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#153775 Trying to PM: something wrong?

Posted by Eleonora2 on 25 December 2012 - 21:06 in Other Games

The way you messaged players in the game was via the in-game forum. Since changing the forum to the new Hunted Cow Community this feature is no longer available in the game, so we are going to look to change it next week to make it possible to message players within the game again.

It's now almost next x8 :( any word on when we'll be able to message other players in-game?

#153728 Planetary defense

Posted by Eleonora2 on 20 December 2012 - 19:59 in Other Games

Thanks Kai, i'll look into that

#153670 Most useless planet

Posted by Eleonora2 on 14 December 2012 - 19:24 in Other Games

In the category fun and games, this is the place to post the most useless planets you find for each map.

I'll start off with:
Ooh V (Tau Ceti) tiny ocean, minerals 1, artifacts 13

#153633 Planetary defense

Posted by Eleonora2 on 09 December 2012 - 15:01 in Other Games

Over 30 views and no advice?

Anyway my persecutor found and destroyed my colony *again* before i could even build defenses :(

This same guy leads and empire of 16 that i believe to be all multies of him :angry:

But i refuse to cheat out of the 1 safe colony per 5 empire members by creating multies, that's why i cant keep my colony safe

#153603 Planetary defense

Posted by Eleonora2 on 03 December 2012 - 14:06 in Other Games

I had my colony fried several times. Now i'm in the position to research some planetary defense options beyond the most basic stuff. Is any of them worth it or will a medium low player still be able to destroy my colony no matter what?

#153554 Solar Fleet: Game Update v1.2

Posted by Eleonora2 on 29 November 2012 - 19:20 in Other Games

Looks like some players are already (ab)using it to circumvent the maximum safe colonies by filling their empire with multi's.

#153553 HV6T Gauss Battery

Posted by Eleonora2 on 29 November 2012 - 19:14 in Other Games

Eh did you try your empire's shipyard(s)?

The research path is not that long but it is costly so i can't make it any time soon otherwise i would have offered to custom build it for you.

#153424 How to make a colony not attackable?

Posted by Eleonora2 on 18 November 2012 - 19:32 in Other Games

There is another reason a safe colony can become unsafe, that is when you have more than the number of ranken players in your emipre allows. If that's the case a random colony will become unsafe after approximately 1 day. You can manually unsafe a colony to avoid the random pick to unsafe one you do not want to become unsafe

#153391 Game portal broken for Solar Fleet?

Posted by Eleonora2 on 15 November 2012 - 19:35 in Other Games

This morning I was still able to go to Solar Fleet from the portal (started some research) when I got home it wouldn't allow me in but shows some logon screen. When I enter my fleet name it sais someone else is already using that name :(

Anyone else with this issue?

Also made ticket but saying office closed so probably wont be able to play for a day and a half :mellow:

Made a ticket earlier: SF-000314

#153390 Orbital Research Facility

Posted by Eleonora2 on 15 November 2012 - 19:27 in Other Games

Just guessing as i'm not that far yet but i think you have to build it in orbital view at your colony

#153389 How to make a colony not attackable?

Posted by Eleonora2 on 15 November 2012 - 19:23 in Other Games

Castros destroyed my colony :angry:

#758272 Game Update v2.06

Posted by Eleonora2 on 10 October 2012 - 17:23 in General Discussion

Please update the first message with known bugs and player wishlist.

From looking at it a bit (not even in depth)
- The time is *not* realtime, sometimes it stops counting down until i move mouse/click/do something
When i tried to create an auction it took so long that FF 15.0.1 entered not responding mode. I have three backpack folder and the main only has 24 slots (second time it was still slow but made it without not responding message)
- Paging is slow, even when set to 4 results and no filters it sometimes takes several seconds
- The dropdown lists are sometimes frozen, not responding to the button to show them

- Please remember my settings like gold only
- Please provide favorites like helper did under the old AH
- Please put navigation at top else i have to put it on 4 results in order to be able to page without having to scroll down
- With the new background for AH the backgroud of the item doesnt look nice, please change also or make item background transparent

Sorry to say but i'm not impressed :cry: getting the potions for my hunt will take more time with the new AH

#756630 Composing

Posted by Eleonora2 on 29 September 2012 - 10:59 in General Discussion

I dont see the need. On the contrary having affordable crystal gear in AH is a good thing imho. But those with large bp that want easy payback for the bp they bought may like it. No doubt they want Dawn Chomper items back at 20fps a piece instead of 2 for instance. Tough luck for them. No reason to introduce uber pots for just some stam like there was a qc going all the time.

