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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2019 15:21

#990246 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by sweetlou on 19 February 2018 - 20:31

Most important thing that needs to be addressed in the buff packages is dropping players who don't have the stam to cast the buff(s), much like the FSP market started dropping players with insufficient gold. It seems pretty simple and it's been asked for for so long it is easily forgotten.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Do it100x100.jpg

#990243 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by fmedic on 19 February 2018 - 20:09

Good idea! As a structure I think. Lot of guilds would build it

#986851 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Spider0007 on 31 October 2017 - 17:18

I'd take those kinds of profits for a 7 day suspension any day!!

#986638 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by BigGrim on 27 October 2017 - 10:44

Anyone notice a couple new players that are experts at the game? I just did!

And terminated. Yet another GvG Clone.

~ Grim

#986358 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Swiggity on 19 October 2017 - 21:44

Just for the record, the multi kill has gone upwards of 140 now. Thanks Grim for your hard work ;)

#986038 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by watagashi on 14 October 2017 - 00:10

Since you wish to use thinly veiled contempt, consider this:




There is still adequate time before it ends and if you consider this:



You wouldn't feel so bad if you tried not win, tried and got free RP from it :)

I was gonna post a GvG log but,,, civil. So ill just say I really appreciate when im given a free defend win because they did 74/75 XD
"comeback" again!

And IMO when a founder is banned the entire guild bank store and etc should be froze untill a appeal is made if it fails the guild should be termed,, rough yes but it makes us all a bit more accountable and less tolerant of multism. In addition if a leader such as a "GVG team leader" is found to be playing it loose on the rules then any benefit should be stripped. Again kind of rough on the innocent but tolerating cheating or even just pretending not to notice is as bad as being guilty of it.

#985973 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by wazzimoto on 13 October 2017 - 11:37

I am not interested in discussing the ban situation but, the GvG rating was achieved by the GvG team and we are still here and pretty independent of the rest of the guild.

Well.....with 11 banned members....I'm sure the cheating had ALOT to do with the GvG wins...LOL  

Not sure who you guys/gals are trying to kid!

#985969 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Filletminion on 13 October 2017 - 09:47

I promise to be civil about this. Our guild didn't get to the top of the GvG list by cheating. We have a solid set of GvGers, and at the moment you've only suspended our payment system. That'll change soon enough, and we'll be rocking and rolling again full speed!

Grim said he investigated and banned 83 clone accounts only 11 of those were in your guild..Sounds to me he was not attacking you or your guild personally, but rather those who were in breach of the TOS.

#985588 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by cucullainn on 05 October 2017 - 23:28

I like what I see in global chat. Many more are suspecting multis. Someone mentioned in GC today. That they suspect a guild because the majority of it's members had all logged off within a few minutes of each other. I have noticed this also. Though I am sure it's difficult for Grim to do such as he did the other day. Not to mention. He has other things on his plate.

I would suggest that if you suspect a guild or Players if being a clone. Please, put in a ticket. :)

#985495 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by BigGrim on 02 October 2017 - 17:08

Must have been a pain in the backside so well done

It was a pain, yeah but it needed dealing with.

~ Grim

#985481 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by BigGrim on 02 October 2017 - 11:50

the problem is some innocent people where also affected by this who use public computers or public wifi. also people who share wifi/computers are being hit by it. I think a new way of doing this needs to be implemented, simply running an IP scan isn't enough.

What makes you assume this was done through IPs? I spend several hours hunting 83 clone accounts and terminating them.

#985461 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Removed4427 on 01 October 2017 - 03:55

thank you, cows, for the crackdown


good to see y'all still taking this issue seriously

#983789 Graphics Competition!

Posted by Lsrpm on 10 August 2017 - 09:18

Oooh I miss the GGT's, I can help run it if need be :D

#983727 Tatan secure

Posted by Lsrpm on 08 August 2017 - 18:30



Something like this?


Edit some are off colored and links still attached ignore lol


We have our winter titans already(4-5 already own that season), so I will group other titans thats are not already in their own season into the other 3 seasons.


Summer  ( June July august )




Shezmu of King Sothad (Titan)

The invisible invader

Boteroth (Titan)

Epidemicus (Titan)

Kraganoth the destroyer


Spring (march April may)


Deepwater kraken



Tsukiyaomo (Titan)

guardian of the elements

The Elder Terror (Titan)

Krakaradon (Titan)



Fall ( September October November)


Ogalith (Titan)


Skaldir the Chill (Titan)

Echiphon the Hydra

Colossus of Gurgriss (Titan)

Graganath Dragonbane (Titan)


The eater of time


Not having Skaldir in the winter :P jkjk


I like the idea of rotating titans though...Will actually make some epics more valuable than they are...Though im not 100% sure since most the titans are flooded.

#983699 Tatan secure

Posted by BigGrim on 08 August 2017 - 13:15

So if you secure enough TKP you don't get the item if it still has TKP after 2 weeks when it despawns?

Indeed. If you want the item, kill the bloomin' Titan, not just get it to 50%+1.

~ Grim

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