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There have been 16 items by Norhede (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#850754 Bugged achievement?

Posted by Norhede on 20 February 2014 - 22:56 in Archived Bug Reports

Where you in a group with anyone? There must have been something to trigger it, hard to believe you would of got it out of nowhere.

No group, no nothing - haven't grouped up for several days, and no one I have grouped with recently have done WB..

#850745 Bugged achievement?

Posted by Norhede on 20 February 2014 - 22:18 in Archived Bug Reports

So.. I just got the achievement "Poke a Bear" out of nowhere, for engaging a world boss in combat.. Which is awesome - except I'm level 28 and farming in Nida, and have never tried world bosses (yet) :P


Look into this guys ;p

#849221 Autofill sacks option

Posted by Norhede on 14 February 2014 - 13:12 in Suggestions

+1 :) I would love that - altthough some sort of confirmation or setup should be required, as to not make botting easier..

#849075 Global messages like server shutdown also in World Chat?

Posted by Norhede on 13 February 2014 - 22:31 in Suggestions

Topic states it. Why isn't this a thing? Just noticed the global in General chat, but I'm hardly ever there unless I need to check experience points.. Would make sense to also have them shown in World Chat?



#848849 Move the quest UI

Posted by Norhede on 13 February 2014 - 16:03 in Suggestions

So.. I love having my chat expanded, as I often change between the different tabs, and I don't feel like scrolling constantly. However, when the chat is expanded, the quest log is hidden behind it - which is awfully annoying :-/ Is it possible to perhaps move it to the lower right hand corner - above the menu images?


Like everyone else, I would love a movable UI, where we players can place everything as we feel like, and have the game cache our choices so it remembers them - but I'm assuming that would take quite a long time to code.. Moving the quest UI however, would be a wonderful little hotfix :P



#848640 Awesome Update - But Important Tips to Top it Off

Posted by Norhede on 12 February 2014 - 23:59 in Suggestions

Finally, something a tad more off-topic, but consider:


- For Evenom (my situation personally) and any other ability you get relatively early on in the game that needed to be toned down, instead of increasing its cooldown, since it's something we should be able to use quite often given it's something we get early on in the game, cut its potency in half. It may equal the same in the end, but you lose out on aesthetics and ease of play/rotation when you have abilities that you can only use once every 3-4 fights.


So my idea was to either put the CD of Evenom back the way it was or include in its specific talent in the Ranger tree a decent cooldown reduction, and just cut its potency in half to 40% ranged attack per tick so that it can be used again in almost every encounter in normal rotation. This same concept can be used on other early-game abilities. The larger cooldowns are more suitable for mid-end game.


Thanks for listening, and amazing job so far HCS! :)


This. +1

#848629 Wrong picture for Improved Bronze Wrist Blade?

Posted by Norhede on 12 February 2014 - 23:29 in Bug Reports

The color more resembles copper - am I completely in the wrong here? :P Working on weaponsmithing atm, got to this and found it weird :P




*Edit*: On further inspection, the picture is identical to the level 5 Basic Copper Wrist Blade :P

#843615 Tool Kit

Posted by Norhede on 24 January 2014 - 16:29 in Suggestions

A tool box would be a nice addition - so I agree on that part. Having a box that takes up 4-6 spaces but contains fishing rod, mining pick, etc would be nice - and probably also encourage players to explore professions earlier on.


Unique tools.. I don't know. Maybe a bit too much - altthough a skinning knife with less skinning time would be nice :P

#843563 Prospector's Insanity

Posted by Norhede on 24 January 2014 - 12:12 in Archived Bug Reports

(Not totally sure about chickens, someone should check that.)

I can confirm that chickens are also critters, just killed one with my mining pick - and the number tallies, so the achievement (which I already had) works :)

#843178 Gem socketing and unsocket changes

Posted by Norhede on 22 January 2014 - 23:20 in Suggestions

nothing with the topic - but you can just override gems without the cost of anything :)

Huh - and I learned yet another lesson today :) Thanks :D

#843169 More than one 'pinned' quest

Posted by Norhede on 22 January 2014 - 22:43 in Suggestions

+1, I've really wanted them to add this as well. As least give us three with different colored markers.

Agreed. Also - if not being able to track several quests on the map by markers, then at least being able to list them in the UI and follow progression would be nice..

#843168 show ping in server list

Posted by Norhede on 22 January 2014 - 22:40 in Suggestions


What he said :P

#843167 Gem socketing and unsocket changes

Posted by Norhede on 22 January 2014 - 22:39 in Suggestions

Gems tiers 1-3 (Cracked, Jagged and Flawed).


Change the unsocket cost of cracked gems to 10 silver. This allows newer players to have an easy welcoming to the gem system.


Change the unsocket cost of Jagged gems to 1 Gold.


Change the unsocket cost of Flawed gems to 5 Gold

Coming from one of the newer players, I wholeheartedly agree. I put a low level gem in my current weapon, but I am not inclined to spend 50EP to exchange it if I can put something better in there at low level gems..


Also - when embedding gems, I suggest being able to see what the cost of removing said gem is before confirming it in the item - I'm currently locked down with a weapon (albeit low level so I'll get a new one soon enough) I "can't" upgrade because I'd rather spend my EP elsewhere - having known the cost of removing the gem beforehand, I would have waited..

#843064 Bugged "What Are The Chances" achievement?

Posted by Norhede on 22 January 2014 - 16:13 in Archived Bug Reports

Thanks :) Feel free to close/archive topic :)

#842956 Bugged "What Are The Chances" achievement?

Posted by Norhede on 22 January 2014 - 04:55 in Archived Bug Reports

Looking over my achievements, I noticed that I'm currently at 0 gathered rare resources - am I missing something, or is this achievement bugged? I've gathered several rare resources - Dense/Pure Copper Ore, Twisted Pynwood Logs, Ragged Pelts and more - shouldn't they be counted? O.o

#842607 Abiltiy to change your mind when assigning atributes....

Posted by Norhede on 20 January 2014 - 18:44 in Suggestions

Liked, I would also love this feature :)

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