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#851529 My Suggestions

Posted by Koslov on 24 February 2014 - 23:43 in Suggestions

I thought the barbershop idea is in progress or in future to come. I've suggested it before, So I don't really know..

#847909 Rest area in personal rooms.

Posted by Koslov on 11 February 2014 - 12:33 in Suggestions

Only time I go there is for the quest.. And even then I have not finished the quest...

And what seems to be the problem?

On OP's post though, I agree. I don't usually go there as much but hell, it would be a nice feature to have. 

#847243 Vendor Stalls for Rent

Posted by Koslov on 07 February 2014 - 23:19 in Suggestions

So .. player shops?


Posted by Koslov on 04 February 2014 - 18:01 in Suggestions

Welcome to Eldevin, as others mentioned .. It's being worked on ;)

#846065 Missed quests

Posted by Koslov on 03 February 2014 - 20:47 in Suggestions

Definitely would like to see this.

#845596 HCS suggestions forum

Posted by Koslov on 01 February 2014 - 16:28 in Suggestions

Man, yesterday I've sent a message to a moderator of this section in order to discuss it with the other one's about cleaning this up. Having 2 Sub-Forums that has the Accepted & Denied one's. 

Good thread.

#845557 Camera Angle & Other minor stuff.

Posted by Koslov on 01 February 2014 - 08:24 in Suggestions

I don't take out my tools unless I know I'm going to use them, But having a toolbelt wouldn't hurt.

#845288 Destroying Items

Posted by Koslov on 30 January 2014 - 21:18 in Suggestions

Definitely saves more time doing this. I prefer this method, much better than the current one.

#845285 Multiple character slots

Posted by Koslov on 30 January 2014 - 21:15 in Suggestions

What I would change and try to make it more balanced or fair..

Once a player creates a new character and comes down to a decision that he's not happy with the way maybe he created his character's look or the talent points he spent on a wrong class that he is now regretting and to avoid going through the whole process again with the tutorial, quests that were done etc.. 

He would obviously log out and there would be the 'Delete Character' button visible. Once he clicks it, it pulls up a message saying that it's only a one time use, to get more you must pay via EP. Now he at least got a 1 free chance..By proceeding forward with this, It will also create a history for that account listing his previous account names as well as the deleted one's. Plus, this would save quite a lot of time.


#845150 Web Content Pack

Posted by Koslov on 30 January 2014 - 16:07 in Game Content

Downloaded, pretty cool.

#844900 Lower camera angle

Posted by Koslov on 30 January 2014 - 00:45 in Suggestions

Duh really????? They are working on it And know how and what to do...

But Thanks 

You need to chill down man.. the dude was just posting his opinion on it.

#844738 Please Decrease Combat Speed (attack speeds)

Posted by Koslov on 29 January 2014 - 18:56 in Suggestions

I don't have a problem with the current attack speed. If it changes though I don't really mind..

#844707 Quest gained items - Idea

Posted by Koslov on 29 January 2014 - 16:10 in Suggestions

So basically you are trying to say if you get an item which doesn't fit the class you chose, what do you do with it?
Simple, I just sell it. I don't believe you can forge or exchange other stuff from it.

#844577 Loyalty Token Rewards and more.

Posted by Koslov on 29 January 2014 - 01:38 in Suggestions

I feel that they should make more items and stuff available with the purchases of Loyalty Tokens, And I have no doubt that they will.

#844562 Better font please

Posted by Koslov on 29 January 2014 - 00:26 in Suggestions

Would love to see the Whisper's color change.
As well as different fonts w/ sizes. It's hard to see from the distance with full Resolution / Full Screen.

#844524 The ability to kick/ban/mute someone from a custom chat

Posted by Koslov on 28 January 2014 - 21:45 in Suggestions


#844342 assassin backstab assault

Posted by Koslov on 28 January 2014 - 01:50 in Suggestions

Would be nice to see.

#844270 Weapon Rotating & Quick Deposit / Withdraw

Posted by Koslov on 27 January 2014 - 18:55 in Suggestions

Both ideas are good. I hope they get implemented.


However, I like my idea (http://forums.hunted...&hl=suggestions) better for the 2nd suggestion. Nothing against yours though!

