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#1006428 Trouble at Icicles End (Frozen helper missing)

Posted by Steve1973 on 13 December 2021 - 20:13 in Bug Reports

The corrupt ice elementals seem to be missing in lvl20 and lvl40 also

#1006046 DND

Posted by Steve1973 on 01 November 2021 - 20:13 in Bug Reports

Only just noticed you edited the post Steve, when did that happen? :huh:

It looks like there was a glitch and part of my post was missing so I had to retyped it, then I tried to elaborate the explantaion so it might be clearer to understand while I was at it.

#1006005 DND

Posted by Steve1973 on 28 October 2021 - 18:26 in Bug Reports

I mean changing things like this can have unintended consequences I don't really want to mess with those mechanics right now and they are harder to test. Take it like you will.


If you can describe in detail what you want fixed I can maybe help in the future. I don't understand the problem atm, so you want people to not be not contactable at all in DND? What is the request?


Why didn't you say that in the first place . Saying "Don't really feel like changing it at the moment" is  a childish and unprofessional answer and doesn't even come close to meaning the actual answer you have now given.


I will try explain the problem simply;-


From what I understand, Fizban is polite, believe it or not, and he doesn't like ignoring people, but being so popular as he is (even when under the influence of stella), he gets alot of messages.

When he is doing professions, he wants to concerntrate on them without ignoring people so he uses DND. The problem is he still gets random messages from people while in DND.



You said that it is intentional that people on friendlist can still message him.


My response was that I am on his friendlist and cannot message him. (so your friendlist intention doesn't work either).


As far as I am aware, most players expect DND to mean exactly what it says, "Do Not Disturb", rather than do not disturb unless your on my friendlist.


I hope that makes sense.

#1005995 DND

Posted by Steve1973 on 28 October 2021 - 12:28 in Bug Reports

Don't anger this one Steve, he actually does help out when he can on Eldevin... :P

I'm not Thomas, I am aware this moderator is one who does actually help and I appretiate it when staff help, I am simply pointing out that people on friends list can't send messages to their friends on dnd.


With regards to the second sentence. If he had said we will look into it, or something similar (even though it may not be until next year) then thats fine. But saying "don't really feel like" is not a good attitude to take when dealing with a customer who is reporting a problem with the game, unless it was meant as a joke, which is what I am trying to confirm.


Dammit all I can't spell today, this is the fifth edit :P

#1005993 DND

Posted by Steve1973 on 28 October 2021 - 12:08 in Bug Reports

People on your friends list can still message you yes, this is intended behaviour. Don't really feel like changing it at the moment.

No, people on the friend list can't message them when they are in dnd.


When i log into the game, I always say hello to Fizban, but when he is working on his professions he often goes dnd so my greeting will not send.



"Don't really feel like changing it at the moment" that comment has to be a joke, right?

#1004208 Game isn't working

Posted by Steve1973 on 23 June 2021 - 06:47 in Bug Reports

I can't get on the game at all.  (I am not the only player surrefing from this problem.)



The game loads, but when I fill in email and password I just get dots going round in a circle, and pressing the play button simpkly says I am not logged in.


Also if i go to the forum I am logged in but, if click on the webpage for the game, the toplist or any of those pages it shows me not logged in.



This problem has been coming for a while as players have commented in game, for the last few weeks/months, that they were suffering with a lot more lag and random disconnections than normal.




I know I posted the comment above is in another topic post, but that was made in the "Disscusion" section rather than bug report.

I realise the chance of a response is just as unlikely but I would like the problem sorted, so dont want to see the reply of "it wasn't seen, and therefore fixed, due to not being in the correct section".

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