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#927565 More sap

Posted by Falbal on 08 April 2015 - 14:09 in Suggestions

It's the same with Crystal Cutting, you never get enough powder (or did they change the drop rate?  You said you're getting enough, that never happened for me until I reached cap).


I always get more crystal powder than I need. I don't know if this was changed at some point.

#927387 More sap

Posted by Falbal on 07 April 2015 - 14:55 in Suggestions

Thanks for the offers, but this is not about finding someone with leftover sap at this moment. I need the sap whenever I am cutting down logs, and I don't intend to seek out people every time I need some. I would like to get it from the trees I cut down.

#927351 [Suggestion] Housing

Posted by Falbal on 07 April 2015 - 12:44 in Suggestions

Do we really need this to be a copy of Runescape?

#927240 [Suggestion] Vanity Set Bonuses.

Posted by Falbal on 06 April 2015 - 22:03 in Suggestions

Then they shouldn't be called vanity items.

#927106 quest 'Curiosity killed the' got bug

Posted by Falbal on 05 April 2015 - 19:21 in Bug Reports

Are you sure you are standing on the correct one? There are several which are out of order, and only one that works.

#926979 Special food in cooking

Posted by Falbal on 04 April 2015 - 18:33 in Bug Reports

The newly added section to the cooking profession called Special (after level 41-50) seems pretty odd. For other proffesions Special contains some high level items, but for cooking it contains a copy of the three lowest level items: Basil Bread, Cooked Soft Meat and Cooked Stikleback.  Surely this must be a bug?

#926953 Level cap to join low lvl dungeons.

Posted by Falbal on 04 April 2015 - 09:16 in Suggestions

If you want to run low level dungeons with other low level players, do it!

If you don't want to run low level dungeons with high level players, don't!


There doesn't need to be additional rules for this kind of thing.


That is a stupid argument. It is not about what one player wants. It is about what the thing does to the feeling of achievements for all other players. It is not that I don't want to run low level dungeons. It is that I don't want others to run low level dungeons, because that takes away my feeling of achievement for what I have done by myself without any help from others.


I could just as well argue that there should be an option for buying a level 47 character, equipped with max stat items, perfect gems in everything, and having level 47 in all professions. Then, if you think that is wrong, you can just keep from buying it, and let those who want to spend their money on it. How whould that make you feel, in a multiplayer game like this? What would your achievements be worth? Nothing. This is a similar case (perhaps more obvious), where it is not just a matter of whether you want to take advantage of the offer yourself or not, but you would not want anyone else in the game taking advantage of the offer, because it ruins the game.


Don't give me that crap about just not doing what I think is wrong.

#926950 Level cap to join low lvl dungeons.

Posted by Falbal on 04 April 2015 - 09:00 in Suggestions


That's your play philosophy, not everyone else's. Do not insist on placing your ideals on each and every person who plays this game. You can have your opinion, respect that others think differently and want to play with their friends.


I do not respect people who play a game like that. You might as well have the oportunity to buy a level 47 character, equipped with the best items, for some amount of EP. Then you can go into the game and brag about what you have achieved. That is not much different from having a bunch of level 47s helping you level up and getting gear in no time while you just sit in a corner being carful not to get hit.


No, that kind of play does not belong in a multiplayer game where you compare your achievements with other players. Everyone in the game has to work equally hard to get to the same level. In a single player game I couldn't care less, but here it is different. Achievements become worthless, and any kind of comparison between players becomes worthless, if you can take shortcuts to getting levels and equipment.

#926881 You can use /sit to skip scenes.

Posted by Falbal on 03 April 2015 - 22:04 in Bug Reports

Well this was a cool trick. Now the devs going to know and change it. >.<


Which is a good thing. How about not being silent bug abusers? :angry:

#926877 Level cap to join low lvl dungeons.

Posted by Falbal on 03 April 2015 - 21:54 in Suggestions

but what if your best buddy started the game and you only have a lv 45 or 47 and wana help him get the set fast.


I would never help anyone get anything fast. The whole point of a game like this is to work your way up and fight for good items. If you have someone else help you, what is the point of playing at all? I can't see it. I would never have anyone help me with anything, which is why I don't play in teams. It takes away any feeling of achievement to rely on others, especially higher level players, if you just parasite on them.


I don't even use my high level main character to collect dungeon items for my low level alt. My alt must work for the stuff himself. Anything else feels like cheating to me, and playing becomes pointless.

#926870 Level cap to join low lvl dungeons.

Posted by Falbal on 03 April 2015 - 21:22 in Suggestions

This only shows how flawed the whole concept of doing dungeons in groups is. Doing story mode solo is the only way to go in my opinion. It makes you work for and earn the items yourself. Being parasites on other players is no way to play a game, but unfortunately that is always what these kind of games turn into. Too bad that game designers can't figure out how to make things so they can't be abused.