Thanks for your input I really appreciate it.
As for the second suggestion either mine or yours doesn't matter cause all I want is to quick deposit / withdraw.
Great feedback so far, keep it coming :) 

#844055 REBOOT the servers PLEASE

Posted by Koslov on 26 January 2014 - 21:51 in Suggestions

I think the issue with the lag was that there were too many players on the US Server, and EU Peeps were heading there due to high amount of players. I believe 150+ Right? Or something like that..

#844050 Weapon Rotating & Quick Deposit / Withdraw

Posted by Koslov on 26 January 2014 - 21:19 in Suggestions

I'd like to thank you guys so far for the comments, nothing to quote except this one.

weapon rotation - big no. lets not make a classic backpack clumsy and messy just because you are too lazy to swap few apples.


quick deposit - 100% yes. after i found out about quick sell and quick trade i thought its everywhere. i was quite dissapointed after it didnt work in bank. i just ended up consuming a potion from a bank inventory.

Alright well, thanks for the input I appreciate it. But it doesn't have to do with swapping a few apples or being lazy at all. It's just saving more space and actually using that space.

I don't know if you notice I used apples as an example, I don't know if you did too but, I can't really add more to this. Just thought I'd make this clear for you and not because people are lazy, but I prefer using the space.
Especially for people who can't buy more backpacks I believe if that's what they call them (?)

Quick Edit: I do not believe it'll be clumsy and messy. It will be clumsy and messy if you make it messy. So being messy and un-organized is totally in your eyes. I believe I would be organized as you place the stuff in your inventory and you have control over them.

#844020 Weapon Rotating & Quick Deposit / Withdraw

Posted by Koslov on 26 January 2014 - 18:48 in Suggestions

Hello, These are 2 of my suggestions that came across my mind. I definitely won't be surprised if these get denied because they're minor suggestions and not a big priority to the game. Also leave your thoughts below, negative or positive it doesn't matter. Don't be afraid of what you think, I won't get offended..

1. Weapon Rotation
Okay so. I've highlighted in green boxes were you got to imagine my bank / inventory was completely full. At the moment it's not, but just so you wouldn't get confused I've marked them in green. And there is no more space except these 2-3 boxes up there but only items like the Apples or 1 Box Objects fit in there. But by right-clicking a weapon you can make it rotate so it will fit perfectly in those boxes allowing you to store more in your inventory / bank. 

Now I'd doubt this will get accepted, as it is probably mean't to be like this. But I decided to speak my mind about it and obviously not be afraid of getting this denied. Hopefully not, but we'll see.


2. Quick Depositing / Withdrawing

Okay well this is the second suggestion that came into my mind, and for quite some time now too. It's quite annoying for me, and my friend. I don't know about the rest of you Eldevians though! But I just hate it when you have you single drag every object out the bank to your inventory or vice-versa. I've tried to deposit apples but instead my character sat down and ate one of them, even though he wasn't hungry, poor bastard. So what this suggestion is that every time you want to deposit an item and you don't want to take forever. Simply holding CTRL + Clicking will fix it. This works with selling items but not with the bank. Now please don't get mad at me if this already exist. I pressed every button on my keyboard and so far nothing happens.


#844017 teleport stone

Posted by Koslov on 26 January 2014 - 18:15 in Suggestions

Doesn't bother me. In fact I would use this myself obviously.
Support for this idea.

#843866 Reduce remnant drop

Posted by Koslov on 25 January 2014 - 18:11 in Suggestions

I gotta agree the remnants drop rate is high. And it's not much of a challenge to get the helmet.
As I Ranger I have to agree again with the throwing weapons, would be pretty cool :)

#842824 Mounts

Posted by Koslov on 21 January 2014 - 18:29 in Suggestions

Very good idea, would be pretty awesome I gotta admit it. But I don't think it's necessary for this to be implanted in the game.
Let's say they're going to consider this I think that horses aka. Mounts would not be allowed in the cities, but obviously outside in the wild.
Therefore we would need a much bigger map, so even with a mount it could take quite a while. That's just how I see it though.

#842494 Abiltiy to change your mind when assigning atributes....

Posted by Koslov on 20 January 2014 - 07:11 in Suggestions

Now this is something I like. 
Supporting this idea.

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