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There have been 3 items by QueenDove (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#984256 Happy Birthday New Earth!

Posted by QueenDove on 18 August 2017 - 09:28 in General Discussion

How and where do we look for daily shard rewards, that I just signed up for? Is it automatic upon daily sign in? Please add information, under "general rules" in game. Thanks

#984255 Special Event Feedback

Posted by QueenDove on 18 August 2017 - 09:25 in General Discussion

I am lv 22 and need to do a rally on lv8 and above and smaller players in rally get slaughtered and the rally starter receives the rewards. Make rally rewards able to be divided among recipients by the rally starter. Lower lv 10 dropship power or increase the rewards. Too uneven as it stands.

#978587 Permissions Needed to Start a Rally?

Posted by QueenDove on 30 March 2017 - 02:20 in General Discussion

Two concerns with rallies:

1. I feel that a rally should be approved by an alliance leadership member to prevent chaos. If an alliance has a NAP with another alliance and someone gets angry and can set a rally at any alliance level, problems could ensue. So I voted no to allowing anyone to be able to set a rally.

2. The rally set times are way too long. Need shorter set times, they should include 15 minutes and 30 minutes as in other games. No one wants to tie up their troops for that length of time. Also include a way to chose the type and level of troops sent into a rally so smaller members do not get all their lower level troops killed.

Thanks for listening.

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