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#1009072 Spine Chomper Attack!

Posted by Zue on 03 March 2023 - 15:03 in General Discussion

Hi all!

A wretched rattling of teeth on Spines heralds the return of the voracious Spine Chompers!

Blue Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Blue Spine Chomper lives underground in remote locations, awaiting its prey. As it senses the tremors above the ground, it bursts its head above ground, stripping the victim of its flesh, keeping the spine as a trophy.

Level: 5+

Dark Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Dark Spine Chomper is a biological mystery. In legend, it is told that it developed additional heads to satisfy its need for more spines, so it could process its victims faster.

Level: 75+

Astral Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Astral Spine Chomper is a bit of a nightmare, even by other Chomper standards. It is believed that it has eaten all the beings in its reality and is tearing into this one in search of more prey which it feeds into its other-worldly maw!

Level: 253+

Clockwork Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Clockwork Spine Chomper is a creature from an inventors fevered nightmares! Some strange fellow was enraptured with the Spine Chompers as a species and sought to replicate them artificially. This Clockwork Spine Chomper is the result. What the Inventor did not expect was the level of success he would achieve! The Clockwork Spine Chomper powered up and immediately ate its creator! It has created more Clockwork Spines as it has eaten its way through anything it catches, meaning there is a small horde of these mechanical monsters on the loose!

Level: 525+

Fire Fur Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Fire Fur Spine Chomper is yet another peculiar off-shoot of this very strange creature. This particular specimen appears to be an elemental of sorts or possibly magical in origin. The creature fur is as normal as most usually, however, when it closes with its prey its fur turns into pure flame, giving off some pretty intense heat. The Chomper itself does not notice any heat, having discovered the effect its personal conflagration can have on others resulting in a Chomper that actually likes to cook its prey before consuming them!

Level: 800+

Celestial Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Celestial Spine Chomper is simply a mystery. No-one knows where it comes from, only that it tends to hurl to the earth with extreme speed, landing on its prey and messily devouring them. Some believe it is sent by a God that is displeased but what God would use such a cute ball of mayhem for a weapon?

Level: 1100+

Dark Depths Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Dark Depths Spine Chomper is a peculiar new strain of these beasts. It does not have the shaggy pelt of other Chompers, instead having a rough shark-like hide. This allows these aquatic creatures zero drag in water, making these dangerous predators even more fearsome.

Level: 1880+

Canid Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Canid Spine Chomper is believed to be the first Chomper species that is a quadruped! It appears to resemble a dog of some (horrible, horrible) type. As with most Chompers, this breed sports the usual shaggy hair and vast mouth filled with fangs. This mouth shape is altered on the Canid however as, like a dog, it has a muzzle! This fast, bounding nightmare has also changed it's hunting methods due to the muzzle. The Chompers sense of smell is second to none!

Level: 2700+

Donki Spine Chomper (Legendary)

A cabal of Wizards have been peering behind the veil, trying to determine if there are more plains beyond this one and the Shroud. What they saw has unhinged them and somehow manifested as new breeds of Spine Chomper!

The Donki Spine Chomper was manifested by the genius Wizard, Shigemoto. This particular type of Chomper takes offense when it sees towers, smashing them and throwing great barrels and anyone who tries to climb the tower to get them!

This new breed is unassailable unless their attacker has a Shiny Silver Coin. Luckily, before all the Mages were devoured, the Cabal made sure these mysterious self replicating coins appear at Brother Giles stall at the Cathedral of Ways!

Level: 3300+

Air Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Air Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! A flighty, nervous individual, this creature is now of pure air. It uses this power to draw the breath out of it's victims, incapacitating them and making them easy prey. Unfortunately, the new blustery nature of the beast tends to sling the remains all over the place.

Level: 3675+

Fire Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Fire Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! An individual of truly volcanic anger, it's little surprise that this apprentice was engulfed in flame, becoming a fire elemental. Lapping tongues of fire replace fur and the creature moves swiftly, the roaring, spitting sound of it warning everyone of it's approach...

Level: 4050+

Light Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Light Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting its former personality! For an evil individual to be as bubbly and bright as disposition is curious. This meant their elemental binding to Light is of now surprise. However, this joyous outlook translates into the enjoyment of its evil actions. It moves and attacks in the blink of an eye, blinding its prey and searing them with the power of its light.

Level: 4550+

Spine Chomper of War (Legendary)

The latest, curious variant of the accursed Spine Chompers have raised their horrifying heads! The uniquely rapid morphogenic abilities of the Chomper species have somehow locked onto the four characters associated with the Apocalypse! rnrnThe War Chomper is a huge beast, covered in armour-like fur that turns away or traps an attacker's weapons, leaving them unable to fight back against a beast with teeth like shortswords! The creature fights everyone and everything that crosses its path.

Level: 5050+

This event will be available until 15:00 hours on Monday the 6th of March.


~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1009012 Epic Quest & Legendary Event!

