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#996554 Game Won't Load in Browser

Posted by F3x on 18 April 2019 - 15:32 in Bug Reports

Thank your for the response. I have installed Java 7u80 and continue to get a black screen. Also tried Java 7u76 and get the same result. Any ideas?

#996350 Game Won't Load in Browser

Posted by F3x on 10 April 2019 - 14:07 in Bug Reports

Has anyone had success playing the web browser version of the game?

I have had no success in IE11 or Firefox 52.0 ESR (still supports Java)


The security certificate for cdn.eldevin.com expired Nov. 27 2017. You do receive a warning that the connection to site is untrusted, however you can bypass the warning. 


I am currently running Java 8 update 201.

I have added *.eldevin.com into the allowed sites in the Java configuration panel.


The game begins to load after allowing Java to run... you get a "loading libraries" and "unpacking core" message from the game session.


After that...black screen. Nothing ever loads. If you navigate away, it white screens.


Maybe I need any older Java version, or maybe it is a problem related to the security cert being expired.

Could someone else give it a try and let me if you get the same result.


Now, you will probably say... Just download the client. For various reasons, I would like to be able to launch the game in the browser.

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