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#998262 Fallen Sword: Campfire Stories

Posted by Flamie on 25 July 2019 - 19:16 in General Discussion

Like most everyone, I started FS because someone I used to know played and pulled me in.  I had no idea what kind of adventure I was in for. 

I was fairly new when I ended up co-founder of The Dark Stalkers with an inactive guild founder, and eventually became founder. MaxDamage of The Wicked Players took me under his wing and taught me a lot of how to be a founder... we became like sister guilds (near the end of my time on FS I joined The Wicked Players for a bit, then went home to rest in the Dark Stalkers, where I belonged).  I can't express to you how much I loved both guilds and how amazing most of the people in them were.  We were small, but organized.  We definitely made an impact especially in theft, and war.  We never backed down from a fight with bigger guilds, and we weren't afraid to lose levels, especially if it meant getting a good gold hit. We had some EPIC wars (one of which I think I ralleyed something like 30 guilds to either fight by our side, or were set to help us out on bounties... all because a guild founder accused one of my guys of causing someone to have a heart attack and die in RL... dead person coming back to the game after a month, of course.) My guild mates were like family, and I was mama bear. I wasn't afraid to protect them or our guild... and we were kick a$$.

I can't express how many fond memories I have of Fallen Sword, and how much it has impacted my life.  I miss "the good old days", with the early people who made it great.  I love knowing we impacted the game.  (points to the monster Dark Stalker), and knowing we helped contribute to the 5 level cap when deleveling in bounties when we helped our Wicked allies with a war, and probably a few other rule changes.  I remember having Radneto almost on speed dial IM because my avi was always getting reported and yoinked, and he would put it right back up.... but mostly I remember the people... the community. The amazing people kept me coming back. 

Unfortunately I had to take a hiatus from FS for a while due to a toxic RL situation which had tendrils in FS, which caused me to kinda lose my mind at the end. but even now, I have so many fond memories of  Fallen Sword, I can't help but smile when I think of the good old days, and would love for the Dark Goddess to make a return and find some old friends....maybe sometime soon.

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