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There have been 229 items by Mister Doom (Search limited from 10-June 23)

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#977255 The need for gold

Posted by Mister Doom on 28 February 2017 - 23:10 in General Discussion

You do understand that beyond EOC each level you earn a smaller and increasingly smaller amount of gold ? we are forced to continually hunt for next to NO gold ...rendering spending the large stam bank NOT profitable ...


Also, players having 'large stamina banks' is not limited exclusively to EOC and is not even relevant to this discussion. You can't possibly think it is a good idea to have game mechanics that are designed to negate character upgrades? That is just pure nonsense.


I'm really tired of seeing players complain that higher levelled players have this and/or have that. You don't automatically get these things, we weren't 'born' with these upgrades. Each and every one was either earned through hard work in-game or paid for with (just as hard worked for) real money.


"Lets make it so the game negates their upgrade, that's how we foster morale and make people want to make their characters better!" - Does this make sense to anyone?

#977116 3126 to 3150 Quests.

Posted by Mister Doom on 24 February 2017 - 18:26 in General Discussion

Very good, next do Present Darkness...

#976995 I'm back

Posted by Mister Doom on 21 February 2017 - 10:49 in General Discussion

I saw a conversation in global chat this morning. I sent some IMs back and forth between the two that we're having the conversation. It appears when you first click on to the UFSG. It states right there on that homepage. That there are 1003 quest. However one of the posters stated, which I looked at to confirm. There are 39 pages of quest in the guide. With page 39 having 18 Quest, and the other Pages all having 25. That equates to 968 quest. Leaving 35 quest not listed or uncounted for. Just thought that interesting :-)


I have every current quest completed with the obvious exception of the impossible 'Present Darkness'.

The total number of quests in the game are as follows.


Normal quests 915

Seasonal quests 53


The 1,003 quests that the UFSG states is incorrect. Or, likely is a placeholder for when HCS eventually decides to fill in the gaps when content was rushed out in an unfinished state.

#976904 super elite quests

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 February 2017 - 15:25 in Game Content

Yes, I'm sure you'll get your answer here.

#976472 Frag Market

Posted by Mister Doom on 10 February 2017 - 00:00 in Market Place

lol @ trying to clean-sweep the forum.


Bored much? :P

#976471 UFSG Updates

Posted by Mister Doom on 09 February 2017 - 23:53 in General Discussion

Hey, how dare you knock sitting around with nothing to do??


It is one of my favourite pastimes!

#975872 Guild store Item Repair Button

Posted by Mister Doom on 23 January 2017 - 23:51 in General Discussion

"Sent Yesterday, 06:48
plz check out my latest post under general discussion regarding guild store repair button, comments are appreciated."


Not sure why my input on this would be asked for...


That said it has always been my opinion that guild tagging itself was a horrible addition to the game that made people lazy, dropped the value of every piece of armour in the game, created guilds that coddle instead of teach and made each LE event (after the first) a little more pointless each time they happen.


So making it easier to keep 'guild tagged' gear fully repaired? Yeah sure why not, the damage was already done a long time ago. Why not take another action that people should do themselves and let a single person do it for all, we are all looking for ways to play less anyway aren't we. Strangely.

#975871 treasure chests

Posted by Mister Doom on 23 January 2017 - 23:42 in General Discussion

The idea about the new icon that stands out more is good. That's the only good idea I've seen in this thread however. (IMO)

#975824 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by Mister Doom on 22 January 2017 - 22:40 in General Discussion

I haven't trusted the caves since Fatman...

#975822 Little things that annoy you.

Posted by Mister Doom on 22 January 2017 - 22:29 in General Discussion

I hate shopping channels, like REALLY hate them.


Also I hate when normal tv stations become teleshopping channels during the night.


Even more than I hate these two things though, I hate that almost all tv stations have synced up when they show their advertisements so you can't avoid them by switching channels. >.<

#975781 Fallen Sword App Update (Jan 2017)

Posted by Mister Doom on 21 January 2017 - 19:09 in General Discussion

Does it still mess up if you use a different browser?

#975776 Fallen Sword App Update (Jan 2017)

Posted by Mister Doom on 21 January 2017 - 18:02 in General Discussion

i can't find anyone else with this world map display problem...as a workaround i switched to the greyscale theme - the sidebar is still there but it's transparent




Have you done any customisation to your theme?

Character - Preferences - Themes (large white editable part.)


Or perhaps you're using an unusual browser?

#975731 Little things that annoy you.