The elite's that would get hunted are the ones in the small realms. Those are at low lvl so (hopefully) there will be quite a few needed for players doing the quests. Would hate to see low lvl players say "@#$% EoC is player is killing elite that i need for my quest all the time"

Dont see connection between with having events. Why cant we just have a chomper event, a LE event and a qc event every three months?

On a side note, when you use a cauldron why on earth call it composing? Smelting would be much more appropriate

P.S. the fact that i'm not jumping for joy over this idea doesnt mean i'm derailing the thread does it?

#754969 Further Achievement Info.

Posted by Eleonora2 on 13 September 2012 - 16:55 in General Discussion

Please implement the Kill x Undead achievements soon, i have a couple of lvl with undead coming up :mrgreen:

#754312 Global Event!

Posted by Eleonora2 on 08 September 2012 - 13:59 in General Discussion

How about having regional events too that count toward global. Let say same lvl ranges as pvp ladder. That would give some other people the chance to make top 100 though those with high max stam will always have an advantage. Would be a challenge to set the # kill required to a reasonable value though

#753749 Global Event!

Posted by Eleonora2 on 04 September 2012 - 20:01 in General Discussion

Maybe I'm just cynical but exactly how do you get 10,000 kills in 4 hours Lamium when you only have 790 max stamina? Also I notice your level doesn't match up with your max stam and playing time, are you blowing all your wages on the +25 stam upgrade every day :?:

Surely you wouldn't be trying to fool us lowly players would you? :?:

Because I don't play the game much I have plenty of reserve stamina to use when it comes to event's like this.

This is the first global event I took part in because I wanted to show the players that the Dev's do hold an interest in playing the game and if I'm not mistaken, every other day there's a request for the dev's to play the game more.

As for the kills, I had loyalty tokens enough to buy a global doubler from the loyalty store which helped too.

If anyone who could do the epic quests and has not done them already doing them would allow that kind of kills. If you plan ahead for them and are not too unlucky you should end up with 10+k current stam.

Who sais the pots are overpowered? I still wouldnt be able to kill the lvl 1470 elite without taking some risk if i met it :P :lol: :mrgreen:

#753544 Upcoming Event and Scavenging Changes.

Posted by Eleonora2 on 03 September 2012 - 17:05 in General Discussion

Global doubler still allowed yes?


Nice :D I'm in even though my bp is still full as i'm saving the chest from last global quest for a time using it would give most benefit like xp event or maybe the other potion to do an elite hunting session to finish a bunch of quests maybe

I'm going to hunt later today, the four day duration will allow qualifying even on empty at the start.

#752896 Auction House Overhaul

Posted by Eleonora2 on 29 August 2012 - 17:04 in General Discussion

A feature that might be nice to see is the option for a bidder to cancel their bid.
i.e. A person bids on the wrong item then not have enough funds to bid on what they were really after.
Another upgrade to the auction house that would be awesome would be to get fsp/gold back immediately after being out bid. I hate having to wait upto 48 hours to get my fsp back after I've been outbid.

If they were used properly they would be handy, but I feel they'd be too easily abused ... Could very easily be used to force up prices.


Player "A" lists item for 100 fsp.
You bid 101
Player B bids 102
You bid 103 and Player B gets his 102 back immediately and is free to go off and buy something else he wanted to, but delayed to help a mate. All that's been accomplished there is that you're bidding 2 fsp higher than you originally were.

I know that folk have a "ceiling" for most items, above which they won't go, but I still think it's abusable.

That's a shame tho, 'cos they could be very useful additions.

