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#962961 Did i realy do 0 dammage last week?

Posted by Crasken on 04 May 2016 - 21:34 in Bug Reports

Your total damage dealt value is capped. Top lists probably calculates gains of week by comparing your total damage at the time of update to the total damage one week ago (or something similar). Difference would be 0 since you can't gain any more total damage done -value.


Just my hypothesis, I haven't looked deeper into top list mechanisms and this is the most plausible explanation imo.

#958713 Create RANGER boss in CC

Posted by Crasken on 07 February 2016 - 18:57 in Suggestions

So if there's anyone else than you in there, that's too many players, yes?

#956930 healer guide and icc guide for dummies

Posted by Crasken on 13 January 2016 - 01:02 in General Discussions

this is a really good build but idk why u cant see the wonder of Deliverance (healing talent of redemption). It heals 30% of the hp for 10 seconds. but awesme build though.

Deliverance makes redem to generate threat. If you have it, you can't cast redem during the pull for damage reduction so that's a drawback. I have it talented though and love that 30% heal and I believe this is just matter of preferences.

#956557 healer guide and icc guide for dummies

Posted by Crasken on 06 January 2016 - 21:34 in General Discussions

Yo Crip, if you're planning on updating this guide you could add a small section on possible scenarios where damage is split up to whole party but is still healable (minor aggro leaks from tank or ASV LC sections for example). In those situations healing rotations become more AOE-heavy, like for example when you draw aggro as a healer, CC - redem on yourself - CC - dark prayer - CC. After all these situations occur every now and then so just a few basic examples of AOE-heavy healing would be good addition IMO.

#956447 Alchemy daily 10

Posted by Crasken on 05 January 2016 - 11:46 in Bug Reports

Alchemy Daily 10 (level 45) requires 3 small attack power drafts. Level 40 alchemy is required to craft those, not 46.


Edit: I tried offering quest giver level 46 potions and he does not accept them. Clearly there's nothing wrong in here.

#955955 New Ability - Spirit Companion

Posted by Crasken on 26 December 2015 - 14:42 in Suggestions

totally agree with you, but ... Why not? For example, to perform the daily quest Benevolent Dungeoneer alone. Limit 1 summon day/dungeon.


The game is already very solo-player friendly. I think that discouraging players to group up for group activities such as dungeons even further is just bad idea. The whole idea behind benevolent dungeoneer is to help newer, lower level players players get dungeon runs with a chance to socialize with more experienced players, maybe even gain guidance from these veterans. Making bene solo quest would discourage meeting these new players and partly leaves them hanging. That's a quick look into my point of view to your question "why not?". Also, as I said earlier, replacing party member in 5-man dungeon mode group with crappy AI won't really work either. Too bad lots of maxed players just complete bene with their friends' mid-level alt for quick unity remnants which is why the whole thing is slowly losing its meaning. 

#955917 New Ability - Spirit Companion

Posted by Crasken on 25 December 2015 - 15:43 in Suggestions

I can just barely imagine having a dungeon run with spirit mode tank or healer controlled by crappy AI.  :D  Those adventures would be quite wild and fun. But as previous comments say, story mode is for solo players.

#955178 Guild suggestions

Posted by Crasken on 15 December 2015 - 00:29 in Suggestions

I still wish whispers were visible in guild chat along with notifications when guild member logs out/in. Also good suggestions right there davidutz. Somekind of tool for guild masters to log activity of each member would be useful specially when guilds grow in size.

#953530 Can't get to/specify a custom chat

Posted by Crasken on 19 November 2015 - 17:55 in Bug Reports

You can always use chat command /join [chatroom's name] to join custom chats if your F6 key is bound. Some keyboards have special activities bound on F keys (like adjusting screen brightness or speaker volume for example), in that case you might have to hold alt or fn key while pressing F6 to open chat lobby.

#953291 Hybrid Classes Improvment

Posted by Crasken on 16 November 2015 - 17:56 in Suggestions

I know your feeling. We are free to mix talents between multiple talent trees which creates lots of diversity and unique build possibilities in theory but most hybrid builds, as well as many of those class suggestions you presented, suffer from inefficiency. Not because the early talents of each tree totally suck but because of attribute point limitations.


