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#961776 Updated and New Arena Potions

Posted by xxlooperxx on 05 April 2016 - 01:29 in General Discussion

What about a shield wall 200 or 225 (so that it doesn't exceed composing) potion for 100 tokens? If I'm mistaken, please correct me, but I don't think there are any potions out there other than the crystal ladder potions and composing that give that buff. We have a Armor Boost 300 potion from an egg, so seems to me that a Shield wall potion should be emplemented as well.

Edit: oh and +1 in that AS 1100 buff. Would make leveling a bit more interesting😬

#963130 Dark sun chest

Posted by xxlooperxx on 08 May 2016 - 23:25 in General Discussion

I'd much rather see the Blood potion have Rage 300 swapped for a more useful to the general community Smashing Hammer 400-450. Composing would still trump it

I prefer the rage 300 personally. It has a good boost in attack for those of us who have our LUPs split up.

#963132 Loyalty Rewards Update

Posted by xxlooperxx on 08 May 2016 - 23:54 in General Discussion

How about this...

U could transfer at a fixed rate, your
Loyalty points into.. lets say arena tokens.. or ladder points.. ??

No... Absolutely not.. Do you realize how many loyalty points some people have stocked up? i have 20k.. and only donate every 2 or 3 months... lol.. Besides that, if you want arena points, play arena. If you want ladder points, hop on the ladder..

#963410 Game Update v2.88

Posted by xxlooperxx on 18 May 2016 - 00:48 in General Discussion

Nice updates! I especially am glad to see the medals caught up.. Thanks hoof!

#964418 Double XP June 2016 speculation thread

Posted by xxlooperxx on 15 June 2016 - 17:24 in General Discussion

Haggis (proper haggis, no the vegetarian kind) is bloomin' gorgeous! Better if done right, with a helping of clapshot and onion sauce. Tried haggis pizza myself. It was alright. Nowt special though.

Stay on topic please Mr. Grim! Would hate to report you:P

#965028 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by xxlooperxx on 01 July 2016 - 01:37 in Accomplishments

The Double The Chance of Finding a Large Amount of Gold Event Is back again!!  :D


xxxxx lost 2466300 experience.
xxxxx lost 5766043 gold of which xxlooperxx stole 4324533 gold
xxlooperxx gained 10 PvP Prestige.

#965157 Critical Strike

Posted by xxlooperxx on 03 July 2016 - 00:50 in General Discussion

Or maybe enhancements are all fixed percentages and percentages shown don't even matter... We'll never know😅

#965159 Double XP Event begins!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 03 July 2016 - 00:57 in General Discussion

I think this is the first event I have ever participated in with very minimal lag! Thank you Hoof, Grim , and the rest of HCS for a great event this summer!

#967395 titan doubler vs elemental titans

Posted by xxlooperxx on 23 August 2016 - 01:32 in General Discussion

yes..i am attacking the water guardian titan lvl 700 for ep quest...it did not work..no real big deal..just a few bits of gold down the tube..lol ..every kill with the quest hunter buff on..did 1x stam and 1 x kill ..so it really did nothing..maybe it is just the quest elemental titans it does not work on..never knew buff existed..so i have not tried it on a regular quest while hunting to see if it works..will try next hunt..  ...when i get done with these 500 kills..bummer,  titan died at 208 kills..hope he re-appears soon.

If I'm not mistaken, the scout tower will read the normal amount of times you killed the elemental titan. However, if you go to the quest book (or back to the spot of the map that tells you how many titans you killed) it will be the amount you killed x4. Quest Hunter does not not increase the amount of stamina used either. (eg. 1 stamina=4 kills)

#969964 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 07 October 2016 - 13:06 in General Discussion

Hoping to release an update for this today, but depends how the testing goes!

I seen you said the goal of this update was to increase activity. So how about if you complete 'x' number of daily quests in a row you receive an additional reward? Maybe every 7 or even 30 dq? I've seen this concept in a few mobile games I've played and it definitely was an good reason to log on everyday. Just a suggestion :)

#970614 New Daily Quest Suggestion Thread

Posted by xxlooperxx on 20 October 2016 - 00:06 in General Discussion

Send 'x' number of in game PMs

Post 'x' times in guild chat

Post 'x' times in global chat

Sadly, that will do nothing but cause spam...

