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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
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#1010376 GRP Update!

Posted by Spider0007 on 03 February 2024 - 15:52


I'm the first comment and the last(update right after)


Because it is always the same people contributing for future contents, I still encourage everyone to at least try to ask their guild members to join the forums and give their comments because it is always the same passionate players. 

Unfortunately the fact that many players don't post in forums any more is that it has proven to be a monumental waste of their time.  Just look at the detail in which Ryebred (and many others) went to years ago on the forum to try to improve GvG and the support it received only to go no where.  Many players have given up trying to help improve the game when only a certain few are listened to. 



 14:20 03/Feb/2024    nobrainer applied the Guild Reputation boost 'Fortune Pack D' to the Guild. buffs aren't activating

Are you serious?  You mean HCS didn't bother to test their new update? Now you have spent your preciously earned guild RP only to find out you get nothing in return? I can't believe this has happened!!! How unusual for this to occur when HCS issues an update.  Surely Hunted Cow Studios guild could have used a portion of their 231 Guild RP (not sure how they earned that since you can't even initiate a conflict against them) to test it before they released it to the player population.  Oh well, I'm sure they will fix it lickety split and probably issue a Thank You for testing it to nobrainer, and perhaps even an apology and refund for your Guild Reputation Points.



#1009349 Unbearable Lag

Posted by sweetlou on 13 May 2023 - 01:13

Again, please put this in a Support ticket as you've been told already. And again, where you are geographically is obviously in the real world.


~ Grim

After 15 and a half years of playing I thought the game's issues would be easier to report, there would be more transparency to the way information is shared. Alas after a week of the same old run around we see jack all. I wasted my time and made a ticket reluctantly. I have previously never had to make that effort, but I thought let's see. Now I'm just privately ignored without any action. Nothing changes.

#1008568 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Removed4427 on 01 November 2022 - 17:05

 I don't think in the recent history (Maybe ever?) of the game HCS has been willing to remove content to the game 


%^$--> Seasons <--#$%

#1008569 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by EpicPiety on 01 November 2022 - 17:11

%^$--> Seasons <--#$%

Fair point, the one thing they should have kept and refined :mellow: . Season's was so great for reinvigorating PvP.

#1008555 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Tilley10 on 31 October 2022 - 18:52


Hello everyone!
We would like to show you all some new skills we plan to add to the Player Skill Tree for an upcoming update!
Relic Defender
Level: 250
Stamina Cost: 20
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Defense
0.05% per point reduction to the effectiveness of Reign of Terror
All for One
Level: 2000
Stamina Cost: 30
Duration: 90 minutes
Category: Special
+0.1% per point increase to the Super Elite set bonus stat
Level: 4500
Stamina Cost: 15
Duration: 90 minutes
Category: Defense
When Healer is activated, increase max Hit Points by 0.05% per point
Feel free to share us your thoughts and suggestions below.
Thank you!
~ Fallen Sword Team


Relic Defender - Why not remove Reign of Terror instead of introducing this new buff? With groups increased to a cap of 10, it is less punishing to fail a relic capture. Also, having a buff counter an unnecessary buff feels weird to me. Please scrap this one along with Reign of Terror.


"X.XX% reduction to the effectiveness of Dark Curse." - Dispel Curse

Please change Dispel Curse to use this logic instead of it removing the effect of Dark Curse entirely.


All for One - Sure, seems good. A slight buff to SE sets as it is a disadvantage to use a SE Weapon as is. Depending on the bonus, I'm all for it.


Galvanize - A buff that needs a small chance buff to fire to activate doesn't make sense to me. Layering buffs on top of other buffs gets complicated. This is an unnecessary RNG buff. Also, can you image if someone is running Severe Condition 200 and this fires? Millions upon million of additional HP. Please scrap this one.


What happened to Farsight & Reversal?


TLDR: No to Relic Defender & Galvanize. Remove Reign of Terror. Yes to All for One. Change Dispel Curse to reduce effect of Dark Curse.

#1008553 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by EpicPiety on 31 October 2022 - 16:53

Relic Defender will not do anything. Reign of Terror should not be a buff to begin with. Especially after multiple group attempts have been added to be able to RNG capture relics. We are littered with copious amounts of detrimental and impactful RNG buffs. Odds are you will get a concoction of procs by the time you've exhausted 10 group hits.

For the players that play this part of the game, this is not fun.

Remove Reign of Terror and don't add Relic defender.

All for one makes sense, SE sets simply do not match up after a certain level due to scaling. I've not ran the numbers on exactly how impactful it will be. But I'm sure someone (Toreth) will do that for us.

Not sure galvanize is necessary, seems like we keep caking on power creep and not having an equal and opposite correction to PVE. On top of that having more buffs is not necessarily good for PvP. We already have so many means of passively and actively increasing HP.

What is trying to be accomplished with Galvanize and Relic Defender?

#1008096 Game Update v3.9 / App Update v1.2

Posted by Tilley10 on 05 August 2022 - 19:40

The rewards listed for spending millions of stamina is an absolute joke. It truly shows how out of touch the people who decided the rewards are with this game. It is borderline insulting to think it was adequate.


+10 stats doesn't have any impact - not even to a level 1 player. You may as well take away the "reward" and have it be the guild achievement completed on the guild page - it would be the same. Not a single person is going to rush to complete any of those achievements.


This has got to be increased substantially. Changing it to a percentage increase is a great start. I am very much in favor of changing it to 5-10%.


