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There have been 281 items by aa0007 (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#780287 Free character reset someday?

Posted by aa0007 on 02 March 2013 - 23:37 in General Discussion

The more times you screw up, the more you pay :D

#780383 Connection to FS?

Posted by aa0007 on 03 March 2013 - 19:10 in General Discussion

Man, don't you just love how often FS is down? :D.

#780385 Connection to FS?

Posted by aa0007 on 03 March 2013 - 19:14 in General Discussion

Man, don't you just love how often FS is down? :D.

:lol: The fact their host company is clueless boggles the mind. I don't know whom else they host but they must not have many customers.

Looks like it's time to switch to a new hosting company. Hell, go for GoDaddy, their servers are never down :D.

#780447 Freebies for All! (Almost)

Posted by aa0007 on 04 March 2013 - 00:52 in Graphics

Hey :D.

#780450 Freebies for All! (Almost)

Posted by aa0007 on 04 March 2013 - 01:03 in Graphics

Hey :D.

I did not forget about you. You were on my list original, but then my computer restarted for updates and I lost most of the names :P

No idea what you're talking about. I was just saying hi :lol:

But thanks for adding me.

#780459 GGT 6 Final Round Theme

Posted by aa0007 on 04 March 2013 - 03:55 in Graphics

Thank you for allowing me the extension, I ended up coming back earlier than expected today though so I had a good 6 solid hours to get an entry in. I've now sent it to TF so voting should be up on time.

Just submitted my entry as well. this will be good.

#780466 GGT 6 Final Round Theme

Posted by aa0007 on 04 March 2013 - 04:36 in Graphics

Should be in before I go to bed tomorrow (go me for cutting it close again)

Hurry up, I wanna get started (and lose, but still) :P.

#780607 GGT 6 Final Round Theme

Posted by aa0007 on 05 March 2013 - 02:34 in Graphics

Should be in before I go to bed tomorrow (go me for cutting it close again)

Hurry up, I wanna get started (and lose, but still) :P.

#780610 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 05 March 2013 - 03:14 in Graphics

WHY IS EVERYONE SO GOOD AT THIS? Lol. Seriously though ... nice entries guys, this will be close :D.

#780622 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 05 March 2013 - 04:14 in Graphics

A -5
B - 0
C - 4
D - 3

#780632 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 05 March 2013 - 05:02 in Graphics

A -5
B - 0
C - 4
D - 3

I'll just reiterate, for the sake of consistency, only Kay or I will be keeping the tally.


#780688 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 06 March 2013 - 02:20 in Graphics


#780697 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 06 March 2013 - 04:56 in Graphics

First off I have to say, all four of these works are utterly amazing and I envy whoever created them :shock:

However, I do have my two favorites and they are C and D.

C I like much better then A and B for one reason, it looks calming to the mind and looks like a LOT of work has been put into it.

D Is my FAVORITE one, by FAR! Utterly AMAZING in every aspect. Everything blends in so nicely and the scene connects me to the Earth and makes me feel tranquil which I just find amazing.

I just have one question... who created these ?

The artists will be announced at the end of the voting. Thanks for voting though :).

#780698 Zorgrom Vs Shroud Global Event

Posted by aa0007 on 06 March 2013 - 05:12 in General Discussion

Hi there Everyone.

We are pleased to announce the start of our 96 hour special event which sees the return of the Zorgrom and Shroud Legions!!

From now until 16:00 GMT on Friday the eighth of March, we will be spawning 16 Legendary creatures and 2 Global creatures.

The Global Quest will require the entire community to work together to defeat the Zorgrom and Shroud common foot soldiers. To qualify for the Bronze level reward, you'll need to defeat at least 1,000 of the common Zorgrom and Shroud Foot soldiers.

Zorgrom Crazed Orc Foot Soldier (Level 1)

Posted Image

Foot Soldier of Burzzthak (Level 1)

Posted Image

The following Legendary creatures are running rampage in the world!

