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There have been 36 items by Jorlas (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#913752 Sutonya's stocking on oceanic 1-5-15

Posted by Jorlas on 06 January 2015 - 02:14 in Bug Reports

Sutonya's stocking is stuck on oceanic.  It is showing someone already took it but is not despawning.



#913751 Oceanic Dragon

Posted by Jorlas on 06 January 2015 - 02:09 in Bug Reports

The dragon on oceanic failed to reset after killing someone.


It despawned right after killing a person . Locking everyone in the event area.

#913366 Account Trading Warning

Posted by Jorlas on 03 January 2015 - 16:29 in General Discussions

They're tracing ips. So if they play from your computer shouldn't have a problem.


You might have problems if your account is accessed from 2 or 3 locations in a short time frame though.

#912398 Stuck in loading splash after login jar client

Posted by Jorlas on 27 December 2014 - 23:30 in Bug Reports

gameslayer, this was a older bug they fixed. Make a new thread for your problem

#912361 Stockings Need a (Short) Respawn Timer

Posted by Jorlas on 27 December 2014 - 14:59 in Suggestions

I approve this suggestion.  Many time's i've seen 2 or 3 people circling the map for the last stocking all competing for the same stocking that won't spawn because another has already.


Switching servers helps some but often I end up with 1 stocking left to find and I give up after several laps around each server.

#912359 USING BAGS!!

Posted by Jorlas on 27 December 2014 - 14:48 in Suggestions

hold ctrl, then spam click them

#912345 foraging vs alchemy xp

Posted by Jorlas on 27 December 2014 - 12:45 in Suggestions

Foraging can be used for cooking as well. Or just to get consumable food.  Unlike other professions where skins and ore have no other uses than crafting.

#911274 Bugged Stocking

Posted by Jorlas on 21 December 2014 - 14:28 in Bug Reports

US Server


Olivers stocking has spawned in the lvl 20 area.


You can click on it but accepting the quest doesn't do anything.  No stocking in your inventory or Message saying someone else has taken it.  The stocking also does not disappear.



Edited because i was an idiot and typed europe instead of US server

#910467 Icicle's End Fishing

Posted by Jorlas on 18 December 2014 - 16:48 in Bug Reports

If you need fish i'll probably have some

#910458 Icicle's End Fishing

Posted by Jorlas on 18 December 2014 - 16:26 in Bug Reports

The fish  cannot be put in sacks/baskets despite being components for crafting.


They only have the option to be destroyed not split.

#909428 Hope you put in as a set the armor that the evil guy is wearing in the introd...

Posted by Jorlas on 15 December 2014 - 01:10 in Suggestions

Plot twist, you're actually the bad guy of the game.  I like it

#909424 There's a reason Eldevin isn't very popular......

Posted by Jorlas on 15 December 2014 - 00:54 in Suggestions

Why eldevin has a small playerbase. 


  • It's new. Just over a year old.  
  • It has bad graphics.
  • It's very grindy.  To appeal to the largest majority of player they need instant satisfaction and a lot of content to compensate for the rate at which people will complete content.  They don't have this so the game simply will not appeal to many. Content comes with time this may fix itself.
  • It has a small playerbase. A cache 22 on this one, you need more players to attract more players. Steam was a good step for them as more players means more attractive to new players.
  • The game is not pay 2 win.  Many players hate pay to win with a passion(myself included). However pay 2 win is good at promoting population as new players can drop money to equalize the field with older players.


Sure they could change all these things. However if they did they would likely alienate their current playerbase. Eldevin just wouldn't be the same game.

#909423 There's a reason Eldevin isn't very popular......

Posted by Jorlas on 15 December 2014 - 00:43 in Suggestions




Nobody said you HAVE to do quests. Professions give exp for performing actions. I do most of my leveling through professions (it's very very slow).  Many others will grind monsters and dungeons, the exp per hour is about the same as questing.


Quest Status Indicators ~ There needs to be an on-screen current task window that tracks quests and the steps needed. Having to constantly open the quest book is annoying.


You can track quests by clicking on the purple arrow next to it in the quest log. Also every time you start a new quest you're given the option to track it.  You can only track one quest at a time right now.  Other mmo's require you to open the Quest book to choose which quests to track.


There is no /assist command making it hard in large fights to concentrate on dangerous mobs.


Relying on this command is just lazy gameplay.  They may add this in the future but for now actually learn to play the game, thanks.



-Overhaul crafting so there aren't massive gaps between weapon types and armor. When i was trying to craft a sword I noticed the first one is around 5, but the next is like around 14 or 16?! What O_o. Also, crafted < Quested....why sad.png?


