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#1004109 Weird Things

Posted by kitobas on 16 June 2021 - 16:34 in General Discussion

yes there many things not working correct and it getting reporting very long ago


for fsh not working good it because when game getting update, changing code then needing changing code of fsh too for it working

#1003115 Towers => Orbs

Posted by kitobas on 13 March 2021 - 10:58 in General Discussion

I get what you are saying BUT in my oppinion HCS "experimented" with the HC Hammer weapon (+7 stam gain) by releasing other 2 x +7 stam gain weapons (Flayed Colossal Axe & Greater Flamedeer Antlers) to check how it will go ....


this led to the HC Hammer (was the best stam gain weapon) quickly dropping over 50% of its value, it has been for years almost constant

so I seriously doubt HCS will make the mistake by releasing another +7 stam gain amulet or helm, would undoubtedly destroy their value + currently the HC Titan is the ONLY NON-seasonal titan that gets quickly hunted & killed, by releasing any +7 stam gain amulet / helm will be the nail in the coffin + BigGrim is in charge of releasing them so have some trust  


I want to add the same thing should apply to the +7 stam gain armor too, we currently have 2 other epics (Steamforged Gorgeanaka Cuirass, Ridged Plate Cuirass) that there should NOT be another +7 stam gain armor added to NOT destroy them, especially the RP one, will have an even more negative impact on GvG conflicts  


btw there are so many NEW Epic drop ideas, EXAMPLES:

for LOW lvl Titans => they can fill the missing stam gain slots

for HIGH lvl Titans => they can drop Quest Items to invent like the Perchtas Gift Sack, ... or why not something new, how about a potion, a frag stash; I am sure they will be sought after and it does not always need to be an epic item drop from a titan but that is kinda off topic so if someone wants can create a new topic & collect some ideas (details)  

you giving too many trust in hcs, go saving this screen shot what I saying because we knowing they will doing this mistake

many times we give warning because can easy seeing it mistake but they will ignoring, you will seeing amulet and helm at 7 stamina gain they will making in next times destroying values of many


rest you idea writing I liking, is good

#1002577 Towers => Orbs

Posted by kitobas on 23 December 2020 - 20:20 in General Discussion

so what your saying is our thought dont matter or are wrong ?

why players always falling for his trick? he always doing same trolling for getting attention


mary4ever, I telling you what I telling others too and everyone knowing, not replying to him, he never caring about topics, he will posting whatever that can giving him attention and you making mistake, look what he answering to you


you making long listing from hcs page they writing and he can seeing he wrong but he posting nonsense for getting you replying to him for getting attention

if you not ignoring him he will keeping trolling for attention until topic closing

#1002455 Towers => Orbs

Posted by kitobas on 16 December 2020 - 05:39 in General Discussion

I liking your idea very much, it having conflict, pvp, arena, inventing, farming, very good


Orb = +1 Stam gain, +1k Max Stam, -1 sec Teleport Cooldown+1% GXP+1% XP,

Orb (Tier 1) = +2 Stam gain, +2k Max Stam, -2 sec Teleport Cooldown+2% GXP+2% XP,

Orb (Tier 2) = +3 Stam gain, +3k Max Stam, -3 sec Teleport Cooldown+5% GXP+5% XP,

Orb (Tier 3) = +5 Stam gain, +5k Max Stam, -4 sec Teleport Cooldown+10% GXP+10% XP,

Orb (Tier 4) = +10 Stam gain, +10k Max Stam, -5 sec Teleport Cooldown+15% GXP+15% XP,

Orb (Tier 5) = +15 Stam gain, +15k Max Stam, -6 sec Teleport Cooldown+20% GXP+20% XP,


at beginning and lower tier ok reward but when you go higher tier you will needing very much many epics and I thinking in higher tier need little more increasing rewards


you can adding xp gain in hour and you can making after tier increase you unlocking new guild RP buffs (you can choosing buffs)



most importantly the Recipes hardly need any “special” coder since BG can do that which should be FAST to implement  ^_^

I agreing biggrim can making recipes, he doing it for quests and this fast


I saying again, it good idea but it having very big problem, problem is when will we seeing it?

even if hcs saying it good, they will doing it will getting on list and then what needing not 1 day for coding will taking hcs many years, this very bad



It's a flawed idea to think a guild with non established and/or newer casual players few in number or even maxed out 126/126 should be able to compete 1:1 or even 2:1 with a guild full top tier players. Tired of hearing it frankly, it's like a disease that has spread in erildath. 