Posted by Zue on 17 February 2023 - 15:17 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone!
The Epic Quest continues!
Today we are releasing the next part of the Epic Questline with "Creature Harmonics (Epic)"! This quest is started in the realm "Magic Circle (Chamber of Vinthorp)" which is found through a stairway in the "Magic Circle (Audience Chamber)", itself off the "Magic Circle (Courtyard)". You will need to have completed "Gate of the Abyss (Epic)".
Legendary Event!
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Frost Dragon (Legendary)
The Scrolls of Lore describe the elegant yet deadly Frost Dragons as non-aligned guardians of ancient treasures. These magnificently ancient beasts make the coldest and most inhospitable places their lairs, sleeping deep in icy caves with their treasure. To seek out a Frost Dragon is suicide, the ice hard scales upon its body are all but impervious to attack and its frozen breath can freeze a man solid in seconds.
Recommended Level : 15+
Leaf Dragon (Legendary)
The Scrolls of Lore describe these elegant creatures as non-aligned guardians of ancient treasures. These magnificent rare ancient beasts have been seen guarding sacred treasures within the South Lands.
Recommended Level : 70+
King Au Xenah (Legendary)
King Au Xenah is a cruel and evil king with a lust for gold. He treated his people with contempt letting them starve outside his castle while he got richer. The peasants eventually sought help from a local wizard who cursed Au Xenah transforming him and trapping him in his castle for 100 years. Now the curse has worn off and King Au Xenah has gone mad and is out on the rampage...
Recommended Level : 150+
Rangdar the Demon Queen (Legendary)
Rangdar was once a powerful queen in the lands of Falagi. She secretly worshipped forbidden gods of death and destruction, gaining great power from them. Her court discovered her secret and tried to kill her. Mortally wounded, she managed to escape into hidden caves where she was granted Demonhood for her faith in the dark gods whom she served. In her new Demon form Rangdar has become a great and powerful evil that wishes to enslave all mankind.
Rangdar was once a powerful queen in the lands of Falagi. She secretly worshipped forbidden gods of death and destruction, gaining great power from them. Her court discovered her secret and tried to kill her. Mortally wounded, she managed to escape into hidden caves where she was granted Demonhood for her faith in the dark gods whom she served. In her new Demon form Rangdar has become a great and powerful evil that wishes to enslave all mankind.
Recommended Level : 325+
King Nimis the Blob (Legendary)
King Nimis was always was an unpopular leader, seen as a tyrant by many. As his greed for food grew his people begun to starve. The populace were unable to deal with the problem and desperately sought outside help. This help came in the form of a kind Witch who cursed the king and his gluttonous ways. The curse turned the King slowly into a monstrous fat creature known as the Blob that could never stop eating. The King was quickly overthrown and kicked out the kingdom. Blob now wanders the lands feeding on anything he comes across...
Recommended Level : 900+
Valgotic Golem Engine (Legendary)
The Valgotic Dwarves have not been idle since the destruction of the abominable Doom Maw. Further refinement of their considerable Golem technology, the Golem Engine is a formidable addition to the Valgotic arsenal. This monstrous defensive golem reacts to attack by replicating itself, though this does weaken each new Golem as whatever demonic entity is originally bound to each newborn golem splits the demons soul fire. The blazing red runes in each golems skin glows a little duller. This is seen as an acceptable means of fuelling these new Golems as they have to bind less demons to their original golem stock!
Designed by : UrzasRage
Recommended Level : 1180+
Grumpy Groosifoo (Legendary)
Grumpy Groosifoo is a half human, half demon creature from the Shroud, engineered by the Shadowlord himself. He was supposed to be an unstoppable warrior but the human nobility in the creature was hampering Groosifoo's killer instinct. In a rage, the Shadowlord brought the demon to the fore in Groosifoo's mind and unleashed him into the Realms, where the Grumpy Groosifoo has been tearing up trees and devouring anything he crosses. Few Warriors who have survived combat suspect the noble human side of the creature's character is struggling to reassert itself again...
Designed by : Groosalugg!
Recommended Level : 1975+
Jebat the Vengeful (Legendary)
Jebat was regarded as one of the greatest warriors in the realm. Together with his childhood friends, they served their King with absolute and unfaltering loyalty. After one of his friends being accused of having an illicit affair with one of the King's court stewardesses, he was put to death without trial for the offence. The King then bestowed the rank of head of palace security upon Jebat. With this came an ancient magical weapon, believed to grant its wielder invulnerability. Jebat, believing his friend had been killed unjustly, decided to avenge his friend's death. This vengeance became a palace killing spree. Unable to calm his anger and hatred, he continues his amok in the realm.
Designed by : Profumo
Recommended Level : 2450+
Hades Werewolf (Legendary)
The Hades Werewolf is a lycanthropic nightmare, part man, part hellhound. This dangerous creature appears to be a hunter and tracker, though for whom is unknown. All that is known is that the fiery furred, red skinned monster is a vicious  and relentless hunter and killer!
Designed by : hades8840
Recommended Level : 2975+
The Shroud Shinobi (Legendary)
The Shroud Shinobi is one of the Shadow Lords' foremost killers. With the meddling of the Realms various "heroes" interfering in his machinations and thwarting his plans, the Shroud Shinobi has been unleashed. His mission, to hunt down and slay those self-same meddling heroes! Keep a wary eye on the shadows!
Designed by: HiddnNinja
Recommended Level : 3250v+
Bhakti the Royal Warrior (Legendary)
Bhakti belongs to an elite group of warriors called the Royal Warriors. They are known to be fearless, bloodthirsty, and loyal to their King. While on their latest conquest, Bhakti's squad was ambushed, and he awoke to find himself as the only survivor. Filled with vengeance, he now roams Erildath to find his King and will eliminate anyone who gets in his way!
Designed by: Tehmelons 
Recommended Level : 3700+
Gigadardanus (Legendary)
Gigadardanus is a giant crab. Its emergence foretells the coming of a terrible fishing year.
Recommended Level : 5150+
These creatures shall be available until 15:00 (Server Time) on Monday the 20th of February 2023.
~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008964 Double Composing XP LXXXV!

Posted by Zue on 10 February 2023 - 15:01 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone!
Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!
For the next 48 hours, until 15:00 (Server Time) on the 12th of February, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!
We hope you enjoy the 85th Composing XP Event!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008963 New Titan spotted!

Posted by Zue on 09 February 2023 - 15:02 in General Discussion

Hi all,

The first of our new player designed Titans is released today! Introducing:

Zurgol the Tiny (Titan)

Zurgol was a runt among goblins. Cowardly in the extreme, he'd flee at the slightest hint of a fight. Most goblins are craven, sneaky bullies, so poor Zurgol was the target of all the clan bullies, i.e. the entire clan! Eventually, this was too much for him. He fled, hoping to find a place where he could live unafraid. He travelled and searched, but nowhere is truly hospitable to a feeble goblin. He gave up, thinking to go home but his travels had been frenzied and haphazard and he was lost. Dejected, his wanders brought him to an ancient, crumbling tower. Escaping from a sudden downpour, Zurgol explored the tower, not knowing it had once been the lair of a powerful mage. Finding no food, beyond the odd rat, he DID find a clear crystal bottle in a scuffed circle on the floor. With a shrug, he drank the clear liquid, thinking it water. rnrnA wave of unaccustomed power surged through his tiny body and then, to his shock, he started to grow! His frame expanded, swelling with power, though somewhat unevenly. Though ungainly, Zurgol's new body is powerful and vast, with his tiny goblin head perched atop. He now bullies those smaller than he is, rampaging across the Realms.

