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#794660 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by aa0007 on 08 June 2013 - 23:23 in General Discussion

My suggestion for this would be to give a level cap to how much extra xp you get; if you're 10 levels below, you gain 10% extra xp (or something like that), and then it decreases as you get closer. If you're more than 10 levels below it shouldn't have any impact, and you should be stuck with the max bonus.

#800839 FS Memes

Posted by aa0007 on 16 July 2013 - 22:29 in General Discussion



I buyz all ur epikz at 12 eff s peez

#799954 FS Memes

Posted by aa0007 on 09 July 2013 - 23:12 in General Discussion



Which one's you? :D.

#799836 FS Memes

Posted by aa0007 on 09 July 2013 - 01:28 in General Discussion



What was that about me? :D

#814256 Next Roadmap...

Posted by aa0007 on 02 October 2013 - 01:14 in General Discussion

In regards to possible upgrades to composing:


  • Change the default potion bottle/potion color to be randomly assigned every time you load the page, to add some variety
  • Adding an option to save your composed potion selections
  • An unlockable way to obtain multiple potions in a queue
  • Possibly the ability to make multiple potions simultaneously
  • Medal for the number of potions created, or some other form of public display of composing achievement

Not exactly an "new feature" but:

  • Composing event, in which xp is multiplied by some amount, or creation times are reduced, or fragments are increased, etc.

#814255 Next Roadmap...

Posted by aa0007 on 02 October 2013 - 01:14 in General Discussion

There are a few minor additions that I'd like to see that are currently features of FSH:


  • Folder selection on the secure trade/send items screens
  • Quick item selection on the secure trade/send items screens
  • Check all option in backpack management
  • Pressing b from any page to access your backpack (and other similar keybinds)
  • Adding the [Reply|Buff|Trade|ST] option to every message, similar to the way FSH does it.

I'm going to put the rest of my suggestions regarding composing in a separate post, to allow for different "Like this" usage.

#814515 Next Roadmap...

Posted by aa0007 on 02 October 2013 - 20:32 in General Discussion

All good additions - only question is the 'b' from any page - would this just open the backpack manage page?


 At this point, yes. Should the idea that UrcK and others came up with (Ajaxified BP similar to the GS), I'd suggest "b" opening that menu instead.

#810223 Composing!

Posted by aa0007 on 06 September 2013 - 00:33 in General Discussion






#810234 Composing!

Posted by aa0007 on 06 September 2013 - 00:56 in General Discussion

This as well as NaN beside gold cost as well as NaNh NaNm beside time.


Oh, yeah, forgot to SS that. Fixed in a sec.

#811530 Composing!

Posted by aa0007 on 14 September 2013 - 19:29 in General Discussion

i get that each level we get a boost in skill levels but can you fix doubler is no point it going up in 25 as the buff only works in jumps of 50 ....also looking at the above posts is this even practical in how long and at what cost it will eventually take to get to the lvl buffs most of us are after


First of all, even if doubler works in increments of 50, all an increment of 25 means is that you'll get a higher doubler every 2 levels instead of 1 ;). As for the posts above, yuuzhan's numbers are slightly flawed - the time taken is cumulative, so really it would take you about a year and a half to hit level 50 assuming max efficiency and some instant. Same thing applies with the gold cost.

#810264 Composing!

Posted by aa0007 on 06 September 2013 - 01:59 in General Discussion

Hye hoof , can u pls add the name list which we r currently creating for the potion. Finding good name is hard and i'm lazy to put potion name every time i'm going to create. so, kindly put a drop down list from my previous created potion name. Thanks ;)


composed potions are unique because hoof wants your names to be unique too :D.

#809828 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 03 September 2013 - 21:11 in General Discussion

Once a potion is created you need to retrieve it from the Composing page - you can then either keep it in your inventory or put it in the guild store.


Got it. Does this also mean that you can have an infinite number of potions composing at a single time (and in composing storage) for what I'm assuming is a 24 hour timeout, and that you can choose to make potions that are user bound and not guild bound?

#810186 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 05 September 2013 - 20:11 in General Discussion

8:10 PM in london .. I wonder how much later hoof will be up  :).

#809826 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 03 September 2013 - 21:08 in General Discussion

Hoof, does that mean that all potions when they are created (if you are in a guild) are automatically put into the guild store and guild tagged?

#803585 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 01 August 2013 - 11:16 in General Discussion

Can't wait to see the UFSG tomorrow :D.

#801924 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 23 July 2013 - 22:37 in General Discussion

I'd say that players shouldn't be able to create guilds without a screen telling them what kind of expenditure they are likely to face in getting it up and running - and a warning that a lot of guilds will just fade into obscurity almost as quickly as they are formed. I know the current system is an fsp sink, but I think it's an unfair one. 