Burzzthak the Exalted (Legendary) - Level 15+
Zorgrom Bulltoise (Legendary) - Level 115+
Shroud Saurodon (Legendary) - Level 225+
Zorgrom War Lobber (Legendary) - Level 340+
Shroud Watcher Ballista (Legendary) - Level 415+
Zorgrom War Wolf Rider (Legendary) - Level 535+
Shroud Horror Horse (Legendary) - Level 665+
Zorgrom Ogre Axe Thrower (Legendary) - Level 770+
Shroud Grotesque (Legendary) - Level 845+
Zorgrom Shock Trooper (Legendary) - Level 915+
Shroud Heavy Infantry (Legendary) - Level 1025+
Zorgrom War Wyvern (Legendary) - Level 1120+
Shroud Wreathed Drake (Legendary) - Level 1210+
Revered Luz Tagoz (Legendary) - Level 1350+
Shroud Shadow Blade (Legendary) - Level 1500+
Zorgrom Back Stabba (Legendary) - Level 1650+

As well as the loot available from the Legendary creatures, the following new chest is the reward for completing the global kill quota :

Zorgrom Stash
Posted Image
For each tier that a player completes, the reward will increase as follows:

Bronze:1 x Zorgrom Stash
Silver:2 x Zorgrom Stash
Gold:4 x Zorgrom Stash
Crystal:6 x Zorgrom Stash
Ruby:10 x Zorgrom Stash
If you qualified and the Community reachs the total goal, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends.
~ The Fallen Sword Team

What are the qualifying requirements as a community?

I see that it is 20 million kills for ruby, but what about for crystal/gold (which is the more realistic goal at this point).

#780701 Zorgrom Vs Shroud Global Event

Posted by aa0007 on 06 March 2013 - 05:27 in General Discussion

What are the qualifying requirements as a community?

I see that it is 20 million kills for ruby, but what about for crystal/gold (which is the more realistic goal at this point).

4 million for Bronze, 8 million for Silver, 12 million for Gold, 16 million for crystal and 20 million for Ruby ..

oh. That's simple :D.

#780772 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 07 March 2013 - 02:15 in Graphics

Bump. Hi dmr :D.

#780778 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 07 March 2013 - 04:05 in Graphics

I'm going to vote for A and D.

A: I like the fiery effect, and the pheonix has some nice non-traditional fire on it, which adds an interesting effect. The only thing I would suggest is to improve the text, but that's a minor issue.

B: It's a great photomanipulation with a great concept, I just think that making it black and white instead of (at least tinted) blue as water would typically be thought made the difference for the vote here.

C: The simplicity of the piece really shows the air element well, but it's just something I can't lay my finger on that isn't right about it.

D: The background is nice, and the transition is done pretty well. The head does look like it needs a little more blending though, and there could be a few more animals in there. Overall a niece piece though.

#780840 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 07 March 2013 - 22:49 in Graphics


#780953 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Finals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by aa0007 on 09 March 2013 - 03:18 in Graphics

Wow, this round is SUPER close.

#781068 Global Event Rewards

Posted by aa0007 on 10 March 2013 - 23:57 in General Discussion

I'm actually of the mindset that the inventing potions should never come out again. I think everyone knows how hard epics crashed after they came out - dragon draped boots fell from 1k+ to being hardly 600 at times. Krimsons are down to 225 FSP in the AH ... and other things of the sort. But as for items for the new global, I'm all for waiting until the new buffs come out, there seem to be a whole new bunch of buffs that could be great :D.

Just looking through the new buffs thread, I think it could be feasible to put together a titan hunting setup, ie:

~ Gold Foot
~ Light Foot
~ Immobilise Titan
~ Titan Slayer
~ Conserve (Moderate level, not more than 300 at highest tier)

#781192 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Winners

Posted by aa0007 on 12 March 2013 - 02:53 in Graphics

Wow, nice job guys! :D. So basically .... it was grim and then the others :D

#781202 Freebies for All! (Almost)

Posted by aa0007 on 12 March 2013 - 04:48 in Graphics

If you call that a failed attempt, I wanna see the rest of em :D.