Design: kingcap

Recommended Level : 2700+

As usual when a new Legendary or higher recipe is released, we have removed the required items from the Auction House and returned them to their owners before their value takes a bump.


~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008952 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by Zue on 03 February 2023 - 15:10 in General Discussion

Hi all,

The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!

Heartless Shade (Legendary)

The shadows crawl beneath the Castle Morbidstein. Are they heartless creatures, or simply incarnations of darkness? No one can provide the answer. One noticeable thing is that they appear to be emotionless, striking down any who get too close with casual indifference. Further study should unlock the mystery of these creatures and where they came from. Fortunately, there is no shortage of test samples for they are multiplying underground endlessly.

Designed by : SoraXKairi

Recommended Level : 450+

Recommended Gold : 21,000+

Tree Mistress Zykz (Legendary)

Tree Mistress Zykz is one of the most powerful of the tree beings known as the Hamadryads. She experienced the destruction of her forest home and her Hamadryads by humans and since that day took on a gloomy aspect of decay and doom. As much a danger to plant life as animal life. Wherever Zykes travels, rot and decay follow, an ability that threatens the life of the world and one that must be extinguished...

Recommended Level: 750+

Recommended Gold: 27,000+

Ira Heketoro (Legendary)

Various stories have been passed down through the ages , though none create more excitement and fear than the story of Ira Heketoro. Legend speaks of an ancient forest where the mythical Taniwha Ira Heketoro lives and protects a mysterious stone of uncanny strength. Only the strongest and bravest of warriors would seek out the ancient forest. Few have ever returned. Those who return, while battle scarred and weary, possess treasures imbued with strength and spirit, enough to make many a brave man run in fear.

Designed by : Evilbry

Recommended Level: 1600+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Psellio the Helleater (Legendary) (NEW)

Once a reputable demon-slayer of world renown, Psellio is now a monster driven mad by his own bloodlust. His frenzied consumption of demon flesh morphed him into a hideous, multi-limbed abomination whose very name instils fear into demon-kind.

Recommended Level: 2050+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Ultra Hustler (Legendary)

Ultra Hustler is a skillful trader and dealer. This is due to his subtle telepathic powers. It is said that he was born in the poorest realms, raised in squalor. While this forced him to make dangerous deals to survive, he became a a canny and shrewd dealer! His fortunes changed when he came across a mysterious spirit. The Spirit asked for aid and Hustler bartered and haggled. His prodigious wheeling and dealing resulted in the spirit joining Hustler and granting him his telepathic power, making his hustling all the more potent!

Designed by : 1hustler

Recommended Level: 3000+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Mirky the Malevolent (Legendary)

Mirky the Malevolent is a vile little backstabber. He hides in water or bogs, his fur looking like floating weeds and scum. He waits for even powerful foes that are well versed in combat, as he knows how to strike at weak or exposed joints in armor!

<b>Designed by : EpicPiety</b>

Recommended Level: 3700+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

Hustlersattva (Legendary)

Once a rich and powerful Merchant Lord, Hustlersattva negotiated trade deals at an epic scale. Trade deals that could mean the life and death of entire cities or even Kingdoms! Such power inevitably breeds a belief that you can do no wrong, so when a betrothed Princess, called Mercy, caught his eye, he pursued her. The feelings were reciprocated but the betrothal was set! Nothing could be done. The Princess's Father, the King, forbade further contact. Needless to say, neither Hustlersattva nor Mercy obeyed this edict and when found out, Mercy was taken away and Hustlersattva banished, with all assets seized. He can now be seen dressed in a monk robe and holding an empty bowl in one hand. He searches the realms for Mercy and, in her name, helps those that are suffering.

Designed by : 1hustler

Recommended Level: 4550+

Recommended Gold: 45,000+

These creatures shall be available until 15:00 on Monday the 6th of February 2023.


~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008928 Rise of the Wraiths XXV

Posted by Zue on 26 January 2023 - 15:32 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.

The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.

The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!

Elemental Wraith (Level 25)

The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.

Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.

The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 on the 31st of January 2023.

For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:

Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II

If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.

Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional 2 Global Ruby Frag Stash II chests.

There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.

Good luck everyone!

~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008898 Double Composing XP LXXXIV!

Posted by Zue on 13 January 2023 - 15:09 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone!
Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!
For the next 48 hours, until 15:00 (Server Time) on the 15th of January, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!
We hope you enjoy the 84th Composing XP Event!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008744 Fallen Sword App Update (v.1.2.3)

Posted by Zue on 16 December 2022 - 18:39 in General Discussion

Hi all, we have just pushed an update for the Fallen Sword app. Version 1.2.3 should be available on the iOS and Android app stores soon! This update includes the following changes listed below:
🔸 Player support app Integration - players can now report issues through the Fallen Sword app instead of being taken to an external source to do so.
🔸 New preferences added:
- Option to disable PVP ladder reset notifications.
- Option to disable GVG started notifications.
- Option to disable new bounty notifications.
🔸 Error that occurs when buying some upgrades has been fixed.
For those of you who have yet to try the app, you can get it for your Google or iOS devices from the below links:
We hope you enjoy the newest update and as always... Happy Hunting!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008743 The Forest of Yule opens!

Posted by Zue on 16 December 2022 - 18:30 in General Discussion


I think you forgot the stats on Perchtas shield  :(


Thanks for reporting this! It seems so. Team are now aware and will get it fixed soon  :)

#1008742 Double XP event + new content!

