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#949443 Legacy in general

Posted by UnicornBob on 23 September 2015 - 18:05 in Other Games

Agreed! Lets get this thing started! if its a sinking ship anyway we might as well go down fighting!

Think that sums up my thoughts on the matter.

I know it's a lot of work and if it's ill received you'll just end up resenting Legacy's community after this.. But at this rate it's going to fall apart one way or another, may as well try something.

#949313 Legacy in general

Posted by UnicornBob on 21 September 2015 - 22:49 in Other Games

If it needs pointing out, the players don't want this game to die
But at this rate it will, it seems to have just been left to fester.

I wont try and pretend I know how hard it is to code a game, especially when HCS has at least 2 big games they like to focus on, but Legacy was taken over years ago and the only major updates that come to mind since have been the inventory (which I believe still has work to be done) and Ventrix/crystals (which could use some extra work to clean up the edges.)


Now with that being said I'd like to ask if things will change etc but I think we're just going to be told what we want to hear, maybe a couple of novelty updates and things will go back... again.


Honestly I'm nearly done with the game, it's hard to enjoy anymore when everyone's so bitter about it not getting attention etc.

#931755 Legacy roadmap?

Posted by UnicornBob on 09 May 2015 - 02:40 in Other Games

Would like to point out now.

Zorg nailed a whole update we did vote for, for the anniversary xD

2 birds 1 stone?

#929645 Legacy 10 year anniversary

Posted by UnicornBob on 23 April 2015 - 17:02 in Other Games

HD: And I said at the very beginning that wasn't true, but he's been there long enough.


I also didn't say it was our fault for the state of the game, but I suppose it is our fault for the state of the community.

As a guide I notice the amount of people coming in to the game, I also make sure to keep an eye out/on them so I see the crap they get.

Then it wouldn't take me 5 minutes to go to the forums and find a post essentially saying "You're a new player your opinion doesn't count."

So yes, I think what BP said is true.


Even when we got our last update (crystals+ventrix) there were countless people moaning.


So yes, a huge amount of us need to grow up and try being nice instead of trolling until we get what we want.



While I might sound like I disagree with the views being posted I actually do agree with the majority, just the whole scream until you're heard mentality is dumb.

Like BP also said "HCS read this forum" in fact I just saw BigGrimm reading it. So if we could quit pulling up every part of Legacy that needs work and address this properly so that Legacy gets it's fair amount of work we might get somewhere.

#929615 Legacy 10 year anniversary

Posted by UnicornBob on 23 April 2015 - 13:10 in Other Games

As derailed as this thread has gotten.. BadPenny nailed it, maybe he's not been there 10 years but 3 (almost 4) is a pretty reasonable amount of time.


Legacy seems to be on the back burner, but with the attitude I'm not surprised.

Newbies are trolled out, staff are shown little respect and the mere mention of Legacy's future/updates turns into a bash thread.


As much as everyone thinks HCS/Zorg should change their attitude towards Legacy, Legacy should grow up and do the same.

#929589 Legacy 10 year anniversary

Posted by UnicornBob on 23 April 2015 - 08:30 in Other Games

Yes, 10 years is a big deal. But no, I don't know how much of a party HCS throw for their games.

Legacy will have an anniversary event, and from what I've heard (without ruining anything or spilling Elder conversation) it'll be a bigger deal then most.



Now since this is turning into a bash thread already I would like to throw a few points out there.


1 - I think it's clear HCS wanted Zorg, not particularly Legacy. Why do people still expect stuff from them 3 years later?


2 - Legacy is Zorg's baby, why do you think he would let it go to the players who have no plans as to what happens next?


3 - I respect rules, and HCS do have the rule that anyone coding their games has to be within X distance of their office, this makes sense in the case of a meltdown.


However, here's a picture of the blog when Zorg told us HCS were buying Legacy.




I highlighted the part that matters and I think it speaks for itself.

#920894 Valdesca - Freebies

Posted by UnicornBob on 21 February 2015 - 00:42 in Graphics

Post removed.

#920609 MyCurse Graphics - OPEN

Posted by UnicornBob on 19 February 2015 - 17:28 in Graphics

Post removed.

#897506 Legacy Roadmap 2014

Posted by UnicornBob on 03 November 2014 - 00:45 in Other Games

So there's not been any update on this anywhere...

Do we have any idea of what is gonna be the next road map? and when it will be started?

#893422 Legacy Roadmap 2014

Posted by UnicornBob on 09 October 2014 - 16:39 in Other Games

Warfare Enhancements (Original Post)
I'm not fond of the idea of a smaller Wasteland for non-avatars as it excludes almost the entire current player base. I'm not opposed to expanding the current Wasteland systems with more structures and such though.

Give beacons a purpose, dot a few around each map that can't be destroyed but only used by the controlling gang.
Phase Shifters might be used again then  :P



Any idea when we'll find out which one(s) are getting the go ahead?

#892997 Legacy Roadmap 2014

Posted by UnicornBob on 06 October 2014 - 17:32 in Other Games

Glad you explained that better GAGANB, before it was so much writing it kept going over my head but after reading that I think it would be interesting to look into! However I'd say relook at what the crystals actually affect, a couple of those I didn't agree with.
Like HP re-gen, we don't have that so how can you add a % to it..
and Legacy expertise, I like the hospital and job idea but maybe something else instead of more inbox again.
And a lot of the %s are slightly high in my opinion.


The idea of more player training is nice though, and people wont cry because older people get some kind of advantage, although someone probably will because richer people have it easier xD

#892537 Legacy Roadmap 2014

Posted by UnicornBob on 03 October 2014 - 13:26 in Other Games

I vote arena and raid (they seem the same in my mind, just arena is a solo version of the raid)


It's the main suggestion that will add something entirely new to the game, the rest are almost like Zorg said with a 5th gang "a temporary fix"...


I do think a few more equips are needed (armour and projectile mostly), everyone's still aiming for the same set ups but I suppose if arena/raid were added there would need to be a reward system.


I would also like to add:
Removing the hospital closing times seems like a good idea to me, it doesn't serve any greater purpose so not annoying newbies can only help :P

The wasteland shop update sounds like a good idea to me! Like Steven said it could easily incorporate the discussion the elders are having at the moment (without revealing to much xD)

#892017 Next Legacy Roadmap

Posted by UnicornBob on 30 September 2014 - 19:29 in Other Games

With this kind of thing I've always thought it's a good idea to put a vote up on the main page.
Ask everyone what area of the game they want updated most, items/equips - gangs - clans - warfare etc...

With open discussion like this I find it's the same handful of people contributing but the majority don't speak up for whatever reasons.


But once we know what area the majority want updated it's going to be a more focused discussion ^-^


Edit in:

5th gang has been suggested so many times, it's just a complete overhaul for no real benefits, like HD said the 4 we have are hardly active enough alone. If gangs were to change I quite like his 3 gang idea (but still wouldn't like it)

#891147 Next Legacy Roadmap

Posted by UnicornBob on 24 September 2014 - 14:44 in Other Games

I completely agree we should finish up the crystal road map before starting a new one, crystal removal and a tidy up of merging are long overdue.

But I get Zorg may want to just have ideas for when he does get them finished, which brings me onto...



We kind of had this conversation already here.

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