I agreing and everything that needing competition, hcs removing and making it bader and it becoming joke


they doing it to pvp, gvg and others


last relic battles was bad, player saying to hcs many times it is joke, every nobrain can capturing all relics of game, even relics that having more 50 defenders

what hcs doing, they making it more easy taking relics lol, they increasing 1 group 5 relic lol

friends then making joke and saying next buff we seeing will be making taking relics more easy and more joke of game

next buff hcs creating is Warcry +0.1% per point increase in group member stats while active (excludes the Group Leader)


what players saying as joke hcs then really making, this not logic



at end I wanting saying I liking fallensword very much,  it very good game hcs but I not knowing who making last idea updates to game but knowing this person not understanding fallensword game

you can making little thing that can giving activity, I looking at christmas offer that you can writing friends name and then he getting

in other games I playing they having this:

you can creating potion and deciding how many coins you putting in it (coins is fsps in other game), if account having 10k coins and I putting 2k coins in potion then I ending with 8k coins, I then can sending it to players for gift and player then opening it and getting 2k coins to his account, this making activity for players come online and doing activity 

this very little and fast to making and doing activity and very high activity on special days

#1002531 Towers => Orbs

Posted by kitobas on 21 December 2020 - 02:59 in General Discussion


while we are waiting for HCS, they can implement this awesome feature:


the amount you enter will be transfered (substracted) from your FSP account to your "FSP chest" that will appear in your Mailbox !!!

(EXAMPLE: if your account has 1000 FSPs and you input 200 FSPs, then your account will have 800 FSPs & the "FSP chest" a value of 200 FSPs !!!)

then this "FSP Chest" (hope HCS will give it a cool design) can be gifted to players, this will generate activity especially during events, occasions, holidays, ...... 

this is much better than just receiving fsps (proven in other games & sure many saw it in other games, I ♥ it)

hope we will see it before the NEW year & at the same time HCS can observe the activity during that day   :D 

very good


you made thinking for hcs where they can putting it easy for coding very fast, sending chest with fsps to friends is always good 

#1003040 Towers => Orbs

Posted by kitobas on 27 February 2021 - 16:57 in General Discussion

I finding problem


before hunted cow hammer was value having but then hcs give titan that drop weapon with same 7 stam gain and hunted cow hammer value getting destroying


now problem what if hcs making same mistake and giving titan drop 7 stam gain, same as hunted cow amulet and helm, then it will ending destroying value like what happening with hunted cow hammer


in your list there epics who having value and needing time for getting, needing time is good because will giving activity to game but if epics value getting destroying then everything will becoming joke

#1003116 Relic Lead Defender

Posted by kitobas on 13 March 2021 - 11:56 in General Discussion

I looking and seeing this will benefitting only big guilds like FFS, MOM, TED

for rest of guilds will be bad, why? reason players here writing

So, basically the guild founder just controls everybody on the relic while the multis, I mean other members, don't do anything to actually participate on their own.  Why not let the founder change their gear for them too?  Let's go all the way and allow the founder to use potions out of the players backpack and burn the players own stamina for buffs as well.  Why make the members bother to log in at all unless they are going to level up?  Wait, I guess the founder can do that for them as well since it's beneficial to the guild as a whole.

this extreme example but what yotekiller saying, we knowing it can happening because players will keep crying for more change if 1 change is done


to add

Make the ability to change defender lineup a permission

and also add a gold sink structure lvl 1 - 10 - the higher the lvl the more relic defenders can be moved around. 