Posted by Zue on 16 December 2022 - 17:12 in General Discussion

Hi all,

The Double XP event has now started and will be live for the next 144 hours!
During the event, all creatures will give DOUBLE their normal xp.
Additionally, the following content is now active!
• 78 New Realms
• 3 New 'Champion' Creatures.
• 3 New 'Elite' Creature.
• 4 New 'Rare' Items.
• 6 New 'Unique' Items.
• 5 New Item Sets.
• 7 New Portals.
• 8 New Relics.
It is rumored that a new portal to the Wendarag Coast (Crash) has been discovered in the Renegar Reef (Training Ground).
Christmas Promotion.
There is only a few days left of the Christmas Promotion! Remember, this fantastic offer is the best value package of the year, with two brand new potion options available. Take advantage of it while you still can!
~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008698 Double Composing XP LXXXIII, new FB page + Xmas Offer!

Posted by Zue on 01 December 2022 - 16:22 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone!
Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!
For the next 48 hours, until 15:00 (Server Time) on the 3rd of December, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!
We hope you enjoy the 83rd Composing XP Event!
We also invite players to follow our new Facebook page, exclusively for Fallen Sword posts: https://facebook.com/FallenSwordGame
In addition to this, the 2022 Christmas Special Offer is now available: https://www.fallensw...nts&subcmd=xmas

Players have just two weeks to take advantage of this fabulous, festive offer!
Have a great weekend.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008673 Bonfire Night event ends

Posted by Zue on 22 November 2022 - 14:21 in General Discussion

Hi everyone!
Bonfire Night is now over, with the Cathedral Basement closed and the Wickerman crumbling to ash for another year. They shall return! Those stuck in the Basement will be teleported out. If the Wickerman was despawned before it was destroyed, no TKP or secures are awarded.
We hope you enjoyed the event!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008658 Pinata Frenzy XXV!

Posted by Zue on 18 November 2022 - 14:28 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.

The Demonic Pinatas have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them. They seem to be immune to all weapons. However, Brother Giles of the Cathedral of Ways mentions that he seems to have an unending stock of Holy Pinata Bats at his shop.

The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!

Demonic Pinata (Level 25)

The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Demonic Pinatas plaguing the realms.

Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.

The Global Event shall be live until 14:15 on the 23rd of November 2022.

For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:

Bronze : 1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver : 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold : 2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal : 2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby : 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II

If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.

Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive 2 additional Ruby chest rewards.

There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community by Egami.

Good luck everyone!

~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008643 App Update v1.2.2!

Posted by Zue on 15 November 2022 - 14:55 in General Discussion

How about app getting the Christmas offer available for purchase on it?

I've passed your suggestion on, but it seems to be built into the browser version only.

#1008641 App Update v1.2.2!

Posted by Zue on 15 November 2022 - 14:35 in General Discussion

Hello everyone!
Here are the improvements & upgrades that the team has brought to the Fallen Sword App today:
  • Added missing PVP Prestige image from PVP Prestige details popup.
  • “All For One” added to the skill tree.
  • Arena join, epic allowed display issue.
  • Arena join, equipped gear update issue.
  • Arena load issues, and improved performance.
  • Chat unread notification blips fixed.
  • Composing Instant Finish Cost display issue.
  • Composing potion, max brew time display issue.
  • Empty Logs fixed.
  • Guild Achievements load error.
  • Guild conflicts load error.
  • Guild conflict start panel display issue.
  • Guild invites not showing properly.
  • Guild relic display issue when viewing other guilds.
  • Guild relics list display issues.
  • Guild sent requests, display issue when removing.
  • Guild stats, added guild next level XP.
  • Guild vault issue when switching panels.
  • Improved loading and performance on questbook.
  • Incorrect message when extracting resources.
  • Infinite load on questbook open.
  • Inventing list becoming invisible when panel is reactivated.
  • Item details stats comparison display issue when comparing positive stats.
  • Load quickbuff added to quickbuff player popup.
  • Lock icon displayed on unavailable buffs on the quickbuff panel.
  • Logs type improvements, each log has its own type now (more on that in future versions).
  • Overall Chat load performance improvements.
  • Recommended quests panel, display issue on tracked quest.
  • Scavenging, selected cave display issue.
  • Search guild pop up, filter icons display issue.
  • Skill details display issue on Composing Guide Panel.
  • Teleport bug fixed.
  • Unable to empower relics right after capturing it.
  • Upgrades not loading properly when joining a guild, causing some features to not work.
  • View player actions, removed conflict for local guild members.
For those of you who have yet to try the app, you can get it for your Google or iOS devices from the below links:
We hope you enjoy the newest update. A new feedback thread is open for all who wish to comment.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008633 Skill update!

Posted by Zue on 14 November 2022 - 14:36 in General Discussion

Hi everyone,
The skill "All for One" is now added to the Special section of the player buffs, at level 2000.
Players will be given a free skill reset, which will be allocated within an hour and can be seen in your Log.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008593 Double Composing XP LXXXII!

Posted by Zue on 10 November 2022 - 14:58 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone!
Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!
For the next 48 hours, until 15:00 (Server Time) on the 12th of November, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!
We hope you enjoy the 82nd Composing XP Event! Have a great weekend.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008549 Halloween LEs! Wave 3!

Posted by Zue on 28 October 2022 - 14:03 in General Discussion

Hi all!

A third and final wave of Oidhche Shamhna horrors have taken up the attack on the innocent inhabitants of the Realms! They must be defeated!

Clawed Fiend (Legendary)

The Clawed Fiend is a horrific demonic entity formed from the nightmares of man. He is covered in burnt flesh and skin that's peeling from his body. However as his name suggests he his clawed. these are not just any claws but long sheer like claws made from a burning demonic steel that cuts the soul as well as flesh.

