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#1005332 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by mary4ever on 16 September 2021 - 13:38 in General Discussion

First of all thanks for suggesting the new skills to the community and not just implementing them !!!


Before I start I have ONLY read BigGrim's OP so some things here might have already been posted by others + I am basing my oppinions on those criteria:

  • Cash is spent to buy FSPs during Special Offers + to receive 1 - 2 EPIC donation chest/s & the Allegiance / Loyalty Tokens are Extras !!!
  • New pots should NOT negatively affect any other rewards like EPIC donation chests, Global chests, PvP Ladder, Arena, .....
  • Skills should NOT be too low or too high, same applies to Allegiance / Loyalty Tokens cost & duration time !!!
  • Allegiance / Loyalty pots are ALL BOUND !!!




Here are a few changes we are considering to existing potions.
Change Potion of Intensity to:
Doubler 1500 Loyalty 200
Change Auspice of Ancients to:
Conserve 440 Loyalty 100
would suggest lvl 350 - 400 + a cost of 100 Tokens !!!
think would greatly help NEW & lower players, thus keeping the Token cost low
Change Scholars Draft to:
Adept Learner 400 Loyalty 250
Librarian 400
would suggest lvl 350 - 400 too + a cost of 200 Tokens !!!
think would greatly help NEW & lower players, thus keeping the Token cost low
Potion of Ultimate Global Acceleration Cost reduced to 1000.
Move Fast Track Draft from Caves and upgrade to buff level 200. Loyalty: 100.
Here are 13 new proposed potions and their loyalty costs.
Warriors Elixir. Loyalty: 750
Fury Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Berserk Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Dark Curse Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Enchanted Weapon Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Wither Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Shatter Armor Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Enchanted Armor lvl 200
Keen Edge lvl 200
I would add EA + KE instead of wither + SA, drop the Token cost because these levels can already be cast with the help of Buff Enhancer, maybe 150-200 Tokens !!!
Additionally I would add it as a Guild RP Pack too !!!
another great RP Pack would be:
Armor Boost lvl 200
Shield Wall lvl 200
Terrorize lvl 200
Flinch lvl 200
Sanctuary lvl 200
Constitution lvl 200
Potion of the Quester. Loyalty:  500
Find Item Level : 400 Duration : 120m
Quest Finder Level : 200 Duration : 120m
Quest Hunter Level : 200 Duration : 120m
would change them to:
Find Item lvl 1000
Quest Finder lvl 250
Quest Hunter lvl 250
Potion of Precision Strike. Loyalty:  500
Arterial Strike Level :  1000 Duration : 120m
Forgemaster Draft. Loyalty:  150
Epic Forge Level :  200 Duration : 120m
add Epic Craft lvl 200
for 200-300 Tokens
Magical Carapace. Loyalty:  500
Defensive Aura Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Layered Armor Level : 250 Duration : 120m
think the Token cost should be dropped to 200-300 
Hunting Lord Potion. Loyalty:  500
Doubler Level : 3000 Duration : 120m
would increase the Token cost to 750
I will not lie, this would greatly benefit people like me (big stamina banks) as I used to buy a donation chest just for a high doubler !!!
usually I would say no because it interferes with the donation & global chests BUT as the skill Doubler does NOT affect any target stats (PvP or PvE) + it does NOT increase xp gain (AL, OK, ....) or even save stamina (Conserve) I will give it an OK. (Doubler is just a multiplier, same as Global Booster)
Another reason would be that a high Doubler has been requested a lot by big stamina banks so this should satisfy them.  :P 
In the end it is up to HCS 
Potion of the Divine Hunter. Loyalty:   1000
Doubler Level : 5000 Duration : 120m
​agree with the Token cost of 1000 !!!
Potion of Divine Knowledge. Loyalty:  750
Adept Learner Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Librarian Level : 900 Duration : 120m
Obviously NO, remove that pot !!!
It should be obvious why it negatively affects donations, global events, .... + seriously STOP with the "power creep" !!!
Rampage Potion. Loyalty:  750
Animal Magnetism Level : 500 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Obviously NO, remove that pot !!!
same as the above
Alchemist Prized Potion. Loyalty:  750
Distil Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Brewing Master Level :  500 Duration : 120m
Obviously NO, remove that pot !!!
This one is the worst, again please STOP with the "power creep" !!!
This is so bad that I do not even know where to start as it would take too long to summarize all the cons as It negatively affects almost all game plays (Arena, PvP, GvG, ......)
Just want to add that the highest currently available BM is lvl 300 from the Arena & that should stay so !!!
Potion of Supreme Global Acceleration. Loyalty 2000
Global Booster 1000
The Token cost is too high + currently GB lvl 1500 costs 1200 Tokens, so a lower GB lvl 1000 should obviously cost less !!!
Potion of Devilish Global Acceleration. Loyalty 3000.
Global Booster 1500
I am a bit confused, the GB lvl 1500 pot has 3 different names: (1 from FS & 2 diff names in OP)
Masterful Global Booster Potion (https://fallensword....&subcmd=loyalty)
Potion of Ultimate Global Acceleration (https://forums.hunte...=1#entry1005037)
Potion of Devilish Global Acceleration (https://forums.hunte...=1#entry1005037)
The Token cost is too high as we already have GB 1500 for a cost of 1200 Tokens !!!
Potion of Godly Global Acceleration. Loyalty 5000.
Global Booster 2000
The Token cost is too high !!!
Currently we have those Global Boosters:
We look forward to your feedback on these proposals. We also welcome any additional ideas you may have.
~ The Fallen Sword Team


Honestly the Loyalty section should have "unique" rewards only available there, would love to see more like the realm chest KEYS which are ONLY available on there


LINK => https://fallensword....&subcmd=loyalty


Please do NOT add any skills close to EPIC donation chests => their value would drastically drop => less donation (after all why would the past donators donate again when they can get the same epic skills from the Token shop, the vast majority hardly uses their tokens so they are sitting on them  B) !!!


