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#878775 Popped back to say hello!

Posted by FrankNStien on 13 July 2014 - 22:19 in General Discussion

[quote name="Mortski" post="877967" timestamp="1404899729"]Thanks Blac - I have accepted the BT invite :D
I may sub Mortski at some point if i get on with Mort ok. I wont be doing what I used to do which is have 5 chars subbed again! One of them used to be bonded to OurMarie!
Yeah, i had a look at Gothaguide and tried to search and it crashed.  Shame. I feel a bit lost without a guide.[/quote/]

No need to sub other chars. The big upside of new system is you pay for ONE character on an account in a game, and others may join free by attaching them to your account.
Of this only really applies to Goth., other games are more disciplined and so sont have multiple chars. Goth has history.

#869605 FrankNStein

Posted by FrankNStien on 20 May 2014 - 20:51 in General Discussion

Oh, Frank...that's not funny.  I winced when I read that, because I've done similar and I clearly recall the pain.
And I second what Mekare said.

The worst part was it was one of those paving stones with a surface of pebbles for grip. Every one of those dammed pebbles that hit me left its own little hole. Still, paramedics checked me out and said nothing serious.

hiya frank

Hi sea sucks. U back?

#867178 FrankNStein

Posted by FrankNStien on 06 May 2014 - 22:15 in General Discussion

 Well, I had the Blood test done  days in adnvance of planned date fr convienenence.

 Its 874. Thats a MASSIVE increase.

 Will be having a full Skeletalscan and selective scans of pats of m ychest with Cat-scan/Spectra Scan (its a combines Gamma scan with CAT)/ or MRI. This may be followed by targeted raiation treatment.


 Ill also be having a new type of Chemo, however - its closely related to Taxotera, so it might not work too well. Only time will tell.


 P.S. And now for the funny of the day. Sunday I stumbled, fell on my back, slammed my skull down on a concrete paving stone. OUCH!!!!

#865021 Does anyone still have any Overlord Lashes?

Posted by FrankNStien on 24 April 2014 - 18:51 in Market Place

I need four.  Yep...four.  What is the going rate for those now?  :lol:

Problem solved, check out your messages or inventory.

#863729 FrankNStein

Posted by FrankNStien on 18 April 2014 - 18:29 in General Discussion

 Not good at present Im afraid.

 Been getting a lot of chest pain, It was Already my opinion that it was probably being caused by the tumours in my Breast Bone, and Rib left 6.

 However, despite fact that both I and the cardiologist fealt this way, it was agreed that as Id had a corronary in 2010 a good look see was in order. Last week Friday I had a thourough Angioscope exmination. In this they go up the arteries to the heart via inside leg, wrist or elbow. In my case they used the wrist. It was a very painful 1.5 hrs, but, all was clear, so attention once again turned to the tumours.


 Had Chemo 4 yesterday, didnt even get a red puffy face this time. I really am getting used to that stuff.


 BAD NEWS. My PSA (at last check was 423), is now 603. Its rising up to 200 per session (3 weeks) DURING a course of Chemo. Seems to me its also getting used to the Taxotera as well. The tumours is/are growing fast somewhere.

The Oncologist is away at present, but her assistant, who is holding the fort, will suggest that scans may be in order. I would say probablly a complete body scan (bone scan using radioactive Technetium - they pump all sorts of poisons into me), and an MRI of the breast bone and rib L6.


 Ill try an dig-out some photos of my face (YUKK) showing my hair loss last time and take a new one of now. Ive already lost way more hair that te whole course last time (and its chilly in a cold wind).

#863722 Tracing my alts

Posted by FrankNStien on 18 April 2014 - 18:05 in General Discussion

I know I sold most if not all of them and I can see a few are still in use like AimeeEcho but I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened to any of these others:
EnEsch (was an undead mage)
GorkaMorka (greenskin mage)
Persephone (I'm obviously not the original owner. )

Just curious what happened to them and unsure if I still own any.


 It was me sold Persephone to you I think, I got it from her.

 Barst Ive had for some yrs

#863721 Hi, I'm akbar, and i'm a ________ junkie.

Posted by FrankNStien on 18 April 2014 - 18:02 in General Discussion

Well I hit 1 million hp using an Aeon Vial :D

 I have a smelter on 192K+ AP on aeon

 and a miner hits 196K+

#859553 FrankNStein

Posted by FrankNStien on 03 April 2014 - 00:45 in General Discussion

i didnt post 2 chemo's ago as the PSA result was bad and I wanted to see how it panned out.

 2 Chemos back my PSA was 221, then 4 weeks later it was 426. NOT GOOD, not only fast increase, but during Chemo.

 However, its now 425. OK, its only a drop of 1 , but better than none.

 My hair is quite thin now, though nonhead hair seems little affected.  I still might not go bald, if I do, I promiss a piccy.

 The worst side-effect I had was my face puffing up and going bright red.