that how it starting


if still not understanding how this will benefitting big guilds like FFS, MOM, TED go look this example

in change you saying you can deciding who lead defender is

big guilds having more high players than other guilds (this fact), this advantage for them, they can changing with 1 button from many high members who is lead defender at anytime they wanting, this very big advantage for big guilds and bad for other guilds in game

when one member in high guild want doing pvp ladder or gvg or bounty board or hunting he will be in pvp setup, potions and buffed, this very good he can switch at same time to lead defender too, when he finish he can give lead defender position to next one and rotating to many members, this will saving very much time, stamina, buffs, potions and fsps for big guilds and making it easier for them 


I see no con's about giving guilds more control to employ strategy. 

players here in forum posting cons and read con I writing at top in this posting how it only advantage to big guilds like FFS, MOM, TED and very bad for other guilds


you wanting this change for doing strategy but bro, strategy starting before relic war, doing strategy after in middle of war is not good

I not knowing why you starting first taking relics from not 1 guild but many guilds at same time, this making more enemies / targets but it your decision / strategy


example relics:

Klar Worldstone: you was not first guild for capturing it, you took it from another guild

Temple of Lightning: you was not first guild for capturing it, you took it from another guild

Enchanted Thistle Patch: you was not first guild for capturing it, you took it from another guild

Giant Guano Pile: you was not first guild for capturing it, you took it from another guild

Shepan Grave: you was not first guild for capturing it, you took it from another guild

Thrashing Vine Patch: you was not first guild for capturing it, you took it from another guild


I will not posting more because it not my business what guilds doing with relics but one of worst that can happening is for you and other big guild getting into big war, wasting stamina, buffs, time, fsps and many things

at end it will not mattering which big guild winning the relic war because result at end will be that both will be loses and one other outsider will be true winner and there more but I not wanting getting to detail and I thinking you knowing this already very good, that why you needing new change for coding in relic battles


from all you saying there is 1 truth and I agreing with you, it that everyone knowing relic battle system we currently having is joke


what I saying here is not secret, everyone can knowing this if using eyes and minutes to look at guilds relics


again I saying it not my business what guilds doing with relics and I only writing because you wanting this new change coding for lead defender deciding to employing strategy

before someone saying relics not belonging to anyone and everyone having right for taking relics, that true but not forgetting this too, nothing in fallensword game is yours too, not fsps, gold, items, potions, character, everything belonging to hcs


until now I still not voting because maybe it can benefiting other guilds but until now nobody posting how, later I will voting after hearing reason how change you wanting not giving big guilds more advantage against other guilds


I hoping everyone having good at weekend and is safe from covid

#1003041 Relic Lead Defender

Posted by kitobas on 27 February 2021 - 16:59 in General Discussion

there many strategy to relic war and some guilds over years becoming very good


I not knowing if change you saying good or bad (I not voting) until now but if it increasing gaming activity then it good

#1001847 Pvp Protection in the PvP Ladder

Posted by kitobas on 18 October 2020 - 15:55 in General Discussion

I've seen multiple occasions on various ladders where a player/s hits everyone once, or even multiple times for a few hours, and then opts out to leave the ladder.

*Said* player/s gain Dominance medal ticks, and smasher medal progress without a risk of being hit back or bountied.

As an example, I just had a guildmate log in, and try to return a few ladder hits. Only to find out they couldn't due to the player buying protection and leaving the ladder ( and his pvp range )

Can I just ask what the cows thoughts are on this? I know you have oodles in the pipeline, and other priorities, but I'd just like you to see how frustrating this can be to anyone who plays the ladder or plans to.


~ Maeh

many pvpers before you posting in forum about this and admin knowing about this, I can not finding his posting and remebering detailing words but saying it staying because for players can escape ladder


I and many players never understanding why this was not removing, for me it is like bug, hitting many times getting dominance and smasher and escaping with no risk, pvp always is with risk

#1005360 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by kitobas on 18 September 2021 - 17:10 in General Discussion

I will leaving high adept learner, animal magnetism, conserve and librarian to HCS deciding because it will having for future interests of HCS

if HCS really deciding going with this high levels then for me logic that HCS will suffering donations and to return they will be forcing increasing high levels in donation chests but again I saying I will leaving this deciding to HCS



Alchemist Prized Potion. Loyalty:  750
Distil Level : 250 Duration : 120m
Brewing Master Level :  500 Duration : 120m
Potion of Godly Global Acceleration. Loyalty 5000.
Global Booster 2000


this is danger and not logic why you bringing distil more than 150 and brewing master more than 300 and showing little understanding of game, I will explaining a little because distil and brewing master making problems that is in game more problems, reading here:

1] many players saying how for years how bad big skills have destroying pvp, conficlt gvg, leveling too boring because very easy with crazy high level skills and still you doing this very big mistake and ignoring problems?