Please do NOT add any skills close to EPIC global chests => less people would participate => as we all know the top 100 get us the most total kills + are usually big stamina banks !!!


Please do NOT increase the "daily Allegiance Tokens", HCS has already introduced DOUBLE & TRIPLE Token rewards during special offers so either patiently do the Daily Quests or just donate, in the end this game is still running due to donations !!!


IMO the highest AL, LIB, Conserve level should not be higher than 400 !!!


As mentioned, try adding rewads that are truly unique & are not close to EPIC donation / global chests to NOT negatively affect them !!!



maybe Stalker lvl 400-500, Sacrifice 750-1000? (I know sacrifice lvl 500 is in some global chests BUT it is not in any of the EPIC donation chests, at least I think so)

& / or even a new Skill => Immortal: 0xp loss when defeated vs. Creatures. (PvE & does NOT protect Gold loss)

Titan Doubler lvl 200 would be a choice too since it can already be cast with Buff Enhancer & might help low lvl players who can not cast it yet or not available in buff market at that time !!!


Lastly please keep the Token cost at a reasonable value (for Example 3000 Tokens for just a GB 1500 is too expensive)



  1. Which of these Token potions will be available to be purchased with GOLD too? (like all the current KEYS, Global Boosters)
  2. Do all the listed Token potions have a 120 min duration? (except for the GB pots that have 60 min)

#1004055 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by mary4ever on 13 June 2021 - 04:12 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.


We've heard the feedback regarding Stamina Gain on Relics. While we don't see any benefit from stripping it from existing higher level relics, (it'd just cause ill will with those holding them), we have no problem seeding them through lower levels.


Our question to you, the Community is this: Would you have a problem with us changing the stats of lower Relics to allow for moving those stats to Stamina Gain or would we be looking at simply adding it?


We'll have an in game poll running and feedback here with any reasoning is greatly appreciated.


Poll broken. Will put it back up once repaired.


~ Grim

you can either do ....


1.) the laziest method


simply add as many Stam Gain relics as you desire & ignore ALL other relic iusses !!!

you can even change ALL relics into "Super" Relics that have FULL +% Stam Gain, Max Stam, Stats, Enhancements


it's a band aid that ignores all other relic issues, gets rid of any competition & teamwork, relic battles, .....



2.) you actually do some work


A ) FIX the current relic battles which are a **** JOKE !!!


enough said, everyone who has ever captured / defended relics knows it !!!

from a low "1-man-guild" (who was a low lvl player himself with 2 low joiners) took 100+ relics without any "issue" to HCS admins kamicazer7 (was at the time lvl 50 or so) & hooftest taking our relic that had 50+ defenders also without any issues

granted most were not in pvp gear but still a lvl 50 beating 50+ defenders were at least half of them were EOC !!!


B ) Make capturing relics a permission !!!


I used to mentor some small guilds & the issue they ran into was that new players would simply capture relics their guild did not need (also happens to other guilds, regardless of size) & they could not get "rid of it" which brings me to my next point ...


C ) Add a "dismiss Relic" option !!!


As said, add a "dismiss Relic" option with a COOLDOWN to avoid abuse !!!


D ) preferred Relic value


Contrary to what many believe it is not Stam Gain Relics that low / new players actually need, as mentioned before: I used to mentor small guilds & what they needed the most was MAX STAM Relics !!!


of course do NOT take my word for it & please make a game poll that ONLY includes low players, NOT high players like me, EOC, afterall the "new relics" are for them !!!


E ) Supply & Demand !!!


I do not think I need to say anymore, just please make sure to NOT add too many & keep them at a decent number so they are still "attractive" / desired, encourage activity, teamwork & relic battles !!!


F ) "Optional" NEW Guild Relic WAR System !!!


Make TEAMWORK actually matter in relic battles & encourage TEAMWORK, please do NOT discourage it !!!



Guild A captures a relic from Guild B

Both Guild A + B will have 12h time to accept / decline "Relic War"

(new relic war permission to accept / decline will be added)

If after 12h no option has been choosen it will automatically count as a decline to avoid abuse !!!

If Guild A declines then they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild B will have control of that relic

If Guild A accepts + Guild B declines then then B will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild A will have control of that relic

If both Guild A + Guild B accept then they will enter a 7-day-Relic-War that looks like this:


Attack Ranges: 

50 - 500 (+/- ??) 

601 - 1000 (+/- 100)    

1001 - 2000+ (+/- 300)

2001 - 3000+ (+/- 500)

3001+ (+/- 1000)

(the attack ranges can be changed by HCS / players who know their ranges better than me)


During those "7-day-Relic-War" both members of Guild A + Guild B will enter a "PvP-War" where they can hourly hit (look above for attack ranges) each other & even bounty each other !!!

they will get their own guild "Bounty-Board" where only Guild A + Guild B can participate in !!!

during the "7-day-Relic-War" time Guild A + Guild B can still capture / defend their relic like normal until the war is over !!!

(it has to be PvP aka xp loss involved, you have to pay a "price" & fight for the relic (bonuses) you get !!! hoof remember how relics were fought for, many guilds, regardless of size battled in PvP for them & generated high activity !!!


I will leave the Scoring System to HCS / the community

both Guild A + Guild B can retreat from the "7-day-Relic-War" at any time BUT it will count as a loss & they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic !!!


