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#852763 Scavenging Event?

Posted by aa0007 on 02 March 2014 - 20:33 in General Discussion

Seems as though we haven't had a caves event for a while. As the last thread relating to scavenging events seems to have died down, lets start a new one. Please post which LEs/items you'd like to see in the caves again, if any.

#847866 FallenSwordQuickMsg v1.02

Posted by aa0007 on 11 February 2014 - 05:19 in General Discussion

I'd like to point out that I've pushed an update which will fix cross-site origin errors. What this means is that there won't be places where the tooltips just randomly break because you're on www.fallensword.com instead of fallensword.com or vice versa.

#847188 FallenSwordQuickMsg v1.02

Posted by aa0007 on 07 February 2014 - 19:45 in General Discussion

Also, Davros, this doesn't actually slow the game down significantly. Tooltips are lazy loaded which means the requests are made when you actually hover to fetch player data. The other links are made client side, and they are also generated when you hover. So, it shouldn't be much delay with a moderately fast computer.

#847183 FallenSwordQuickMsg v1.02

Posted by aa0007 on 07 February 2014 - 19:36 in General Discussion


#846244 FallenSwordQuickMsg v1.02

Posted by aa0007 on 04 February 2014 - 18:18 in General Discussion

I have no problem with this being added to the fshelper, but yuuzhan seems to be busy and there is too much code in fshelper for me to try and figure it out. Alternatively, this could get added to the game code and severely reduce server calls

#846164 FallenSwordQuickMsg v1.02

Posted by aa0007 on 04 February 2014 - 07:24 in General Discussion

Very cool!  As there are so many not very nice people and perhaps I'm cautious, would love to see a screen shot of HCS/Hoof approving this script.  Would that be possible?

Well or Hoof or Grim posting in this thread that they've approved it - that'll work too :)


I've sent Hoof a link to this thread, hopefully he'll see it soon and post in this thread saying it's alright :).

#846160 FallenSwordQuickMsg v1.02

Posted by aa0007 on 04 February 2014 - 07:13 in General Discussion

Hey all.


I've made a new Userscript to go along with Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey. It has been approved by Hoofmaster, as it is not any form of automation and simply places a few convenient links and some data in your hand. Take a look below:




I've uploaded it to Google Code here so that you can also suggest improvements and/or point out bugs there as well as on the forum.




Hovering over any player's name which shows a link (ie. is underlined) will display a tooltip. Initially the tooltip will show the player's name (which can be clicked on to bring you to the player's profile) and a few useful links:


[M] - Message the player in the standard JS popup.

[B] - Buff the player from a new window.

[AH] - View the player's auction house.

[ST] - Send the player a secure trade.

[T] - Send items to the player.


After a brief period, you will also see the following data:


Last Seen: Activity, in the form of #d(ays) #h(ours) #m(inutes) #s(econds)

Level: Current Level / Virtual Level

Joined: Join date

Attack: Attack, with bonuses in parenthesis

Defense: Defense, with bonuses in parenthesis

Armor: Armor, with bonuses in parenthesis

Damage: Damage, with bonuses in parenthesis

HP: HP, with bonuses in parenthesis

Gold: Gold on hand

Bank: Banked gold

Stamina: Current Stamina / Total Stamina, with bonuses in parenthesis


The tooltip will disappear when clicked or when you move your mouse away from the player name. In addition the tooltip will disappear when you click on any of the links inside.

Note: Data retrieved in a tooltip will be stored while on that webpage. This means that if you hover over another link pointing to the same player, the tooltip will display all of the info instantly, however the information will be the same as what was retrieved the first time. If you would like to fetch new data, simply refresh the page, or click on the link pointing to the player's page.




Edit: Source Code Below



#839936 Buff Market Improvements

Posted by aa0007 on 12 January 2014 - 02:39 in General Discussion

Hoof, would it be possible to have a page where I can enter prices for each individual buff I have, and then check boxes for which ones I want to sell (individually)? It would make it a lot easier to list single buffs for sale.

#836747 Give Mashing Mallow Mitts two distinct thumbs!

Posted by aa0007 on 02 January 2014 - 05:26 in General Discussion



Look at that. STARE AT IT. And then realize that it looks like the gloves have thumbs that are joined together. It's just a simple fix, really - could we please get the thumbs separated? A drop shadow or a border, or anything to make them distinct really ... I just can't imagine what it must be like fighting when both my thumbs are glued together like that.



#836196 GGT FINAL Voting Round -- Futuristic New Years Day.

Posted by aa0007 on 31 December 2013 - 00:32 in Graphics

Set 1) - 8. I love the colors, and I think the "futuristic" aspect is captured really well in the clock and the character. However, because there's so much going on outside (through the window), it's a bit distracting and it's taking away from the creation on the right side of the piece. The text isn't particularly great on the bottom (sig), though the other text works fine. Also, I'm not sure how strict to be about this, but there's a few things in that sig that aren't in the resource links provided, just as a note.


Set 2) - 6. As I mentioned for the set above, I think that there's really too much going on here. The fireworks/sky effects are done well, but there's just SO many of them that you can't really focus on a couple of them and appreciate it. The concept is nice though. For the character I think it could've been blended a little bit more, right now it seems simply placed on top of the entire image (with a little blending modes).