Too easy to abuse both ways. How about
Player A bids 10mil on rubish item with no buy instant
Player A increases bid by 10 mil
Player A notices market is low
Player A cancels bid and enters an fsp offer (good margin above current highest so it will probably be met fast)
Player A buys fsp cheap at very low risk (who needs protection duh)


Player B banks and puts the rest of his gold on some rubish auction
Player B is offline till his hunt
Player B hunts, increasing his bid whenever on hand gold reaches 100k
Player B is done hunting, cancels bid, banks and puts the rest on some rubish auction

Can already be done but need to have a friend or guildmember for it now, and you have to wait until the auction time has passed. Making it much easier to do would rob the thieves of their opportunities.

#752849 Separating PvP and Leveling via 2 servers

Posted by Eleonora2 on 29 August 2012 - 00:54 in General Discussion

[quote name="Maehdros"]I'm not quite sure how the current changes to the bounty board are BAD? Players can no longer be hit from the board for *free*, each bounty can still take 5 levels. More punishment is now possible against those who pvp. It;s what levelers ASKED for.[/quote]
The free hits where a laugh but not a big deal. BB has never worked for me so i just dont use it anymore. Changes to it are irrelevant to me unless they remove the possible abuse or provide a real deterrant. I did test the new BB after last change and it was no different than before.
[quote name="Maehdros"]
[quote name="Eleonora2"]- it should be impossible for a PvP-er to destroy a leveler, as is a PvP-er can stop several levelers dead in their tracks if (s)he so chooses destroying the game for them[/quote]
If a player feels someone is purposely ruining their game play, they should send in a ticket. It's what the staff is there for.[/quote]
This has been mentioned and refuted in other treads. Seems it sometimes helps but often doesnt. I remember a desperate tread a long time ago by someone who was prevented to level through xinderoth by a pvp player taking all xp he made hunting. Staff did nothing then.

[quote name="Maehdros"][quote name="Eleonora2"]Two questions. How much stam does it take to make someone lose a whole level? How much stam does it take to gain a whole level (in my level range, not counting specials like gloal quest reward potions)? I rest my case.[/quote]
It's approximately 1300 stam or so ( variance plus the xp gain) to take a level off someone hourly. It Can take 0 stam to gain a level ( xp gain) or with the new common release of global potions it can take the same amount of stam leveling. ( and yes special globals have alot to do with this discussion)[/quote]
You evaded the questoin :wink: so once again how much stam would it take to gain a level in the range i'm in without using special and not always available super potions? Btw i'm at 55% of this level and xp gain would take till dec 2017 to get me to the next....

[quote name="Maehdros"][quote name="Eleonora2"]This idea of two servers you mean? PvP-ers get a fully functional server and the levelers a downgraded one without some of the prime gear? I think Mae knows it would never work. PvP server would die of gold addiction withdrawl. Leveler server would hurt without that gear but would continue. In ecology the herd animals would use up the resources and need predators to keep their numbers in check. No such limits here. But like in ecology the predators cannot exist without the herd. So PvP server will perish unless they start doing the hated leveling/hunting PvE. [/quote]
Levelers get a similar server without accesss to gear otherwise obtained only via pvp. ;) Those who want to gvg , ladder, pvp or bounty hunt would be on the pvp server, they can still hunt and level on that server, so there;d be gold hitting surely.There would be bounties, and gold, ( since no one can buy protection)

Not sure how that server would die? Sounds like lots to do in my opinion, Heck they could even have pvp global events WITH xp loss. While the leveling server has normal critter killing globals ;)
[/quote]Maybe it would not but some of them would have to hunt for gold and many have professed detesting hunting PvE

[quote name="Maehdros"][quote name="Eleonora2"]I have put forth some suggestions to take the edge off of the exesses of PvP and this rant is what you come up with? You want to protect player that harass others. You want levelers to quit because the game was made impossible for them? I was once 100 stamed almost every hour for two days and came very near to quitting. You want PvP to live? Than you have to stand
with the levelers to prevent exesses like that. If you do not and spout the nonsence about signing up to a pvp game than (some) levelers will keep pushing to minimize all pvp.[/quote]
It seems that incident still stick s with you today. I;m sorry you feel that way.I;d ask if you knew why ( if there was a reason) you were hit, but well, I don;t want to upset you further or stray off topic with an argument.
[/quote]I simply dont know, i do not know what makes many pvp-ers tick. I do know there are *some* that get their kicks from hurting others, maybe such was the case