#782169 The Mentors and Minions of Dr. Morbidstein

Posted by aa0007 on 23 March 2013 - 14:52 in General Discussion

The thing is, with all the drop rates so low, it isn't even worth going scavenging this weekend, regardless of the fact that thothmes is in the caves again and we can make gnarled scarab epics.

#782215 Post what you want in the caves.

Posted by aa0007 on 24 March 2013 - 02:40 in General Discussion

Post here what you would like in the caves.

My suggestion would be the following:

The Gilded King (Legendary)
Zaragoth the Hades Dragon (Legendary)

2 reasons

1. The drop rate was bad on the event that we had, and HCS knew it with all the feedback. I think to solve this we have another event with these creatures with a new droprate so people can have a better chance of getting the items for themselves. Since they've only been seen ingame once in the caves for 2 days with a bad drop rate, these items are scarce.

2. I would like to get both sets for myself.

Posting the full legendary name helps HCS also!


The Gilded King (Legendary) - 1
Zaragoth the Hades Dragon (Legendary) - 1

I would say NO to both of those - mostly because they've only just been in the caves. Yes, the drop rate for them SUCKED, big time, but bringing them out again, so soon, will undervalue the existing sets.

Those 2 LE's should wait at LEAST 6 months, if not 12, (same as the L1600 one) before re-appearing again.

I'd second that. During the zaragoth/gilded event, a LOT of people scavenged for both sets. The drop rate was horrendously low (sparking the supposed 4x increase), but people continued to spend hundreds if not thousands of FSP worth of gold on the caves, only to get a very small number of sets. If they were released again in such a short period of time (especially at the higher drop rates), everyone that lost FSP on the first event (scavenging), and everyone that bought at the high prices would be mad. Coupled with the fact that most of these people that bought the expensive sets are donators, and you wouldn't have a very happy community on your hands.

In my humble opinion, there are quite a few other sets that need to come out before zaragoth and gilded can even be considered again. For one, pounamu would have to come out before these again, but even before there are a good number of other sets that can be found in another thread.

#782258 The Mentors and Minions of Dr. Morbidstein

Posted by aa0007 on 24 March 2013 - 20:07 in General Discussion

The thing is, with all the drop rates so low, it isn't even worth going scavenging this weekend, regardless of the fact that thothmes is in the caves again and we can make gnarled scarab epics.

guessing the x4 increases in drop rate wasnt applied?

Yes it was.

Guys, stop complaining. These were requested in the thread dedicated to Cave Requests. If they weren't wanted, why were't you there explaining why they were not needed?

As it is, plenty of players are happy with the scavenging event so knock it off, okay?

Hi again BG,

First and foremost, I'd like to thank you for listening to our feedback. I'd like to sincerely apologize for complaining. That was not what I meant to come across as, though I suppose that it is what it sounds like. What I was merely trying to say (though poorly communicated) was that because there are 3 LE's each cave, the drop rates from each of the creatures become relatively quite low. That, coupled with the fact that it is so hard to come by the LE creatures (even when paying the correct amounts), and with gold being as low as it is, it makes it less feasible to go scavenging. The high amounts of FSP that need to be spent to get the drops (with the only valuable one being the pharaohs armor, really) make it hardly worth scavenging.

Now, I realize that these LE's were requested in the thread. I think what most people were hoping for was a realm event, which would be accessible to the larger public. I'm not sure what the actual numbers are, but from what I've gathered, very few people are scavenging this weekend, partly because of the aforementioned reasons and partly because it takes so many BP spaces and a VERY large investment to have even a slim chance of making some money. A realm event allows all tiers of players to compete, not just the rich ones.

At this point, I'd like to make a suggestion. The marketplace needs some time to recover; there is a dire lack of gold in the game, and it can only be fixed with time. To provide this time, I'd suggest waiting on more cave events until composing comes out. In theory, it will allow all of the "junk" items that come out of LE events (the other two pieces of pharaohs, for example) to have some use (apart from brides recipes). Besides, I don't think anyone would mind waiting on more LE events if it meant that the release of the new buffs and composing would be sped up.

Once again, I'd like to apologize for complaining earlier, and I really hope that this post didn't also come across as complaining, it was meant to be constructive.


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