In short, if you want to be efficient, you have to choose 1 of 3 main damage types, melee ranged or sorcery. This is why only popular hybrids currently are warsins (full melee based damage) and prophmages (damaging spells with healing spells, full sorcery). Other hybrids are tanks which are tailored for their role in dungeons and don't suffer from not having all attribute points in one damage type. If you divide your attribute points evenly into 2 damage types, for example sorcery for long range spells and melee for close range attacks, your damage potential is a lot lower and it doesn't make up the versatility bonus you gain by having talents and skills from both classes.


There was a topic about mage-warrior hybrid idea and there I came up with conclusion that to make hybrid classes really work well and have more options that don't totally suck in terms of attack power the game would need items specially tailored for hybrid builds, in mage-warrior example I think there was idea of sword that deals magic based damage so the damage is boosted by your sorcery stat instead of melee stat. But the problems come when you start listing tailored hybrid items for different level ranges and different class combinations, number of items would just explode. Maybe some kind of transmuting option that allows to change base damage of weapon into different type of these 3 option could make it a little bit more simpler but that would still be huge addition to game.


About having more powerful talents early on talent trees kind of conflicts the idea of benefits of specializing in a single talent tree. After all you give up diversity potential to reach last levels of talent tree so having more powerful talents down there makes good sense and I wouldn't chance that.

#953121 Skirmishes

Posted by Crasken on 13 November 2015 - 07:39 in Suggestions

So why is it so hard to find people in queue as yall are describing? Is the community just too small right now or is it a system error?

Player base is small and large portion of active players have high or max level characters. There is not enough players to form teams dungeons through looking for group at lower levels and almost 0 lower-mid level tanks. Most of lower level dungeon are run with level 45+ character who join these lower level dungeons for daily benevolent -quest.


When new players realize that they have been sitting 5 hours straight in queue without finding a group, they just give up with it like everyone else and start finding groups in world chat. At higher levels people also use world chat to form groups instead of auto queue to have better control over what kind of group they are assembling. That leads to situation where nobody uses looking for group -queue and it has become simply free teleporting tool for full groups.

#951455 Idea for sword mage class

Posted by Crasken on 19 October 2015 - 15:49 in Suggestions

I read the title and instantly got flashbacks from my dragon age inquisition adventures, where your mage character can advance to a class very similar to warrior-mage hybrid. You had your basic long-range magic spells but also ability to kind of conjure a magic sword and launch melee attacks. I used to roleplay Gandalf so hard  :D


In Eldevin this would be pretty hard to make work well. The main issue with these kind of hybrid builds is that you have to divide your attribute points into 2 damage attributes, melee and sorcery in this case. The versatility you gain doing this doesn't make up for the power loss of having just half the points. At lower levels this would work with hybrid weapons that has good rolls like luke said, but more you level up more underpowered you become if you keep dividing attribute points.


If Eldevin had swords that used spell DPS for damage, these kind of build might become viable but there's no such weapons in the game yet.

#948987 suggestions to liven the game

Posted by Crasken on 17 September 2015 - 21:36 in Suggestions

What can you guys think of that can liven then game up ? (this is a suggestion topic not a hate topic if you are going to add criticism at least make it constructive) 


my ideas


-Speed up updates as people get tired of waiting and leave as theres nothing to do


-ADVERTISMENT !!! although it may cost alot it will be better in the long term


-admins in the game so they can respond to situations and things swiftly




So practically you're telling HCS to suddenly get magically wealthier to hire more staff and release content faster while spending even more wealth into wide advertisement? Obviously more content faster would be healthy for game as well as higher player base but your visio for that goal is pretty unrealistic. You don't just "speed up" content without spending more of your limited resources unless you want sloppy unfinished content out as early as possible.


My piece of constructive criticism would be to keep suggestions at least in doable scale. For example getting guilds up and running would be vital key component for keeping new players in the game (easier for them to socialize). Mass advertising before that wouldn't be as effective as doing so after the game has more tools to keep those new players in. After guilds are released I do hope a little advertisement boost and hopefully build up our player base a little bit more.