[quote name="Maehdros"]
[quote name="Eleonora2"]And talking about selfishness, the PvP-ers keep pushing to increase gold stolen. And they are pushing to have the xp loss on the bounty board limited in the case they the bountied multiple times. They scream about market price and blame protection but never stop to think about the consequences of what they do while fear of being hit over on hand gold is what pushes levelers to offer ever higher prices to mitigate that risk. Selfishness plain and simple.

If what you love about PvP is the causing xp loss to levelers (not as a side effect but as an objective) than yes there will be no compromis
Who;s asking for less xp on the board? It seems the whole hit = bounty has been well accepted by the pvp side. They adapted. Only issue is gold, and the fact there's little to be found.[/quote]I forgot which tread it was and cant find it now. However they got answered that way back there was no limit to the level loss

[quote name="Maehdros"]
[quote name="Eleonora2"]Like I said in another thread giving the victem xp would solve many problems. Thieves would have plenty gold to steal. PvP should increase dramatically. BB could be very much alive. More gold could be sunk. Dont expect this going to happen though :?

I'm just putting in my own whacky idea to offset the other mentioned above. Wanting to gain xp from PvP is perfect example of wanting to have it both ways. And it's (although limited) in the game already: PvP Prestige. Talking about win buttons
do you mean no xp loss in pvp , just a defender gaining xp when defeated?
[/quote]Yes but it's just a jest to offset the suggestion that pvp attackers should receive xp. I do believe though that it would achieve all that i mentioned :P

[quote name="Maehdros"]And how, is pvp prestige a win button? Consider how many bounties, or risk of bouties is needed to gain the 10% bonus xp, it's far from a win button. It was meant to entice players to dabble in pvp.[/quote]
Yes and maybe some levelers did try it but one could as easily view it as a free bonus to pvp-ers to help them (re)gain levels they may or may not lose from bounties.

Also other things were tried to push levelers into pvp like the gear that is better than a leveler could get (barring just buying). Again some levelers probably tried but i think it's been a nice source of fsp for those who were already pvp-ers before.

You never hear pvp-ers about this

#752828 Separating PvP and Leveling via 2 servers

Posted by Eleonora2 on 28 August 2012 - 22:24 in General Discussion

Congratulations you actually got me so angry i had to do my hunt first and cool off a little before replying. I think when you read leveler you stopped using your brain and went into rant mode. You most certainly didn't do a very good job trying to understand what i posted but reacted in a way that seems like serious tunnel vision to me.

Mae asked what would make you PvP.

Even though i'm pretty much a leveler i do PvP by his definition since i dabble a bit in arena. And i have been looking at joining the ladder but sofar decided against.

And in the past i did some real PvP:
- some quests once required minimum pvp rating so i hit a few people (and send appology and returned all gold lost)
- i used to hit back on all attacks as warning not hit me

ill choose to leave everything above this point alone for now.
then do so without this flase statement

So what happend? Some people dont stop when you hit back, in fact some see it fit to bounty even though they started it all. I value my xp so i quit PvP to stay off the Bounty Board.

i know a lot of PVPers in this game. i have been in a couple of the largest PVP guilds in the game. of all that i know non do this. in fact it goes against our way of playing. now i know there are some that do this kind of thing, i recommend stomping some levels off of them. and besides every game needs some one to be the villains
PvP-ers keep saying this but levelers who where stupid enough to strike back know this is not uncommon (unless it miraculously changed lately). Come out of the tunnel you have hidden yourself in

Why than try arena and look at ladder? Because of the gear that can be won/earned. It goes against the grain but many times the arena/pvp/gvg gear is the best.

