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Member Since 22 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2018 15:28

#883389 Cruise Control

Posted by Blissy on 02 August 2014 - 20:39

I think he means like auto walk/run.


like in some other mmo's you can use an auto run mode so you don't have to hold down any key or mouse button and just use the mouse to move in the direction your going or wsad for direction.


 also you can set it to whatever key you want just like other things we can in the settings for hotkeys.  


  also in a couple of other mmo's I played having a class that can kite I found setting up autorun and using my mouse for direction really was the best way for me to kite.


 while others may have used wsad or a combo of keys and autorun.  


it's really a matter of preference but I think it would be a good addition to have autorun an option.   

#882132 Invisible friend list on server overview

Posted by Blissy on 25 July 2014 - 05:31

I posted something about this a while back so same here and guess it's random because I don't think it happens every time I'm online.   


and chelsea LOL.  wouldn't let me click like  or use quote for some reason cuz that made me  :lol:.  js 

#879535 New Mount Idea (Courtesy of Dampard)

Posted by Blissy on 18 July 2014 - 07:17

comes with a pooper scooper?  ^_^

#874442 secret quests and rooms

Posted by Blissy on 20 June 2014 - 20:46

I"m for it, sounds fun :)


I am always exploring around going in buildings that seem to just be there but don't have an npc or really a purpose other then the fun of going in them and taking a look around.


 also it reminds me of some quests we have to go through windows or find some doorway to some secret area or something like that.  so *thumbs up*

#873194 Don't Cause "Combat" To Prevent Escape From Trapper's Atoll

Posted by Blissy on 13 June 2014 - 18:32

well it's kind of hopeless for us lower lvls to try to get our daily done or do the token quest. 


I tried other day and one nice 45 player didn't bother with me and I thanked him for not kicking my ass and letting me continue but then a lvl 29 player who passed me at first came back to kill me. 


I know it's a pvp map so I took a chance in trying to get them done and pick up some mats but still kind of irked me a little.


when I said, I'm just trying to get my daily done he said he just lost all his items (assumes someone killed him I guess) and so he was gonna be on a kill mode now to get stuff.  


I tried to run, I tried to get on the boat (i'm new to it so don't know much about TA) and I even hit a few skills at him but I know I can't do anything so I just logged but ofc I died either way.


kind of sucks because I"ll probably never get any of those quests done on a daily basis or at all again.


I did manage before the new patch to go there and no one was there and got the daily done once for 50 forages but then I wasn't sure what reward to choose so I waited and when I got it done again  before the attack it seems I lost the chance to get the first reward ( I didn't know I would lose it if I didn't take it before doing the quest again).   so I managed to get one reward. 


kind of wish quests weren't on a pvp map so those of us who just suck at pvp or just couldn't even survive due to our gear or whatever could do them but guess some of us aren't going to have a chance to do them or accumulate the reward stuff.


It be nice if a place like that was divided by levels at least or a measure put in place where higher lvl's can't kill you.

in some games if your lower you may have a chance to defend yourself if your build is strong and you have good gears etc. but this game it seems isn't designed that way.   I mean even mobs can be tough if they are higher then you and I've played games where it's possible to kill higher lvl mobs again if your gear and build and all that makes your strong enough to handle it.


I played a game where  some daily quests were on pvp maps but due to higher lvl's always killing lower ones for easy pickings they eventually changed it so if you were like 5 or 7 levels ( can't remember which is was) higher then them you couldn't attack them unless they hit you first and then the player was flagged and could be attacked by the higher level.


maybe the devs can think about something like that, idk.

#867560 Gift Subscriptions

Posted by Blissy on 09 May 2014 - 01:02

If that kitten is included count me in :D. sooo cute~ js

#867087 Random suggestions from a newbie: just a couple of thoughts.

Posted by Blissy on 06 May 2014 - 09:50

well I"d like to just say 'facepalm' :unsure:

It wasn't until last night that I noticed when I open a sell window there is a button on the sell window to the far bottom left that says 'inventory' and we can use that to open up our inventory.  so insert facepalm emote here * _____*  :rolleyes: .    thank you and falls off the chair~ that is all. :blink:

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