Armor has generally good progression giving you an upgrade almost every level.  Weaponsmithing is afflicted by the many types of weapons symptom. A new upgrade every level would drastically bloat the crafting pool. So either you have every weapon type available with less constant upgrades or you have only a few with constant upgrades.


Classes are overly generic, and could use some extra "fluff" skills like + to damage, + to attack speed, etc even if not a large boon. .

I though the classes were pretty well defined.  There are many differences but current +damage, haste, crit are well not drastic so they tend to get overlooked.  This both makes players feel equal and promotes people to delve deeper into the trees.



Having more to cast/maintain actually adds depth


I'm just going to disagree with this. You say depth, I could just as easily say tedious.

#909257 Each type of equipment for each character level

Posted by Jorlas on 14 December 2014 - 00:49 in Suggestions

Hmm upgrading your armor if crafted, that actually seems like a nice bonus for crafters.



This is easier to do than to create a new game from scratch. We did not, we - the players. And developers are able to cope with a much more difficult task.


But they don't need to create a game from scratch anymore.  They're not a AAA developer, any time spent on projects like this is taken from other projects.


My opinion is that the crafting system provides enough upgrades to be useful for crafters and dungeon sets are available for people that prefer grinding/dungeons over crafting.  Providing a new set or upgraded set of armor for each level (especially at low levels) is redundant.

#909252 A small party bug

Posted by Jorlas on 14 December 2014 - 00:31 in Archived Bug Reports

oh hmm, i thought it wasnt' there before grouping, logged out and back it and it's there


My mistake lol.

#909238 A small party bug

Posted by Jorlas on 13 December 2014 - 23:26 in Archived Bug Reports

Solved, wasnt' a bug just me not noticing the text box before.

Please ignore the following.



So after disbanding a group my name is left over.  No health/mana bars and I can't click on the box or anything like that.


Logging out and back in will get rid of the Name box.


Am I disbanding the group incorrectly?

Attached Thumbnails

  • party name left over bug.jpg

#909224 Crimson Chain

Posted by Jorlas on 13 December 2014 - 21:17 in Suggestions

I have no problem with extra heals on the chains going to pets.  However I would like pets to be considered invalid targets for the chain start.  Does that make sense?

#909051 Each type of equipment for each character level

Posted by Jorlas on 12 December 2014 - 20:16 in Suggestions

This would greatly expand the crafting list. While I do love crafting I feel this would be overkill as the list would lilterally be 3-6x as large.


Crafting armor usually gives 1 or 2 upgrades per level.  You're suggesting that each level would basically have a completely new armor set crafted.  The early levels are quickly passed as well, (often i see people with equipment outdated by at least 5 levels).


I'm not saying that this couldn't be done, and they might take it this way later.  However I feel that this is an unneccessary change with quest rewards, dungeon rewards/sets and the current crafting tables.


Btw Dungeon sets have almost made craftable armor unwanted as it is.

#908877 Quick Exp Button

Posted by Jorlas on 12 December 2014 - 00:50 in Suggestions

I agree faster killing makes better leveling, but if they make it too easy people will stop buying things like exp pots.

#908861 Minddrages discussion: a topic that has never been approached!

Posted by Jorlas on 11 December 2014 - 23:20 in Suggestions

How about a convert to vanity option. Trade a little ep to turn normal equip into a vanity item.


Wouldn't hurt the vanity market and could generate some ep for the cows.

#908859 Noctis Tower Obelisks

Posted by Jorlas on 11 December 2014 - 23:17 in Suggestions

Crystal coast, 5% move

#908858 Quick Exp Button

Posted by Jorlas on 11 December 2014 - 23:15 in Suggestions

Hmm pretty sure most mobs spawn relatively fast.  Grouping actually cuts exp per kill as exp is split between group members, the bonus just helps offset this a little.


If you need an infinte supply of monsters there's a lot of story mode dungeons, you can kill as fast as you are able.


Finally the last thing you're overlooking is they sell exp pots in the store. The game is free to play so they need to support themselves with a consumable market.

#908846 stuck in loading after the new update

Posted by Jorlas on 11 December 2014 - 22:23 in Bug Reports

Just woke up, working for me. Great job guys

#908728 Stuck in loading splash after login jar client

Posted by Jorlas on 11 December 2014 - 16:34 in Bug Reports

Seems some people on steam are having issues as well. But i'm tired and I don't have the patience to fight with the program atm.


Hope it gets fixed soon.


Good luck and god speed devs :wub:

#908719 stuck in loading after the new update

Posted by Jorlas on 11 December 2014 - 16:16 in Bug Reports

Posted in 2 threads, i put the log in the other



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