2] I knowing bm 500 was removing by admin because I making picture proof in it admin saying why he removing bm 500 and inventor II 500, can I posting it?

3] why admin want returning bm 500 that is saying bad for game back to game? that not logic

4] sorry for saying but need saying truth, it showing you little understanding value of skills, I giving 2 examples

  • look up at picture: distil 250 and bm 500 only cost 750 token (375 token each) but global booster 2000 cost 5000 token, gb cost 13,3 time more than distil or bm, this not logic, it should be opposite because bm 500 and distil 250 having a lot more value than gb 2000
  • second example I showing with picture too and explaining text
  • Warriors Elixir. Loyalty: 750

    Fury Level : 200 Duration : 120m
    Berserk Level : 200 Duration : 120m
    Dark Curse Level : 200 Duration : 120m
    Enchanted Weapon Level : 200 Duration : 120m
    Wither Level : 200 Duration : 120m
    Shatter Armor Level : 200 Duration : 120m

    fury 200, berserk 200, dc 200, ew 200, wither 200, sa 200 cost here 750 token, that too expensive because it will costing only 50k gold (for buff enhancer) and only 90 stamina for getting same fury 200, berserk 200, dc 200, ew 200, wither 200, sa 200. is 50k gold and 90 stamina worth 750 token? if adding only 10k gold for buying distil 50 you can buffing level 201, it then higher than potion that costing 750 token.

  • you are judging by skill level not by value of skill, go comparing this 2 skills: ew 1000 potion cost 2400 gold in ah and how much you thinking will cost treasure hunter with same skill level 1000? 2400 gold too? no, it will never reaching this high level because need judging by value of skill

5] we wanting making game better not worse and it knowing for years players screaming about crazy high skills very bad for game, distil will increasing crazy high skill levels more and bm will making longer duration of crazy high levels, this like increasing level and duration of torture


delete bm and distil for good future of game and please not saying we will trying and seeing like you doing with crazy high composing, pvp and gvg have becoming joke because of it

there no excuse for bringing things back that you knowing is bad for game and hoping it will be good, it not logic


other token potions you can doing but bm and distil need deleting and better please bring hoofmaster, he knowing and understanding how skills working and having admin info and knowing more than us about it 


I will saying yes for everything that make game better and no that making game worse

#1002925 Potential issues in Titan Hunting.

Posted by kitobas on 06 February 2021 - 11:54 in General Discussion

you can forgetting reporting titan cheaters to support, if you sending best profing is video then support not banning player because needing coder and that is what problem is, support will telling you they doing investigating but they need coder for doing it and coder very busy and not having time


I knowing two players who getting reporting from comunity because they doing cheating, they doing teleporting with no instant teleport and comunity sending to support videos of this cheating, very sad this

#1004108 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by kitobas on 16 June 2021 - 16:24 in General Discussion

you can either do ....


1.) the laziest method


simply add as many Stam Gain relics as you desire & ignore ALL other relic iusses !!!

you can even change ALL relics into "Super" Relics that have FULL +% Stam Gain, Max Stam, Stats, Enhancements


it's a band aid that ignores all other relic issues, gets rid of any competition & teamwork, relic battles, .....



2.) you actually do some work


A ) FIX the current relic battles which are a **** JOKE !!!


enough said, everyone who has ever captured / defended relics knows it !!!

from a low "1-man-guild" (who was a low lvl player himself with 2 low joiners) took 100+ relics without any "issue" to HCS admins kamicazer7 (was at the time lvl 50 or so) & hooftest taking our relic that had 50+ defenders also without any issues

granted most were not in pvp gear but still a lvl 50 beating 50+ defenders were at least half of them were EOC !!!


