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There have been 2 items by rendtizzy (Search limited from 08-July 23)

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#1009249 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by rendtizzy on 11 April 2023 - 23:41 in General Discussion

It be nice, not to lose item durability on GVG attacks even when you don't participate in them. Why should I have to waste my money if I am not participating in it? Sure I can get attacked I am fine with that, but I have to pay to fix my gear is something I am not a fan of, especially if I am in epic gear and it gets damaged, epics cost way more to fix than other items. >_> kind of not fair that I am losing 1 fsp of gold every time and I am not doing GVG. :/

#1008287 Titan Design Contest 2022

Posted by rendtizzy on 09 September 2022 - 02:32 in General Discussion

Name: Kuba
Classification: Demon
Lore: Kuba was once known the be an ancient and free demon known to ward off bad dreams by eating them. The Shadow Lord sought out Kuba and corrupted him to do his bidding for all eternity. Kuba manifests into this world from the nightmares it now creates using the children's souls to manifest into it's horrific form wreaking havoc. The children are left as hollow husks lost in nightmares for the rest of their lives.
Physical Description: Has a elephant head with trunk and tusks, bear-like ears, Tiger like claws with 4 legs, back is filled with dreamlike fire emanating from the body as well as the tail. (term baku might help)

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