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#965982 Development Update

Posted by gotan on 17 July 2016 - 21:27

Well it's over shadowed by other free to play mmorpgs.... You have so many to pick from now..I know graphics are not everything to a game, but it would turn a lot of people away.



Graphics taste is totally subjective ... if graphics  are so important, why does Runescape have so many players?  For my taste, Eldevin is clearly superior in every way to that one, except perhaps in releasing new content.  And new does not always imply good or better anyway. 


Can not debate the fact of so many ftp mmorpg's to choose from. But imo Eldevin is one of the best of kind.  Eldevin has an especially good social aspect imo.  Great community.  Developers could do themselves a favor by being more responsive.

#965855 Development Update

Posted by Oops on 12 July 2016 - 19:41

I am gonna start by saying I found this game when it was in beta and fell in love with it along with some of its player base it had in beta I played it quite regularly when it went live and delt with the usual b.s. that sometimes happens in games one thing I still can't stand about this game is the where feature why because I feel it gives people the ability to stalk other people and yes that happens in games sometimes and is part of reason for my last break but as I havn't seen anyone who I have an issue with on game since I been popping back in I am more likely to come back to play it more I just wish the where feature would go away so when trying to avoid someone you could I still love this game and as my finances are finally starting to look up i am apt to start my supporter back up as I still love this game I want to finish all my skills at least on oops if not on all my characters which would take me a really long time as I have all slots open and all started but my one named after my beloved dog I have missed all my friends on game hope to catch some of ya when I log in sometime

#965584 Development Update

Posted by Brenzlo Xate on 08 July 2016 - 10:11

Greetings friends!!!


I just wanna point out some key facts in this latest announcement, and try to give an opinion as best as I could coming from a neutral perspective. biggrin.png


Hey folks,


Sorry for the lack of updates as of late, unfortunately Eldevin never quite gained the following it required for us to justify allocating our full development team to it. As such we've had to scale down development time. However we intend to continue to fully support the game and still plan to release future updates, but currently we have no time-scale for these as of yet.


~The Eldevin Team


I've been checking the forums and been seeing the responses. Of course it's completely understandable why people would be disappointed. I for one though don't feel disappointed but rather sad for how the game has become. 

HCS did a great job in making this announcement as straight-forward as possible so as to avoid any misunderstanding and yet it seems people are coming to conclusions way too fast which causes misunderstandings anyway. 

So here is what I understand from this post.


1. Eldevin is currently struggling in terms of player base.


This is the truth, the REALITY of it. For me the struggle started mildly sometime in the late September of 2015 (Maybe it's even earlier for some.) may it be due to players taking a break or quitting entirely for reaching end game and having no progression whatsoever. Though the Halloween and Christmas events did seem to bring back old players. Also the EP trade in those times especially in the Halloween event really flourished again it was only temporary thus the game is at its current state which is even worse.


2. Game content updates will be coming in slower than we're even used to. <--- Let me just point out that they NEVER said that they're STOPPING or HALTING or CANCELLING the updates. This is very clear.


Most if not all the earlier Eldevin players including myself are quite used to the pace of updates coming from HCS. There are people who've been complaining about how slow updates were (and that is very understandable) and there are people including myself who are okay with it. I for one have always been aware that HCS isn't that big of a company just yet that I don't expect them to be doing magic. 


People would go as far as to say that HCS was being lazy, and again I don't blame them for feeling that way. I personally never saw it that way, not cuz I have a huge patience (Mind you, I do feel frustrated and sad about the game.) but because I'm also aware that behind all of the coding and programming and all the other fancy tech stuff... All this goes down to being a business. They have to make decisions that would be the least damaging. It's like choosing the lesser of two evils I suppose LOL.

Let's say.. for example, they push for the updates which will cost HCS... They'll most likely be taking the amount of money that it would cost to do that from the funds allocated for Eldevin which is most likely currently being focused on keeping the servers running. Meaning, there is a downside in that they could end up decreasing the life of the game when they could lengthen it prolonging the window to figure things out.


Imagine if they push the level 50 content, OFC!! Everybody happy! Yippeeee!! Yahooooo!!! Kapow!! Boom boom!!! ....... 


Then not even a week after release we get an announcement that the game is closing LOL. (And please before anyone reacts to this, it's just an exaggeration OFC.)


Now some might argue "Hey why not use the money you get from your other games!?!?!?!" perhaps maybe they have already done it before, and if they haven't done that yet IMO it would be completely logical. As I've mentioned above it is still business, before one decides to put money on something you have to see at least a bit of positive return.