For every additional +1 relic those guilds battle about +1 day will be added to the "7-day-Relic-War"

so if they battle for 4 relics in (1+3) the war will last 10 days in total !!!


to make it even more exciting several guilds can get involved, either helping Guild A / B or even be against both biggrin.png

several guilds can war against each other for 1,2, ... relics or even "support" another guild (so small guilds can tackle a big guild, ....)

it will greatly encourage TEAMWORK, activity + many other things

  • NO guild can be forced against their will / permission to enter the "7-day-Relic-War" to PvP !!!
  • the "7-day-Relic-War" can only start if it has been accepted by someone who has the permission to !!!
  • at any time any guild can "retreat" from the "7-day-Relic-War" & it will be counted as a loss


this is just a "prototyp-system" so it is far from perfect (an EXAMPLE & everything is up for HCS / community to decide) so no need for me to go into details atm

ps: IF point (F) is implemented then it already takes care of point (A)
(+ after implementing strip ALL guilds of ALL relics & let the GAME begin smile.png  !!!)


I will never understand why HCS keep avoiding / discouraging TEAMWORK / competitions !!! best ("worst") example is PvP

I mean are not games generally played to compete?


FS has great potential BUT has been declining for years, no matter how good the app is it will hardly matter when the actual game has many "broken" gamestyles which need to be updated & will struggle to keep the new ones or even the older ones !!!

honestly I have been hardly active for a long time, as have many others I noticed since aside from the 3 repetitiv main events (Global Event, LE Event, Leveling Content) there is nothing else to do since most if not all the other game aspects are "broken" & need to be updated + when I am online I chat which there are many other apps better for chatting than this one ...


others have already said it before, it is NOT that there are not any good ideas / suggestions (the community has provided numerous good ones over the years) but simply the  "communication" with HCS is lacking !!!

to put it bluntly: we simply get some "lip service" without any action ....


I have so much to say but let's 1st wait & see where this leads ...

#1003532 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by mary4ever on 06 April 2021 - 00:50 in General Discussion

1) before anything else please fix any reported bugs !!!


here is a link to some if they have not already been fixed => https://forums.hunte...=3#entry1003213

plus some others:

-) LAG + ERROR messages still happening until this post

-) Invented items are now automatically transferred to BP instead of Mailbox, please change it back to MAILBOX !!! (new players hardly have any BP slots so questing and daily quests like "invent 50+" will be a pain for them !!!

-) When you open a Chest then the potion inside gets transferred to BP instead of Mailbox, please change it back to MAILBOX !!!

-) When empowering a relic it sometimes does not show in guild logs

-) Items from AH take longer than normal (1 minute max after the auction has ended) to get automatically transferred to MAILBOX), at the moment it is random

for Example: I had items that ended at the same time but received them in my MAILBOX at different times, each item after some seconds or even minutes (might be due to LAG)


2Please create a NEW topic for each game style


It is best if an admin creates a NEW topic for each game style (GvG, Arena, PvP, Composing, Rewards, .....) for discussion and posts the LINK here, otherwise posting many topics in only 1 thread will get chaotic, many pages, ...... just a mess




I am talking about GAME - polls, NOT forum - polls so you reach more people since only a few even visit the forum & to know what the community actually wants / prioritizes




Improve socializing "tools" to generate activity !!!

the recent fixed chat, leader chat, news, log - Notifications have led to more activity, we were finally able to see when a chat / leader chat message would pop up

maybe even the "FSP - chest" I have been posting about like in many other games (at the end of this post-link: https://forums.hunte...3#entry1003213)

or a mini game for FS like tetris, ......

IMO anything that generates activity !!!




do NOT simply only listen to players, not to me or anyone, when you do some changes then please OBSERVE !!!

hoof has done some very good changes through observing  :D



:) thanks Arioche for the thread & hope to see good things in the near future  :) 

#1003213 Composing Update (v3.0.0)

Posted by mary4ever on 23 March 2021 - 19:54 in General Discussion

Point taken about SH - we've capped it at level 480 now.


Also will look to see if we can increase the message limit to 512 as well :)

hi Hoof!


it's very rare to see you around but when you are here then stuff quickly gets done so .....



MXDmuuv.png  this "pop up" stopped appearing a long time ago


8QFEHeV.png  this "pop up" stopped appearing a long time ago


H0Kmilg.png this "pop up" stopped appearing at all whether you get buffed, send items, ST, get items in Mailbox, ...


FeOFo14.png this "pop up" stopped appearing when a Titan spawned / the PvP Ladder reset / new medals achieved


JT14OlX.png this "pop up" started appearing when you get a private message

problem is that you will need to have the "Character - Tab" open 24/7 to know when you will receive a message

I think you should introduce a new "pop up" for private messages too because what we currently have is really bad sad.png


some of these BUGS have been reported to Support & in Forum years ago & are still reported until now by numerous players & everytime we get the same reply >>> will forward & will be fixed in the next game update <<<


other BUGS that appeared

  • NO "pop up" for Mass Messages or any kind that we usually got before the Update (Composing, sold items, .....)
  • many experienced extreme lag immediately after the Update, apparently hoof was online & saw it, he "fixed" it for the majority but few still have trouble
  • Invented items are now directly transferred to BackPack instead like usual to Mailbox !!!
  • try opening a potion from a chest and see what happens ....
  • others

Hoof, please fix them ASAP !!!


the missing "pop ups" (look at screen shots) have unfortunately really made FallenSword almost unplayable sad.png


the UI is not "user friendly" anymore, for years we do not know when a new chat / leader message appears which lead to less communication / logins .....



 a "selfish" request that is very quick to implement + sure that will increase activity (like I have seen in other various successful games)


while we are waiting for HCS, they can implement this awesome feature:


the amount you enter will be transfered (substracted) from your FSP account to your "FSP chest" that will appear in your Mailbox !!!

(EXAMPLE: if your account has 1000 FSPs and you input 200 FSPs, then your account will have 800 FSPs & the "FSP chest" a value of 200 FSPs !!!)

then this "FSP Chest" (hope HCS will give it a cool design) can be gifted to players, this will generate activity especially during events, occasions, holidays, ...... 

this is much better than just receiving fsps (proven in other games & sure many saw it in other games, I ♥ it)

hope we will see it very soon & at the same time HCS can observe the activity during that day  :D

we should do EVERYTHING we can to increase game activity so PLEASE Hoof let's do that !!!