Set 3) - 5. The biggest thing for me is that this feels a little oversaturated and a little blurry. Fireworks are always sharp in real life, no matter how far in the distance they are - if that was the kind of feel the artist was trying to go for here, I think it was a little lost. I do love the horse though, I think that was a nice touch and probably the more "futuristic" idea out of the entire set. Good job on that.

#835687 Buff Marketplace

Posted by aa0007 on 30 December 2013 - 00:58 in General Discussion

Nice idea hoof!


I think the addition of buff packages should also be something added to this feature, ie. selling multiple buffs for a defined price.

#835288 Legendary Event. Dragon Attack!

Posted by aa0007 on 28 December 2013 - 12:05 in General Discussion

Just a small point:


The level 1120 weapon is called "Puntaliss Weapon" while the boots are called "Puntalis Boots". The former has an extra "s" that should be dealt with in one way or another.

#833394 The Forest of Yule Returns!

Posted by aa0007 on 21 December 2013 - 02:33 in General Discussion

New titan, if I'm not mistaken? I like it! :D

#821455 2013 Grand Graphics Tournament Round 3 Theme

Posted by aa0007 on 20 November 2013 - 22:36 in Graphics

Aw, this theme is nice. I wish this was last week's theme :D

#821453 Server Issues

Posted by aa0007 on 20 November 2013 - 22:35 in General Discussion

Thanks for letting us know.

#821047 Fastest Way to Level Up Composing

Posted by aa0007 on 19 November 2013 - 00:57 in General Discussion

I made a thread with a composing calculator, if you search "composing calculator" it should come up on the forums. It gives you the optimal composing potions at every level.

#818679 2013 Grand Graphics Tournament Round 2 Theme

Posted by aa0007 on 06 November 2013 - 02:58 in Graphics

Not everyone has put in their enteries. If they had, then yes, the voting would be starting earlier. :)

Patience, Mindy, patience. ;)


My bad :D.

#818630 2013 Grand Graphics Tournament Round 2 Theme

Posted by aa0007 on 05 November 2013 - 22:06 in Graphics

O_o Makes me regret not practicing sig making lol.


Anyone know what the highest FSP raised is, for all GGTs?


Highest one so far I recall is ~700 FSP for the pot.

#818240 ..

Posted by aa0007 on 01 November 2013 - 20:07 in Graphics

Bump, few more hours until I need to submit ... so any more help would be greatly appreciated.

#818212 ..

Posted by aa0007 on 01 November 2013 - 06:02 in Graphics

Thanks a bunch mate!

#817987 ..

Posted by aa0007 on 30 October 2013 - 05:00 in Graphics

hehe I recognize the "Be Mine" one. Bought that one a loooong time ago from ya. Nice to see it's 1 of your favorites. ^_^


He he, yup.



#817918 Oidhche Shamhna!

Posted by aa0007 on 29 October 2013 - 19:51 in General Discussion

*overly complicated math to bring up a moot point*


Hey mate,


As has been said in this thread before, not everyone is meant to achieve ruby. Look at it from the perspective of a new player - for a few days' worth of stam, they're getting access to AMAZING pots which they could only dream of getting otherwise at that level. Sure, they won't get ruby - but not everyone is meant to. To quote a line from the incredibles ... "If everybody's super ... no one is."

#817859 ..

Posted by aa0007 on 29 October 2013 - 06:20 in Graphics

Hey guys.


So, I'm working on an art portfolio for an application. The application allows for a maximum of 10 pieces - but I see no reason to go below that. So I'd like to choose 10 of my best pieces for review by an Art Committee. I'm assuming that they'll be technically proficient - so things like rule of thirds,  lighting, composition, depth, etc ... all of that detail will be taken into account. That being said, I'm having trouble deciding which of my pieces come under the 10 best. I've uploaded everything I have to my photobucket in various folders, which you can go through and check out. Below I've also pasted everything which I feel is any good for this process - please let me know your favorites. The sooner the better, I only have a few days left! :(.


Avatars: http://s675.photobuc...library/Avatars

Signatures: http://s675.photobuc...rary/Signatures

Other Misc Graphics: http://s675.photobuc.../Other Graphics


My Favorites, in no particular order:























#817816 Spine Chomper assault!

Posted by aa0007 on 29 October 2013 - 00:40 in General Discussion

There has been a huge outcry for these guys. Players were asking for them. We obliged. On the other hand, 've only put them live for 24 hours.




Heh heh heh. Didn't think anyone would expect back to back!


Please don't take this as a rant BG, because that's not what this is. But I next time, you might want to take a look at the players causing this huge outcry - if you didn't notice, it was all players whose pockets would become even heavier than they already are with the release of the gnarled scarab chomper. There were few (if any) players who wouldn't directly benefit from the release of the chomper, but the problem is that the large majority remained unspoken, and so even though it was in their best interest to not have the chomper released, now those players get rich and everyone else gets screwed.


My 2.

#817732 GGT Voting Round 1

Posted by aa0007 on 28 October 2013 - 04:16 in Graphics

The voting system worked fine for GGT 5 and it's working fine for my tracking.
If you host a future GGT, you can choose the voting system. ;)


Alright then, I'll trust you here :).

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