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#1001213 inactive backpacs

Posted by Pythia on 15 August 2020 - 02:52 in General Discussion

I think I have 70 some BP spaces, I think they are full now, but might have one open.  The topic of this thread is one of the reasons I slammed the door of this game and no, I didn't let it hit my ass as I left.


I used to call my set collecting for hunting my fashion show and I enjoyed it, but over time it became harder and harder to return gear to the player if I didn't like what my stats looked like. I'd pull gear from a number of players then use a cloak as I equipped and unequipped the gear checking stats as I worked. 


So I wore the same gear because I ran out of room to work. In the end that one little act ruined my enjoyment, impacted the number of levels I got, my experience and gold gain.


That's when I stripped off the epics and left. I never understood why some people needed to do that.


If I find my way through the black of my world into the light again, I'll come back to play. If I come back now, I'll be banned for the mouth I have because it's not filtered when it comes out of the place I find myself in at this time.


Keep your hands off my BP and stay out of my guild.


I'm a March woman. I was born with my heart on my sleeve, a fire in my soul, and a mouth I can't control. Thanks for understanding.

#1000815 relic capture

Posted by Pythia on 06 July 2020 - 04:18 in General Discussion

This is part of the reason I am standing so close to the exit and have no gear on. The nastiness and threats are why I stopped playing that part of the game so long ago.


People play the aspects of the game they want to play, maybe it's arena, maybe hunting/questing ( that was my interest, don't have much interest anymore) maybe it's taking relics, maybe it's the bounty board.


I'm sure you get the gist of my post by now.  If a player can't play the parts of the game that interest them, or are punished for doing so, what's the use of playing the game?

#999373 Spell Leech Broken

Posted by Pythia on 04 December 2019 - 01:30 in General Discussion

For as long as I have been playing this game and participating in the global events, I have used the  GB200.   During this last event while qualifying I broke my kill streak by hitting things not part of the event. *ah well, my mistake* I  lost some experience and a bit of gold, that is the way it has always been.  Using a regular doubler during a GE, burned my stam way to fast and those few times I did that, I had to work the event twice to qualify.  The GB200 is as big a booster as I need because it gives the most bang for my stam. I have not seen any big difference in any area, even the greed is in its place.

#999292 dogs, cats, et al

Posted by Pythia on 18 November 2019 - 04:27 in General Discussion

Laughter makes all things in life better.

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