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#960170 Gargantuan Mosquitos V

Posted by cyrus7 on 04 March 2016 - 08:54 in General Discussion

We have mosquitoes year-round here, so... *shrug*  :wacko:


And I expect this summer to be really bad, because we never really had a winter this year. :o

#960163 Easter Special Event Suggestion

Posted by cyrus7 on 04 March 2016 - 02:31 in General Discussion

What if this Easter, the Cows introduce a special event, they release a special Key and spread 100 Limited Edition Easter-Themed Chests across all the realms. The chests will give special Easter-Themed potions, which don't need to be out of this world, something new like Perfection 125 or maybe even a few new single Crystalline items or something like that.

Sounds kind of like how they've been doing event chests in Eldevin, and most people hate it. But who knows, maybe some Fallen Swordians might like it.  <_<


The reason it's not popular in Eldevin is because the chests aren't too hard to get, but the keys take many many hours of grinding event creatures to get one, or you buy one with Eldevin Points, so it's pretty much a pay event unless you have hours to dedicate to it. If the FS team could come up with a way to improve on this (find a way to not just be an event for those who pay), then maybe.

#960121 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 03 March 2016 - 11:22 in Market Place

*** Prices on Springtide items reduced! Get your spring fashion ready ahead of time! ***


#960100 Random Pictures

Posted by cyrus7 on 02 March 2016 - 23:40 in General Discussion

An old stadium that has been repurposed so people can live in it




Zombie Apocalypse Stadium


#959658 Repost: Festive Horse Bug

Posted by cyrus7 on 23 February 2016 - 07:47 in Bug Reports

couldn't find my previous post from dec but ...


#959448 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 19 February 2016 - 00:02 in Market Place


#959446 reset broken

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 February 2016 - 23:35 in Bug Reports

End time is end time. And there will be players who bought already the remaining and in my oppinion it would be unfair now to enhance.

Please reread what I wrote. 


I'm not saying they should extend it or "enhance" as you said.


Let me rephrase, to see if it helps you understand what I am saying.


If reset was at normal time, we would be able to get another round of quests in before the event ends, and therefore I want to know if they are going to fix the reset time (restore it to where it should be) before the reset time is supposed to happen.


To give numbers, to help clarify. Reset time is normally at 13:00. Event ends at 15:00. So normally, we would reset, and get a couple hours opportunity to do the daily again. However, since the reset time keeps getting pushed farther into the day (today's was at about 19:00), we won't get our reset before the event is scheduled to end, and therefore get cheated out of our last daily.


I'm simply wondering if they are going to restore the reset time back to 13:00 tomorrow morning or not, so I know whether I'm "done" tonight, or have the opportunity to get cards in the daily tomorrow.



Also, you can't buy cards so, I'm not sure what you mean by "there will be players who bought already the remaining". dry.png

#959438 reset broken

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 February 2016 - 22:08 in Bug Reports

I'd just like to know for sure if they plan on fixing it before the normal reset time, so that I know whether to try to gather up enough cards on each character tonight to get them to 25 to buy my last keys, or if I'm going to have the opportunity to get 10 on each in the morning* from the quest before the event ends.


*normal reset is early morning my time

#959431 reset broken

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 February 2016 - 19:09 in Bug Reports

BTW, I would suggest checking the server's clock for accuracy, and if it's off, replace the CMOS battery. ;)

#959429 reset broken

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 February 2016 - 19:01 in Bug Reports

Today the reset happened just before 19:00 UTC. :(

#959427 reset broken

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 February 2016 - 17:47 in Bug Reports

We've been looking into this, is this a global issue across all characters or it's just happening to a few individual ones?

Happening across all of my characters.



[We're gonna get cheated out of getting a Valentine's daily done before the event ends. :(]

#959426 Double Composing XP IV!

Posted by cyrus7 on 18 February 2016 - 17:43 in General Discussion

As per feedback last time, as well as posting news, on Facebook and Twitter, I'm also sending out a log message to let people know this is active.

I missed the first 6 hours because I was asleep. I demand that in the future, you also send me messages via dreams to let me know this has begun. Otherwise, it's just not fair!  :P


[Considering the mood on the forum sometimes, I thought I would clarify that this is just a JOKE.]



Thanks for the double xp. :)

#959375 Bug-current event reset times are not the same.

Posted by cyrus7 on 17 February 2016 - 17:57 in Bug Reports

Is it me or does he each day the reset time to add one hour? @,@


#959331 Pinata Frenzy VI

Posted by cyrus7 on 17 February 2016 - 02:27 in General Discussion

Maybe not this lifetime, but I'm going to play this game in the next one too and I'm going to learn how be the best poltergeist that ever was.


