 December 2015 - 17:02 in General Discussion

Small bug: The two new Xmas quests do not have the "(Xmas)" designation at the end of them like the other ones for "The Forest of Yule" area do.


Having the quests tagged with the event name like that make it easier when looking at the seasonal quest book to see what you're lacking for each event, and also to search for them in the Guide.

#955622 The Forest of Yule Opens!

Posted by cyrus7 on 20 December 2015 - 17:34 in General Discussion

Jolakott (Titan)

Jolakott is a titanic tabby cat that prowls the Forest of Yule. He belongs to the giant Ogress Granny Jeze and with her hatred of the Yule Time instilled into him, Jolakott is stalking the forests in search of any and all revellers to messily devour!
Recommended Level : 2300+

Very very cute art!  :lol: I don't think I could kill this guy. He's probably just grumpy because he's stuck outside and it's so cold! I'll leave the barn door open for him to come in and warm up. It's a hay barn, so no worries about animals inside that he might eat before he gets un-grumpy. And yes, it is a gigantic barn, more like a hangar.  :lol:

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