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#909930 There's a reason Eldevin isn't very popular......

Posted by d1rt on 16 December 2014 - 20:43 in Suggestions

The game started to get too boring for me around level 22+


Its just too hard to find a group for anything, questing is really lame as most of it is "run back and forth 100 times".  Grinding mobs takes hours.  It really needs some sorta exp auto queue that groups people up and gives them an exp bonus for each person so it makes people want to team up.  (shop potion exp could come into affect after the group bonus total so that it makes buying exp pots totally worth it)


Or even exp daily quests in each town.  Like 3-4 quests that are easy and reset every day.  Like go kill monsters near the town.




My brother played the game and quit around level 3 because there was too many quests in which he didnt know what to do he said.  He felt he didnt have any direction, was confused and quit early.



The pvp is pretty fun even though this game seems elementary.  And I like it.  But im not sure if i can stick around to level 45 with how boring its getting.  Dont feel like hunting for another mmo though -_-

#909044 Quick Exp Button

Posted by d1rt on 12 December 2014 - 19:40 in Suggestions

I agree faster killing makes better leveling, but if they make it too easy people will stop buying things like exp pots.

I disagree.  If you have a specialized exp zone that auto groups based on level.. and make it so it is undisputedly the best exp in the game.  Yet lower drop rates and money drop rate.  Then MORE people would use exp pots in this area.  Because it is geared for exp.  And it never stops and is zero bs like running around trying to figure crap out.  It doesnt have to give INSANE exp.  Just enough of a boost to make full teams worth it to get everyone working together.  Dungeons can be for getting loot.  Trappers atoll can be for getting resource and pvp.   Quick Exp/ auto monster level adjusting exp zone can be for leveling if you are out of quests or at an odd level where doing dungoens doesnt work too great, or you cant find team. 


I honestly see ZERO negative side effects of this.  More people would be more likely to get exp pots just to utilize this exp zone.  Only drawback might be bot players using automation software.  So you can m ake it so the auto queue only joins with a full team.  That way players can report bots instead of bots soloing this Exp Zone.  Plus you shouldnt let botters dectract from the fun of legit players. 


It really is a mood killer when you are stuck at level 23-24 with no quests except tradeskill ones and you cant find a group.  Exp Zone is a great idea that really helps to keep players in the game.

Can i have a 'W' button? just hit the button and auto-get lvl45 in everything :P oh wait, i have lvl45 in everything :huh:

i dont see why you have to start being rude and mocking when im simply suggesting a reasonable idea.  Im not asking for insta handouts.


Besides my W is already bound to auto attack.  Seeing as I have S,D,F, and E for character movement.

#908847 Quick Exp Button

Posted by d1rt on 11 December 2014 - 22:26 in Suggestions

Next to the pvp battleground queue there should be a "Quick Exp!" button.  The arena stuff is boring and i never see anyone doing it.  It could auto join you with teammates close to your level and give you an exp boost for each teammate.  It could just be a little tiny zone, like 2 or 3 rooms with waves of slow walkers comming at you.  But no real big bosses unless there is a way to kite them that way players dont have to worry about healer or tank to do the quick group exp farm.  It could even have reduced drops like less gold and less chance of finding stuff seeing as i ts more geared to exp.


Sometimes your quests run dry and you cant find a team for your dungoens at all.  This would be a fun solution i think.

#906465 Trappers atoll is too small and Wildlands PVP

Posted by d1rt on 02 December 2014 - 22:19 in Suggestions

Would be nice to have a few farm plots too.  Maybe a few obstacles to hide behind near the farms so melee can cancel ranged a bit.  Make the soil extra fertile and you get x300% yield to your crops.  So when you die and lose 50% you dont want to cry as bad.  BRING ON THE JUTE BANDITS!!

#905667 Change hat and balloon into hybrid head vanity.

Posted by d1rt on 28 November 2014 - 18:02 in Suggestions

I could see this being huge.  I have a bugged out aniversery hat that floats 10 feet above my head.  Everyone always comments on how funny and great it is.  I love it. 


Make it so when you use the /bow command your hat with a balloon tied to it bops whoever is standing in front of you in the head.

#903349 Medieval music

Posted by d1rt on 21 November 2014 - 22:18 in Suggestions

I listened to the whole 2 hour celtic one from OP.  Seemed really good when running through forests, the top world, or small towns.  Music matched really well.  But when doing dungeons or underground stuff it didnt really match.

#903288 Guild, Buyable House, Relationship?

Posted by d1rt on 21 November 2014 - 19:46 in Suggestions

Sounds like what Mabi did, though I prefer the RuneScape feature as a primary focus - I want to actually build the house, not being forced become one of the richest people in the game just to get one of a limited amount.