Level: 66+

Captain Squall (Legendary)

Lost at sea and abandoned by his crew, Captain Squall made a last desperate plea for his life. Entering a pact with the gods of the sea he was spared death by drowning and instead he became the gods of the seas vengeance upon land. Seeking those who have blasphemed upon the high seas or befouled their realms the captain brings with him a storm of violence, cutting the throats of the seas enemies with his hooked hand.

Level: 360+

Jumbo the Clown (Legendary)

Jumbo the Clown once an entertained children of all ages. Now all run from him. Jumbo sold his soul for fortune and fame, but instead was cursed. He was transformed into a child eating demonic version of himself. Often hiding in children's closets or under their beds waiting till the time is right to strike. The last thing anyone hears when jumbo begins to feed is his high pitched laughter... and the honk of his nose.

Level: 675+

Imptile (Legendary)

On the outside Imptile is a happy chattering creature that appears eager to please others or even tell jokes. But underneath its scaly skin lies the true nature of Imptile, one of trickery, deception and cold blooded killing. Imptile is known to lure his unsuspecting victims into his cave home with promises of shelter or food. It is here he will rob them of any valuables and kill them, although not often in that order...

Level: 925+

Ectolymph the Bio Exorcist (Legendary)

Ectolymph is a spirit from the otherside that other spirits can hire for pay (or what counts for pay for a ghost) to rid mortals from their haunts. To the departed he's known as a Bio Exorcist. Ectolymph takes his work of scaring mortals away from the territorial haunts of spirits really seriously and tries to not scare them to death too often, although when it does happen he's not to fussed and he's just created another potential customer...

Level: 1300+

She Who Walks the Rows (Legendary)

A nameless demonic entity who manifests each Oidhche Shamhna at the bidding of the Cult of the Corn, a evil cult that dwell in secret in rural areas that are away from prying eyes. The Demon is known only as She Who Walks the Rows by her followers and once summoned She begins her yearly reaping of the souls of innocent people, that she drags back to the shadows with her once Oidhche Shamhna ends.

Level: 1775+

Lord Quackenhoff (Legendary)

Lord Quackenhoff is the last of an ancient aristocratic family. It has been noticed that he does not age and is widely believed he is a vampire. This is true, though after he was defeated last time, his resurrection had a....complication. One of the vital fluids used to restore him got mixed up with tomato juice and as such, he continually thirsts for it. This has not helped him hide his nature. To this end, he fashioned a mask from his family crest. People now think he's a vampire but with a duck mask.

It's all very odd.

Level: 2150+

Varmints (Legendary)

These vicious little creatures, known as 'Varmints' by local people are strange beasts. Small, surprisingly fast and with a voracious appetite, scholars are somewhat stumped.They're not Spine Chompers but are every bit as hungry and sadistic as those feared creatures. Where these Varmints came from is anyones guess at the moment!

Level: 2525+

Moschataput (Legendary)

Moschataput is a demon, summons by vengeance seeking mortals who know too little of what they are unleashing. This foul beast is tied to the life force of the summoner and is all but impossible to hurt while the summoner lives. While it will hunt down and destroy the target of it's summoner's wrath, it's messy rampages can be indiscriminate, leaving plenty of other people wounded or worse in it's wake.

Level: 2975+

Jumbo the Exalted Clown (Legendary)

The years of feeding off of the innocent have brought a new, horrific change over the demonic Jumbo. His form has warped, shifted and taken on new hues and shapes. This monstrous demon continues preying on the weak, innocent and young. Don't dare go into dark, wet places, lest you end up floating there with past victims!

Level: 3400+

The Mozzie (Legendary)

The wizard Andrew Hedison was a forward thinker, imagining new and esoteric uses of magic for the every day user. He built two pods to try easy and effective teleportation. Unfortunately, a mozzie was in his pod with him. At the end of the experiment, the two were inextricably blended into one. Now, the Mozzie is rampaging throughout the realms, draining all who cross it's path of their life blood.

Level: 3775+

Box Head (Legendary) (NEW)

Box Head is a demonic entity of believed to hail from the mist wreathed village of Quiet Bluff. It is believed that this implacable being took the form of the villages executioner, the box representing the receptacle for the lopped off head of the executed.

Level: 4150+

The Changed (Legendary)

Once a renowned explorer, the Changed is a huge reptilian beast driven mad with hunger. The explorer found a hidden valley filled with lush, dense jungle. As he hiked through vegetation, he supplemented his provisions with fleshy, delicious leaves he found growing in abundance. Soon, it was all he could eat, their leaves filled with mind and body altering properties. In short order, he has devolved into a huge, reptilian creature, hunting and devouring any and all that cross his path.

Level: 4525+

The Morphaloth (Legendary)

No one knows the origins of the Morphaloth. Several learned wizards, Sorcerers and "wise" men have examined the thing, usually to their terminal detriment, thereby proving they aren't so wise and learned after all. The monster can take the shape of it's victims before erupting in whipping tentacles, fanged maws and unpleasant ptotrubances. The only thing known to hurt it, is extreme cold!

Level: 4900+

Hand of Hades (Legendary) (NEW)

The dreaded Hand of Hades is a disembodied demonic hand that drags sinners to the pits of Hell. Emboldened by the hellish fire that eternally burns on its wretched skin, the Hand of Hades is but one of many parts of Hades capable of performing horrific deeds throughout the realms.

Level: 5150+

These shall be available until 15:00 on Monday the 31st of October.


~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008506 Double Composing XP LXXXI!

Posted by Zue on 14 October 2022 - 14:08 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone!
Today, we have our next 'Double Composing XP' event!
For the next 48 hours, until 14:00 (Server Time) on the 16th of October, XP gained from making Composing Potions shall be doubled, so get those potions brewing!
We hope you enjoy the 81st Composing XP Event! Have a great weekend.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008346 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by Zue on 16 September 2022 - 15:20 in General Discussion

Hey there everyone,
The lost portal to the Storybook Forest has reopened!
The Portal can be found in the Mountain Path leading to The Grimmnor Forest.
All the old classics are there, joined by 2 new twisted up stories:
'The Story of the Corrupted Twins' Level: 2050


'The Story of the Spurned Stepsister' Level: 2350


The Forest will be open until 15:00hrs (server time) on the 22nd of September.
~ The Fallen Sword Team.