So what should change?
- reduce damage done, i dont want to hurt someone nor to get hurt myself. This is why arena was acceptable to me

hurt? if i hit you in PVP how am i hurting you? if you are feeling real pain over a simple PVP then you should not only be not playing but maybe talking to someone. not trying to offend here just being serious.
Hurt, harm, same difference. Grimnok understands, why dont you?
Besides all that here is my suggestion. if you reduce the amount of XP/Gold lost in a PVP hit or the damage done in any other way then the cows need to balance it and by that i mean that they need to reduce the amount of XP/Gold you gain in a hunt so that it takes 3 to 4 times the kills to gain a level. then and only then would that be fair

I meant xp loss. Nice that without knowing anything about how much less you come up with having to need 3 to 4 times the kills to gain a level. What do the two have to do with each other by the way?

- fix the bounty board (*again*) so it cannot be abused so easily

how exactly is it abused? honestly non PVPers got everything they wanted with the BB there are no free hits. all hits are bountyable. ect ect ect. leave the BB alone
If you have not figured by yourself i'm not going to enlighten you. It is ridiculously easy to abuse though. That change you mention actually made it even more abusable so get the idea out of your head that PvP-ers 'gave' levelers something there

- it should be impossible for a PvP-er to destroy a leveler, as is a PvP-er can stop several levelers dead in their tracks if (s)he so chooses destroying the game for them
i do not understand this statement at all
Two questions. How much stam does it take to make someone lose a whole level? How much stam does it take to gain a whole level (in my level range, not counting specials like gloal quest reward potions)? I rest my case.

- i see the BB not primarily as punishment but as prevention, it should be possible (though requiring good deal of effort) to get protection against a single player that harasses you (bounty someone x times and they permanently cannot attack you anymore, maybe make it choice)
no.. just no.. to many reasons no.
That's zero reasons, you will have to do better than that.
there are a lot of ways in the game to protect your self as it is (in fact there are to many in my opinion). plain and simple.

I have not been able to increase my max stam in months now, how do you figure i would be able to afford xp lock or protection? And i dont think i'm the only one in this position

About the idea to let PvP attackers gain xp that would totally change the nature of the game. If you want a game like that i suggest you try Battle Kinght (mod: if this is not allowed please strike suggestion).

you really need to go read the TOS. it states clearly there that you are not allowed to promote any other games ether in bio or forum or anywhere else.
I am not promoting it, i'm using it as an example of a totally stupid pvp system (if it even still exists)
Besides that. Non PVPers have been trying to get rid of us for a long time. this was giving them what they wanted.... and that is still not good enough... beyond that we ENJOY PVP and are tired of watching it get ruined more and more by all of you that are so selfish in game that it is not even funny. you want the game your way or no way. there is no middle ground there is no compromise.. if i am being harsh here sorry but i am tired of it. NonPVPers expect us to change EVERYTHING about what we LOVE in this game to suit them but i have not seem more than a couple of them willing to compromise even a little. there are a couple of you that honestly want to try and i thank you for that.
This idea of two servers you mean? PvP-ers get a fully functional server and the levelers a downgraded one without some of the prime gear? I think Mae knows it would never work. PvP server would die of gold addiction withdrawl. Leveler server would hurt without that gear but would continue. In ecology the herd animals would use up the resources and need predators to keep their numbers in check. No such limits here. But like in ecology the predators cannot exist without the herd. So PvP server will perish unless they start doing the hated leveling/hunting PvE.
I have put forth some suggestions to take the edge off of the exesses of PvP and this rant is what you come up with? You want to protect player that harass others. You want levelers to quit because the game was made impossible for them? I was once 100 stamed almost every hour for two days and came very near to quitting. You want PvP to live? Than you have to stand
with the levelers to prevent exesses like that. If you do not and spout the nonsence about signing up to a pvp game than (some) levelers will keep pushing to minimize all pvp
And talking about selfishness, the PvP-ers keep pushing to increase gold stolen. And they are pushing to have the xp loss on the bounty board limited in the case they the bountied multiple times. They scream about market price and blame protection but never stop to think about the consequences of what they do while fear of being hit over on hand gold is what pushes levelers to offer ever higher prices to mitigate that risk. Selfishness plain and simple.
If what you love about PvP is the causing xp loss to levelers (not as a side effect but as an objective) than yes there will be no compromis