B ) Make capturing relics a permission !!!


I used to mentor some small guilds & the issue they ran into was that new players would simply capture relics their guild did not need (also happens to other guilds, regardless of size) & they could not get "rid of it" which brings me to my next point ...


C ) Add a "dismiss Relic" option !!!


As said, add a "dismiss Relic" option with a COOLDOWN to avoid abuse !!!


D ) preferred Relic value


Contrary to what many believe it is not Stam Gain Relics that low / new players actually need, as mentioned before: I used to mentor small guilds & what they needed the most was MAX STAM Relics !!!


of course do NOT take my word for it & please make a game poll that ONLY includes low players, NOT high players like me, EOC, afterall the "new relics" are for them !!!


E ) Supply & Demand !!!


I do not think I need to say anymore, just please make sure to NOT add too many & keep them at a decent number so they are still "attractive" / desired, encourage activity, teamwork & relic battles !!!


F ) "Optional" NEW Guild Relic WAR System !!!


Make TEAMWORK actually matter in relic battles & encourage TEAMWORK, please do NOT discourage it !!!



Guild A captures a relic from Guild B

Both Guild A + B will have 12h time to accept / decline "Relic War"

(new relic war permission to accept / decline will be added)

If after 12h no option has been choosen it will automatically count as a decline to avoid abuse !!!

If Guild A declines then they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild B will have control of that relic

If Guild A accepts + Guild B declines then then B will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic & Guild A will have control of that relic

If both Guild A + Guild B accept then they will enter a 7-day-Relic-War that looks like this:


Attack Ranges: 

50 - 500 (+/- ??) 

601 - 1000 (+/- 100)    

1001 - 2000+ (+/- 300)

2001 - 3000+ (+/- 500)

3001+ (+/- 1000)

(the attack ranges can be changed by HCS / players who know their ranges better than me)


During those "7-day-Relic-War" both members of Guild A + Guild B will enter a "PvP-War" where they can hourly hit (look above for attack ranges) each other & even bounty each other !!!

they will get their own guild "Bounty-Board" where only Guild A + Guild B can participate in !!!

during the "7-day-Relic-War" time Guild A + Guild B can still capture / defend their relic like normal until the war is over !!!

(it has to be PvP aka xp loss involved, you have to pay a "price" & fight for the relic (bonuses) you get !!! hoof remember how relics were fought for, many guilds, regardless of size battled in PvP for them & generated high activity !!!


I will leave the Scoring System to HCS / the community

both Guild A + Guild B can retreat from the "7-day-Relic-War" at any time BUT it will count as a loss & they will be on a 30 day cooldown on that relic !!!


For every additional +1 relic those guilds battle about +1 day will be added to the "7-day-Relic-War"

so if they battle for 4 relics in (1+3) the war will last 10 days in total !!!


to make it even more exciting several guilds can get involved, either helping Guild A / B or even be against both biggrin.png

several guilds can war against each other for 1,2, ... relics or even "support" another guild (so small guilds can tackle a big guild, ....)

it will greatly encourage TEAMWORK, activity + many other things

  • NO guild can be forced against their will / permission to enter the "7-day-Relic-War" to PvP !!!
  • the "7-day-Relic-War" can only start if it has been accepted by someone who has the permission to !!!
  • at any time any guild can "retreat" from the "7-day-Relic-War" & it will be counted as a loss


this is just a "prototyp-system" so it is far from perfect (an EXAMPLE & everything is up for HCS / community to decide) so no need for me to go into details atm

ps: IF point (F) is implemented then it already takes care of point (A)
(+ after implementing strip ALL guilds of ALL relics & let the GAME begin smile.png  !!!)


I will never understand why HCS keep avoiding / discouraging TEAMWORK / competitions !!! best ("worst") example is PvP

I mean are not games generally played to compete?