#1003079 Towers => Orbs

Posted by mary4ever on 05 March 2021 - 08:25 in General Discussion

it is a good list mary, only one thing I would like to see, Allegiance Tokens (loyalty tokens)


for those who donate they have thousands of Allegiance Tokens, some of us even over a million  :)


please try to add Allegiance Tokens to the list and I already know whom to send he first fsp gift chest  :P

should not be that hard to add the Loyalty Tokens =>

  • Recipe D = 1 x Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens + 1 x Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens + 1 Bag of 10000 Loyalty Tokens

(NEW PvP Ladder Reward added called “Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens” + Arena Reward called “Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens” + Loyalty Reward called "Bag of 10000 Loyalty Tokens)


oooohhhh you are such a sweety, I am sure many others will be sending out those "gift chests" too



I finding problem


before hunted cow hammer was value having but then hcs give titan that drop weapon with same 7 stam gain and hunted cow hammer value getting destroying


now problem what if hcs making same mistake and giving titan drop 7 stam gain, same as hunted cow amulet and helm, then it will ending destroying value like what happening with hunted cow hammer


in your list there epics who having value and needing time for getting, needing time is good because will giving activity to game but if epics value getting destroying then everything will becoming joke

I get what you are saying BUT in my oppinion HCS "experimented" with the HC Hammer weapon (+7 stam gain) by releasing other 2 x +7 stam gain weapons (Flayed Colossal Axe & Greater Flamedeer Antlers) to check how it will go ....


this led to the HC Hammer (was the best stam gain weapon) quickly dropping over 50% of its value, it has been for years almost constant

so I seriously doubt HCS will make the mistake by releasing another +7 stam gain amulet or helm, would undoubtedly destroy their value + currently the HC Titan is the ONLY NON-seasonal titan that gets quickly hunted & killed, by releasing any +7 stam gain amulet / helm will be the nail in the coffin + BigGrim is in charge of releasing them so have some trust  


I want to add the same thing should apply to the +7 stam gain armor too, we currently have 2 other epics (Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass, Ridged Plate Cuirass) that there should NOT be another +7 stam gain armor added to NOT destroy them, especially the RP one, will have an even more negative impact on GvG conflicts  


btw there are so many NEW Epic drop ideas, EXAMPLES:

for LOW lvl Titans => they can fill the missing stam gain slots

for HIGH lvl Titans => they can drop Quest Items to invent like the Perchtas Gift Sack, ... or why not something new, how about a potion, a frag stash; I am sure they will be sought after and it does not always need to be an epic item drop from a titan but that is kinda off topic so if someone wants can create a new topic & collect some ideas (details)  

#1002692 Towers => Orbs

Posted by mary4ever on 30 December 2020 - 19:41 in General Discussion

so what your saying is our thought dont matter or are wrong ?

you kept insisting over & over again that the list of epics is for EOC players (which is WRONG), then I went out of my way again & posted a long list (ALL the information was taken from the UFSG written by HCS) which took a long time to prove you wrong


so if you can not or do not want to understand that for example the Ogaliths Fiery Grasp is (lvl 100) & NOT at EOC then keep on trolling, here is the UFSG LINK to the EPIC written by HCS => https://guide.fallen...ew&item_id=7026


why players always falling for his trick? he always doing same trolling for getting attention


mary4ever, I telling you what I telling others too and everyone knowing, not replying to him, he never caring about topics, he will posting whatever that can giving him attention and you making mistake, look what he answering to you


you making long listing from hcs page they writing and he can seeing he wrong but he posting nonsense for getting you replying to him for getting attention

if you not ignoring him he will keeping trolling for attention until topic closing

I just wanted to give him a chance despite knowing how he usually behaves, well my fault for thinking he was actually interested in the topic rather than his usual trolling, will add him to iggy



ugh seems like a certain person (BP) is trying to disrupt one of my topics again, she knows I put her on iggy years ago after what she & the previous troll (yw) did dozen of times getting many topics locked ......


@thanks to everyone else for keeping it civil & please do not let "certain individuals" provoke you so they can get the topic closed like they did in the past, really appreciate it guys ♥


So with Towers and Orbs what will be the trade off if any for  relics?

relics??? ORBS have NOTHING to do with relics, they are 2 completely different things !!!


If a guild has Towers and orbs there should be some handicaps implemented or restrictions on relic ownership come into play.

again, ORBS have NOTHING to do with relics, they are 2 completely different things !!!


RELICS are FREE (NO gold or FSP to spend) to capture & if you do not empower them they are FREE forever, if you empower them you pay a little gold amount per hour !!!


Towers are Structures (cost 100 FSPs per Tower) & ORBS can be placed in those Towers !!!


Orbs can be invented & placed into the Towers, to invent 1 x ORB (estimate on current AH market) it will cost ~10 000 FSPs !!!

as you can see they are very pricey, this is if you manage to successfully invent each Recipe from A to K (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) + finally the Orb without failing, otherwise will obviously cost even more, the tiered ones will cost X times more so I do not think there should be an upkeep or any additional "handicap" because honestly who in his right mind would risk inventing (might fail) & spend that amount + at the end has to pay an hourly upkeep or any additional "handicap" !!!

maybe I misunderstood you, do you please mind explaining EXACTLY what you mean with "handicaps"?



again, this suggestion includes items from many aspects of the game, a single player can get them too but will be obviously a lot more difficult !!!


I for instance know that I can not get certain items myself, ARENA tokens for example, would take me an eternity (if I am lucky :P) BUT know many others who do not have any problem getting those, same with RP items, PvP Ladder Tokens or other items in my list, there are always people who excel in certain areas, some in Titan Hunting, Arena, PvP Ladder, GvG, ......