I will be able to click the mouse and roll it all around. :P

Best comeback of the day! :lol:  *high-five*

#959298 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 16 February 2016 - 20:40 in Market Place


#959284 Pinata Frenzy VI

Posted by cyrus7 on 16 February 2016 - 16:54 in General Discussion

Remember, if you use composing potions at all, even if they're made by someone else, doing this event benefits you, because it benefits those who supply the potions you use. :) If they have no frags, you have no potions.

#958938 Selling armor, vanity items, and more

Posted by cyrus7 on 11 February 2016 - 23:48 in Market Place


#958665 Random Pictures

Posted by cyrus7 on 07 February 2016 - 03:46 in General Discussion

My future ex wife:


[image removed]

I hope you and your motorcycle are very happy before it leaves you for another bum*. :P


*Not an insult. The part of the body that sits on the motorcycle. When the motorcycle leaves you, it seeks someone else to sit on it.



And here's a random picture of two kittens:


#957249 Let new players randomly join a guild + booster pack

Posted by cyrus7 on 17 January 2016 - 05:30 in General Discussion

I don't really expect guilds to harbor random newbies who might just play for one day and then leave.

Actually, I did that for a while, and lots of guilds still do. :)

#957214 Let new players randomly join a guild + booster pack

Posted by cyrus7 on 16 January 2016 - 18:01 in General Discussion

Why not just automatically "guild" them together in a new player super guild? You can stay in it up to level 50. There would be ways to get free buffs on a cooldown, and a couple of "bound" sets exclusive to that guild through quests(Golden Dragon, Frost Dragon, Fire Dragon, Cerberus) that would take them through 50. Once they hit 50, they would be released to the wild(and keep the now "bound" Cerberus set).

This would lack what is, in my opinion, the most important thing for a new player: experienced players to give them advice, answer questions, etc. Giving them loads of "stuff" doesn't have as much value as getting their questions answered and receiving guidance.

#957135 Thread for Typos

Posted by cyrus7 on 15 January 2016 - 06:35 in Bug Reports

Quest Item: Antelope Steak
"A hefty piece of meat taken from the Antelope in the Fields of Darrwovale."
[Should be "Darrowvale".]
Quest text: Wild Game
"Take 25 of 25 Antelope Steaks to Quartermster Bootstrap."
[Should be "Quartermaster".]

#957072 Double Composing XP II!

Posted by cyrus7 on 14 January 2016 - 10:06 in General Discussion

Am I the only player who still thinks its weird that item fragments are used for powerful buffs?

Items + proprietary chemical breakdown process involving the use of gold coins + secret magic = potions


That's why instant finishes cost more gold, because you have to use more of the gold to accelerate the chemical breakdown process.

#956948 Double Composing XP II!

Posted by cyrus7 on 13 January 2016 - 14:45 in General Discussion

Nice timing; gotta use those fresh frags! ;)

Thanks for the bitty boost in leveling composing.  :lol:

#956937 how much fsp do you make per 2k stam?

Posted by cyrus7 on 13 January 2016 - 06:22 in Game Content

Lol but why would you even want to do math?

I would bring out Facepalm Cat again, but she's sleeping. :P


Seriously though, some of us do actually enjoy this game due to the figuring and problem-solving that is necessary to accomplish certain tasks in this game. You might understand when you get older.  :lol:

#956934 Guild Invitations

Posted by cyrus7 on 13 January 2016 - 04:02 in General Discussion

I doubt a # is the problem for a code master like Hoof.. He's written books...

Actually, it is the problem. That is why he had to rewrite the buff code to use player id instead of the username when the guest thing started. Just because someone is a "code master" doesn't mean the way a specific coding language works can be changed on a whim for them. The way HTML/Javascript/URLs work doesn't allow use of # in the way it's being used now, which is why it's not working. He will need to change the guild invite code to use player id as he did with the buffing, or remove the # symbol from the temporary usernames. A "code master" would have known that when writing the code to begin with. ;)


[And maybe Hoof didn't do it; coulda been Zorg, ya know. :P Sorry, Zorg! lol]



Additional info:
The URL for "Invite to Guild":

(player name used for target)

The URL for "Quick Buff":

(player id used for target)

In the first URL, #123456 is ignored as part of the username, because in a URL, # is a symbol to reference a "bookmark" on a page, rather than part of the parameter for something, as is attempted to be used in the current "invite to guild" URL.
You can see more about the # symbol's use in URLs here: http://www.w3schools.../html_links.asp (See the section titled: "HTML Links - Create a Bookmark")
An alternative to changing the URL to use player id or changing naming convention of the temporary names, would be to use "%23" in place of the "#" in the URL. This is the proper way to code the character so that the browser will interpret it as the # character without being used as a # character in its normal function in a URL. Example:

Arial | Calibri | Lucida Console | Verdana
Font Size:
9px | 10px | 11px | 12px | 10pt | 12pt