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#964322 Development Update

Posted by Blissy on 12 June 2016 - 01:43 in General Discussions

I have been playing this game for about 18 months. I love this game and have enjoyed playing it. I have supported this game since I started playing. I do think that the devs of this game have refused to listen to the players, have refused to give this game the attention it truly deserves, and most of all do the required maintenance that a game needs. No matter how small the team is, maintenance is needed to at least keep a small community of players playing. I understand bills have to be paid and money has to made in order to do pay those bills but............ if HCS doesn't give the basics how can they ask players to continue to support this game? I personally ask the HCS team to not let this game DIE! This is a small but tight knit community that truly enjoys the friendships that has developed during game play. Do small things instead a 1 large thing at a time, advertise, and do regular maintenance. once you get players to start playing give them encouragement to continue to play by making sure it is playable.  Listen to players, and be more honest with the players, and most of all communicate with the players. Please, Please, Please do not abandon us when we as players have not abandoned yall (HCS).


bahhh used up my votes for the day sooo thumbs up toothie dear~ hiya o/

#964318 Development Update

Posted by Blissy on 12 June 2016 - 01:28 in General Discussions

BTW blissy you are welcome in my guild.  and considering i was OCD before guilds..... :P


also i'd have like 20 cats if i had the space and money\


O: uhm we always hear of the Cat Ladies but never the elusive creatures Cat Dudes (not sure what to call them lol).  

You must be a rare breed my friend haha....


Me, I only have the one kitty but more then enough for me.  I"d have a small dog too if I could since me kitty can't go to the park with me and stuff lol. 


haha well I know ocd peeps wouldn't be tossing my toons out unless they really need room and honestly I doubt that is needed at this time.  I know several are atm fooling around in a different game though not sure they ofc still play some eld too.


me, I"m still not up for checking in game but peeked at forum again lol. 


and I take that invite as a standing invitation sooo's u never know haha.  I do have like 10 toons or something like that.

#964317 Development Update

Posted by Blissy on 12 June 2016 - 01:21 in General Discussions

unless you guys do something reaaaaaaly stupid.  like elect trump in scotland.....   


can we maybe ship trump toooo scotland and cut out the stupid people here that may vote for him? lol js :c

#963839 Development Update

Posted by Blissy on 02 June 2016 - 00:07 in General Discussions

I took a break once and then again but peek back here to see what may transpire. ofc sadface but also agree with some posts that glad to see some kind of response from the devs.


I will say I have always hoped this game took off and I really do love this game but when I came back after several months again I found I was starting to repeat stuff and not sure what else to do that would make me feel like the game was staying fresh and fun.


That said if it wasn't for me peeps in game to do some dungeons with and talk me into some running around TA ( mostly to run away from you guys haha) and some BF stuff I may have stopped again sooner as while I actually enjoy the game because it gives me the option to actually be able to solo most quests ( thus freeing me up to afk at will and stuff lol) I don't want to play an mmo completely without some group participation activities so I'm glad I found some eldy peeps to do that at times.


anyway long ass post haha... uhm arse~

cya on the darkside~ mahwahaaaa...


or sooner if I get myself to peek in on game in a month or so.


have a great summer (just putting that out there, me I kind of hate summer, always have always will lol ) :D


ps. to my ocd peeps, if you must give me the booty from the guilds I understand but if i peek back you better put me in so I can see that title on my head again. in my mind it stands for obssessive cat disorder! :D

#960700 HC what is happening to all the servs: random log outs, dcs, more then ever

Posted by Blissy on 14 March 2016 - 21:23 in Bug Reports

ok, remind me to dont take all mobs on RG to outisde boss 1 and 2 i can do it on kidref (melee tank) and its loot of fun on the lagg. its only press randome skills and hope it work to hold agro

 lol naw if you as a tank can handle large mobs and healer can handle it then I don't see why not if the rest of the group is cool with it.  like I said it can be fun either way.   I dont' find all groups do the same things in dungeons all the time and that's the fun of it.

