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#896447 How do you feel about relics becoming account wide?

Posted by zargon on 27 October 2014 - 17:49 in Suggestions

I'm not in favor of it. There are plenty of us now that can gear up our alts with full sets without ever having to step foot in any dungeon. If you think I am wrong, go check. If you don't have the relics, then you probably are not helping lowbies anyhow. And if you have the relics, you don't need to help them to get the relics.

#896918 Make The Halloween Boxes available to purchase with Treats

Posted by zargon on 30 October 2014 - 17:40 in Suggestions

Pay to win has always been an important part of the successful gaming business model. Any aspect of the game will be made easier if you pay. "Fair" has nothing to do with it. Life's not fair either - oh well ;)


Personally I like the challenge in knowing that I got everything without having to pay anything. It's simply a choice.


If there are certain things that are pay-only, then I'll take a pass on it. If they are not bound, I might pay EP to get it. If they can be bought in the shop, then you can use ep or earn gold and trade to get the ep to buy the item(s). Lot's of ways to earn gold in the game. If you don't want to go through all the effort, then pay money for ep or become a supporter.


I doubt HCS has any desires to lighten your expense at the cost of theirs. Just not smart business IMO.

#896977 Future events like Argent Wolf needs to be changed to avoid leaching

Posted by zargon on 30 October 2014 - 23:49 in Suggestions

Some people are cool and donate treats while many just leach from those who pay. It's pretty sad when being rewarded for doing nothing. No real accomplishment there.


Using Argent Wolf as an example. we would have a queue like we do with dungeons. You would add 50 treats to the cauldron and your class is queued up based on your class with most points added into. Once you hit 1k treats and have at least one level 45 tank and healer, you are taken to another area of the game similar to a dungeon where you face the wolf. This would prevent people from leaching. Most of those disagreeing here I would assume are those who are already leaching. If you are someone who donates and think the idea can be bettered, then please share your thoughts. Thanks.


edit: typo in title fixed

#896980 Future events like Argent Wolf needs to be changed to avoid leaching

Posted by zargon on 31 October 2014 - 00:05 in Suggestions

defeats the purpose of a shared community event though.


How about better loot swings the more you donate. With a chance at rarer stuff the more you donate (not just a single time but over the course of a day, then it resets with daily reset)

Love that idea. Thanks Ern. So certain drops are only attainable if you donate like a minimum of 50 and higher end items at 100.  (or can be 25/50). With a combined daily amount added to get highest end item(s). People would then all rush to make sure they add to the pot.


(maybe we can have a counter on how much has been added already)


How about chance or Gems dropping (as well as better vanities, emotes and mounts) as part of higher tiered awards then.

25 = Glim or Fair chance drop

50 = Def or lower chance drop

100 = Abs or lower chance drop

1000 total = unlocks all available chances for the day.


Can be altered however. Just tossing stuff out there.

#896988 To add the language of Poland

Posted by zargon on 31 October 2014 - 01:03 in Suggestions

Witam mój polski przyjaciel . Zapraszamy do Eldevin

#897096 Future events like Argent Wolf needs to be changed to avoid leaching

Posted by zargon on 31 October 2014 - 17:18 in Suggestions

As the level 40 mobs drop more often than the level 10 mobs i say leave it as it is, the event is only 3 weeks long and it gives the low level players a chance at getting some Vanity gear and achievements, it's not as if they're getting anything to help their build so let them get free stuff from the higher levels putting in treats to spawn the wolf,  :)


The treat drops are level based. So if you are level 45, then go kill the level 40 mobs to maximize your drops. Don't expect to AOE twenty level 10 mobs and expect rewards for it ;). Now if you are saying that a level 15 gets less drops on average by killing level 10 mobs, then that is a serious problem.

#897120 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by zargon on 31 October 2014 - 20:05 in Suggestions

Allow Alchemist to make Dyes to color your gear/vanities. (higher the crafting level, the more robust the color).