#1008251 Spine Chompers! Wave 4!

Posted by Zue on 05 September 2022 - 14:10 in General Discussion

Hi all!

The third wave of Chompers is driven off. With horror, you realise a fourth wave of the dangerous Chompers has swarmed forth!

Venom Spine Chomper (Legendary)

This rather vile Chomper is very fast, propelling itself along on to heavily muscled legs. Once it catch's you, it envelopes you with it's poisonous tongue and will swallow you whole before coughing your spine out to add to its collection!

Level: 56+

Yellow Spine Chomper (Legendary)

After many years of evolutions, the Yellow Spine Chomper has taken to the skies, swooping down on unexpecting victims, bringing agonising death from above.

Level: 225+

Spine Chomper of Misfortune (Legendary)

The Spine Chomper of Misfortune is a curious addition to an already odd menagerie. This one seems to chase its prey and coil up and many as possible in its tendrils. It then breaths its Breath of Misfortune upon all its captured prey, which sends them to sleep. Once asleep, the Chomper eats the victims swiftly and starts prowling again!

Level: 400+

Dawn Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Dawn Spine Chomper is a Chomper that decided it liked to hunt first thing in the morning, when prey tends to be a bit fuzzy headed and potentially easy meat. Why its appearance has begun to mimic a cockerel is anyone's guess.

Level: 750+

Solar Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Solar Spine Chomper is a very peculiar breed of an already peculiar species. It is somewhat related to the Fire Fur Chomper in that its fur can burst into flame but instead of charging its prey, the solar leads its prey to an ambush point with its lit tail. Once in a place it is happy with, it draws it prey as close as it can. Once achieved, the Solar Spine Chomper explodes, cooking its prey where it stands!

Level: 1000+

Corpulent Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Corpulent Spine Chomper is a vast, slobbering beast. For all it's gargantuan bulk, this creature is still an adept hunter. It'd have to be to get to that size!

Level: 1650+

Feathered Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Feathered Spine Chomper is somewhat like the Dawn Spine Chomper in that it is an avian offshoot of the species. This feathered fiend is flightless but has huge leg muscles and is known to be exceptionally fast. It still have the trademark maw full of fangs and the desire to collect the spines of those it devours!

Level: 2575+

Pakku Spine Chomper (Legendary)

A cabal of Wizards have been peering behind the veil, trying to determine if there are more plains beyond this one and the Shroud. What they saw has unhinged them and somehow manifested as new breeds of Spine Chomper!

The Pakku Spine Chomper has manifested due to the works of the Mage Torutani, this terrifying beast floats above the ground and is most at home in mazes. Strangely, it appears to be afraid of ghosts and, most surprisingly of all, enjoys the occasional fruit alongside it's fleshy victims!

This new breed is unassailable unless their attacker has a Shiny Silver Coin. Luckily, before all the Mages were devoured, the Cabal made sure these mysterious self replicating coins appear at Brother Giles stall at the Cathedral of Ways!

Level: 3175+

Chomper of Pride (Legendary)

A new strain of Chomper has appeared! They appear to exemplify one of the seven evil attributes! Chomper of Pride take the collecting of spines that all Chompers have and elevates this trait by proudly displaying the collection for all to see!

Level: 3675+

Air Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Air Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! A flighty, nervous individual, this creature is now of pure air. It uses this power to draw the breath out of it's victims, incapacitating them and making them easy prey. Unfortunately, the new blustery nature of the beast tends to sling the remains all over the place.

Level: 3675+

Chomper of Envy (Legendary)

A new strain of Chomper has appeared! They appear to exemplify one of the seven evil attributes! The Chomper of Envy works itself into such a frenzy of covetous behaviour that it actually does very little. It ends up tying itself in knots over wanting everything everyone else has, ESPECIALLY spines!

Level: 4050+

Chomper of Sloth (Legendary)

A new strain of Chomper has appeared! They appear to exemplify one of the seven evil attributes! The Chomper of Sloth is a slow, foul smelling creature. Crawling through the muck of it's haunts, these monsters are stealthy simply because they move so slowly, no one sees them. That's until they surge into motion, with the screams of their victims cut mercifully sort. After the meal, the Chomper returns to it's sloth-like posture.

Level: 4175+

Shadow Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Shadow Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! A dark and sinister individual, already an evil creature is now the very embodiment of Shadow. Lurking in the dark areas, pouncing on the unsuspecting, the Shadow Chomper enjoys the terror of it's prey almost as much as the messy devouring that follows!

Level: 4675+

Spine Chomper of Death (Legendary) (NEW!)

The latest, curious variant of the accursed Spine Chompers have raised their horrifying heads! The uniquely rapid morphogenic abilities of the Chomper species have somehow locked onto the four characters associated with the Apocalypse! rnrnThe Death Chomper is a strange, cloaked creature. Strands of bone-like fur poke through the cloak. Skeletal hands appear from the cuffs and a flash of fangs can be seen in the hood by those brave, or foolish enough, to get too close. The mere touch of this creature will rip the soul from its body, which itself will wither to dust, leaving a pristine, glistening spine as the only evidence the victim existed.

Level: 5425+

This event will be available until 14:00 hours (Server time) on Thursday the 8th of September.


~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008235 Spine Chompers! Wave 3!

Posted by Zue on 02 September 2022 - 14:15 in General Discussion

Hi all!

With the second wave of Chompers driven off, you'd hoped for a respite. No such luck! A third wave of the dangerous Chompers have swarmed forth from the dark places!

Undead Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Undead Spine Chomper was once the most vicious living spine chomper in known existence. Since its departure due to lack of fresh spines, its now the most vicious non-living spine chomper in known existence.