Or, have 1 of the achievements provide the stat percentage increase and change the other rewards: increase max stam by XXXX, increase gold gain by XXXX, increase XP gain by XXXX, increase shard gain by XXXX, increase all enhancements by XXXX, etc.


Anything at all would be better than what is listed as the reward right now.

#1004986 Is FS Down?

Posted by shindrak on 01 September 2021 - 22:02

I'm afraid too... I'm afraid I may just have to walk because my passion keeps getting the shaft. 


With 2 minute intervals you can have tournaments done in 5 minutes, you could get results and make adjustments within a reasonable timeframe.


However currently it takes 45 minutes minimum!

Which is far too slow for a simple turn based game like this...


This really needs to be addressed now that things are online again.

I went less active for a while then returned to play Arena because it is the most interesting part of FS for me


I'm planning to donate to support the game i love but i'm afraid Arena players aren't important for HCs and that will make me hesitated to do!


if things don't improve i might step away from the game again...

#1003730 Shadow Bunny & Springtime Forest

Posted by BigGrim on 28 April 2021 - 14:18

Hi there everyone.


The players who have earned the chance to create a n LE or SE are as follows:


First Run:
  • 1st  TERRORDOG 4,775 - 4,001
  • 2nd  Demondog 4,775 - 4,001
  • 3rd  HiddnNinja 4,000 - 3,001
  • 4th  oucho 4,000 - 3,001
  • 5th  zizzwyly 3,000 - 2,001
  • 6th  skidoodle 3,000 - 2,001
  • 7th  suderlon 2,000 - 1,001
  • 8th  InfamousN 2,000 - 1,001
  • 9th  apedde 1,000 - 501
  • 10th  robinhood2 1,000 - 501
Second run: 
  • 1st  1hustler 4,775 - 4,001
  • 2nd  Melissa3 4,775 - 4,001
  • 3rd  robinhood2 4,000 - 3,001
  • 4th  SoraXKairi - NA
  • 5th  Tehmelons 4,000 - 3,001
  • 6th  siddy246 Maxed.
  • 7th  CrazyCrits 3,000 - 2,001
  • 8th  HiddnNinja 3,000 - 2,001
  • 9th  Vaelian 2,000 - 1,001
  • 10th  fugrnugget 2,000 - 1,001
  • 11th  john0626 1,000 - 501
  • 12th hades8840 Maxed
  • 13th EvilRisen 1,000 - 501

We'll be contacting them all shortly!


~ Grim

#1003460 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by Melissa3 on 02 April 2021 - 23:29

As is with every change. Glad we can at least see eye to eye. Wish you luck in your travels and good profits.

We dont see eye to eye. 


Like the majority  of players here I accept the game as it  was intended to be played by the creators  and  adjust my gameplay accordingly.


The vocal few expect that the game should be changed based on their decisions.


Furthermore those vocal few try  to convince us all that they are speaking on behalf of the whole community, which  of course is NOT the case.


Creators you should not be dictated to by a few vocal players and not flip flop on your  decisions.  Changes you  make to the game should be carefully analysed and researched and when introduced you should follow through with the decisions you make if you want  to maintain the respect of the players and hold our interest in your game.

#1003506 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by Pardoux on 04 April 2021 - 03:08

 I had to key each step and wait for the mob list to load, or I got the walking too fast message and got no credit for the steps taken, though of course the stam burned in the unaccepted steps was still gone, a problem I've lived with for years, but remains irritating.



The walking quests where you get unaccepted steps, but still lose the stamina are extremely frustrating, but, if I recall correctly, the cows still dispute that this happens...

#1003455 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by Melissa3 on 02 April 2021 - 17:46

I'd place a little more trust in the new Cow's (There are lots of them now) to have critically thought about it and applied change to be tested. There surely was more to the process.


It's about time we started to work with them, they even took the initiative to invite us to. This is what we wanted for years.

And what trust did  you  place in  the cows to make them overturn their original plans ?  It seems to  me that a very vocal few seem to control the game.

#1003407 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by wil72 on 31 March 2021 - 19:22

Well I never, there's a first. Not once, never, not even a maybe have I seen player suggestion be implemented so quickly into the game. Ok. it's not exactly what was asked for but it's pretty damn close. And these changes have appeared with such little "community" feedback. Do I need to attend Discord? Please tell me this is not so.


And just to satisfy my curiosity, others may wish clarification too. Why have Fumble, Deflect and Unbreakable been singled out for level limitations? I mean, you suggest the buffs Fumble and Deflect are of concern. Can you please expand on this; why are they concerning and to whom? What damage are these particular buffs causing the game? As they must to deserve the nerf.


Just an after thought as I scribe this. Do you intend to introduce potions which contain Fumble or Deflect at a higher level than can now be cast? Would seem a reasonable question since we have Unbreakable 200 in the Loyalty section. Wait! Why not add these 2 new potions to Loyalty!! Loyalty needs some love, right? ;)




#1003404 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by LordOfRuin on 31 March 2021 - 18:03

removed due to duplication

#1003405 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by LordOfRuin on 31 March 2021 - 18:07

annoyance or a bother is a problem. a small problem but still a problem.


            No, that is why we have more than one word - accuracy of description


concern was with a few buffs, better to cap those buffs.


            CAP - exactly.. NOT rollback

the argument being made is: it matters bc it doesn't matter.
the counter-argument: example of negative affect and possible solution.


           Not entirely sure what you mean by this - it is certainly not the argument I am making - perhaps a response to a different post?

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