#970690 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 16:57 in General Discussion

Will legendaries in the scavenging caves cause legendary creature daily quests to activate?

#970691 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 17:00 in General Discussion

Thanks for the event BG.

Does that mean I am right in saying Oidhche Shamhna or a Halloween event will be next week? Over the weekend including Monday?

Slightly off topic I know but I am not creating a whole thread to ask one small question. :P


Go smack some nublets on the ladder and wait and see :P. Lol. But I'm guessing those will be next weekend like you suggest.

Oh yeah, thanks for the event BG!

#970695 Why some DQ should be reviewed?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 17:14 in General Discussion

Exactly right!

Dunno if this is possible but I can certainly ask Hoofmaster about it. However, I'd want to make sure it rerolls as another DQ of that Rarity to stop people trying to get a better rarity.

I would pay a few fsp if needed to reroll my Daily Quests if I had the chance! :). Possibly even every day I got one with a current stamina reward.. Lol

#970788 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 25 October 2016 - 19:37 in General Discussion

Finally got my first legendary DQ... And of course it's a current stamina one... Mehh...

[ Legendary ]
Join 10 arenas
10 / 10
Gain +750 Current Stamina

#970837 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 27 October 2016 - 00:18 in General Discussion

[ Common ]
Defeat 250 Legendary creatures
0 / 250
Gain +500 Current Stamina


I thought this was changed to only activated during events.? Was it changed back once the number of spawned full time legendarys was increased?

#970840 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 27 October 2016 - 00:23 in General Discussion

Go get Ursa the bear, level 271

Yeah, I know of 3 in the realms. I just they thought Hoof changed the codes to only allow legendary DQs during legendary events. I very well could be mistaken though. 

#970843 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 27 October 2016 - 00:36 in General Discussion


Legendary ]
Defeat 525 Avian creatures
0 / 525
Gain +1,500 Reserve Stamina


Now that's a good Daily Quest!

#970845 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 27 October 2016 - 01:00 in General Discussion

Agreed. It's more of an appropriate reward for a Legendary quest whereas


[ Legendary ]
Break down 300 items
0 / 300
Gain +438 Reserve Stamina


Frankly sucks!

Indeed it does. Although, it's still an improvement from when they first began i guess.


A  buddy of mine just got this one: 

 Daily Quest [ Rare ] Travel 800 tiles 0 / 800 Gain +1,430 Reserve Stamina Time Remaining: 23h 19m 35s

#970997 Lag Lag Lag

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 October 2016 - 22:02 in General Discussion

"We're currently updating the game to fix the latency issues.

We'll be back as soon as possible!

Estimated return time: 23:00 October 28th 2016 (Current Server Time: 21:57)"



Do I smell some reserve stamina coming along?? :)

#971009 October events....?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 October 2016 - 22:30 in General Discussion

So sad. Was on my phone chatting with players all day. Could not wait for the event to start. Was so happy when it did. I ran my errands, grocery shopping, other stuff. Came home, cooked dinner for the wife and kids. I was actually able to borrow a laptop so I can get on and do the event. was on for 5 minutes and the game goes down. Sad just sad

Just be patient. They are attempting to resolve the issue and most likely they will.


edit: its back online now

#971011 Lag Lag Lag

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 October 2016 - 22:31 in General Discussion

Looks like we're back up!!


edit: and at first glance, it seems to be moving very smoothly! Thanks HCS!

#971041 Caching Failure - Apologies for any inconvenience! [Error: 2]

Posted by xxlooperxx on 29 October 2016 - 05:40 in General Discussion

Hcs, you still have some work to do!

Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Players Online

I've been getting some very slow page loads as well. Sadly, it's gonna be this way for 3 more days until the office reopens...

I don't understand how the summer xp event had little to no lag... And now we have this issue... Again... Lol

#971083 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 30 October 2016 - 01:01 in General Discussion

[ Legendary ]
Join 10 arenas
0 / 10
Gain +1 Max Auctions

#971138 Lag Lag Lag

Posted by xxlooperxx on 30 October 2016 - 19:57 in General Discussion

Hi there. Everything is showing fine for our server nodes, having put extra up. Cloudflare does report minor outages.

Still having some pretty long page loads trying to hunt some seasonal titans...

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