Posted by Mister Doom on 20 January 2017 - 19:46 in General Discussion

Well seeing as how Present Darkness is finished yet. I am not entirely annoyed. Let me ask you this have you finished all the Grimnor Forest (StoryBook) or Quango Island quest. Even if they are not up to EOC, in completion. I know many who are annoyed that they haven't been able to finish there unfinished quest.

And other then being annoyed by all of you

I am annoyed by my wife's little dog barking at me all the time


Yes cucullainn, I have completed every other quest.


Normal Quests - Quests Completed: 914 / 915

Seasonal Quests - Quests Completed: 53 / 53

#975690 Little things that annoy you.

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 January 2017 - 23:53 in General Discussion

For what it's worth I'm in 100% agreement over the sticking mouse-overs. They have annoyed me for years and occasionally actually block the action list, which you then have to move...


Of course, it's not nearly as annoying as the unfinished quest that has been sat in my quest log (present darkness) as the only quest in the game I haven't done. Of course I try not to let these things bug me as much as they used to, I have come to terms with the fact that these things will likely never be fixed, completed, improved etc.

#975688 Little things that annoy you.

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 January 2017 - 23:30 in General Discussion

No disrespect Penny but what is trivial to one may not be trivial to another. Personally I agree completely with the original post as the lingering mouse over has annoyed me for years.


Another annoyance is the fact that when you "mouse over" you character in map it does not show you what stats you currently have meaning you have to leave map and go to profile page to check.


And constructive criticism can only do one thing.............. improve the game.


On a side note, those that think they have a right to sit in the outside lane of the motorway ambling along at 70mph, now those folk really annoy me.






Mouse-over your name on the top bar and you'll get your stats. This works on all pages.

#975651 Master Realms/Portals

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 January 2017 - 03:43 in Game Content


#975649 Master Realms/Portals

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 January 2017 - 02:33 in Game Content

What is 'real', how do you define 'real'...


The world would be so great if forums read people's posts in the style and voice of Morpheus from The Matrix.

Don't you think?

#975643 What do you do online, besides play FS?

Posted by Mister Doom on 19 January 2017 - 00:13 in General Discussion

I watch video's of questionable content, almost exclusively.

Occasionally I log on to FS if I'm getting tired.

Oh, and I'd rather lick a public toilet seat than own something made by Apple.

#975046 Epic quest item discarded

Posted by Mister Doom on 08 January 2017 - 06:45 in Game Help

Even though Present Darkness is not finished. One needs to complete this arc. To be able to complete the remaining 6 Epic Quest, in order to receive the extra stamina gain bonuses. :)


Penny already said that...

#974943 Bounty Hunting Ticket Flash Sales

Posted by Mister Doom on 06 January 2017 - 05:59 in General Discussion

You must have missed the original 2:1 max stam flash sale...


Which will never again happen since the discount was too high. (Is why the max stam flash sale is now only a 50% bonus)

Unless you also want a one-off absurdly high discount offer for the bounty tickets??


You know, to show that they aren't biased...



Honestly Sweetlou, some of your pro-pvp rants are starting to get a little silly now.

#974808 The Flight of Dragons!

Posted by Mister Doom on 03 January 2017 - 20:35 in General Discussion

Uber pots to the rescue!!

#974410 Merry Christmas!

Posted by Mister Doom on 24 December 2016 - 20:28 in Announcements

Merry humbug to you too Hoof! :)

#973913 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Mister Doom on 15 December 2016 - 07:26 in General Discussion

What a pointless continuation of a discussion, it has gotten nowhere.


If a pvp global is created without either xp loss removed or being optional, it will crash and burn exactly the same as the initial implementation of the smasher medal. At the same time it will foster even more 'hate' between the leveller and pvp player-base and almost assuredly cause people to leave the game, again.


Not really sure why the people who campaigned for the train wreck that was the 'first' smasher medal are trying to make the same mistakes again.


PvP is simply not as popular/loved as some people want it to be, it will likely never be embraced in the way that they want it to be, simply trying to 'force' it down everyone's throat is just going to end badly for the entire game.

#973027 10 year anniversary!

Posted by Mister Doom on 05 December 2016 - 16:09 in General Discussion

Probably be another birthday cake full of potions...


Called it.

#972985 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Mister Doom on 04 December 2016 - 23:47 in General Discussion

I understand the opposition to having the event be optional. I seriously can't imagine it will be much of a success, even with the enormously diminished numbers the game has now, there are still a majority of people who don't want to pvp.


Although it would certainly be funny to see only a couple hundred or so people 'opt-in' for a seasons event. lol


There are really only two ways that this won't cause the exact same issue as the initial smasher medal release however. It either has to be optional, or it has to be xp-loss/gear damage free.

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