#946853 Auction House

Posted by Crasken on 27 August 2015 - 18:33 in Suggestions

Even in smaller games, guilds play very important role on keeping new players in the game.


Lots of people who try the game out for a few days and then leave do that because socializing and finding friends to play with can be pretty hard. Not everyone is social type of person. Informative and newbie-friendly guilds can help these new players to not to feel alone and encourage them to keep playing the game. This would clearly benefit even the small player base we currently have, and combined with a little bit of advertising could help the community grow.


While AH or other shop systems are also key components of any MMO, I think guild system has rightfully been prioritized a little bit higher. And I'm also sure that AH will get introduced later because there's been so much talk about it, so lets just patiently wait for that. :)

#946167 make indirect heals cause no threat

Posted by Crasken on 21 August 2015 - 14:55 in Suggestions

Any reason behind this suggestion? Kinda pointless to say "do this and do that" without giving any thoughts how it would benefit the game.

#943411 No more Multi-click in BT

Posted by Crasken on 04 August 2015 - 20:54 in Bug Reports

I agree the whole flag quest is quite pointless. I think the idea behind it is to have a little miniquest type of activity while running the dungeon to have some more variety, similar to totems in RG. It's not awful solution IMO but doesn't feel necessary to have. For example I like the straight-forward idea of daily quests in ascended dungeons but again, some people might think it's boring since the quests don't add any variety to normal dungeon runs.

#943408 No more Multi-click in BT

Posted by Crasken on 04 August 2015 - 20:44 in Bug Reports

When tough content gets nerfed, people rant about game becoming too casual. When bugged auto-win button gets taken away, people rant about content requiring too much effort. Just make up your mind already people  :rolleyes:


Flags are still solo-completable within minutes without any risk of combat, doesn't feel too much of a high-end dungeon quest.

#943356 Stackable Items within your bank

Posted by Crasken on 04 August 2015 - 16:09 in Suggestions

Tailoring is one of the skill you have to level up "hard way" meaning max 5 pieces of cloth per inventory/bank slot. Some professions you can level up using materials that can be gathered in Trappers Atoll. There are ores, logs, foraging materials and fish that stack up to 999 per inventory/bank slot, smuggled materials. They are much more efficient to store up.


If you enjoy training professions, I recommend purchasing a few sacks instead of backpacks if you don't have large amounts of EP. Sacks cost 50 EP a piece and allows to you stack 10 times any crafting resource into 1 inventory/bank slot. For example one sack can hold 50 pieces of cloth. Sacks are more affordable and everyone loves them. But still, it doesn't remove your original issue, you still would have to pretty much craft your cloth right away or your inventory keeps filled up. Sacks and backpacks allows crafting stuff in bigger amounts which helps a bit.


Currently bank stash and vault is simply extra inventory space and functions the same way as inventory does (vault just being account wide storage instead of character). I would like to see bank slots with higher capasity too. There are lots of items that take up lots of storage room because of low stacking capasity.

#943120 Change Plasma Lord Ranking system

Posted by Crasken on 03 August 2015 - 16:51 in Suggestions

In patch notes a few months ago it said PL ranking system was improved but I call that BS as the ranking system is still pure lottery. I don't mind it though as rewards are really bad but it can be annoying for those who try to get their mount. Some real improvements would help a little, I agree on that.

#941252 Exarch tiaud's mausoleum - insane lag

Posted by Crasken on 25 July 2015 - 05:09 in Bug Reports

Yeah, I remember that place. Easily one of the most annoying areas in the game, not because of mob density or difficulty but because of enormous lag. Specially the last quests in area when you have to travel the whole realm again to reach the room at the end, you are pretty much forced to kill all mobs again instead of the usual option to run though them. I used to even disconnect a few times during combat which eventually led to death. Thankfully it's quite small place content-wise and maybe that's why players haven't bothered to start topics about it.


Also, silly advice such as getting better computer to solve the problem doesn't make this bug report any less valid. That area creates so much lag compared to any other area in Eldevin if can't be intentional or normal.