I hope this suggestion can spark activity into those game aspects  :)


please feel free to keep posting questions, improvements, ..... 


@thanks to everyone else for keeping it civil & please do not let "certain individuals" provoke you so they can get the topic closed like they did in the past, really appreciate it guys ♥

#1002568 Towers => Orbs

Posted by mary4ever on 23 December 2020 - 08:27 in General Discussion

ok this is getting strange im agreeing with penny twice ,everything new is for EOC but they still want more

like I said you are either trolling or simply did not bother checking out the items, they were not just chosen randomly, I put some thought into them but let me proof to you that your statement "everything new is for EOC" is WRONG !!!


  • Recipe A = 1 x The Hunted Cows Warhammer + 1 x The Hunted Cows Amulet + 1 x The Hunted Cows Helm

The Hunted Cows Warhammer =Pail Of The Hunted Cows Milk + Spirit Tainted Boots + RESOURCES

The Hunted Cows Amulet  = Pail Of The Hunted Cows Milk + Pulsing Heart Armor + RESOURCES

The Hunted Cows Helm = Pail Of The Hunted Cows Milk + Sword of Emerald Fire + RESOURCES


Pail Of The Hunted Cows Milk is dropped by the lvl 50 The Hunted Cow (Titan) !!!

Spirit Tainted Boots + Pulsing Heart Armor + Sword of Emerald Fire are found in REALM CHESTS from lvl 1+

RESOURCES are drops from VERY LOW creatures 


  • Recipe B = 1 x Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass + 1 x Chodrcane Gloves + 1 x Perchtas Grasp + 1 x Perchtas Rune

Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass = Lode Stone of Steamforged Gorgeanaka + Pendant of Fushiyoma (lvl 200 SE)+ RESOURCES

Chodrcane Gloves = Chodrcane Core + Vexus Royal Helm (lvl 150 SE) + RESOURCES

Perchtas Grasp = Perchtas Gift Sack + Super Elite Items (900 Azure + 2225 Mourarchians)

Perchtas Rune = Perchtas Gift Sack + Super Elite Items (610 Pinoldar + 680 Tagozs)


Lode Stone of Steamforged Gorgeanaka is dropped by the lvl 3600 Titan, Chodrcane Core is dropped by the lvl 75 Titan, Perchtas Gift Sack is dropped by the lvl 225 Titan !!!

RESOURCES are drops from VERY LOW creatures 


  • Recipe C = 1 x Ridged Plate Cuirass + 1 x Shadow Weave Gloves + 1 x Vine Tendril Gauntlets

Bobanarts Crystal Skull + Bottle of Gorgon Tears + Fang of Meng Zhang


ALL 3 of them are RP items from doing GvG Conflicts which players lvl 50+ can do



  • Recipe D = 1 x Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens + 1 x Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens

PvP Ladder is available for players lvl 25+ => https://www.fallensw...p?cmd=pvpladder

Areana is available for everyone => https://www.fallensw...x.php?cmd=arena


  • Recipe E = 1 x Inferno Hammer (Tier 5) + 1 x Steamwork Cuirass (Tier 5) + 1 x Writhing Ward (Tier 5)

The Inferno Hammer (200), Steamwork Cuirass (300) & Writhing Ward (100) are invented from MANY different VERY LOW LE, SE & RESOURCES => https://guide.fallen...d.com/index.php


Deepwater Choker (lvl 60)
Death Ring of Lestus (lvl 60)
Ogaliths Fiery Grasp (lvl 100)
Arcing Sabatons of Cyclonus (lvl 125)
Feather Amulet of Kantec (lvl 125)
Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps (lvl 260)
Venoxa Tox Gland (lvl 250)
Wazargs Siege Helm (lvl 250)
Tith Ausos Shield (lvl 350)
Fuvayus Vortex Stone (lvl 400)
Echiphons Scale Gauntlets (lvl 450)
Gorgeanaka Skin Shoes (lvl 450)
Pyramid Amulet of King Sothad (lvl 600)
Rune of Boteroth (lvl 750)
Mace of the Colossus (lvl 700)
Tsukiyaomos Benighted Helm (lvl 550)
Krakaradon Tooth Harpoon (lvl 1131)
Helm of Kojin (lvl 1200)
The Mask of Terror (lvl 1600)
Choker of Time (lvl 1925)


Roach Rune of Epidemicus (lvl 1200)
Kraganaths Krushing Helm (lvl 2200)
Dragon Draped Breastplate (lvl 1101)
Elemental Shield Blank (lvl 900)


ALL above informations are FACTS taken from the HCS page & can be visited by anyone to verify at https://guide.fallen...d.com/index.php



ok this is getting strange im agreeing with penny twice ,everything new is for EOC but they still want more


EOC is currently at 4725, the highest level one in the WHOLE list is the Steamforged one at lvl 3600, ALL others are lower than half of EOC or much much lower 

SO because of ONLY 1 single high lvl one (3600) out of the MANY lower ones + even that 3600 one needs more lower items to invent, you claim "everything is for EOC????

you are either trolling (like usual) or simply do not have any idea what you are talking about


no not trolling just saying the same as what penny is saying that it will only help a select few not the whole game as a whole 

like I said above


take out the stam gain and it would prob work.some how i cant see the cows just giving out stam gain like this ,for example as soon as it came out there would be 4 or 5 guilds with the structure in about 1 hour

  1. the structure (tower) you are talking about is an upgrade available for 100 FSPs each (EVERY guild can buy it), the "ORBS" are invented & placed in the Towers !!!
  2. so "sacrificing" many epics to invent an "ORB" or even a tiered one that requires HUNDREDS of epics WITH Stam Gain does not make sense for you that they will get Stam Gain in return?????