Level: 35+

Red Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Red Spine Chomper, like its blue cousin, keeps the spine of it's prey as a trophy. However its mouth acts almost sawmill like in the process, with you being the tree.

Level: 150+

Octo Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Octo Spine Chomper uses its multiple tendrils to ensnare its prey and drag it kicking and screaming into its toothy maw.

Level: 350+

Polar Spine Chomper (Legendary)

Being an arctic predator, prey is hard to come by for the Polar Spine Chomper. It will charge its new prey as a great ball of camouflaged fur with gaping maw and rapidly freezing drool. As it feverishly devours it's prey, it takes great care not to damage the spine of its latest victim, which the Polar Spine Chomper, like the rest of its vicious kin, will keep in an ever growing trophy collection.

Level: 650+

Sludge Spine Chomper (Legendary)

Yet another of the frankly odd Chomper species, the Sludge Spine Chomper makes its home in swampy areas. One would have thought the thick mass of fur that covers a Spine Chompers body would make Swamps an unlikely place to find such a creature but once again, the Chomper finds a way to put it's surroundings to good use. The sludge in the swamp coats the Chomper making it hard to see as well as making it's thick coat even thicker and considerably more foul. It has learned to use it's disgusting fur to trap any weapons it's prey may be wielding and disarm them before devouring them messily.

Level: 950+

Tentacle Spine Chomper (Legendary)

Tentacle Spine Chompers diverged from the main family tree of Spine Chompers long ago, leaving the land for the seas. However, they are unable to swim, their stubby legs never adapting to life in water. However they adapted to this flaw and quickly evolved many grasping tentacles that they use to drag prey passing by into their toothed maws.

Level: 1450+

Quilled Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Quilled Spine Chomper is an odd Chomper (aren't they all?). You'd never believe that a Chomper would need any kind of defenses, but this strange Chomper has evolved just that. It's fur is shorter but rising from it's back is a fairly majestic crop of spine, much like a porcupine. That is, if a porcupine was bipedal and had a vast maw full of teeth that wanted to eat you up, except the spine.

Level: 2350+

Invader Spine Chomper (Legendary)

A cabal of Wizards have been peering behind the veil, trying to determine if there are more plains beyond this one and the Shroud. What they saw has unhinged them and somehow manifested as new breeds of Spine Chomper!

The Mage Tomonishi brought the Invader Spine Chomper into vile existence! This peculiar Chomper descends on its victims slowly, in a jerking fashion from above.

This new breed is unassailable unless their attacker has a Shiny Silver Coin. Luckily, before all the Mages were devoured, the Cabal made sure these mysterious self replicating coins appear at Brother Giles stall at the Cathedral of Ways!

Level: 3050+

Chomper of Lust (Legendary)

A new strain of Chomper has appeared! They appear to exemplify one of the seven evil attributes! The Chomper of Lust is best described as a form of ambush hunter. It acts in a friendly manner, smiling with it's full lips and drawing the innocent and naive towards it. Once it's prey is in range, the lips part, revealing a nightmarish maw as multiple slimy tentacle-like tongues shoot out, wrapping around it's meal, writhing over them as it slowly draws them to their doom!

Level: 3550+

Fire Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Fire Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! An individual of truly volcanic anger, it's little surprise that this apprentice was engulfed in flame, becoming a fire elemental. Lapping tongues of fire replace fur and the creature moves swiftly, the roaring, spitting sound of it warning everyone of it's approach...

Level: 4050+

Light Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Light Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! For an evil individual to be as bubbly and bright as disposition is curious. This meant their elemental binding to Light is of now surprise. However, this joyous outlook translates into the enjoyment of it's evil actions. It moves and attacks in the blink of an eye, blinding it's prey and searing them with the power of it's light.

Level: 4550+

Spine Chomper of Famine (Legendary) (NEW!)

The latest, curious variant of the accursed Spine Chompers have raised their horrifying heads! The uniquely rapid morphogenic abilities of the Chomper species have somehow locked onto the four characters associated with the Apocalypse! The Chomper of Famine is a wretched creature, thin and wizen yet with the bloated stomach of the starving. In its presence, foodstuffs will moulder or turn to dust, ensuring the locals are weakened through hunger, making them easier prey. No matter the number of victims devours by the creature, it will always go hungry, gaining no benefit from its meal, barring another spine for its collection.

Level: 5300+

This event will be available until 14:00 hours (Server time) on Monday the 5th of September.


~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008212 Spine Chompers! Wave 1!

Posted by Zue on 26 August 2022 - 14:01 in General Discussion

Hi all!

A wretched rattling of teeth on Spines heralds the return of the voracious Spine Chompers!

Blue Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Blue Spine Chomper lives underground in remote locations, awaiting its prey. As it senses the tremors above the ground, it bursts its head above ground, stripping the victim of its flesh, keeping the spine as a trophy.

Level: 5+

Dark Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Dark Spine Chomper is a biological mystery. In legend, it is told that it developed additional heads to satisfy its need for more spines, so it could process its victims faster.

Level: 75+

Astral Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Astral Spine Chomper is a bit of a nightmare, even by other Chomper standards. It is believed that it has eaten all the beings in its reality and is tearing into this one in search of more prey which it feeds into its other-worldly maw!

Level: 253+

Clockwork Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Clockwork Spine Chomper is a creature from an inventors fevered nightmares! Some strange fellow was enraptured with the Spine Chompers as a species and sought to replicate them artificially. This Clockwork Spine Chomper is the result. What the Inventor did not expect was the level of success he would achieve! The Clockwork Spine Chomper powered up and immediately ate its creator! It has created more Clockwork Spines as it has eaten its way through anything it catches, meaning there is a small horde of these mechanical monsters on the loose!

