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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2018 22:16

#960713 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by bigchaos on 15 March 2016 - 06:24

Yes indeed the Tom foolery of April fools  day is Toms fault. :ph34r:  :P Another Toms fault is BigGrim getting the flu shame on you TOM!! :angry:  

#959695 We should Get Our Fsps Or Gold Back?

Posted by bigchaos on 24 February 2016 - 00:41

To be honest the attacker put on bounty board should not get money back and the player placing bounty up does not get it gold or fsp for bounty back either.  The best solution we have for bounty board structure in game at this moment of time is to not put a time of removal for placed bounties on bounty board. 


Keep bounty up until completed and maybe there will be less empty boards to work with.  Bounty board was meant to be a punishment for attacking another player.  I have not really thought being removed with x time frame has helped much on bounty board. I would love to see bounty board more active. 


I hope HCS staff will post on this topic more to let the FS community know if there will be some updates in coding or other potential changes, to improve this aspect of the game. 

#959501 Legendary Invasion!

Posted by bigchaos on 19 February 2016 - 17:59

Thank you for removing AM from LE BG :)

 Yes agreed many thank you's on removing AM for this legend event should be fun. Kudos!!! :lol:

#959498 Code Update v2.86

Posted by bigchaos on 19 February 2016 - 17:24

 I am going to state here we go again players condemning a process that they did not play.  The truth is seasons is a fun system and if stamina bank dominated  as in previous post explain how I am sitting with a top list seasons medal on my bio. 


Yes I have played ladders too. The thing I am stating is not to remove ladders that topic was resolved after seasons was done. I am asking HCS to keep potions from seasons global to be the same as ladders since both are pvp events.  I hope that most can read my posts and understand this.  


I do not go slamming players opinions just state my experience and the truth I have played seasons and ladders.  Each have unique features good and bad.   


As I stand by my original post the question how can you state big stamina banks have an advantage, they do not in seasons.  This was stated over and over and the points system was based on to best of my experience playing in seasons was you willing to hit players above you and not below you so much.  The experience of game play knowledge was key factor.  Many players did not do well with seasons because it was a different structured and could not be played the same as ladders. 


More players played seasons for the one time it was out than ladders since.  Ladders can be worked on to be better and so can seasons as global event. 


Oh yeah bounty board you are right one bounty at a time but you are not limited how many times your character can be picked to be on bounty board. I know because I lost count at 8 times  seeing myself up on bounty board.  I should have clarified  in detail in my earlier posts. 


I am not going to counter all that was posted before but consider what is being mentioned. I list my bio medals and for those that know me know  I play a lot of stuff.  I am not limited being stuck in one game format and I tend to play and try all new things. 


Though this is not about me as player or individual demands but about game for new players and others to play.  I just hope that HCS do not give up on seasons because I had a ball playing seasons the things I mentioned in my before posts are my experiences that I did and played NOT from another players perspective and experience. 


This topic is about improving and helping game process and in this players humble opinion pvp process ladder or seasons still needs work and I hope code updates for this area of the game gets a lot of suggestions of improvements and less negative and distracting posts.  My thoughts all players have opinions and can express what they like but we need all players in the community and variety is good and I hope seasons comes back out soon to play again because I would as I know lots of other comments are on other threads expressing adding parts of seasons liked to ladders and vice versa. 

#959449 Code Update v2.86

Posted by bigchaos on 19 February 2016 - 00:14

Thank you BigGrim for your response and I hope you keep the prizes very close to original structure meaning immune. The reason I am suggesting this that seasons is not an easy event the first time around. 


I would like to add players above you and below you hit you and the ranges are wider than the ladders. I love seasons for this wide range aspect alone. The other thing about seasons is that your are not limited by amount of times to be on bounty board. I like the aspect you can be on many times and lose many levels. I lost a lot of levels playing seasons. In fact I have lost more levels in seasons than I ever did on ladders.  I found delightful challenge. change from ladders.    The more you are attacked in seasons the more you will be on bounty board picked by the computer. I understand seasons was in beta when it first rolled out. I hope that the updates do not take out the challenging aspects of seasons structure out of it and the prizes should represent global aspect and it is a pvp aspect then it should have respectful prizes representing ladders.  To say it is not in this players opinion is a tragedy. Those that say it is not and did not play the first beta version of seasons have an opinion, but how can you compare or based their opinion without playing the first version of seasons to understand its challenge and complexity.  


One more thing large stamina banks does not really control seasons knowledge of game play does.  My bio you will see I played seasons the first time and I played before there was prizes listed. I was very thankful of HCS putting out the prizes they did because I used a lot of my global event potion chests, epic potions and buffs through the whole process and yes some composed potions I bought.   I used a lot to stay on and I do not have uber large stamina bank and I am not EOC either.  