Noobs start playing, spend the however many fsp's it is to create a guild (no idea?) and then think hang on, everything else costs so much ...


I'd also propose raising the min level to create a guild. If I'm not mistaken, it sits at only 10 right now? Should be a lot higher, closer to 500 maybe? :D. Enough to let players know what the cost of the game is, and hopefully force them to have experience in another guild.

#801779 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 23 July 2013 - 02:17 in General Discussion

Maybe this was addressed elsewhere but with FSH why would you take time to add it to a huge list of things you want to get done when players are doing a great job keeping it running already? To me you have parts that are ok to help with and have help available and willing to do it why take time to redo it?


<edit> sorry that says UFSG not FSH but it was said you plan to incorporate into game when to me having players help with this just frees up more dev time.

best example is footprints,,, a great part of existing FSH already


To short quote Evilbry,  "easier on the servers and it's more efficient for both the player and the game. Reduce lag, blah blah blah". :D. Also, you shouldn't need to rely on third party software to get a good game experience :D.

#801721 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 22 July 2013 - 22:46 in General Discussion

One thing I do want to suggest is to add a couple new tiers of medals - make medals go so high in each category that even the best player in that regard can't automatically achieve the medal once it's implemented. For example, with diamond medals coming out, I'm pretty sure that I'd get diamond loyalty and logins instantly :D. I know various titan hunters will likely get diamond titan hunting, and there's probably 1 player that'll get diamond arena. Why not make it so that no one achieves the highest tier of medal when they're released?


that would also stop players from bugging you about it for the next year :D.

#801690 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 22 July 2013 - 22:09 in General Discussion

This is awesome :D. Something like this every few weeks, maybe beginning of every month is greatly appreciated :).

#801925 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 23 July 2013 - 22:38 in General Discussion

The purpose of this thread is to give everyone an overview of what we're currently working on (excluding normal game content) and what is in the pipeline for the game. We'll do our best to keep this as up-to-date and accurate as possible :)


Currently In Development (Estimated Release Date)

Diamond Medals (25th July)

General Bug Fix Update (29th July)

Updates for UFSG (Thread) (1st August)

Composing (20th August)


Planned Development

Improve Chests (Thread)


Epic Quest (continued)

Personal Achievements

Map Footprints


If we've missed something from the list that you feel is important, please let us know :)


~ The Fallen Sword Team


Hoof, any ETA on when 1800+ buffs are coming out? Or are they slated for release with composing? :).

#801935 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 23 July 2013 - 23:16 in General Discussion

doesn't cost anything to start a guild anymore..


wonder if you are able to ask HCS for a guild name if it was taken by someone who made a guild and destroyed it, burying the name 'FOR-EV-ER'.. i got some gems that are buried


They might've gotten rid of a good bunch of guilds already. If you take a look at the list, most of the useless guilds don't exist anymore. 

#809152 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 31 August 2013 - 12:23 in General Discussion

Looking at that, I gather that we will have to make a whole bunch of "useless" potions first, in order to raise our Composing Level to a point where we can create something more useful? Or am I interpreting that screenshot incorrectly?


Looking at that, I gather that we will have to make a whole bunch of "useless" potions first, in order to raise our Composing Level to a point where we can create something more useful? Or am I interpreting that screenshot incorrectly?


I'm pretty sure that's the case. Judging from my experience with other RPGs/MMOs, when skills/activities are released they are meant to be played from the start, so the starting potions are likely more useful to low level players who are supposed to gain more powerful potions by leveling up composing slowly as they get to our levels.

#802613 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 27 July 2013 - 23:48 in General Discussion

Hoof, can you integrate the  "Accepted Ideas/Fixes" thread into this thread? There's a few things on there that aren't mentioned here, and a few things in there that need to be cleaned up.


EDIT: None of the links work, that might want to be looked into :P.

#801958 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 24 July 2013 - 02:29 in General Discussion

I can't speak for HCS but from personal experience working with a number of different companies, there is usually a legal requirement to retain information for a set period of time. This could run into complications if a guild name/ID is deleted and HCS then gets a legal request from law enforcement or the like.

There is always the possibility of change old guild names to something like xx_$guildname after a certain level of inactivity, while retaining the guild ID.


With that said, it's possible HCS will be of the standpoint where they feel "A player or group of players have created a guild, and may at any point come back to play. It's not fair to them to take that name away from them"


Interesting, never thought of it that way.

#809799 Development Roadmap

Posted by aa0007 on 03 September 2013 - 18:11 in General Discussion

Creating a 'Hoof Special' potion :D




Wanna share some shards hoof?


Also, I really like the ability to name your own potions, and choose the design as well. However you mentioned that potions will be guild bound ... just to clarify, is that ALL potions, or just ones designated for guild use?


Edit: additionally, I'm assuming that once the potion is created, if it is for the guild, it goes to the guild mailbox?

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