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Member Since 12 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2022 16:29

#851442 Competition Winners

Posted by Zorg on 24 February 2014 - 12:20

Thank you to everyone who participated in the photo competition! All entries can now be seen in our Facebook album (link below). The winners are listed here, awards will be given out in a couple of days in the game you represented unless you message me in the next couple of days to say otherwise.
Eldevin: Aphrodite, ChelseaBrick, Creep, jeffslady
Fallen Sword: hamidkhaf, Khutch, kmetjanez, Rasputin, sirwolly, USN
Click to view Album on Facebook

#851300 Represent your Game!

Posted by Zorg on 23 February 2014 - 11:28

We'll be reviewing them on Monday yes. :)

#847089 Server Moves

Posted by Zorg on 07 February 2014 - 08:34

We'll be moving some of our web servers today (February 7th). We expect each of our sites to be down for an hour or two as we move to a new hosting provider. Fallen Sword will not go down itself but may be affected by the down time of huntedcow.com


Likely issues include Cloudflare Errors (522, 524, etc) and some parts of our websites failing to load entirely. All our websites will likely be running slowly while huntedcow.com is down and you will be unable to login if you're not logged in already.


All up and down time will be posted to: https://twitter.com/HuntedCow


So watch our Twitter feed if you want to keep up to date on the process. Sorry for the inconvenience, all sites should see improved performance after the move though.

#846217 Represent Fallen Sword in our Competition

Posted by Zorg on 04 February 2014 - 15:20

We're running a photo competition for some great prizes across our games.


Be sure to check it out and represent Fallen Sword for a chance to win 400 FSP and a Guild Launch premium membership!


Click here to visit the forum thread!

#846208 Represent your Game!

Posted by Zorg on 04 February 2014 - 15:02

Photo competition time!


We ran one of these photo competitions back in 2012 on Fallen Sword and players really enjoyed it! So lets see what kind of entries we get this time.


Post a photograph to this thread that complies with the rules below to enter the competition. The best photographs will be selected as winners and will get their choice of prizes!



You must be aged 18+ to enter the competition.

You must have taken the picture specifically for this competition.


Your picture must include...

  • Yourself... close, far away, in costume, disguised, whatever. As long as you're there!
  • Your character name from your chosen game written in some way.
  • The URL of the game you wish to represent written in some way (www.fallensword.com, www.eldevin.com, www.legacy-game.net, etc)
  • All text must be easily readable by people viewing it.

Your picture must NOT include...

  • Editing, we want unedited photographs only... no MS Paint, Photoshop, etc!
  • Anything that violates the law.
  • Any form of nudity or indecent / offensive material.
  • Anything that would violate our Terms of Use.


Entries will be judged by the Hunted Cow Studios staff, the 10 players who submit what we decide to be the best entries will win 1 years premium plan on Guild Launch.


Plus a selection of ONE of the prizes below:

  • 240 Days Supporter Time on Eldevin
  • 400 Fallen Sword Points
  • 100,000 Platinum on Legacy
  • 150,000 Gothador Points
  • 400 Flux Crystals on Sigmastorm


All entries must be sent in by Thursday February 20th 2014 at 1:00pm (GMT). Winners will be decided in the week that follows and we'll post all the acceptable entries on the Hunted Cow page on Facebook.



Some answers to questions are shown below...


Can I put my name and the website on my picture after taking it?

Absolutely not, we have plenty of Photoshop artists here we want pure photography for this competition!


Can my picture just include part of me?

Depends which part!  :P But it must include your face! You can wear a disguise or costume if you want or if your vampire form doesn't show up on camera.


What will you be looking for when judging the competition?

Awesomeness, originality, those sorts of things. The key factor will be how much effort it took to acquire. For example... if your picture is taken running from the gates of Mordor chased by a thousand angry Orcs you'll get a bonus point!


Can we submit group photographs?

Sure, you'll only win 1 prize for 1 photograph though. You must designate one of the character names shown in the photograph as the "captain" to receive the prize if you win. The captain will then be free to split it... or not if he is evil  :rolleyes:


Should I include a caption or description?

Don't edit the photograph, but you can submit some text along with your photograph to explain what it is a picture of... if it's not obvious.


Can a friend take the photograph for me?
Of course, we wouldn't expect you to take it yourself while trying to ride a dragon or something... dragons are tricky.

Can we be partially nude eg. Shirtless?
No... I assure you, nobody wants to see that. tongue.png


Can we submit multiple entries?

We'll take the first one we find in this thread! So if you change your mind, delete your old entry and post your new before the closing date!

Why are you doing this?
Just to have some fun in the office, we're not evil geniuses plotting your demise.


