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#994410 Alien Territory

Posted by CODENAME on 25 October 2018 - 16:56 in General Discussion

Aliens should reduce the territory to neutral after 5 minutes so you only have a short time to 'safe' your territory. It should definitely not be "slowly" ticking down.


If option 3 is implemented how can I ever get close to a target again? Bye bye PVP aspect of the game. I would quit playing.

I seriously don't understand why players would ever pick option 3... It's literally the most extreme option, you should play a different game if that's what you want.

#994241 hunted cows ??

Posted by CODENAME on 27 September 2018 - 12:37 in General Discussion

He attacked you with only his hero. You killed it, thats why it looks like it's empty.

#990233 Hackers

Posted by CODENAME on 19 February 2018 - 12:25 in General Discussion

what about cheat engine can operation n.e be exploited?


You can't edit the data on the server with cheat engine.

If you change data with cheat engine it will only be cosmetic on your screen.


For example: I change my amount of neutronium to 1000m with cheat engine. It might look like I have 1000m neutronium but thats not the amount that is stored on the server. So I can't actually spend it.

#989821 Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

Posted by CODENAME on 31 January 2018 - 22:48 in General Discussion

If you are going to buff the regenerate rate, don't do it by increasing the skills only.

Increase the base value of 4/minute too.


And also increase the energy cost reduction a little while you're at it.

#989807 Player Suggestions

Posted by CODENAME on 31 January 2018 - 14:17 in General Discussion

Things that would improve the game and why:


1. Remove the resource generation cap. Allow people to collect resources from the base even if they passed the storage threshold.

This will make it easier for low level players to get enough resources to get that upgrade they need and it will make the hero skills to boost resource production actually useful. 


2. Allow usage of multiple items at the same time, just like the Armory Supply boxes. 

Noone enjoys spamming the 3 or 15 minute speed-up button, players nor server.


3. Provide some other bonusses on captured territory.

25% gathering speed increase is not enough to make if viable/fun to maintain territory.


4. Increase the base speed of dropships by 50%.

This makes the game more fast-paced and interactive. If you have ever send a dropship with tier 1 heavy troops on a trip you know the pain. New players feel the most of this pain...


5. Add alien troop buffs to the VIP bonusses.


Some of these have already been suggested probably...

#989805 Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

Posted by CODENAME on 31 January 2018 - 14:04 in General Discussion

The game now needs some way to monitor tiles.
Since killing invaders doesn't show in any logs other than if you kill it. If someone else attacks an invader the only way to see who kills an invader is to watch the map.
We have already had a few people attack invaders and someone sneakily kill the invader while that original person was trying to recover energy.
I know being able to ninja kill a invader from someone is part of the mechanics but it might cause some friction in the alliance with people pointing the finger on who stole the kill if no-one saw it happen.

Might need to add in to the game a monitoring station that the commander can select specific tiles to report back intel, for example when someone attacks a invader.


Friction is good in my opinion, to many powerful players in a single alliance... and don't get me started about the mothership inbalance..

I agree on the fact that it needs to be tweaked a little more to give a more even reward distribution.

From a attack you can also get Armory supplies, for example a chain 9 attack can result in 9 Armory supplies. (even 18 if you're lucky..)

However the percentage of getting the armory supply boxes from a chain attack appears to be very low...





Here's a example of a very lucky attack...






I think increasing the chance of getting Armory supply boxes from chain attacks would be a good thing.

I estimate its around a 5% drop chance right now..

Also removing the useless rewards from invadors like 30k resource items and alien components

#989784 Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

Posted by CODENAME on 30 January 2018 - 20:14 in General Discussion

also another slight issue


say a lvl bug has 1% health left,when you attempt to attack,it will still show your maxz chain hits,and if you choose max hits,you could end up wasting the energy that wasn't needed in the extra chains. 


Thats why you write down how much damage each chain does :)

#989777 Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

Posted by CODENAME on 30 January 2018 - 18:28 in General Discussion


Ok patch 1.91 is planned to release later this week and will contain the following:

  • Fixed the chain attack value not being correctly added to the damage.
  • Fixed an energy display bug on the Invader Attack Panel
  • The amount of energy removed now correctly adds the skill bonus reduction.
  • Hero Energy Restoration I and II skills have received significant buffs.
  • Fixed an issue where Rallies could not be deployed.
  • Fixed an issue with heroes not being able to deploy to invaders, despite having enough energy.
  • Fixed an issue with higher level gathering locations working incorrectly.