#926766 Disable vanity in PvP!

Posted by Falbal on 03 April 2015 - 09:56 in Suggestions

EDIT: what's stopping say a ranger wearing mage or melee armour, ok they might not get the bonuses they need and will be disadvantaged.. but isn't this the same as "covering up with vanity" your class by wearing the incorrect armour?


Normal morals and decency should be stopping them.


I totally agree with how wrong it is to hide behind vanity. You only show that you are weak and cannot win otherwise. Having to fool people in order to win is pathetic.

#926682 More sap

Posted by Falbal on 02 April 2015 - 21:56 in Suggestions

do daily forestry quests, you'll soon have a glut of sap ;)


Those 30 logs don't make much of a difference when I have several hundred extra I can just throw away.


I still suggest balancing it better, so we get the sap we need for the logs we collect.

#926650 cant pick up eggs in ta

Posted by Falbal on 02 April 2015 - 20:34 in Bug Reports

They are working now.

#926648 More sap

Posted by Falbal on 02 April 2015 - 20:32 in Suggestions

When cutting down trees, I am always short of sap compared do the number of logs I get. Can't we have the amount of sap match the logs more closely? With crystal cutting, there is no problem getting enough crystal powder to the crystals I collect, I get plenty more than I need. It would be nice if it was the same with sap.

#926378 Set active bag

Posted by Falbal on 01 April 2015 - 18:31 in Suggestions

Yah, I think Runescape had something like that on their game.


Runescape only has a lousy 32 slots, and no additional bags or anything (other than familiars, which are a pain to use).


One thing I would like to have is that additional items we gather or craft are put into the sack that already contains some of the same item. If you have a sack in your main inventory that is not filled, then what you gather/craft is put into that sack, but if your half-filled sack is in a bag, then the items do not go into that one, they go into the main inventory. It would be nice if filling up sacks had priority over putting items in the main inventory.

#926362 Thread for Typos

Posted by Falbal on 01 April 2015 - 17:27 in Bug Reports

Not sure if is a typo or lack of space, but it should be "Crab"


There are several quests where the space is not big enough for all the text. It probably should read something like "Bring # of # Crab Legs ...".


Typical examples of this are the daily quests. Compare the text to the left with what is written in purple in the dialog window. You can even see that the "e" has been cut off. It needs two lines to fit the text.



#926204 Thread for Typos

Posted by Falbal on 31 March 2015 - 21:24 in Bug Reports


#924686 Thread for Typos

Posted by Falbal on 24 March 2015 - 23:33 in Bug Reports

Not so much a typo, but more of a mislabeling.


The chests we collect on Trapper's Atoll are called "Chest Token". Shouldn't that be "Token Chest" instead?



#924684 Farming Overhaul

Posted by Falbal on 24 March 2015 - 23:12 in Suggestions

You know, I've wondered why Farming has disease when none of the other professions have anything that causes you to get less resources?


The other professions have more varied outcome, where farming would be almost the same every time if it wasn't for disease. For things like ores, logs, fish, skins etc. you can get anything from 1 to 4 per gathering I think, but with farming it is pretty constant at 24 per harvest. I would prefer it though if 24 was only the average, and we could get anything from 12 to 36 per harvest for instance, and there was no disease.

#924646 Farming Overhaul

Posted by Falbal on 24 March 2015 - 19:29 in Suggestions

They also need to do something about the speed,


I have said this before but... HCS needs to remove disease altogether. If they removed disease, players can actually use multiple plots effectively and this will bring the profession much closer to other professions while making it less of a pain to level. Right now, I cannot actually use 3-4 plots to farm effectively without losing a large % of yield to disease.


They also need to do something about the speed, because if there were no disease, your first plot would be ready for harvest before you have watered the second one. There is no point at all in having 3 or 4 plots, because you will never have two plots growing at the same time (unless you wait with watering until they are both ready, but that would be pointless with no disease).

#924567 Walking through walls

Posted by Falbal on 24 March 2015 - 11:20 in Bug Reports

I think it's only that wall then, not a game-wide glitch or cheat.


Yes, it is only that one wall. I cannot walk through the other walls in the same ruin on the picture.

#924502 Walking through walls

Posted by Falbal on 23 March 2015 - 19:26 in Bug Reports

Unfortunately they know about the trick, because they are walking through the wall as well. :)

#924427 Walking through walls

Posted by Falbal on 22 March 2015 - 10:57 in Bug Reports

This is east of Mythos, by the Crimson Stalkers.



#924055 Farming Overhaul

Posted by Falbal on 18 March 2015 - 15:03 in Suggestions

Either that or I am doing something horribly wrong somewhere  :lol:


You are probably right. :) I never timed it, but it just seems fast to me. Perhaps because I find it less boring than hacking away on some ore.

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