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#970695 Why some DQ should be reviewed?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 17:14 in General Discussion

Exactly right!

Dunno if this is possible but I can certainly ask Hoofmaster about it. However, I'd want to make sure it rerolls as another DQ of that Rarity to stop people trying to get a better rarity.

I would pay a few fsp if needed to reroll my Daily Quests if I had the chance! :). Possibly even every day I got one with a current stamina reward.. Lol

#961776 Updated and New Arena Potions

Posted by xxlooperxx on 05 April 2016 - 01:29 in General Discussion

What about a shield wall 200 or 225 (so that it doesn't exceed composing) potion for 100 tokens? If I'm mistaken, please correct me, but I don't think there are any potions out there other than the crystal ladder potions and composing that give that buff. We have a Armor Boost 300 potion from an egg, so seems to me that a Shield wall potion should be emplemented as well.

Edit: oh and +1 in that AS 1100 buff. Would make leveling a bit more interesting😬

#973235 Upcoming Double XP Event!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 08 December 2016 - 01:25 in General Discussion

Would be nice it had at least 1 day of the weekend involved with it... even Friday would help. The past 2 events It took me 5 almost 6 hours to hunt.. sadly I won't be able to do that because of working late and having to get up early the next morning. I'm sure I'm not the only one either. But oh well I guess I'll just have to settle for a normal hunt this time. Thanks for the event though regardless HCS!

#973017 Upcoming Double XP Event!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 05 December 2016 - 13:49 in General Discussion

Aren't these usually 96 hrs as well?

The last 3 have been 96 hours. The majority however have only been 48 hours at the start.. usually always get increased time though because of lag

#967395 titan doubler vs elemental titans

Posted by xxlooperxx on 23 August 2016 - 01:32 in General Discussion

yes..i am attacking the water guardian titan lvl 700 for ep quest...it did not work..no real big deal..just a few bits of gold down the tube..lol ..every kill with the quest hunter buff on..did 1x stam and 1 x kill ..so it really did nothing..maybe it is just the quest elemental titans it does not work on..never knew buff existed..so i have not tried it on a regular quest while hunting to see if it works..will try next hunt..  ...when i get done with these 500 kills..bummer,  titan died at 208 kills..hope he re-appears soon.

If I'm not mistaken, the scout tower will read the normal amount of times you killed the elemental titan. However, if you go to the quest book (or back to the spot of the map that tells you how many titans you killed) it will be the amount you killed x4. Quest Hunter does not not increase the amount of stamina used either. (eg. 1 stamina=4 kills)

#972046 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 18 November 2016 - 18:21 in General Discussion

Lol at the inferno hammers being priced at 150 each right now lol. After seeing the recipes, the tier 4 hammer is decent but not 1350 Fsp nice... lol

Also great idea HCS! Are there plans to do this to other gear? Would be cool to be able to upgrade SE or Legendary gear like this! Maybe even make it untradeable after it's upgraded?

#972129 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 19 November 2016 - 02:50 in General Discussion



How about something like this.  Inferno hammer is a level 200.

T1 = 2 Inferno Hammers, Level 200, +1 Stam gain

T2 = 2 T1 (4 Inferno Hammers), Level 400, +2 stam gain

T3 = 2 T2 (8 Inferno Hammers), Level 800, +3 stam gain

T4 = 2 T3 (16 Inferno Hammers), Level 1600, +4 stam gain

T5 = 2 T4 (32 Inferno Hammers), Level 3200, +5 stam gain


Hopefully the FS community keeps posting ideas and we can make something work :)

+1   this is a great idea. Only seems right that the higher tier is a higher level. Would also put some value on them..Especially after level 1131...

#972050 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 18 November 2016 - 18:32 in General Discussion

edit: nevermind

#974558 The Flight of Dragons!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 December 2016 - 22:54 in General Discussion

Similar to how they have a current stam flash sale during an xp event! They are leaving some milk in the Cow.

Yeah. I don't really want it for the eggs. Just hinting for a "random" back pack flash sale since I've been waiting for one for a few weeks now.

I've noticed if it's asked for, it usually appears shortly thereafter.. so just hoping lol

#974538 The Flight of Dragons!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 December 2016 - 19:16 in General Discussion

If only there was a backpack flash sale so I could spend more Fsp and hold more eggs😏

#970691 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 17:00 in General Discussion

Thanks for the event BG.

Does that mean I am right in saying Oidhche Shamhna or a Halloween event will be next week? Over the weekend including Monday?

Slightly off topic I know but I am not creating a whole thread to ask one small question. :P


Go smack some nublets on the ladder and wait and see :P. Lol. But I'm guessing those will be next weekend like you suggest.

Oh yeah, thanks for the event BG!

#970690 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by xxlooperxx on 21 October 2016 - 16:57 in General Discussion

Will legendaries in the scavenging caves cause legendary creature daily quests to activate?