Level: 525+

Fire Fur Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Fire Fur Spine Chomper is yet another peculiar off-shoot of this very strange creature. This particular specimen appears to be an elemental of sorts or possibly magical in origin. The creature fur is as normal as most usually, however, when it closes with its prey it's fur turns into pure flame, giving off some pretty intense heat. The Chomper itself does not notice any heat, having discovered the effect it's personal conflagration can have on others resulting in a Chomper that actually likes to cook it's prey before consuming them!

Level: 800+

Celestial Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Celestial Spine Chomper is simply a mystery. No-one knows where it comes from, only that it tends to hurl to the earth with extreme speed, landing on its prey and messily devouring them. Some believe it is sent by a God that is displeased but what God would use such a cute ball of mayhem for a weapon?

Level: 1100+

Dark Depths Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Dark Depths Spine Chomper is a peculiar new strain of these beasts. It does not have the shaggy pelt of other Chompers, instead having a rough shark-like hide. This allows these aquatic creatures zero drag in water, making these dangerous predators even more fearsome.

Level: 1880+

Canid Spine Chomper (Legendary)

The Canid Spine Chomper is believed to be the first Chomper species that is a quadruped! It appears to resemble a dog of some (horrible, horrible) type. As with most Chompers, this breed sports the usual shaggy hair and vast mouth filled with fangs. This mouth shape is altered on the Canid however as, like a dog, it has a muzzle! This fast, bounding nightmare has also changed it's hunting methods due to the muzzle. The Chompers sense of smell is second to none!

Level: 2700+

Donki Spine Chomper (Legendary)

A cabal of Wizards have been peering behind the veil, trying to determine if there are more plains beyond this one and the Shroud. What they saw has unhinged them and somehow manifested as new breeds of Spine Chomper!

The Donki Spine Chomper was manifested by the genius Wizard, Shigemoto. This particular type of Chomper takes offense when it sees towers, smashing them and throwing great barrels and anyone who tries to climb the tower to get them!

This new breed is unassailable unless their attacker has a Shiny Silver Coin. Luckily, before all the Mages were devoured, the Cabal made sure these mysterious self replicating coins appear at Brother Giles stall at the Cathedral of Ways!

Level: 3300+

Chomper of Greed (Legendary)

A new strain of Chomper has appeared! They appear to exemplify one of the seven evil attributes! The Chomper of Greed attacks everything it is confronted with but unlike the Glutton, it devours its fill but still kills everything else, as it covets ALL spines and collects vast piles from it's unfortunate victims.

Level: 3800+

Stone Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Stone Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! A stoic, intractable individual, the transformation into a grinding, stone monster. This beast is a slow creature but is all but impervious to harm. Slow to anger, once engaged this chomper is an unstoppable engine of destruction, allowing nothing to stand in it's way, crashing through every barrier in it's way.

Level: 4300+

Poison Chomper (Legendary)

One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Poison Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! A craven backstabber and a underachiever, this individual has always used underhanded, deplorable methods to advance himself. Now, as an elemental of poison, this creature kills in an insidious manner, even though a Chomper is inherently powerful. Slowly killing with various poisons designed to cause slow, lingering deaths, it leaves it's prey until the last moment, when they can see the horror bearing down on their helpless form...

Level: 4800+

Spine Chomper of War (Legendary) (NEW!)

The latest, curious variant of the accursed Spine Chompers have raised their horrifying heads! The uniquely rapid morphogenic abilities of the Chomper species have somehow locked onto the four characters associated with the Apocalypse! rnrnThe War Chomper is a huge beast, covered in armour-like fur that turns away or traps an attacker's weapons, leaving them unable to fight back against a beast with teeth like shortswords! The creature fights everyone and everything that crosses its path.

Level: 5050+

This event will be available until 14:00 hours (Server time) on Monday the 29th of August.


~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008193 Game Updates!

Posted by Zue on 23 August 2022 - 15:20 in General Discussion

Hello everyone,
We have applied fixes to the following issues:
  • Buff package creation error which resulted in the 10th package not saving
  • Guild Berserker icon displaying incorrectly on the World Map
  • Healer icon displaying incorrectly on the World Map
  • Guild Mailbox Sidebar notification not going away
  • Guild Structures upkeep display issue
  • Negative hit point issue during PvP combat
We have also added notifications to the following:
  • PvP Ladder Reset
  • New Bounty Board Target (Only sent to relevant players)
  • GvG Started

We're also aware of an issue with trade and guild mass-messaging, which should be fixed now!

~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008169 Thieves in the Night!

Posted by Zue on 18 August 2022 - 14:07 in General Discussion

Hi there, everyone!

People from all walks of life across the Realms have been reporting shadowy figures throughout the villages and cities. Additionally the reports of various items having been stolen have increased 100 fold!

The Shadow Lord has dispatched his Thieves and Cutthroats to gather as many treasures as they can. Join together now and help defeat them and reclaim the items!

New recipes have been found in the Cathedral of Ways. Those players with items used in the new recipes in the Auction House have had them returned.

Shroud Thief (Level 25)

Counts as 1 kill.

Shroud Cutthroat (Level 25)

Counts as 5 kills.

You can see the current Global Event progress on the World page. The more the community defeats, the more Stolen Supplies will every player who qualifies will receive in their chests .

The Global Event shall be live until 14:00 (Server Time) on the 23rd of August 2022.

Bronze Stolen Supplies II

For each tier that the community completes the reward will increase as follows:

Bronze : 1 x Bronze Stolen Supplies III, allowing two random items from within.
Silver : 1 x Silver Stolen Supplies III, allowing four random items from within.
Gold : 1 x Gold Stolen Supplies III, allowing six random items from within.
Crystal : 1 x Crystal Stolen Supplies III, allowing eight random items from within.
Ruby : 1 x Ruby Stolen Supplies III, allowing ten random items from within.

If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Silver Stolen Supplies. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.

If at the end of the event, you are placed within the top 100 contributors, you will receive 1 additional Silver Stolen Supplies. These are in addition to any reward you are qualified for.

There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community by Egami.

Event inspired by a thread by Undjuvion and discussed with the Community!

Good luck everyone!

~ The Fallen Sword Team.

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