Entries to our last competition can be found at the link below if you need some inspiration:



Good luck and have fun! ~ The Hunted Cow Team

#845036 Legacy Roadmap #Revision 2

Posted by Zorg on 30 January 2014 - 12:20

As per feedback on my previous thread, I have now devised a new plan. Players didn't seem happy with the idea that everyone would eventually get a 'Perfect Scythe' and be in the same situation they're in now. There was also a lot of call for crystals to be involved in the item variance system so here goes...


Firstly, I'm going to release some never before seen percentages and statistics from the game.


Green Crystals (Chance of drop 1.0%):

1,182 in the game, lowest price is currently 300 credits.


Pink Crystals (Chance of drop 0.8%):

1,148 in the game, lowest price is currently 214 credits.


Water Crystals (Chance of drop 0.6%):

849 in the game, lowest price is currently 250 credits.


Fire Crystals (Chance of drop 0.4%):

336 in the game, lowest price is currently 2,850 credits.


This is the first time I've ever shared drop chances of Hunting NPCs with players, but it'll be useful in understanding the system I'm about to design.


February 5th 2014: Expanding Crystals

I'll be adding 5 new types of Crystals to the Crystal Entities. The crystals by rarity will then be:


(0.4%) Fire 

(0.5%) Void *

(0.6%) Water

(0.7%) Air *

(0.8%) Pink

(0.9%) Orange *

(1.0%) Green

(1.1%) Yellow *

(2.0%) Null *


At this point you can start farming Crystals from the entities in preparation for future updates but the new crystals will serve no purpose.


February 19th 2014: Item Experience

All weapons, armor and misc items in the game will be given experience and level stats. Weapons will increase experience when they hit people and cause damage, armor will increase when it takes a blow and misc items will increase whenever the wearer earns warfare points.


All will start at level 1 and be able to level up to level 5. The levels will be named:


1. Untested

2. Tried

3. Tested

4. Proven

5. Perfected


I'm aiming so that getting an item from level 1 to 5 should take a month or so. At this point these levels are purely for display purposes (see later update) but it gives you a head start at levelling them.


March 5th 2014: Combining Crystals

All current crystals will become 'Small' stage crystals. When you USE a crystal in your inventory you will be given the option to combine it with another of the same colour and stage to get a new crystal 1 stage higher than the 2 combined.


The stages will be in this order: Shard > Small > Medium > Large > Perfect


It will therefore take 16 Shards to make a perfect crystal, or 8 of the small crystals to make a perfect crystal, and so on. Shard and Medium stage crystals will be added to the drop table for Crystal Entities with appropriate drop chances.


March 24th 2014: Crystal Entity Boss

A new NPC boss will be unlocked for avatars that is a giant Crystal Entity. He will always drop a medium or large crystal (of random color) when defeated. This boss may also drop a new level 80 item or 2 that could act as an alternative to current level 80 items.


April 9th 2014: Crystal Fusion

Items will gain a crystal slot for each level up. Using any crystal (of any color and state) will allow you to place it in an empty crystal slot on an item.


Crystals will grant a % increase to a stat based on their colour and state.

Shard: +2%

Small: +4%

Medium: +6%

Large: +8%

Perfect: +10%

(These may be adjusted per crystal color if some crystal types prove less potent than others)


The crystals will affect the following stats:

Fire : Damage

Void: Armor

Water: Dodge

Air: Accuracy

Pink: Defense Skill

Orange: Melee Skill

Green: Gun Skill

Yellow: Projectile Skill

Null: Speed


So for example, a level 5 Scythe will have 4 slots and with 4 x Perfect Fire Crystals will gain +40% damage. At this point there will be no way of replacing or removing crystals.


April 16th 2014: Crystal Removal

You will now be able to visit a special NPC to remove crystals from items. Removing a crystal will recover the crystal (at a cost of credits) but destroy the slot it was in. As such the item will decrease 1 level for each crystal removed and will need to be levelled up again.


As always this plan is open to debate. I've tried my best to incorporate all your suggestions in to this plan so I'd appreciate if you wouldn't just toss the lot out as a bad idea.

#845006 Web Content Pack

Posted by Zorg on 30 January 2014 - 09:50

daaaaaaaaamn O.O


I mean, thank you!


To organize work with this on the Eldevin Wiki, there's a project page here, for editors who want to help out: http://eldevin.wikia...rtal/Image_Pack


Thank you!

Been busy as of recent but will get back to helping the wiki soon.


No, thank you!


Documenting the content of Eldevin is a mammoth task to be under taking and we are happy to make it easier wherever we can.

#844460 Web Content Pack

Posted by Zorg on 28 January 2014 - 16:37

It includes every item in the game as per the build we did on January 9th, I'll update it again with the next build as well.

  • Ben likes this

#844418 Web Content Pack

Posted by Zorg on 28 January 2014 - 13:52

We've had a few requests from some of the guys working on fan sites for images from our game.


We enjoy browsing fan sites and want to make the process as easy as possible. Sadly, I don't currently have time to make this content easily searchable but we hope this is better than nothing.