#938250 change lvl 49 BELT roll(DEV please read)

Posted by Crasken on 06 July 2015 - 20:03 in Suggestions

Yeah, I wouldn't mind removing those rolls either and never said it would be bad thing to remove them. Considering how much effort it takes to create one of those belts compared to single drop from dungeon boss, they are quite weak with the drawback.


The only bad thing I can come up with is reducing the options down to a single one when talking about very high-end gear. Currently belt slot is the only armor slot that even has an option to choose from (either higher stat belt with slow or lower stat belt blank). Armor sets are absolute, we have worn our level 45 armor sets ever since we got them. If level 50 content comes with only 1 armor set per class, everyone is going to wear that set all the way until new "chapter 2" -content which can take quite some time to be released.


What I really like to see is more variety in high-end equipment. Idea of having a little more powerful gear available that comes with some kind of drawback as option to normal consistent armor would give players ability to choose the gear that matches their playstyle. Though I believe HCS sticks to their current pattern. This glimpse of benefit-drawback balance in belts is most likely unintentional but it's concept that I'd like to see developed further to give players a little more choice in high-end content.

#938234 change lvl 49 BELT roll(DEV please read)

Posted by Crasken on 06 July 2015 - 15:10 in Suggestions

I'm well aware of importance of HP. I'm not saying templars shouldn't use new belts, but instead reminding that they are not forced to a single option.


Specially at current patch, where we run exactly same instances as we did with previous gear, having absolute max available stats isn't a must have, even more when they come with drawbacks like new belts. Add in a new unity set and templars have more than enough HP to destroy current dungeons. When level 50 kicks in with new challenges, then we see how important having the best gear in game becomes.


I'm also aware of people who want to wear the best gear possible, and many of them like to speedrun dungeons and challenge the community that way and in that sense I understand your original suggestion. New belts come with extra HP, but with drawback big enough to screw up runs. So is it the best gear after all? Maybe I made a mistake saying that it is a little HP reduction, but it still comes down to balancing things out. Deciding if the benefits are worth the drawbacks and that way choose best equipment and strategy to run dungeons as fast as possible, ain't that what speedrunners do? And if you think new belts benefits are greater than drawbacks, then they already are best gear in the game even with slow rolls.

#938228 change lvl 49 BELT roll(DEV please read)

Posted by Crasken on 06 July 2015 - 14:15 in Suggestions

I still don't understand what makes you think people can't wear level 45 rare belt. If you hate slow roll effect that much, a little reduction in HP is nothing. You are not forced to use slow roll belts, there are options. As I mentioned earlier, more options would be nice. Still, current situation is better than having slow/snare roll in every single belt in the game.

#936899 change lvl 49 BELT roll(DEV please read)

Posted by Crasken on 21 June 2015 - 16:29 in Suggestions

If you want to get rid of slow / snare roll you have to swap back to level 45 rare belts. WB belts have the drawback but still they are used over rare belts, pure stats seem to be valued more, even with drawbacks. If new belts didn't have any drawback they would be very powerful compared to WB belts PvE-wise.


It would be nice to have a little more options on what kind of equipment to wear, maybe they add level 50 belt with slightly lower base stats but with rolls that are more useful in PvE. But I really doubt new level 49 belts get changed now that they follow the same structure than WB belts and are more powerful as they should be.

#935142 great fix for TA issue

Posted by Crasken on 10 June 2015 - 03:26 in Suggestions

While this sound really fun in paper I doubt it will be that entertaining in the long run. Player base in this game is so small and pretty much all the PvP'ers are pals with each other so I think it quickly becomes PvP'ers vs other players -activity. And while PvP'ers have big advantage over others ( customized builds, PvP experience etc. ) there's high chance this kind of activity only becomes a farm for PvP'ers to gain "practically free" high tier loot every now and then.


At least this is my point of view. I think this only widens the gap between PvP and PvE folks. If something like this gets introduced in the game I might take part of it a few times for pure excitement but I doubt lonely nubs like myself have any chance teaming up with anyone for activity like this.  :rolleyes:


If the game lacks rewards for PvP -activities ( There are some discussions about this ) wouldn't it be better just improve valor gain from battlegrounds and add new rewards purchasable by valor points?

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