Add End-game Capes with 5% enhancement mod - Very rare mats won from WB needed to craft.

Add reward for completing 5 dungeons below your level (will help lowbies after steam)

Make rare mats purchasable with loyalty points and remove regular mats from there.

Don't bother with housing. They will be ghost towns within a month.

Auction house is a must.

Guilds will be more relevant after steam.

#897515 Gear

Posted by zargon on 03 November 2014 - 01:59 in Suggestions

We already apply enchantments by way of adding gems and temporary enchantments by way of buffs.

#897994 Making friend list and alt characters more manageable

Posted by zargon on 05 November 2014 - 01:55 in Suggestions



Good Idea. Who's this Raziel guy ? :P

#898853 Trees Need Attention

Posted by zargon on 07 November 2014 - 21:48 in Suggestions

I prefer this. I like to see what's around me and a big tree will not let me do this. Anyhow, this is pretty irrelevant. There are real things about this game that need to be addressed first

#898854 Disappearing Trees

Posted by zargon on 07 November 2014 - 21:48 in Suggestions

I prefer this. I like to see what's around me and a big tree will not let me do this. Anyhow, this is pretty irrelevant. There are real things about this game that need to be addressed first

#898916 Off Shift Junior Moderators Needed

Posted by zargon on 08 November 2014 - 02:11 in Suggestions

I believe HCS needs to have junior moderators for monitoring conduct  in-game and within forums during off shift hours. There is too much that goes on now, especially after Steam launch to allow poor conduct to go unchecked. I would recommend that HCS start taking application from players to monitor activity and report back to the senior staff. Forum activity should be easy enough to regulate. In-game misconduct may be trickier. I am not sure if junior mods can capture logs and send them back to senior staff.

#899069 Off Shift Junior Moderators Needed

Posted by zargon on 08 November 2014 - 18:57 in Suggestions

As like most games that have junior moderators, their powers are very limited. Mostly they capture the pertinent data and forward it back to the senior staff to let them make the decisions. The junior mod might be able to temporarily lock a post or mute a player, but they generally do not have authority to suspend or ban accounts. They are mainly the eyes and ears. If junior mods are limited in this capacity, then the only people to not like them are the rules breakers. It's not like they can make stuff up because they don't like you. lol - they need proof.


Having these type of people in-game would be a big benefit to the quality of time people spend in the game and make for a good gaming experience, especially now with all the new Steamers. 


Keep in mind that we were a small community and we were able to keep things in check just by virtue of knowing each other like a small town feel. Now we are becoming a big city with many more players, which will bring a lot of mischief. Anyone familiar with MMO knows how bad things can get when the players base is high. Ex: Enter the game a new group of IRL 12 year old bad ass friends with the intention of causing hell because it's fun for them and then exit other players that don't like the game experience. They may or may not report this and if they do, is HCS staffed to handle this and other issues that arise on top of their current duties ? 


Initial player base increase of 6-7x  = 20x the problems needing to be addressed. If issues are not mitigated appropriately, then expect the player base decrease and not increase. I think HCS may need the help but then again they might be staffed appropriately. Dunno. Just a thought.

#899105 PVP Servers

Posted by zargon on 08 November 2014 - 21:45 in Suggestions

Either PVP server or non PVP server - This I like. Let's get all the PVP 'ers off of Zephyr :P

#899126 Please Fix the Lag

Posted by zargon on 08 November 2014 - 23:25 in Bug Reports

Omg, I tanked RG and the rubberband effect hit me full force. I had the worst rg run I have since I was a noob 45 tank. I also went dps for Raz and he even look more like a noob than normal ;)


Truth is what SD said. The game is right now unplayable for dungeons.