Below is a ZIP file of images from Eldevin. All images in this pack are © Hunted Cow Studios Ltd.


January 9th 2014: Content Pack

Link: http://files.huntedc..._09_eldevin.zip


537 x Achievement Icons

100 x Creature Class Icons

17 x Currency Icons

4,770 x Item Images

127 x Quest Book Icons

14 x Skill Icons

331 x Spell Icons

527 x Status Effect Icons

#844056 REBOOT the servers PLEASE

Posted by Zorg on 26 January 2014 - 21:54

Restarted the server, should be fixed now. Sorry about that I will discuss it with the Devs tomorrow.

#843578 Bit Coin

Posted by Zorg on 24 January 2014 - 14:26

Just a quick post pointing to a poll in our General Forum in case you missed it. Let us know what you think about using Bit Coin as a payment option!



#836877 Cow Play: Chess Variants

Posted by Zorg on 02 January 2014 - 19:17

The variants available on Cow Play are detailed below.
Alekhine Chess:
Computer Aided Chess:
Compact Chess:
Compact MetaChess:
Legion of Kings:
MetaChess 2:
Pair of Kings:
Super Chess:
Super MetaChess:
The Lost Pawns:

#836825 Eldevin Subscriptions

Posted by Zorg on 02 January 2014 - 15:20

If you choose to become an Eldevin Supporter you'll need to take out a subscription. How they work is detailed below. If you have any questions or problems with the system please send us a ticket.



Payment Method

If you're taking our a subscription you can either choose a auto-renewing payment method or a "static" amount of time in our shop. Renewing time will be used first, so if you take out a renewing subscription any static time you have will be put on hold until it is cancelled or expires.


You can cancel a renewing subscription at any time at which point time paid for will be converted in to static time and all future payments will be cancelled.


Nothing in Eldevin changes based on whether your time is auto-renewing or not. None renewing time will just expire at some point if you don't top it up.


Subscription Expiry

Our website will wait for 24 hours after your renewing payment is due before expiring your subscription. If you have static time then your subscription will expire immediately when time runs out.


From the point your subscription is marked as expired you have 48 hours in which to reactivate your subscription before your monthly Eldevin Points reset back to 350 per month.


Monthly Eldevin Points

When you first activate your subscription make note of the date and time of activation. If you failed to do so you can find it on your Payment History on the page above.


Your first batch of monthly 350 Eldevin Points will be delivered straight away, the following will be delivered each month that passes regardless of how far in to the future your current subscription time extends. Increasing by 50 per month as long as your account doesn't go without being a supporter for more than 48 hours, up to a maximum of 1000 Eldevin Points per month.


Purchasing a 12 month subscription does not get you all your bound Eldevin Points in one go!


You can find out when your next Eldevin Points will be delivered and how many you will get by mousing over the Account panel on www.eldevin.com as shown below:


Delivery Delay and Payment Dates

Your monthly Eldevin Points will be offset by 24 hours from the time your subscription is activated. This means if you activate your subscription on January 2nd, your second delivery of 350 Eldevin Points will be delivered at the same time but on February 3rd.


Different payment providers also work differently. If you take our a Secure Trading subscription on May 31st the following months payment will go out on June 28th. This is due to their policy of rolling back to the 28th for any payments on the 29th, 30th or 31st of a month. This does NOT mean you will get your bound Eldevin Points sooner.


Short Months

If you take out a subscription on May 31st, your monthly reward will be delivered on July 2nd. This is due to June only having 30 days, so it would roll over to the July 1st + the 24 hour delay mentioned earlier. It would then continue with your 3rd monthly reward arriving on August 2nd.


I hope this helps clear up some of the questions players have had, we had a few issues delivering Eldevin Points at first but if you had any problems they should now be resolved (or explained above).

#822807 to much gold

Posted by Zorg on 28 November 2013 - 14:53

I thought that when you have game support that your exp gain was higher and there was no limits on gold im showing gold limit and cant sell any items. i;m woundering if it is a bug or since im over my gold limit and thats why i cant sell


It appears due to an error in my code you were not granted the Supporter buff when you joined. This has now been resolved  and will not happen again.


You were the only player affected by this bug so by way of compensation I've granted you your supporter buff + a weeks bonus time along with 6 Experience Boosters you will find waiting for you when you next login. Sorry for the inconvenience.

#821447 Server Issues

Posted by Zorg on 20 November 2013 - 22:26

Our network and sites have been up and down a bit recently. The first night of down time was due to our network coming under DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. Where multiple computers around the world with Viruses / Trojans were used to overwhelm our network. This type of attack is only designed to disrupt service and none of the data on our servers was ever at risk.


We now tunnel our connections through a service called Cloudflare, which both increases the performance of our websites and protects against attacks like the one we experienced.


The past two days were spent re-organizing and strengthening our network against similar attacks in the future and we do not foresee it being a problem again. Apologies for any down time or login problems you have experienced during this time.

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