So my point in all of this is respectfully asking to keep seasons event close to the beta version, smooth out the rough spots and keep prizes the same as ladders since seasons looks like it will be the pvp mystery event that could entice new players to play the ladders and this could boost ladders enrollment.   ;)


Sorry for the long post and it is not meant to be a rant but to clarify how the seasons will be.  I will state I loved the seasons when it first rolled out not perfect but many aspects of fs is not perfect but being improved and I support improvements to bring players and fun to the game.  ;)

#959166 Top Stamina Holders List

Posted by bigchaos on 15 February 2016 - 03:03

 I wonder if there should be a list showing top 25 stamina holders.  I have been curious who has the most since I have been seeing players over 200,000 stamina all ready in fs world.  -_-




#958526 Home Page News Filter

Posted by bigchaos on 04 February 2016 - 16:43

I am glad it has been brought up before. I figured HCS is very busy with a lot of update projects. I do hope though that a staff member would make a comment on the filter idea.  


I know scout tower tells a lot but if you are new player more and likely you would go to home page which means there is so much information on the page that it is hard to digest what you are looking at. 


I know as experienced player I stop by to check up on forum votes and inputs as a shortcut and I will sometimes look there first if I get homepage notice of something posted in my log area of game.  I think when I am gone a few days and such the filter would help me catch up since notifications from homepage does not always tell what is going on just a general note. 


If HCS can please respond to this idea would be awesome and if this a straight no way deal that is okay please close the thread with ending comment. Thank you  ;)

#958505 Home Page News Filter

Posted by bigchaos on 04 February 2016 - 01:20

I am not sure if this has been suggested or not.  I love all the news from titan release to a global event. I was wondering if HCS can put a filter off to the side on home page to sort the news some.  B)


For example New titan release or death, global event, temple, medals, and so on.  ;)


It is only used on what you click on and it default back to full page when you leave the page. 



It is not a game priority but I thought for me that like the global events and titan hunting it is hard to see sometimes if titan been killed or not. and yeah exact location is not always easy to find though scout tower does show a lot. :blink:   I like to go to home page to see what is new and what odds and ends is happening in fs.  :)



I was thinking a bit more about this topic and wonder how many new players might find their way to forum out of curiosity while using the filter to see what is going here in forum. :ph34r:  

#957870 Zombie Yeomen VI

Posted by bigchaos on 27 January 2016 - 01:36

Thank you for the extra chests and yup I agree with most will help in the leveling aspect of the game and anywhere else that umph of something special is needed. :lol:  Thank you fs community for hitting ruby.  :D


@HCS keep the events random helps us players keep guessing and helps us players with lower stamina compete.  :P

#956757 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by bigchaos on 09 January 2016 - 03:28

It is all Tom's fault to see a frag event on and I am at full stamina to hunt.  :rolleyes:  :blink:   I guess the chose is my fault on what I do, but the fact remains it all will be fun hunting or doing event and titan killing afterwards. 


 Tom gets a reprieve on stamina usage that is my fault lmao.  :lol:  :P

#955789 Flight of Dragons I

Posted by bigchaos on 23 December 2015 - 05:18

Thank you for the dragon eggs always good to harvest  a few of these eggs for later.  So much to do this holiday season kudos to HCS staff.  :wub:  :D

#955512 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by bigchaos on 18 December 2015 - 23:08

 I will say it is Tom's fault this lag during the event.  My experience so far has been the world map walking not moving right is mostly Tom's fault.   :lol:  :P

#955422 What changes would you want to see in PvP/GvG?

Posted by bigchaos on 18 December 2015 - 00:34

In all honesty gvg/pvp have had some updates but I think more needs to be done not sure exactly what.  :rolleyes:


I liked the seasons myself and wanted to keep that process since it was a huge challenge to go after bigger players.  If you look at my bio I managed to make it work and was rather fun.  :wub:


I do not have any easy solutions to improve these areas and yes I do play from time to time in both.  I think if you just want to hit creatures and level that is okay too and both sides of the issue need to respect and understand it takes players of all types to play fs. 


There is no one way only to play the game and hope all players will respect others opinions on the topic.  I would like to add that all areas of the game need updates in mechanics and improvements in how game is played for fun. 


May all players take time and respond in forum topics and have fun playing one area of fs or all areas of fs world cheers! :P  :D

#955064 Double XP Weekend Announced!

Posted by bigchaos on 13 December 2015 - 12:43

Oh I am so ready for this event.  I am looking at my list of potions and checking it twice to make sure all is right to get the max amount of levels.  The wait is like the Grinch who states the noise is time for the event.   The dancing cows sums it all up. 


I wonder when the Christmas quests will open and other things of the seasons. Oh BigGrim you have this jolly fs community member waiting for the stirring of such events.  Though I am no poet just an anxious soul waiting for holiday adventures of the season. :)

#954940 Double XP Weekend Announced!

Posted by bigchaos on 11 December 2015 - 15:35

Thank you BigGrim for the heads up and do give warm hugs to HCS staff from me and some hot coco and of course candy canes and other goodies for the double XP event.   :wub:  :D


I will apologize for being off-topic a tad but the event is perfect since I have been doing finals all week and I am done for the semester.  It is warm holiday news to have a double xp event to level my character up now I am back full time again in fs.  :lol:


Happy dance, go fs community and hcs staff.  :D  :wub:

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