FS has great potential BUT has been declining for years, no matter how good the app is it will hardly matter when the actual game has many "broken" gamestyles which need to be updated & will struggle to keep the new ones or even the older ones !!!

honestly I have been hardly active for a long time, as have many others I noticed since aside from the 3 repetitiv main events (Global Event, LE Event, Leveling Content) there is nothing else to do since most if not all the other game aspects are "broken" & need to be updated + when I am online I chat which there are many other apps better for chatting than this one ...


others have already said it before, it is NOT that there are not any good ideas / suggestions (the community has provided numerous good ones over the years) but simply the  "communication" with HCS is lacking !!!

to put it bluntly: we simply get some "lip service" without any action ....


I have so much to say but let's 1st wait & see where this leads ...

you having very good but I knowing you not stupid but why you making mistake and writing here taboo words *compitition* and *teamwork*?

you knowing that writing this words will getting your postings ignoring from hcs, it your fault



# of Relics            Lead Defender Bonus

     1                                 150%

     2                                 120%

     3                                 100%

     4                                  90%

     5                                  85%

     6                                  80%

this one little step bro but alone it will not fixing relic battles, need more doing, taking care of crazy high skills, stats of defenders in group, .....



Any particular reason for that?

1. May I ask why?
2. How so. Can you give examples?

~ Grim

you knowing crazy high composing making joke about pvp, gvg, hunting but you not wanting changing for reason nobody knowing, it not logic (only answer I getting is composing is gold sink that why hcs ignoring damage it doing to pvp, gvg)

whatever you trying to doing changing it will not working making relic battle normal because you will keeping high crazy skills what making taking all relics joke, this for years players saying but always getting ignoring


I liking that mary trying doing new battle system but biggest mistake she doing is it increasing compitition and teamwork very much and it will 100% failing because of it

same with pvp, who beliving range you can attacking is only 10 levels when eoc is 4800 lol, it complete joke, players asking more 100 times in years and always getting ignoring


other players giving ideas how making relic battles normal but if not taking care of high skills it will not working, this saying for years but always ignoring again and they never learning, sad you will do same mistakes again and it will not improving relic battles, this very sad



to hcs, I will giving you way you can doing: it will removing compititon, teamwork and fighting for relics 

go changing very many relics to stamina

in end no relic battles and you not needing doing changing :)

#1004456 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by kitobas on 10 July 2021 - 18:57 in General Discussion

It's not going to fix it, although it's a good step. Cows are taking the approach so it seems to change things one at a time and see how it shakes out. What Toreth suggested would be a massive improvement for very little development time which as they have stated is focused on the app.

bro, what good is 1 little step every year from 100 steps until fixing complete?

you knowing it will taking them many years for fixing what in other games fixing on same day or if very big update on same week

say truth, you really wanting waiting until app is finished? 

if you wanting saying hcs start fixing game after you finishing app that finishing after 10, 20, 30 years, you can waiting 10, 20, 30 years? that not normal


if wanting fixing somethings then fixing it for good, not 1 step from 100 step that taking many years

#1002172 New Content! 4561 - 4570

Posted by kitobas on 13 November 2020 - 16:42 in General Discussion

thank you for content, I waiting for maximum stamina then doing hunting :)



I liking this, give artist thanks

#1001848 New Content! 4551 - 4560.

Posted by kitobas on 18 October 2020 - 15:57 in General Discussion

it 10 levels but better than nothing

#1003114 Legendary Event!

Posted by kitobas on 13 March 2021 - 10:54 in General Discussion

I will not quoting players for I not wanting starting fight


players who saying they wanting making changes to LE event or it for good of composing then they not sayig truth because they knowing it only will doing changes to prices of LE items, affecting composing it will be very little


they knowing very many getting frags from global events, we now having Gargantuan Mosquito global event, everyone can now go do it and see for proof


same players in past was saying this:

increasing BP slot

it was 1k, they cry, it get 1500, they keep crying for more until end is 5k, beause of their greed players with big BP slot mass farming LE items and selling very cheap

increasing composing level

they keeping crying for increasing composing level, because of their greed players wanting making epic potions themself, look how it has destroying game and making pvp, gvg, hunting, farming and rest is joke and they still crying for increasing composing level

increasing fragments

they keep crying for increasing frags, in beginning there no frag stash drop, only way you could getting frag stash was getting it from global fragment event where reward is frag stashes after qualify

players start crying and it getting that every global monster in all global events now dropping frag stash too, now we having Gargantuan Mosquito global event, everyone can now go do it and see for proof


these 3 things is true reason that destroying LE items value, now there players with million frags can creating many epic potions

greed of players have destroying this game and still some players only posting for greed, this very sad

#1005359 Is FS Down?