Like i said in another thread giving the victem xp would solve many problems. Thieves would have plenty gold to steal. PvP should increase dramatically. BB could be very much alive. More gold could be sunk. Dont expect this going to happen though :?
can you explain what you mean here please. ether i really dont understand what you are saying here or you are saying you should just be handed XP for what? nothing? you want the cows to just start boosting your XP??? there is no end to the win buttons asked for ont eh forum these days....
I'm just putting in my own whacky idea to offset the other mentioned above. Wanting to gain xp from PvP is perfect example of wanting to have it both ways. And it's (although limited) in the game already: PvP Prestige. Talking about win buttons

#752791 Separating PvP and Leveling via 2 servers

Posted by Eleonora2 on 28 August 2012 - 16:46 in General Discussion

Mae asked what would make you PvP.

Even though i'm pretty much a leveler i do PvP by his definition since i dabble a bit in arena. And i have been looking at joining the ladder but sofar decided against.

And in the past i did some real PvP:
- some quests once required minimum pvp rating so i hit a few people (and send appology and returned all gold lost)
- i used to hit back on all attacks as warning not hit me

So what happend? Some people dont stop when you hit back, in fact some see it fit to bounty even though they started it all. I value my xp so i quit PvP to stay off the Bounty Board.

Why than try arena and look at ladder? Because of the gear that can be won/earned. It goes against the grain but many times the arena/pvp/gvg gear is the best.

So what should change?
- reduce damage done, i dont want to hurt someone nor to get hurt myself. This is why arena was acceptable to me
- fix the bounty board (*again*) so it cannot be abused so easily
- it should be impossible for a PvP-er to destroy a leveler, as is a PvP-er can stop several levelers dead in their tracks if (s)he so chooses destroying the game for them
- i see the BB not primarily as punishment but as prevention, it should be possible (though requiring good deal of effort) to get protection against a single player that harasses you (bounty someone x times and they permanently cannot attack you anymore, maybe make it choice)

About the idea to let PvP attackers gain xp that would totally change the nature of the game. If you want a game like that i suggest you try Battle Kinght (mod: if this is not allowed please strike suggestion).

Like i said in another thread giving the victem xp would solve many problems. Thieves would have plenty gold to steal. PvP should increase dramatically. BB could be very much alive. More gold could be sunk. Dont expect this going to happen though :?

#752284 Present Darkness (Epic)

Posted by Eleonora2 on 26 August 2012 - 07:45 in General Discussion

(sorry off topic :oops: )

More stam gain whooo hoooo!

Not necessarily - could mix it up and add bp slots or increment xp gain, or anything really - looking forward to finding out tho.

Please no more stam gain, marketprice is high enough as is thank you.

#752283 Arena tokens

Posted by Eleonora2 on 26 August 2012 - 07:38 in General Discussion

I like the idea. Have been trying the arena and won some moves. But the item arena's are dominated by a small group of professional arena farmers.

Arena could be far more interesting than it is now if the counter attack move was changed. As it is it makes winning for defense setups impossible as it ignores player defense so it will hit whenever it activates which is at the worst 25% chance (probably higher).

Second that the winner should get no token, they already have their reward.

#752093 Upcoming Achievements (and suggestions!)

Posted by Eleonora2 on 25 August 2012 - 12:01 in General Discussion

No retroactives places unnecessary restrictions, anything one time is than out like doing quest, reaching level

If the reward is like an extra backpack space than it should take effort to earn. Would love to see the reward related to the achievement.

Got one idea, think you can guess what it's for: :)
It's got to be Perfect

#751755 Suggestion: PvP Protection Change

Posted by Eleonora2 on 24 August 2012 - 17:44 in General Discussion

Make it so that levelers GAIN xp when they are PvP-ed and there will be plenty gold to loot. Will also cause more gold to be sunk. Everyone happy! :P

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