#899148 Off Shift Junior Moderators Needed

Posted by zargon on 09 November 2014 - 01:40 in Suggestions

You are overreacting big time. Many games already do this and it works fine. Like I said, given the role the junior mods would have, then only people to get upset are the rule breakers. If they mute a player or lock a thread for the wrong reason, there is a good chance they will not be a mod long. So it sounds like you prefer the inmates running the asylum !


And a mod should not care if a raging idiot does not like them. If you're going to violate rules, then expect consequences. The rest of the community will welcome this and only the raging idiot won't like it. Awwww - too bad for him !!!!!

#899162 Off Shift Junior Moderators Needed

Posted by zargon on 09 November 2014 - 02:52 in Suggestions

Who cares if everyone knows you are a mod. That's irrelevant. Do you rage when someone is promoted at work to become your team lead ? Give me a break. You are just fighting this just to fight it.


Only the raging idiot will be upset at the mod. The rest of the community will support this. And if he/she does not like the mod, awwwww too bad for him. It will be a better game because of it and the juniors mods will have all my support for sure. I would praise them for their efforts and time. I would not expect them to be perfect.

#899169 Off Shift Junior Moderators Needed

Posted by zargon on 09 November 2014 - 03:28 in Suggestions

Let's not have zargon be a mod........ moves sharp objects away from him.  :lol:


haha - no worries there. I'm not a good example of what a mod should be in any universe ;)

People I would suggest would be people like Brioche, Reinedor and Chelsea. Too bad Handyman is not still around. But this is not an election so please don't critisize my choice of names. Just going off what I know of them in-game or in forums :)

#900627 Making friend list and alt characters more manageable

Posted by zargon on 14 November 2014 - 00:32 in Suggestions

This one is a no brainer. Of course +1

#900921 Remove the 60 day respec...

Posted by zargon on 14 November 2014 - 20:20 in Suggestions

I voted no. When you get to max level, it does not take too long to earn 250 for a respec. When you first start out, you have one free respec and by the time you max out, you will most likely be ready for the second respec (as long as you use your first char to play the game via questing and stopping every 5 levels for dungeons like you should).  ;)

#900943 Remove the 60 day respec...

Posted by zargon on 14 November 2014 - 21:58 in Suggestions

Usually people respec because they messed up or want to play a different class.You are assuming people are perfect at making builds,people that don't will quit before reaching level 45 with a trash build let alone grind gold to get 250 ep ;)


I see your point...


Then maybe have the EP cost be level based so it does not break the bank the lowbies:


Level 1-10 = 20ep

20 and under  = 40ep

30 and under  = 80ep

40 and under = 160ep

Over 40 = 250ep

#901208 Subscription with Eldevin Points!

Posted by zargon on 15 November 2014 - 23:43 in Suggestions

They want your money, not your eldevin points ;). Even though some people buy or earn EP, I profit in trades getting EP and I would jump all over the chance to pay EP for this. I doubt HCS wants to close avenues to make money.

#901887 Should HCS add more Story Modes ?

Posted by zargon on 18 November 2014 - 18:36 in Suggestions

Vote how you wish, but I think where we are at with story modes is already at it's limit.


I myself think this will cause less people to group up and turns this game into more of a game console type game.

#901907 Should HCS add more Story Modes ?

Posted by zargon on 18 November 2014 - 19:13 in Suggestions

Point is they have story mode BT at level 45 already. Why have the other dungeon story mode as well. If you want to solo only, then fine. Do the story mode version. Just like they did with Garai and didn't make story for Secluded Valley. If HCS builds a story mode, then there should be a separate dungeon at that level that is not story mode. And as long as the rewards are far greater and less time consuming grouping, then it should work. However, that's not the case and HCS keeps piling them on creating a game console type game and less of an MMO feel.

#901996 Should HCS add more Story Modes ?

Posted by zargon on 18 November 2014 - 23:29 in Suggestions

Look, if HCS is bent on doing this, then add more purpose for tanks and healers. Because as it stands, you are eliminating them from the game with having all level dungeons in story mode.

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