Posted by kitobas on 18 September 2021 - 15:34 in General Discussion

guild leader chat is not showing here any more - only white page

this error for weeks, all leaders and guild founder having white page

I asking many and they saying they not having problem, only my guild having error with white page in leader chat

please fixing it, thanks

#1003117 Gargantuan Mosquitos XIV

Posted by kitobas on 13 March 2021 - 12:06 in General Discussion

thank you very much for event

#1002175 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by kitobas on 13 November 2020 - 18:06 in General Discussion

And we have told you that it works for Relics. 


~ Grim

today was first time I hearing that admin saying it working on relics too, from this posting 

Can we get a final answer on this please, we have heard different answers from different Devs.

nobody I asking knewing that admin saying this, where did you getting this information before rest of community?


biggrim, I not trying to starting fighting, please I only wanting understanding because it not make sense or logic


I asking again can you please explaining why doing 1 group taking 5 relics when you knowing fact that relic capturing are very easy and joke? in my country that saying: putting oil when it is already fire 


admins, I respecting you and I thanking you very much for group update and liking seing updates but this update very bad, only good thing about it is 1 group kill 5 creatures, this is improvement


admins, go do relic battle and see with your eyes how easy and joke it is capturing relic, even capturing relic that having many defenders and with 1 group taking 5 relics it worse


if you not wanting changing back to 1 group taking 1 relic, then ok but then you must changing broken relic battle to increasing % of defenders stats


I was in many relic wars, before and after composing, Reign of Terror,1 group taking 5 relics:

before: everyone stats in group and defender was very important, they needing changing to pvp setups, getting buffing an it was very good compitition, everyone stats was important

after: only lead defender and lead attacker really need pvp setup because with crazy high composing other stats of all defenders on relic mattering very little


hcs, you knowing this truth and can seeing from admin view


I will stop here and again if leaving 1 group taking 5 relics then fix already broken relic battle: please go increasing % of defender stats for making it worth defending and best remove punishment when guild having more than 2 relics

we players can only giving you info like we doin with pvp protection on pvp ladder, it taking many years for you to listen, nobody knowing why it taking that long but in end you fixing it


does hcs even knowing that when guild havng more than 2 relics they get % punishment of stats? most active guilds in game having more than 2 relics and this proofing more how easy and joke it is capturing relics

I knowing hcs wanting making game better and I liking it but please do relic battle and see truth with your eyes, then come fix relic battles for us, thank you

#1002166 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by kitobas on 13 November 2020 - 14:52 in General Discussion

Can we get a final answer on this please, we have heard different answers from different Devs.

this impossible bro because hoofmaster already saying 


It's only vs. creatures

but if they really making secret changing without telling community it very bad and it making relic more damaging for game


or is this secret like what happening when changing titan event from 12 november to 11 november? (I have photo because my guild make deal hunting together as group and was surprised date was changing to 11)

why make secret changing without telling community? please no


relic battle already very broken and it was proving what many players saying for years and getting ignoring, he low level player who was 1 man guild, he recruiting 2 players for catching all relics he can and he catching more than 100 very easy, even relics who was getting defending by more 50 players, it showing how joke relic battles was and reason why many deciding staying in epics at relic


later composing making it more joke

later buff Reign of Terror making it more joke

now you chaning 1 group can catching 5 relics making more joke


I really need asking hcs, do you really not understanding game or how is this becoming more worse instead of better?

