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There have been 281 items by aa0007 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#800672 C4d's Up For Download

Posted by aa0007 on 15 July 2013 - 18:00 in Graphics

Would it be possible to upload everything as a pack? If not, thanks for the resources anyway :).

#801665 Small addition to PvP Arena

Posted by aa0007 on 22 July 2013 - 20:10 in General Discussion

I'd say one of the biggest obstacles in the arena is the time that it takes for the arenas to move along. This means that if a new player wants to test out moves/gear combinations, he/she needs to wait a LONG time to get a sufficient sample size across multiple setups. What if instead you could simply create a dummy to fight against, with your chosen moves and stats?


The mechanics are all there - it would be the exact same combat system as the arena, except that it would only be one round. You could choose moves the same way you choose moves for yourself, and you could enter stats in simple text boxes. I feel that something like this would help to ease the learning curve with the arena (which is really a time commitment more than anything), and might help spark some interest.


Please post your thoughts :D.



#803563 Merchant business ? whats the point

Posted by aa0007 on 01 August 2013 - 07:15 in General Discussion


:0 oh so they are like dealers they will do anything to make you a deal ?


No, we're dealers who look for OTHER people who will do anything to make a deal :P.

#804542 UFSG Critter / Realms Update Request

Posted by aa0007 on 05 August 2013 - 11:45 in General Discussion

 New Content. 1726 - 1750.
 Posted: 17:08 18 Jul 2013


Given that the above content was released over 2 weeks ago now, can we have the previous creeps / realms / quests (L1700-1725) added into the UFSG please ?


Hopefully this will be taken care of with the upcoming UFSG updates.

#784847 Deletion of Sub Forums During Merge

Posted by aa0007 on 15 April 2013 - 22:42 in General Discussion

Would it be possible to get a dedicated graphics subsection created in the FS section, similar to the way the live games and the hunted cow section are separated? Then I'd propose something like

  • Tutorials
  • Competitions
  • Auctions/Shops

And maybe others if people could shed some light. Just looking to organize what seems to be the second most active subforum of the FS forums? :).

#800166 upgraded lesser santork set

Posted by aa0007 on 11 July 2013 - 09:20 in Market Place

I have the recipes learned, not sure if you can get the components, but if you can, I'll invent for you.

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