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There have been 4 items by winemaker (Search limited from 06-July 23)

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#1010595 New Super Elite!

Posted by winemaker on 07 April 2024 - 22:35 in General Discussion

i sweep 1751-1702 twice, once with and with out Reveal buff on just in case, so if they spawn after they come back from there weekend off and Magical appear, we will all know they forgot to turn em on even if they say everything is working as it should be....LOL :rolleyes:

#1009986 Halloween Wave 3!

Posted by winemaker on 20 November 2023 - 18:30 in General Discussion

LE are still roaming the back allays of FS 

#1009596 Code Update v3.12.0!

Posted by winemaker on 27 July 2023 - 21:11 in General Discussion

anyone able to Abandon Relic other then founders? the box is checked for my rank and still unable to.

#1009390 Epic Quests & Legendary Beasts!

Posted by winemaker on 21 May 2023 - 20:02 in General Discussion

so the end result of the "epic quests" is: You receive 47,228 XpPlease note, you will not be able to advance in this particular Quest until the next Epic Quest arc is released.


 I have not done the quest yet but by the looks of it we get to close 1 quest for another one to stay open for another eternity.  :rolleyes:  

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