   I think you should just keep on doing what your doing as long as all are cool with it I dont' see the problem and lag just makes it a bit more challenging at times for some but it's not always the case so you just never know.


I have been in groups where tanks can handle large mobs and it's fun for them and can be fun for me to even if I experience lag during it because it keeps me guessing.  will I survive or not lmaooo :P.    

#960629 HC what is happening to all the servs: random log outs, dcs, more then ever

Posted by Blissy on 13 March 2016 - 14:37 in Bug Reports

Is this a problem with a lot of players ? Just wondering because I haven't had any random dcs or logouts in ages.


I noticed a bit after this thread things improved on my end.  Oh not saying I still haven't had lag but I always has something depending on the server or usually in dungeons or wb runs.  however I noticed an improvement when I'm just on the map in general that it improved a bit at times surprisingly I had the least lag or random rubberbanding moments on OC and had experienced more on EU and US (which US should be my best server and OC the worst due to location).


could be just random luck, internet behaving, time of day I played but maybe if others are seeing less occurances then before they did get a heads up and looked into it. idk.


Now in dungeons if large mobs are being taken by the tank I lag like there is no tomorrow and I guess that's just how it is in this game in dungeons.  Can't say it doesn't make it interesting and funny at times.  :P

#960524 Stand alone version won't work anymore

Posted by Blissy on 10 March 2016 - 13:04 in Bug Reports

Yeah I also just use a Windows PC but well she's using a Mac XD
I really don't understand why it's not working ... I mean she can login to my account with the stand alone version just not into hers (and yeah I asked a few times if she really used the right mail and password XD). But on browser she can easily login to her own account... Also I am able to login to her account from stand alone version and browser....

Your friend is stuck on OC server? I wouldn't mind that cause I'm playing on OC most of the time but well did he tried to login in a different way (steam, stand alone, browser version) and change server? I noticed for myself that if I login from stand alone version it automatically sends me to EU server but if I login from browser it logs me into the server I've been before (mostly OC).

Other option If your friend trusts you enough you could try to login with his information and try a server change...

Bout support : think they're having several games and not that many employees for the support which would explain the long waiting times for a response .... I mean there's not even a "we are having a look into it, please be patient"....

Purple Duke


idk if he tried other client/browsers. nope I wouldn't even ask to do that  but we are guildmates and friends in game ( not local/rl friend) but maybe if he knows someone locally that plays or someone he knows for really long time he can try that.


hopefully they just reply to his ticket.


it's an issue with linking email to acct or some such thing.


 some players had problems of various kinds about logging in to their acct or whatever when they linked with steam for various reasons, didn't do it correctly or something but whatever it is hopefully it's resolved.


I use the HC client only however I did link my account to a steam account so I could purchase the steam packs that were being offered since you could only purchase them through steam.   I think at first I ran into a small issue with logging on after that but it was resolved promptly at that time.

#960494 Stand alone version won't work anymore

Posted by Blissy on 09 March 2016 - 14:40 in Bug Reports

I wish I could help but I don't know anything about Macs ( having only a windows pc).


I don't know what's up with HC lately about replying to tickets.  


In the past when I have sent the occasional ticket I have always gotten decent timely replies.  


A friend in game is stuck on OC server due to some link account thingie since last week and sent ticket in ( hope he sent more then one at this point but to many in some games can make the wait even longer) and still he's stuck where he can't go to EU or U.S server if he wanted too. 


This and your issue is the type of thing they should be responding to in a timely manner so as not to prevent the person from enjoying and playing the game and subsequently getting fed up and quitting so I hope HC responds to these tickets soon and you all receive some help.

#959786 HC what is happening to all the servs: random log outs, dcs, more then ever

Posted by Blissy on 26 February 2016 - 03:46 in Bug Reports

i agree. they used to be really active on the forums and we'd even see them visit and play with us in game.. but over the last year this has all but stopped..


:<  I hope not but if that is the case, HC please don't give up on this game.  

