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There have been 38 items by forhorsmn (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#765656 X-Mas Exchange 2012 1 DAY LEFT

Posted by forhorsmn on 28 November 2012 - 23:37 in Graphics

Sounds like fun. Count me in.

#759301 Signature Contest 40 fsps!!!!!! (extender

Posted by forhorsmn on 19 October 2012 - 23:25 in Graphics

Here's one I had a while ago. I changed it up a bit just for you.

Posted Image

#755934 Sig & Avi Contest - AND THE WINNERS ARE.....

Posted by forhorsmn on 21 September 2012 - 17:22 in Graphics

This sounds like fun. Haven't done a combo piece in a while.
Here's the sig. I'll get to work on an avi as soon as I can.
Posted Image

#718881 Reminisce of the old times

Posted by forhorsmn on 10 February 2012 - 10:08 in General Discussion

I remember when killing a Super Elite was a huge accomplishment.

When I finally was able to kill my first one I got messages from so many people say "congrats" and "good job". Now it seems no one really cares about anyone else. I really miss all the friendly people. There are still some around but they are WAY out numbered by the jerks.

#761615 Quest Guide

Posted by forhorsmn on 05 November 2012 - 16:57 in General Discussion

Never mind. Just figured it out.

#761614 Quest Guide

Posted by forhorsmn on 05 November 2012 - 16:55 in General Discussion

For the last few days I've been having trouble getting my characters quest log to come up. I can see the completed quests and the not started quests but not the active ones. I know I didn't finish all of them.

#720123 old version!

Posted by forhorsmn on 16 February 2012 - 16:39 in General Discussion

The new UI will take some getting used to but it's really not to bad. Sure the mobile croud is having some issues but as stated before the Cows are working on it.
As for...

We do not have a choice we pay the cows money and it is manditory we go to the new ui because we do not have a choice. Again we do not have a choice. The cows decided what they thought best for us. No choice here. Now it is just time to either quit or keep playing. No more complaining because it does not matter! We have not a choice.

You actually contradict yourself :P

#761760 Oidhche Shamhna Dawns

Posted by forhorsmn on 06 November 2012 - 16:00 in General Discussion

So is the event over? No news update. No chests. No kill counter.

#755761 New piece CnC

Posted by forhorsmn on 19 September 2012 - 21:14 in Graphics

Tried something a little different.
Posted Image

#770017 GGT6 Banner Voting Thread

Posted by forhorsmn on 24 December 2012 - 19:42 in Graphics

I think the reason K is getting a lot of votes is because it's that time of year. For me, C is the nicest piece.
C- 2
I- 1
K- 6

#768470 GGT Registration

Posted by forhorsmn on 16 December 2012 - 19:00 in Graphics

I'll join. Don't worry about paying for me Kay. I'll head over to the game now and send payment :)
19:01 16/Dec/2012 You sent Kayesha1 2 FallenSword Points
There you go :)

#769483 GGT Auction donations

Posted by forhorsmn on 21 December 2012 - 17:19 in Graphics

Just sent a few pieces. Hope the auction goes well :)

#775881 GGT 6 Round 2 Voting **OVER**

Posted by forhorsmn on 29 January 2013 - 16:49 in Graphics

Well at least I made it to the second round this time. Now that's progress LOL Good luck to the ones remaining :)

#773742 GGT 6 Round 2 Theme

Posted by forhorsmn on 15 January 2013 - 06:18 in Graphics

This is going to be a tough round. Good luck all.

#774385 GGT 6 Round 2 Theme

Posted by forhorsmn on 19 January 2013 - 16:14 in Graphics

Hope to have mine done tonight. This is a lot more work than I thought.

#773233 GGT 6 Round 1 Voting *Closed*

Posted by forhorsmn on 12 January 2013 - 06:45 in Graphics

Group 1:
A: 7 A little to monotone. Tough to see the detail in the background.
B: 10 Very well blended and the lighting is fantastic.

Group 2:
A: 8 The render seems over sharpened and the effect behind the snowmobile looks just a tad to "much".
B: 5 The dragon isn't blended at all and the text just doesn't look right.

Group 3: This was a tough one.
A: 9 Very interesting concept. Love the animation but the right side is a little to dark. Maybe if the background came through a little farther to that side it would have been perfect.
B: 8 Great lighting and effects. Again, the right side seems a little to dark.

Group 4:
A: 9 Great depth and effects. Not thrilled with the text placement though.
B: 7 Snowboarder could have been blended better and could have used a few more effects.

Group 5:
A: 8 Very unique. Nice effects but the top left seems a little "empty".
B: 7 Nice depth on the left side but the right side seems way to bright.

#717960 GFX Battle

Posted by forhorsmn on 01 February 2012 - 22:44 in Graphics

I've been out for a while but I'll give it a go. How is it going to work?

#717996 GBlade's Graphics Contest!

Posted by forhorsmn on 02 February 2012 - 01:45 in Graphics

Woot, contest!


-most comics (not things like flash, or the incredibles though)
-manga (naruto, bleach, fairy tail, prince of tennis, shaman king)
-dark things
-conceptual things
-creative stuff
-fantasy stuff

Well you did list Cod as a theme ;)
Posted Image

#755760 Deviantart anyone?

Posted by forhorsmn on 19 September 2012 - 21:09 in Graphics

I don't have a lot of stuff up yet, but I'm working on it LOL

#720467 Create Your Own Ultimate Screenshot!

Posted by forhorsmn on 19 February 2012 - 16:21 in General Discussion

This is disturbing. You just proved that screenshots lie!

Sorry if it disturb you. It was meant just for fun. :oops:

Don't worry to much Golden. I actually laughed at it :) Some people are just WAY to serious all the time.

#717966 Buying Avatars!

Posted by forhorsmn on 01 February 2012 - 22:53 in Graphics

I'll work on something for you Easy. I've been out for a while but I'll try :)

#752426 Avatar contest. 1st gets 10 fsp

Posted by forhorsmn on 27 August 2012 - 00:42 in Graphics

I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm a little (lot) out of practice.
Posted Image

#755828 Avatar Contest 15 fsps!

Posted by forhorsmn on 20 September 2012 - 17:16 in Graphics

Here's mine. I'll try to come up with a couple more.
Posted Image

#754966 Avatar contest - 25 dots to the winner - CONTEST CLOSED

Posted by forhorsmn on 13 September 2012 - 16:22 in Graphics

I figured I'd give it a shot. Been out of gfx for a while.
Posted Image

#759865 5 freebies

Posted by forhorsmn on 27 October 2012 - 17:25 in Graphics

I've got some time on my hands and figured I could use it for a little practice. I will do 5 freebies. Just give me a render and what you want the text to say and I'll do my best.

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