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#975443 Fallen Sword Advertising

Posted by rhann123 on 15 January 2017 - 23:07 in General Discussion

Everything is a good way to get people, I just love the potential to this game and the open market feel of everything. Like Wes said he can remember when thousands of people were online at one time and so do I. I remember during LEs the lag being so bad because of how over loaded the servers were. lol. I miss those days, just wish that thru better advertisement we could once again bring back that player base.

#975436 Fallen Sword Advertising

Posted by rhann123 on 15 January 2017 - 21:53 in General Discussion

How are some ways we can advertise Fallen Sword across the web to bring in new players? I for one miss how big the player base and how crazy the economy and the atmosphere of the game used to be. 

#975425 Small idea

Posted by rhann123 on 15 January 2017 - 19:23 in General Discussion

Honestly I just came back from a few year hiatus from the game. And it is kind of discouraging to see the highest online players count to hover around the 250 player mark. I remember when i first started seeing it around the 1,000-2,000 mark easily. Just hope something can be done. 

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