#959732 HC what is happening to all the servs: random log outs, dcs, more then ever

Posted by Blissy on 25 February 2016 - 04:57 in Bug Reports

Up until seeing this post, I was sure all the disconnects were on my side, but that doesn't seem the case anymore. I've lost count how many times I've been d/c while talking to someone or in battle, this resulting in people upset with me, and it really is troublesome. Thank you for making this post.


nah, it's happened to a lot of players, randomly.  


I don't know who you run with but if they are actually getting upset with you over something out of your control then you should find others to run with.  This is a game people, stop taking the mishaps that may happen when in dungeon as something so serious that you get angry at your team mate over it.   We die sometimes, people may dc for various reasons, it's not real life so chill out. 


Also think of it this way. while it may delay some time spent there or perhaps cost some repairs, you can make gold quite easily in this game , or use 50ep for repair kits ( forgot how much it is) and I found if  I repair on a regular basis rather then let my equipments lose a lot of dur. then it costs me less over time. 


But in a lot of mmo's when you die you lose massive amounts of xp that could have taken you weeks or month's with a lot of effort to gain so relax, have fun and even laugh a lil at the mishaps that may happen and don't go out of your way to make another player feel badly about things that are out of their control.


js  :)

#959703 Incorrect ranges in skill descriptions (again)

Posted by Blissy on 24 February 2016 - 04:15 in Bug Reports

HC needs to hire Bri as a consultant.  


She knows more about this game then I think just about anyone and she takes the time to test things out and break it down to find out as much information about skills, classes, builds etc.


Cheers Bri, your one smart cookie  ;) and I think the devs should pay attention to your posts because you have always been very informative and helpful to this community. 


I vote Bri as Game Moderator and Dev for hire! cheers :)

#959648 Repost: Festive Horse Bug

Posted by Blissy on 23 February 2016 - 03:09 in Bug Reports

couldn't find my previous post from dec but ...


Please let us know if you plan to fix the Festive Horse bug or Please just fix it in next update? :(


It's useless mount unless you don't mind every time your using it that your character goes bald and it may just be an aesthetics thing but since it's not the intention of the mount to do that I'm sure there are plenty of us who have it that would like for it to be corrected.


soooo just poking the devs.  since it's some kind of animation bug or whatever I wouldn't think it be to hard to fix in some quick fix thing? 


thanks  B)

#959647 Pets disappearing after entering/leaving a new map or dungeon..

Posted by Blissy on 23 February 2016 - 03:04 in Bug Reports

They are scared of the horrors that could be found in those dungeons :x so they prefer waiting outside for their master and we need mini portals for pets else they cant get summoned like their masters :x

And they also gotta load the realm gotta give em time :x

Bit seriously the only thing i notice is that they stay outside anf after a while they actually qould enter never had pets actually vanish yet


I know, I've seen that but for the past few weeks my pets are completely disappearing :<.

#959645 Make mage,proph staff, spell dps

Posted by Blissy on 23 February 2016 - 02:55 in Suggestions

honestly never understood having a mage class not using a staff as an actual weapon as I"ve not seen that in other games. 

I"ve seen magical classes of sorts that may include other type of weapons but over all mages, spellcasters have actually wands/staffs to use. 


I have both staff and shield/1h though I equip my staff more now since it gives me higher dps then the shield and 1h I have.


I kind of feel like they opted to have the essc be the weapon so they didn't have to create animations for us to actually use the staff but I wish they would change that.   I feel l ike the you don't actually get the feel of using any weapon on mage class as you don't actually see the essc but the spell animation cast from the hand and the staff merely sits on your character only giving you stat increases.


I"d think they got it backwards and should have made the staff the weapon that we actually weild to fight with and the essc is the secondary weapon that gives us the stats but the staff would be what we see in game using the animations from the various spells.


if a mage uses a shield and 1h, those weapons just sit there mostly anyway as well so I think we lose the fun of mage animations of our weapons.  if that makes any sense.


my ranger uses her xbow, makes sense as she's an archer so why isn't my mage using her magical staff?

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