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There have been 5 items by wil72 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#1007799 Legendary Event!

Posted by wil72 on 14 June 2022 - 18:37 in General Discussion

Just read the comment you made in Global chat BG stating, and I quote, "When the caves are fixed, I'll throw the two who refused to appear back out, yeah".

Best way forward in my opinion and good luck with the spelunking!


#1006719 Legendary Event!

Posted by wil72 on 21 January 2022 - 19:46 in General Discussion

As has been explained in the past, the roadmap is a rough guide. Not a guarantee. These things are still items we'd like to get to but things are fluid, which is why the the roadmap is a guide.


~ Grim

Fluid, what, like this? :D






#1005073 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by wil72 on 08 September 2021 - 19:37 in General Discussion

How would Loyalty potions ever not be bound?




#1005072 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by wil72 on 08 September 2021 - 19:31 in General Discussion

You don't make any real fsp from donation chests anymore. The game is saturated with them. I suspect those that donate will be happy enough if all of the suggested changes go through. You get a rake of Loyalty points when purchasing fsp. Ooops, are you allowed to say that? So they're quids in either way.




#1004663 [PvP] Feedback & Suggestions

Posted by wil72 on 28 July 2021 - 19:41 in General Discussion


" We also wish to protect players that do not partake in it". (Unquote) "it" being PvP.


Thank you!


~ Fallen Sword Team

"We" being HCS. That, to me, is rather concerning. I woudn't have thought it was up to HCS to protect players from PvP but rather the players themselves. Did you mean to word it in the manner that you did? If so it is a dangerous rhetoric in my opinion as many "non" pvpers will jump all over this statement. And some, nay many, will use it to strengthen their arguement for a total opt out option with regards to PvP. A truly horrendous thought I think you will all agree. This IS a PvP game. KitiaraLi has been good enough to post quotes from HCS hierarchy to confirm this. May I suggest you re-post with amendments to make this crystal clear because as it stands, for me at least, you have kinda.......muddied the waters.


As for alterations to PvP bands:


SilentS0ul's suggestion that GvG and PvP bands should be identical sounds good to me.




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