I think if something promotes activity within the game is good for the game as a whole.

Involving players from multiple facets of the game (Arena, Ladder, Titan, so on) can be good too. Very few players have access to *all* the resources on this list. I think most players will find themselves taking to the market to get their hands on these upgrades. Eventually, a shortage of goods will happen and everyone (little guy included) will try to get their hands on anything they can sell at a profit.

It will create activity in the long term, because even if they "big guys" don't take long to get it, the "smaller guys" will have something to work on for the long term.
yes, that's the idea, to create activity in the LONG term for EVERYONE regardless of being high or low level & as I proved above, the vast majority of the items are in range of low players !!!
The list might need some tweaking (less Hunted Cow items, higher # of lower Epics because of availability) but beyond that, I think something like this could benefit *everyone*. Some will just get it faster than others, that's all. Which is not a new thing, but hey.

like I keep saying, everything can be changed BUT I honestly think the Hunted Cow items need to stay, this is NOT only about the unused epics, some who want it faster will have to "sacrifice" their own epics for the greater benefit of the guild & I know many who would !!!

+ as you said, it will create activity in the LONG term !!!


very good


you made thinking for hcs where they can putting it easy for coding very fast, sending chest with fsps to friends is always good 

hehe thanks but honestly they can place it wherever they want / is faster / easer for them to implement !!!



I don't see the point of that at all ??

Giving someone a "chest" with 200 fsp is exactly the same as giving someone 200 fsp without a graphic ??

I believe you that you do not see the point of that at all BUT what you view as pointless does not necessarily mean others feel the same, let me try this .....


from your posts in FS Box / Shout Box / forum topics you created & forum posts you seem to be very passionate about Super Elite hunting (like I used to be about PvP until it got **** up like what we have now), nothing wrong with that BUT I know many who find it pointless, specially going over the amount of the diamond medal 


maybe this ....


in Real Life, when we gift someone money or an object (be it for a birthday or any occasion) then do not we often "wrap" it up?

the bank note stays the bank note and the object an object, still we wrap it up, why?

it stays the "same" BUT we keep doing it, it's about the gesture !!!


I do not know if you are aware of this but those of us who donate know that during the X-mas special offer you can input the name of a player (friend) you want to gfit FSPs & then the player will receive the FSPs with a nice X-mas message, it's a nice "trick" / idea that I have seen in other games too & it works !!! 

it's still the "same" as just sending FSPs directly but still players do it !!!


if it does not hurt anyone (which it obviously does not) BUT most importantly as I have seen in other games will promote activity (especially during events, occasions, holidays, ......) so I am all in for it !!!

it is a "strategy" used by game developers & it seem to have the desired effect !!!

I am sure once its implemented many will use it !!!

#1002494 Forest of Yule begins!

Posted by mary4ever on 18 December 2020 - 02:21 in General Discussion

the Mega Flamedeer (Titan) drops this item


#1002488 Towers => Orbs

Posted by mary4ever on 18 December 2020 - 01:57 in General Discussion

everything new is for EOC but they still want more

I am not sure if you are trolling again (like usual) or just ignored ALL the ingredients in the recipes because othewise you would not have said that, below is a list of all the ingredients used it the recipe, feel free to check their level to know that they are NOT at EOC, here is the link to the UFSG ==> https://guide.fallen...d.com/index.php


1 x The Hunted Cows Warhammer

1 x The Hunted Cows Amulet
1 x The Hunted Cows Helm
1 x Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass
1 x Chodrcane Gloves
1 x Perchtas Grasp
1 x Perchtas Rune
1 x Ridged Plate Cuirass
1 x Shadow Weave Gloves
1 x Vine Tendril Gauntlets
1 x Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens  (new)
1 x Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens (new)
1 x Inferno Hammer (Tier 5)
1 x Steamwork Cuirass (Tier 5)
1 x Writhing Ward (Tier 5)
3 x Deepwater Choker
3 x Death Ring of Lestus
3 x Ogaliths Fiery Grasp
3 x Arcing Sabatons of Cyclonus
3 x Feather Amulet of Kantec
3 x Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps
3 x Venoxa Tox Gland
3 x Wazargs Siege Helm
3 x Tith Ausos Shield
3 x Fuvayus Vortex Stone
3 x Echiphons Scale Gauntlets
3 x Gorgeanaka Skin Shoes
3 x Pyramid Amulet of King Sothad 
3 x Rune of Boteroth
3 x Mace of the Colossus
3 x Tsukiyaomos Benighted Helm
3 x Krakaradon Tooth Harpoon
3 x Helm of Kojin
3 x The Mask of Terror
3 x Choker of Time
3 x Roach Rune of Epidemicus
3 x Kraganaths Krushing Helm
3 x Dragon Draped Breastplate
3 x Elemental Shield Blank

& the "Orb" can be invented by any level !!!

#1002483 Towers => Orbs

Posted by mary4ever on 18 December 2020 - 01:28 in General Discussion

Provide further examples for SE hunters and LE hunters etc etc and then I'll give a more balanced viewpoint

take a look at Recipe B & E (for more info check the UFSG, too long to post)



I agree this idea does not seem to be for everyone - but I have no clue as to why some think, that everything should be available for everyone from day one. Some stuff, you need to work for.

EXACTLY !!! what would be the point of implementing something that could be achieved on the 1st day???

the idea is to encourage activity (PvP, GvG, Titan Hunting, ......) for as long as possible, NOT just for a day !!!



Have a look in fs guide there are only 150 hunted cow helms and only 180 hc amulets in the game.how many guilds can allow them tier5 Orb? If you remove recipes A,B,C and E,from Orb recipe, than this Orb makes sense. Otherwise it will be not usable from most guilds game feature .

