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#912832 What's coming in 2015?

Posted by pzgndr on 30 December 2014 - 18:05 in General Discussion

Any more news about Hunted Cow's collaboration with Victory Point Games? 


VPG has a lot of nice little wargames with low unit density and relatively simple rulesets which should be ideal for HC computer apps.  Throw in nice graphics and a challenging AI computer opponent and that would be awesome.  I'd like to see your Russian Front game get some more attention, but VPG has The Barbarossa Campaign, No Retreat!, Frank Chadwick's Campaigns in Russia, and more.  And VPG also has the Napoleonic 20 series.  Hint, hint, hint...

#890668 Russian Front is out now on PC, Mac and Android Tablets!

Posted by pzgndr on 22 September 2014 - 18:27 in Announcements

Russian units completely surrounded for 3 months or more do not suffer any loss of strength and seem to defend as if they are in supply... On the other hand German units out of supply are unable to move at all.

This is a bug, right?  There must be adverse effects for out of supply units. 


I've been waiting for the iPad version and still looking forward to getting this.  Hopefully the supply issues will be resolved shortly.

#869857 Russian Front

Posted by pzgndr on 22 May 2014 - 19:58 in General Discussion

Bump.  Slitherine is coming out with Frontline Road to Moscow, similar to Tank Battle: East Front.  But these games are about scenarios.  Not the full Russian Front operational campaign, for iOS.  This game sounds good, something to play on the road on my iPad.  What's the latest news?  I'm curious to see how well these App games can handle theater-level operational campaigns and possibly grand strategy games.  Thx

#846286 Russian Front

Posted by pzgndr on 04 February 2014 - 22:09 in General Discussion

Release date of January 2014 has passed.  Any news?

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