Has the dev team already implemented the chain boost??

I've noticed a difference.


For each chain you get 2,5% damage boost now.

- Chain 4 attack has a 7,5% damage boost.

- Chain 5 attack has a 10% damage boost.

#989765 Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

Posted by CODENAME on 30 January 2018 - 10:15 in General Discussion

I think its good that it requires a lot of effort to get good gear, but with current energy recovery rate and the price of stimpacks its way too long.


My suggestion is to decrease stimpack prices, add stimpacks to the alliance store and increase the base energy recvery rate. Even if you can attack them non-stop it takes very long to get the supplies...


Stimpack 100: 40 shards, 1000 alliance credits

Stimpack 500: 200 shards, 5000 alliance credits

Stimpack 1000: 400 shards,10000 aliance credits


(And maybe make aliens drop them)


Energy recovery rate base: 12



Now I have to wait around 8 hours to kill a single level 1 Invador.

#989753 Game Update 1.9 : Hero Armory - Feedback

Posted by CODENAME on 30 January 2018 - 00:16 in General Discussion

Here's some data I collected.

Yes, it indicates that chain attacks do not work like advertised.


(This data is based on a level 61 hero with 16000 base damage and a 6% attack boost.)




DPC = Damage Per Chain :)




I also think the double reward % skill is not working...

However thats probably because is amplifies a small percentage instead of it being the actual chance a double reward occurs.

#989447 Development Update : Hero Armory!

Posted by CODENAME on 15 January 2018 - 11:58 in General Discussion

sweet,since there's still time please consider adding in these:

1.allow alien items to be traded for gear resources

2.add in multi use of items, so that we are not sending so many requests to the server,no one likes using 5000x15min boost, 1 at a time


Yes, do this hunted cow!!


Posted by CODENAME on 02 January 2018 - 19:38 in General Discussion

We need a wall of shame.


- 1 week ban, no access to your account.

- Automatically removed from alliance.

- All alliance credits removed.

#987634 Annoying forum image-pasting issue

Posted by CODENAME on 28 November 2017 - 21:42 in General Discussion

You guys filled the hunted cow harddisk with the old image function.

I suspect they bought the following one:



#987421 visualizacion precios tienda precios correctos

Posted by CODENAME on 17 November 2017 - 19:23 in General Discussion

If it's 100USD, Why isn't the europian price 85 Euro instead of 100 Euro?





Its called exchange rates Admin. 

Fix this please, I don't want to go through the trouble of using a VPN client to get 'cheaper' packs.


(STEAM Game client bug)

#987360 Good shard pack?

Posted by CODENAME on 15 November 2017 - 15:38 in General Discussion

At the start of the game you get 5000% bundles, those are good.


After those disappear or you buy them the best deals you get are the 1750%-2100% bundles.



I agree with 'TheChosen One', the 99 USD platinum shard bundle is the best deal. 


Do NOT buy the normal bundles in the shop, those are just there to trick you into thinking the others are a good deal, they serve no other purpose and should never be bought.

#987234 server issues

Posted by CODENAME on 12 November 2017 - 16:12 in General Discussion

Absolutely ridiculous... Can barely play the game because of these 'Request deem invalid messages'

It seems to be worse on mobile platforms in my experience.

#987179 Hackers

Posted by CODENAME on 10 November 2017 - 12:18 in General Discussion

Every action is handled by the server (hence the spinning blue wheel of connection death all the time and the countless server connection errors when you press a button too fast....)

Server-sided data is very hard (impossible) to modify, because you don't have access to the device.



Claiming that hacking is not possible... I wouldn't say that


Anyway bug abuse and misuse of a flaky connection might make it seem like people are 'hacking'

#986808 Incoming Patch : Game Update 1.8

Posted by CODENAME on 30 October 2017 - 16:19 in General Discussion

Shard reaction does not work on Steam. Upon clicking on the building the game crashes.

(Yes I know it works on facebook gameroom and android.)



Love the possibility to have multiple events at the same time. I hope you do this often!

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