EP is answering it ==>

Market will find a way, supply and demand. Demand will skyrocket and people will GvG/TH/Invent more etc... There is also about 80 milks and who knows how much TKP floating. Maybe receipe A should only be a requirement to craft the 4th/5th orb. Anyways It's something to work towards and eventually they will trickle in and be competed for. Not everything has to be instantly accessible for every single guild/person. The point of the game is to have something to strive for and work together for ay?



I liking your idea very much, it having conflict, pvp, arena, inventing, farming, very good


at beginning and lower tier ok reward but when you go higher tier you will needing very much many epics and I thinking in higher tier need little more increasing rewards

maybe but like I said, up to HCS, Community to decide, I just gave out EXAMPLES


you can adding xp gain in hour and you can making after tier increase you unlocking new guild RP buffs (you can choosing buffs)

hmm xp gain & RP buffs are a possibility too


I agreing biggrim can making recipes, he doing it for quests and this fast

yep yep yep, that's why I went with the recipes, for all I care we do not need any artwork for the recipes, just the letters A - K to keep it simple :-P


I saying again, it good idea but it having very big problem, problem is when will we seeing it?

even if hcs saying it good, they will doing it will getting on list and then what needing not 1 day for coding will taking hcs many years, this very bad

we will see BUT I made sure to keep it as simple as possible so up to the Recipes should not be a problem


I agreing and everything that needing competition, hcs removing and making it bader and it becoming joke


they doing it to pvp, gvg and others


last relic battles was bad, player saying to hcs many times it is joke, every nobrain can capturing all relics of game, even relics that having more 50 defenders

what hcs doing, they making it more easy taking relics lol, they increasing 1 group 5 relic lol

friends then making joke and saying next buff we seeing will be making taking relics more easy and more joke of game

next buff hcs creating is Warcry +0.1% per point increase in group member stats while active (excludes the Group Leader)


what players saying as joke hcs then really making, this not logic

I am not going to comment on that, please stay on topic


at end I wanting saying I liking fallensword very much,  it very good game hcs but I not knowing who making last idea updates to game but knowing this person not understanding fallensword game

you can making little thing that can giving activity, I looking at christmas offer that you can writing friends name and then he getting

in other games I playing they having this:

you can creating potion and deciding how many coins you putting in it (coins is fsps in other game), if account having 10k coins and I putting 2k coins in potion then I ending with 8k coins, I then can sending it to players for gift and player then opening it and getting 2k coins to his account, this making activity for players come online and doing activity 

this very little and fast to making and doing activity and very high activity on special days

I know what you mean & I ♥  it, have the same or at least similar one in other games

hope you won't mind that I will add it to the OP 


just to make it short & some facts: big Guilds <=> small Guilds

  • GVG Conflicts ==> smaller Guilds have a huge advantage than bigger guilds, they can earn RP not only easier but also faster, any experienced GvGer will tell you the same, I used to be GF of a small GvG guild & my guild was the 1st one to achieve 100 wins without any losses or draws
  • Titan Hunting ==> difference is small, just check the current Titan Event or at any time which guilds secure !!!
  • SE Hunting ==> no difference
  • PvP Ladder ==> LOL, many people do not believe until they try it out themselves
  • LE ==> no difference
  • Inventing ==> no difference

#1002436 Towers => Orbs

Posted by mary4ever on 13 December 2020 - 14:59 in General Discussion

Seems like almost every game aspect hardly has any activity anymore so …..

Introduce “Towers” (= a Guild Structure)

They can be bought under the Guild Upgrades Section for 100 FSPs each (4-6 Towers in total)


“Orbs” can be placed in “Towers” & the “Orbs” need to be invented !!!

to invent an “Orb” will require a lot of EPIC resources => so let’s get as many game aspects involved as possible (all kinds of Farming from Resources to LE, Inventing, SE Hunting, Titan Hunting, PvP Ladder, Arena, GvG Conflict, …..)


Recipe A = 1 x The Hunted Cows Warhammer + 1 x The Hunted Cows Amulet + 1 x The Hunted Cows Helm

Recipe B = 1 x Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass + 1 x Chodrcane Gloves + 1 x Perchtas Grasp + 1 x Perchtas Rune

Recipe C = 1 x Ridged Plate Cuirass + 1 x Shadow Weave Gloves + 1 x Vine Tendril Gauntlets

Recipe D = 1 x Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens + 1 x Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens

(NEW PvP Ladder Reward added called “Bag of 100 PvP Ladder Tokens” + Arena Reward called “Bag of 1000 Arena Tokens”)

Recipe E = 1 x Inferno Hammer (Tier 5) + 1 x Steamwork Cuirass (Tier 5) + 1 x Writhing Ward (Tier 5)

Recipe F = 3 x Deepwater Choker + 3 x Death Ring of Lestus + 3 x Ogaliths Fiery Grasp + 3 x Arcing Sabatons of Cyclonus

Recipe G = 3 x Feather Amulet of Kantec + 3 x Skaldirs Frostbitten Steps + 3 x Venoxa Tox Gland + 3 x Wazargs Siege Helm

Recipe H = 3 x Tith Ausos Shield + 3 x Fuvayus Vortex Stone + 3 x Echiphons Scale Gauntlets + 3 x Gorgeanaka Skin Shoes

Recipe I = 3 x Pyramid Amulet of King Sothad + 3 x Rune of Boteroth + 3 x Mace of the Colossus + 3 x Tsukiyaomos Benighted Helm

Recipe J = 3 x Krakaradon Tooth Harpoon + 3 x Helm of Kojin + 3 x The Mask of Terror + 3 x Choker of Time

Recipe K = 3 x Roach Rune of Epidemicus + 3 x Kraganaths Krushing Helm + 3 x Dragon Draped Breastplate + 3 x Elemental Shield Blank


“Orb” = Recipe A + Recipe B + Recipe C + Recipe D + Recipe E + Recipe F  + Recipe G + Recipe H + Recipe I + Recipe J + Recipe K

Furthermore “Orbs” are tiered =>

Orb (Tier 1) = Orb + Orb

Orb (Tier 2) = Orb (Tier 1) + Orb (Tier 1)

Orb (Tier 3) = Orb (Tier 2) + Orb (Tier 2)

Orb (Tier 4) = Orb (Tier 3) + Orb (Tier 3)

Orb (Tier 5) = Orb (Tier 4) + Orb (Tier 4)



  • Function of those invented “Orbs”

“Orbs” can be placed into the “Towers” (=Guild Structure) to give BONUSES !!!

