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Member Since 20 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2019 18:57

#897720 Making friend list and alt characters more manageable

Posted by Mongo on 03 November 2014 - 20:59

It is really tedious sometimes, having to add all your friends alts over and over each time they make a new character. Also seeing 16 people online when it is only one (and 15 alts) seems silly, not to mention how confusing it can be when your friend has 16 characters... who can remember all those? I can just about remember my own! :P


I think the whole thing needs an overhaul to become more user friendly.


Some suggestions:



  • Make it a requirement for us to ACCEPT a friend request, before others can add us to their friends list. This is important in the next suggestions for privacy from strangers.
  • Once a friend is added, it will AUTO add all current and future characters they create.
  • The friends list and server screen should include the CHARACTER and MAIN. e.g. "Mongo(Flash)"
  • There is no need to list all of my characters on the server select screen, just the one I am logged with. In the format suggested above "Mongo(Flash)" or if I am logged on my main , just "Mongo"
  • Also I think it would be really great, if someone could just whisper "Mongo" and I would then receive that message, no matter if I am logged on Mongo, Flash or any other character.


So basically we are taking our main character name (account) and incorporating that to include every alternate character.


Also not sure if you fixed it yet as I have not ignored anyone, but if we add a player to ignore it should include all their present and future characters.


If anyone has more suggestions please post, also please post if you think this idea sucks. Thanks.


Actually thinking about it think the other way round would be better, so Main(alt). Here is a quick mock up I done of what our friend list would now look like (hope you don't mind me using you as example Razzy) :P


So Raziel Is logged on his alt Kainn and has accepted my friend request, I now see this:



#855507 annoying pop up

Posted by KeS on 15 March 2014 - 01:26



everytime I attack the pop up "This ability is not ready to be used yet." displays. In almost every ability that has a short cool down (and with enough mana to be used again) the message displays.  

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