 On other things, been having chest pains of late, probably the 2 tumurs in my rib cage (or the new hernia in my back), but, for safety I've seen the cardioloist. Had a bank of tests on Monday, and on Friday I go in for the day for an angiogram to ensure I dont have another blockage. Im expecting the test to be -ve, but feel it needs doing just in case.


 nothing much else to ay at present.


 Frank N

#855883 Doubler

Posted by FrankNStien on 16 March 2014 - 23:42 in Game Content

I would love an increase of the doub.  My base AP is 20k and with vial is 100k ap.  I've always been tempted to use 100 USPs just b/c I could.  So it takes me like 2 months to charge my AP.  Crazy right?  I got sick of use USPs so I put my lvl up points in AP.  IDK.... wishful thinking.  HCS please update your game!

 I intend eventually to try to raise base Ap of all my chars to between 5 &10K - BUT - I already have several miners/smelters in excess of 20K base - upto 40K equpped for a few - NOT vialed

#851449 I think it's time for another invasion

Posted by FrankNStien on 24 February 2014 - 14:17 in General Discussion

 Agreed. I suggested that we should have a RAIDER invasion, BUT. I queried why Raiders still have stocks of toys from critters that haven't themselves invaded for YEARS. Surely they (ROLE PLAY) regular raids withut us seeing them and so over time there old stuff would all get taken off them, but they would acquire replacements in form of newer stuff. 


 Put simply - Raider invasion, but update there inventory

#850458 FrankNStein

Posted by FrankNStien on 20 February 2014 - 00:51 in General Discussion



 Asked for updates - So :-

  Mostly solved the bladder bleeding by stopping my blood thinners for 2 days. Off and on, but now mostly off.

 Restarted CHEMO last Friday as PSA gone up. Was due to start it a week earlier but a heavy chest infection delayed it. Currenl;y feel like a worn out dish rag.

 Doc gave me Anti-biotics for the cough, a little better - but still going after 4 weeks. Saw the Long Doc 2day (just 24 hrs after seeing my house doc), theres a shadow on my Rt. lung in an x-ray taken in Jan, but not now. He thinks I may have had phneumonia which got cleared by the anti biotics - but left a heavy clean-up job. So (sigh) I now have an inhaler as well    :-(.


 Thanx for your wished peeps. FrankN

#850455 Got floozies?

Posted by FrankNStien on 20 February 2014 - 00:44 in General Discussion

 Didnt have to delve into my memory - the title gave it away immediately

#849574 Moving servers or login issue?

Posted by FrankNStien on 16 February 2014 - 02:19 in General Discussion

Other issues abound. . .


#1.  Server speed much slower now. . .

#2.  Top Rated is now nearly completely broken.  top class/subclass entirely broken. Most kills and my kills still work.


 I agree entirely on the slow server. I frequently get a page 1/2 built in that the left half extends right accros the page, something Ive not seen as a regular occurrence in years. It then hangs for a few seconds then fills in the right half


Will add other bugs here.

#844484 FrankNStein

Posted by FrankNStien on 28 January 2014 - 18:05 in General Discussion

Latest status
6 months back my PSA was 217 (a direct measure of how much prostate tissue is in my body), it dropped, then dropped a second time (checkups at 2 month intervals) to 177. Looking good. HOWEVER, at todays checkup i was informed the PSA was now 246, its highest since my radicle surguery 8 yrs ago.

I restart Chemo friday next week.

Im also being referred to the radiotherapy unit to make a scan of the top of my chest, top of breast bone and collar bones.

Finally, ive been bleeding in my bladder off an on, mostly on, for 4 weeks now. At weekend it was very bad.

#843205 Gothaguide and how to maneuver

Posted by FrankNStien on 23 January 2014 - 00:45 in General Discussion

I've been seeing a lot of shoutbox posted about game guides and such. HCS has never and probably will never have a guide for Gothador. Everything is player run.

If you use Gothaguide as a resource and get frustrated from the errors, this is what you do...

Simply do an internet search (ie. Google) with the item/quest/realm/whatever and add Gothaguide. Example - search Google for "Lair of Decay Gothaguide" and it'll take to the Gothaguide page.


 Based on above, I decided t get inventive and see wat I could achieve.


http://gothaguide.or...t= Name&start=0    All elemental creatures

>>> Invision Free <<< is a forum board with a lot of Gothaguide stuff, including back doorss>>> E.G.

UNDEAD pathway >>> http://z3.invisionfr...topic=137&st=0    However, P.S. much of the WRITTEN  posting is out of date. but a good start point. This does not ffect back doors into the guide itself.


Runes >>> http://gothaguide.or...f7.html?type=13 - N.B. you can access all typees from the types menu

 All items by type. Bring up the item type list,     Click the desired Item Type,       Click "show me" 






#842914 Supporter Status

Posted by FrankNStien on 22 January 2014 - 01:21 in General Discussion

Oh, that seriously rocks.  150 points to whichever House the Sorting Hat put you in, Hoof. ;)

 In fact it was only 50 at 1st, but in recruiting my existing chars - I breached it 2nd day, spoke with hoof and he upped it to 100 within 1-2 days (simple change).