I dont think they have a crafting profession that would be used to build houses.  Maybe you could collect logs and stuff with lumberjacking and make Sealant Paste and stuff like that with alchemy.  Then you have to hire an approved "War Settlement Building Contractor" and pick the spot where you want your house.  Then farm the mats and give them to the Contractor.


Or if you are rich with gold or EP you can pay the contractor to build it without materials.


On top of this make it so you can only own 1 house on each character but can trade the deed to your house with another player for however much you want.


To simulate a real estate market.

#903287 Guild, Buyable House, Relationship?

Posted by d1rt on 21 November 2014 - 19:42 in Suggestions

Yaaaa.. screw that.  Every single game I have ever played with instanced housing its been boring and not worth it.  And i have played a looooooot of games.


You place a few decorations and pretty much never go back.


There needs to be a reason to actually go to the house besides "oh i feel like hanging a curtain up and putting a plant in this corner" because after you do that then what else is there to do?  Nothing. 


The way to make houses worth it are to put them in a pvp zone and have the house actually be in the world.  Then you could eventually tie the guild system into it and have castles that suppliment this "war" zone.  For players that dont like pvp you should be able to lock your house up and let no one in if you want.  Then you can go find a nice secluded place to build your house and lock it up.  Have portal skill that takes you to your house once an hour. 


to make it CRAZY fun maybe make it so farmable materials are lootable by other players when you die in the "War Settlement Zone".  So if you farm a bunch of wood and another player kills you then can steal your wood.  That would make players want to put their house close to wear the resource they want is. 


But again there needs to be a way to lock the house for people that dont want to pvp.


The "War Settlement Zone" could give tripple the ammount of resources that way it draws players to participate in the housing game zone or if a player really really hates pvp they can farm on the normal world map zones and not h ave to worry about it.  But reward the brave people with extra resource loot for being "brave". 


The more stuff this game has that feels flushed out and realistic (within limits), while giving players the choice of a achievable farming path or insta buy, the better. 


If a house in a prime location degrades and collapses because no player used it then i could imagine some players wanting to hurry up and grab the stop, maybe using EP if they dont have the materials or gold saved up.

#903199 Medieval music

Posted by d1rt on 21 November 2014 - 16:45 in Suggestions

You cant go wrong with Hammered Dulcimer music either.


#902775 Guild, Buyable House, Relationship?

Posted by d1rt on 20 November 2014 - 17:56 in Suggestions

If you guys do houses it needs to have a sense of reality.  Like prime locations, areas that are naturally worth more than others, function.  Not just some place that you decorate and visit once.  Ultima Online had the best house system of any game I have ever played.  And that game is sooooo old.  They captured the essence of housing the best.  Dont be like the rest of games and take the easy way out, putting the players house in some instance all by itself and letting them decorate it with no other use.  Actually put the house IN THE GAME WORLD that we exist in.  So it actually feels like a house.

#902766 Quick Loot and Cloth Farm

Posted by d1rt on 20 November 2014 - 17:19 in Suggestions

That's where buying and selling comes in.  As the general rule is gathering levels faster then crafting, the most efficient way to level a crafting skill is via buying some of the mats.


Or barter, as I did.  I had an ongoing cloth for leather deal.  This essentially gave us each a free gathering skill while breaking up the monotony of only gathering the same item.

Thats great if you are a veteran with resource to trade.  And farming jute is wayyyy more tedious than farming leather so cloth is wayyyy more expensive than leather.  If your first character is a mage then the tailor craft is far too unbalanced.  Its nice to make it seem like a hard accomplishment but spending hours and hours and hours to up it at level 10 is ridiculous. 

#902764 Guild, Buyable House, Relationship?

Posted by d1rt on 20 November 2014 - 17:15 in Suggestions

If you guys do guild castles and player houses PLEASE put it in a pvp war zone.  Make it so that players could be (relatively) safe in houses so that players USE the houses for pvp.  Groups of friends could "hold out" in the house at a hotspot.  Like near a portal, zone entrance, or heavily trafficked area.  Everyone would want to be friends with the guy that has a house at a spot that is excellent for pvpers to hang out at.  Make it so houses crumble after 2 weeks of no one going in them in case a player is camping a spot without using it.

#901956 Quick Loot and Cloth Farm

Posted by d1rt on 18 November 2014 - 20:46 in Suggestions

Would like it if you could hold cntrl and click the loot bags on the ground to auto loot everything.  It gets really tedious when you are soloing for hours and have to constantly wait for the loot bag UI to open and clicking loot all.


Also I tried to keep up with tailoring on my mage.  But farming jute take soooooo many hours.  Its way too easy for m ages to leave their crafting behind.  If you could somehow give players 1 hour of automated crop farming the jute a day or introduce Evil Doll Golems that drop cloth that would be fantastic.  At least then i could farm the golems to keep up with  my tailoring crafting.  It feels really horrible to stop leveling up for hours and hours and hours just to get my tailoring up to level 10.  At such a low level it feels incredibly daunting.

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