#973908 Really bad lag?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 15 December 2016 - 02:42 in General Discussion

Anyone else having problems with the game?

I can't even get into it, I go to fallensword.com and just get a continuous page load

Edit: seems to be working now

#975469 PvP Smasher Medal

Posted by xxlooperxx on 16 January 2017 - 14:20 in General Discussion

It used to I believe. Resulted in a ton of random 100 stamina hits and people complained. So that's why it is like it is now, which I completely agree with

#972788 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by xxlooperxx on 01 December 2016 - 03:39 in General Discussion

I do like the idea of the PvP Global Event but I agree with Leos in that it would absolutely have to have an opt-in or it just wouldn't work well. I think for this we would just need to announce the event in good time (say a weeks notice?) to give everyone the opportunity to opt-in who wanted to take part.


I'll have a think over the details, but the focus should be on what would encourage the most players to want to take part in it.

Why not have a beta to iron out all the kinks before introducing it as a global. That way it can be done right this time around. I'm not trying to put it down.. I appreciate the time that was put into it, and overall it was a great idea.. But it just had too many flaws.. If a beta was used in the first place, i think it could been a successful addition to the game. 


I enjoyed it for the most part but to do so i had to sink nearly 1k fsp in stamina and epic chests just to compete with the players 2000 levels above me. 


So, think it over.. Release it on a beta server.. And let us help you make seasons global work for everyone :)

#974181 Pass the time?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 20 December 2016 - 02:42 in General Discussion

Do it :ph34r: I like lists. We can call it "Top 20 personal achievements in FS" B)

I'll start with no.1;
1. Win 100 PvP battles against the same player outside BB and Ladder. 100 stams only.

I love this.. however... can you imagine the chaos and complaining that would cause 😂😂

Kinda like that time they implemented a new medal... and everybody started 100 stamming everybody nonstop... it was beautiful... but sadly got changed...

#971184 Oidhche Shamhna V

Posted by xxlooperxx on 30 October 2016 - 21:43 in General Discussion

The initial total was the same as last year.

And you seen we only reached silver last year I believe(40,000,000 kills)? 50,000,000 is a little more reasonable though, thanks.

#971156 Oidhche Shamhna V

Posted by xxlooperxx on 30 October 2016 - 20:36 in General Discussion

Just noticed that Global Event Total got reduced to 50,000,000 rather than 75,000,000

#971009 October events....?

Posted by xxlooperxx on 28 October 2016 - 22:30 in General Discussion

So sad. Was on my phone chatting with players all day. Could not wait for the event to start. Was so happy when it did. I ran my errands, grocery shopping, other stuff. Came home, cooked dinner for the wife and kids. I was actually able to borrow a laptop so I can get on and do the event. was on for 5 minutes and the game goes down. Sad just sad

Just be patient. They are attempting to resolve the issue and most likely they will.


edit: its back online now

#970614 New Daily Quest Suggestion Thread

Posted by xxlooperxx on 20 October 2016 - 00:06 in General Discussion

Send 'x' number of in game PMs

Post 'x' times in guild chat

Post 'x' times in global chat

Sadly, that will do nothing but cause spam...

#963132 Loyalty Rewards Update

Posted by xxlooperxx on 08 May 2016 - 23:54 in General Discussion

How about this...

U could transfer at a fixed rate, your
Loyalty points into.. lets say arena tokens.. or ladder points.. ??

No... Absolutely not.. Do you realize how many loyalty points some people have stocked up? i have 20k.. and only donate every 2 or 3 months... lol.. Besides that, if you want arena points, play arena. If you want ladder points, hop on the ladder..

#973381 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 12 December 2016 - 01:32 in General Discussion

Rare ]
Break down 100 items
20 / 100
Gain +165 Current Stamina

Yes you read it right, this is a Rare quest.

Mine today is very similar.. except it's common, and has a better reward? Lol

[ Common ]
Break down 130 items
0 / 130
Gain +180 Current Stamina

#971218 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 31 October 2016 - 01:18 in General Discussion

Poor cats.... Without a doubt my favorite DQ so far!


[ Rare ]
Defeat 400 Feline creatures
0 / 400
Gain +1,073 Reserve Stamina

#974177 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 20 December 2016 - 01:37 in General Discussion

[ Legendary ]
Defeat 12 Super Elite creatures
12 / 12
Gain +3,375 Current Stamina
Time Remaining:


Took 1.5k stamina to complete. Pretty good turnaround! Especially since i was already maxxed out!

#970788 List of Daily Quests

Posted by xxlooperxx on 25 October 2016 - 19:37 in General Discussion

Finally got my first legendary DQ... And of course it's a current stamina one... Mehh...

[ Legendary ]
Join 10 arenas
10 / 10
Gain +750 Current Stamina

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