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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2018 22:16

#879010 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by bigchaos on 14 July 2014 - 21:29

 I read the original post and you are asking three features from fsh you would like to incorporate into the game.  In my opinion I love fs helper. I have played both ways with fsh and without.  My suggestion as mentioned by other posts is to incorporate fs helper as it is and correct what is not working or improve features what is there.  I have noticed updates in fs helper have not been happening as mentioned by most I have had issues with my fs helper not working. I do keep it updated and when new features from HCS are put in game this affects how fs helper works. Main reason why I am suggesting if possible to have fs helper as a game item with option toggle box yes to use or no for players to pick.  I think new features should be added fs helper once other things in game are updated and corrected. 


1) Put fs helper into game makers hands.( This give faster updates and repairs options to makers of game to fs helper)

2)  HCS can put a check box to use or not use in game item area for players to have choice of using fs helper or not

3) We all talk about those that abusing game  if fs helper set up by game makers hcs, then those abusing game would be caught faster or is adjusted to prevent abuse process. 


This is only a suggestion I can offer honestly. I could not list just 3 features I like in fs helper since I enjoy using fs helper in several areas of it when fs helper working properly. Those that know me know I play all aspects of the game. :)

#873705 Double XP Event!

Posted by bigchaos on 17 June 2014 - 01:48

I like to thank HCS for the xp event.   I agree with you BraveKath on your post. 


My guildmates, friends and myself all enjoyed the event whether they were leveling or helping offload someone's gold.  Thanks Hoof, Grim and the whole HCS team.

#859060 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by bigchaos on 01 April 2014 - 02:24

Thank you HCS for the global event. I wanted to say Kudos in making these events random and keep the fs community guessing. I am also very thankful  for letting the community keep the error in the chests rewards.  :D  Thank you to all in fs community for giving what you have in stamina to help in the global event as well.  :D

#852311 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by bigchaos on 01 March 2014 - 00:33

I have a question on the chests that are being dropped by the wraiths. Does find item enhance the process. My first attempt I did not use FI but I did use global potions and I got a lot of drops.  If it does not help then I rather save some money and stamina in not using it. Thanks for answering my question if possible. :)

#851004 New Medals!

Posted by bigchaos on 21 February 2014 - 21:59

Cheers for the medals HCS. Haven't heard anything I haven't heard before, in here, regarding new/old medals. So look forward in trying to obtain these new ones.





I agree and the medals are just fun extras. :)

#838232 Legendary Event. Dragon Attack 2!

Posted by bigchaos on 07 January 2014 - 19:56

I am thinking the art work for the dragons are beautiful. The gear as to what I am looking at is interesting. I'm reading useless it all depends how you use these gear. I find that hp helps in stealing relics, arena, and other types area where you extend hp better your shot of another buff kicking in the struggle.  I do not see these items helpful in hunting much but there are lots of other options.  New gear represents new creative options.  I like the pair gear types makes me wonder how I can use those stats with other gear. I am thankful for each change and random variable HCS gives the game.  I hope in the next event though we get some gear to do more with gvging or bounty board aspects. Sometimes I think we forget there is a world here that is more than pvping or hunting involved. Thanks and it is not meant as a rant but meant as a reminder there is a lot of game to cover call fs. :)

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