what is goal you having for game, that 1 player can beating 50 player stats, level 1 new player can beating stats of eoc player? his becoming more of joke


pvp already broken for year, 10 attacking range was when eoc was level 300, all other games have automatic that when level increases then attacking ranges increasing too, this nothing new and everyone knowing, it not logic but what can you doing, after many years I giving up because it impossible for good changing for making pvp more good and not making restricting


gvg same thing, after composing more joke but everyone already knowing this


season titan hunting was only good change that hcs making for not allowing only 1 man guilds participating but everyone who wanting, I and many not understanding how hcs making this good change because many players saying this for long time and 1 man guild keep lying for they can keeping benefit, after hoofmaster making change more than 95% of 1 man guild joining guilds, I thinking maybe someone tell hoofmaster or hoofmaster watching himself truth and saw lies of 1 man guilds


when problem with auction house bug, hoofmaster very fast fixing in minutes and banning cheaters, I hearing some coming back and this was very bad but it accident because they banning again

if cheaters really coming back then this will give motivation for players do cheating, I hearing players saying this: if I can getting 100 thousand fsps for only 1 month termination I will doing it everytime, this very bad


now back because this topic about groups for relic, please hoofmaster fixing to what you saying 

It's only vs. creatures

I seeing admins reading this topic forum many times a day but why not fixing fast?



It's still that way. Hoofmaster is a Company Director and makes most of the important decisions! Of course, everyone gets their say when discussing changes to the game though.

I agreeing, can you please telling hoofmaster or coder to fixing this fast? this very small code, 1 minute, thanks

#1002171 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by kitobas on 13 November 2020 - 16:28 in General Discussion

Hoofmaster has told us, yes, you can capture multiple relics. We have told you this already. I have passed on the feedback however and will review.


~ Grim

only thing hoofmaster telling us community is this 

It's only vs. creatures

and this is how it working when update at beginning, my guild doing many times and 1 group take 1 relic, nobody knowing when it later get changing to 1 group take 5 relics


biggrim you already knowing how easy and joke is to catching relics, with this becoming more joke

please do updates for improving game, not making bad updates


I understanding for making 1 group kill 5 creatures, this very helping community when small guilds needing time for having big group killing elite and super elite or when players doing questing but can you saying what improving 1 group taking 5 relics do? 


instead of making bad update with 1 group taking 5 relics please work on relic battles, everyone knowing it easy and joke taking relics, change % of all defender stats because what we having is joke and everyone who capturing relic once knowing this


how is logic for you hcs that 1 player stat (with 2 new player joining game stats) can beating over 50 defender stats? and still this getting ignoring and making worse by doing 1 group taking 5 relics, very bad, please go fixing it to what hoofmaster said and what it was at beginning


It's only vs. creatures


#1002150 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by kitobas on 11 November 2020 - 18:40 in General Discussion

  So, does this only work on creatures or can you use 1 group to capture 5 relics now?  That would definitely not be a game improvement to most people.



It's only vs. creatures

hi hoofmaster


you saying only vs creatures but it getting changing, now it opposite of what you saying, 1 group can capturing 5 relics, this not good, 1 group kill 5 creatures good but 1 group capturing 5 relics not good


please come fixing it, thank you

#1003039 FS Content! 4736 - 4745.

Posted by kitobas on 27 February 2021 - 16:51 in General Discussion

I doing my hunting now and everything very good, thank you hcs

#1002217 Forming guild groups are busted

Posted by kitobas on 15 November 2020 - 17:48 in General Discussion

Like being able to take a relic 5 times before having to remake another group?

take a look i failed 3 times then on the 4th got it. 

in the old way id need to wait for guild mates to come online this is so busted 

so if i fail i get another 4 free chances wtf!!!!

if you doing upgrade you can doing 1 group relic capturing 10 times lol


yes it becoming more stupider but what can you doing, nobody understanding why hcs doing but they doing it


problem is how long it will taking hcs to fix bad update relic they doing, will it taking years like pvp protection on ladder?

#1002532 Forest of Yule begins!

Posted by kitobas on 21 December 2020 - 03:04 in General Discussion

i was wrong hat is from elite ,shame we need a new epic helm and amu

no bro, hunted cow amulet and hunted cow helm need staying best 7 stamina, they difficult for getting and is inventing, hcs not stupid and knowing if they putting titan drop helm or amulet 7 stamina gain they will destroying hunted cow helm and amulet


if wanting new helm or amulet then need be 6 stamina or lower, best for low players make epics 

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