Here are some EXAMPLES: (each Orb placement can give 1 of those Bonuses, either Stam Gain, Max Stam, Teleport Cooldown reduction, get % more Guild Experience (GXP) per Creature, get % more Experience (XP) per Creature, …..

Orb = +1 Stam gain, +1k Max Stam, -1 sec Teleport Cooldown, +1% GXP, +1% XP,

Orb (Tier 1) = +2 Stam gain, +2k Max Stam, -2 sec Teleport Cooldown, +2% GXP, +2% XP,

Orb (Tier 2) = +3 Stam gain, +3k Max Stam, -3 sec Teleport Cooldown, +5% GXP, +5% XP,

Orb (Tier 3) = +5 Stam gain, +5k Max Stam, -4 sec Teleport Cooldown, +10% GXP, +10% XP,

Orb (Tier 4) = +10 Stam gain, +10k Max Stam, -5 sec Teleport Cooldown, +15% GXP, +15% XP,

Orb (Tier 5) = +15 Stam gain, +15k Max Stam, -6 sec Teleport Cooldown, +20% GXP, +20% XP,

These were just some Examples

So if a guild has an Orb (Tier 2) and wants Max Stam then they have to insert the Orb into the Max Stam Tower to get ONLY the Bonus of +5 Stam gain !!!

If a guild has an Orb (Tier 5) and wants more GXP then they have to insert the Orb into the GXP Tower to get ONLY the Bonus of +20% GXP !!!



  • The Epics in Recipes A, B, C were choosen on purpose because they need the most ingrediens, are the most expensive & will take time to get them !!!
  • I choose to NOT include any of the Elemental Weapons (Javelin, Hammer, Trident, Blade) into any Recipe for obvious reasons (are already used to invent the 4 Elemental Shields, titans do NOT drop them, is from a quest + will get too expensive for new & low players), same why did NOT use any Elemental Shields in any Recipe !!!
  • Each Tower has a different function, meaning that there is a Stam gain Tower, Max Stam Tower, Teleport Tower, GXP Tower, XP Tower, …… (this is to avoid abuse by a guild getting 4-6 Towers & placing Stam Gain or Max Stam Orbs in them, each Tower can be used once, meaning you can only have ONE single Stam Gain Tower, NOT multiple ones, applies to the rest too !!!
  • Everything I posted here is just an EXAMPLE (epic ingredients, quantity, ....)


The main reason is to increase activity for a much longer period + get as many people involved (as you can see it will require the help of multiple players, the whole guild to invent the “Orbs” + will take a long time to upgrade the Orbs + TEAMWORK + different kinds of game aspects + finally something to do as many of us just hardly login to do anything & most importantly the Recipes hardly need any “special” coder since BG can do that which should be FAST to implement ^_^


Please feel free to post your opinion, ideas, improvements, …. as the Recipes, kind of Rewards are up to HCS, Community what they want to see AND as usual keep it civil  :)



while we are waiting for HCS, they can implement this awesome feature:


the amount you enter will be transfered (substracted) from your FSP account to your "FSP chest" that will appear in your Mailbox !!!

(EXAMPLE: if your account has 1000 FSPs and you input 200 FSPs, then your account will have 800 FSPs & the "FSP chest" a value of 200 FSPs !!!)

then this "FSP Chest" (hope HCS will give it a cool design) can be gifted to players, this will generate activity especially during events, occasions, holidays, ...... 

this is much better than just receiving fsps (proven in other games & sure many saw it in other games, I ♥ it)

hope we will see it before the NEW year & at the same time HCS can observe the activity during that day  :D 

#1002221 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by mary4ever on 16 November 2020 - 00:10 in General Discussion

I do not think I need to post my oppinion about the relic group change, it's rather obvious BUT ......

guys, you thought 5 was horrible, it's NOT just 5 ..... it's 10 baby, 10 !!!  :P


so 1 group => 10 relics !!! (do not forget the upgrades)  :P


I do not want to sound ungrateful BUT I would rather see 1 update that the community actually wants rather than 5 updates that the community does not want, need or care about !!!


please do NOT get me wrong, I am always happy to see any kind of update => this proofs that someone is working on FS !!!  :)


I would really appreciate it if HCS makes a GAME POLL (NOT forum poll so you reach more people) & let the community decide which update they want to see next (just gives us 5 choices & go with the majority vote, like you did in the past)


this would avoid wasting your time on "bad updates" which you will have to spend even more time to fix + actually get some updates that the community wants / needs, would be a WIN - WIN for both the community & HCS  :D

#1002057 Fallen Sword Bug Fixes - Update v2.203.0

Posted by mary4ever on 03 November 2020 - 17:59 in General Discussion

really appreciate the update BUT unfortunately the PvP one got even worse .....


so you can join the PvP Ladder, smash everyone for FREE Prestige, Smasher progress, Dominance Progress, Daily Quest & quickly leave via buying PvP Protection WITHOUT any risk getting hit back or bountied !!!


this is really bad ....



trick question


the map is very big (22 x 16) => how EXACTLY do you WALK this long distance in 1 second without Teleport, just walking


winner gets an epic wink.png


ps: it is possible !!! (not joking)


will accept 2 seconds TOP too tongue.png

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