 Dont tell hoof this (though I did tell him myself) but you can breach it if the chars already exist.Thats how I got past t - I was on 72 and it kept telling me no more than 50.

#842913 OFFS, I can't remember where the basic skills are located!

Posted by FrankNStien on 22 January 2014 - 01:14 in Game Help

Ok, so, in case anyone else can't remember or needs to know: :P


(All in Gothador)


Creature Locate:  4,15

Sense  50,50

Thievery  40,80




 www.gothaguide.org (yes - its broken, but works a bit - you can view 2-6 pages in a section B4 an error, and then you restart, reverse the sort and go from the other end)

 top f it - SKILLS


#837897 Upcoming Updates: What would you like to see next?

Posted by FrankNStien on 06 January 2014 - 22:53 in General Discussion

1/ Make the dropdown of characters alphabetical - its hell looking through it when you have over 80 of em..
2/ Suggested reward for new cult quest - We could do with our own CLERIC in the CS.
3/ SECOND suggested new CS feature from a cult quest, A SELL BACK shop, ie, you cant buy anything from it - but you can sell any excess kit.

Both 2 & 3 should be hard work, and costly in GP.


 Call the shop in 3 a Pawn Shop.

#835585 WTB: Gear Upgrades.

Posted by FrankNStien on 29 December 2013 - 18:58 in Market Place

It was Xillah, equipped for attack and damage, that's what her stats were on a vial. But that isn't something that can be fixed now. But I do have other characters needing gear so I left the thread up

AH - so it was my fault

#835582 Upcoming Updates: What would you like to see next?

Posted by FrankNStien on 29 December 2013 - 18:53 in General Discussion

Sorry for the caps, but. FINISH 5TH TIER!

Level 2 Adanced skills could be 5th tier only - that gives them there own skills or skill boosts.

#834853 WTB: Gear Upgrades.

Posted by FrankNStien on 26 December 2013 - 17:00 in Market Place


My Angelic Warrior is lvl 8450 (currently out hunting so that may change a bit)  but the problem is that since I have nearly 7,000 ap (dunno what the hell happened there) I have little to no Attack or Damage. 


I mean, even on an Aeon Vial.. my stats are:


Attack: 6141  (+1750) Defence: 1780  (+1595) AC: 13575  (+1658) DMG: 17.5k-18.8k  (+4090) Wisdom: 339  (+290) Next AP: 3m 40s Blood: 197 Demon Souls: 0 Vial In Use: Aeon Vial Vial Timer: 192m 17s  [ Purge ] Viruses: [no viruses] Unused SP: 0




 So far as I know that wasnt me - what is the character name




#834056 Anyne got Mine/Smelt?forrage table

Posted by FrankNStien on 23 December 2013 - 13:40 in Game Help

The Gothaguide.com is gone forever, only the broken version Gothaguide.org remains.


You can find my mining/smelting/orbing/foraging table here:



 Veel Bedankt, maar, hebben julie data naar Osumelite AUB

#833624 Heads up for player's that lost their subs/cults

Posted by FrankNStien on 21 December 2013 - 22:47 in General Discussion

Hoof, is there any chance, once I get my sub going, of restoring two of the two cults I was in?  Army of Sin and Valhalla have both apparently disappeared, and I would dearly love to have them back.  If not, I understand.  Wouldn't be the first time I've had to start a cult over from scratch. :P

can join me and my (only) cult mate. We've got (most of) jp BACK, WERE WORKING ON THE bARROW gANG, MIgHT PUT UP ONE OR  2 OF MY OTHERS AS WELL. i think we had 6 in alll, but at least 5.

 Yes, 6, we had em in Cells, Ethereal Void, Dark Forrest & Braskin Plains, and another besides JP in Gothador itself. I wanted some fun :-) ..

#833623 Anyne got Mine/Smelt?forrage table

Posted by FrankNStien on 21 December 2013 - 22:44 in Game Help

with all ores/metals/whatevers and the % level of each


 Spent almost whole day trying to get the Hosts file to work so I can access Gothaguide - No can do.


 Frank N

#833612 GothaGuide - DNS-issues

Posted by FrankNStien on 21 December 2013 - 22:13 in Game Content

Well, I got the hosts file fixed 


# localhost
# ::1 localhost www.gothaguide.com



 But it STILL doesn't work. Saw the comment re OPERA, so tried it on Chrome, IE & LunaScape (after a reboot B4 any of them), No go.  :-(  

 Ive found another copy of Hosts in an AMD file - but even starting Notebook up in Administrator mode I cant change it. This might be whats screwing me.

PS. Even tried putting a copy in the directory of the browsers themselves in hope they'd get a file from there 1st - NoGo

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