(If you're selling cows and horses and it's the horses that are actually selling and the cows aren't selling as much... You don't buy more cows, YOU BUY MORE HORSES!!! vice versa biggrin.png). 


Side Note:


Just in case people get the impression that I'm siding with HCS on this one... Nope, hell nope. This is how I see it from a neutral standpoint. Again I repeat that I can understand why people are getting mad, angry, raging or however one wants to put it and they have reasons to do so. 


1.The updates were already quite slow even before you actually posted the announcement which even gives us the idea that the updates are going to get even SLOWER... 


2. There are also those who would argue INCLUDING MYSELF that the time, money and effort to make the guild update which in my opinion is completely useless to the game at this time should've gone to the level 50 content update instead. 


(TBH I have no idea how there were players in the game who even thought that the guild update would help the game LOL. It's probably cuz I'm stupid so yeah.)


3. Not to mention, there seems to be an issue with the response time on tickets as well. True or not I wouldn't know, but I've been seeing people say it in the game.

Boo ya! I hope I neutral'ed the hell out of this reply enough LOL. 



I have a lot of broken trust and disliking towards HCS because of Eldevin. Whatever their new game is, its most likely a replacement for Eldevin. HCS knows Eldevin is dead and only their loyal fans will continue to play it. There's no saving it now since the steam launch was wasted on a half finished game and they wont waste resources to advertise it.


I wasted time and money on the game, I gave it all to an inexperienced developer and feel worst for all the people that bought the founders pack (especially the dumb high priced ones, HCS acting like this was some sort of triple-A MMO title) even though there's free (or maybe even stolen) resources and assets (sounds/music is all that I have found) in the game.


Hey maybe this is good however for newcomers. At least those people in the future that play HCS's games wont be so open with their wallets, time, trust and love (unless of course HCS hides the truth from them, but I don't think that they are that low).


I don't care if this gets deleted or disliked by the white knights or people that have issues against me, its the truth.



Hey sap bud, c'mon man that was completely uncalled for... LOL. I understand the hate, but at the very least try to be logical about it.

Sure bud you did put money into the game, and that's really cool but you also did have your time in the game did you not? That's not to say that the money you put into the game will be enough to sustain the game for eternity and make it invincible to financial difficulties caused by changing variables wouldn't you agree?

As for the people who purchased the founder's pack, whether they're disappointed or not the fact remains they bought a founder's pack and if the terms of the founder's pack or the conditions in which the pack was bought is the same as the ones in other games wherein a Founder's Pack is offered early in game development and the buyers are made aware that it is still too early in the game to be buying this type of package then it goes without saying that it was a choice they made knowing that things might not go well for the game and they may end up unsatisfied. 

That been said, the founders in the game are one if not maybe even the main reason why the game is up for this long so yeah I really would like to extend my gratitude to them.  :D

Sap bud, we're cool man hope you understand my point of view. Wishing you well bud!

#965757 Development Update

Posted by gotan on 11 July 2016 - 03:55

Something I don't understand about all this.... the devs apparently have enough confidence in their creative abilities to embark on a new game....  seems they are willing to take a chance (and it is a bit like winning the lottery) on a new game. Wouldn't it make more sense to try to leverage the sizable investment they have made in Eldevin by applying their creativity to fix Eldevin so that it has broader appeal and better player retention?? 


I gotta believe that developing Eldevin has cost them $1 Million  or more.. that's a lot of capital to kick to the curb.  If they think the name Eldevin has been poisoned.. just call it Eldevin II .. lol ... I dunno .. i agree with Ernzor and SirPeter.. i will continue to support the game financially until it totally bores me.

#965747 Development Update

Posted by SirPeter on 10 July 2016 - 20:16

I spent more (time and money) on this game than most, and would gladly continue to do so if there was a chance of it being a viable game in the devs eyes again.


I will continue to pop in from time to time, and more so when the lvl50 stuff comes out.

100% agree

#965714 Development Update

Posted by ernzor on 09 July 2016 - 21:38

I spent more (time and money) on this game than most, and would gladly continue to do so if there was a chance of it being a viable game in the devs eyes again.


I will continue to pop in from time to time, and more so when the lvl50 stuff comes out.

#964545 Development Update

Posted by Brenzlo Xate on 18 June 2016 - 03:06

Greetings friends!


I've only seen this post now cuz a friend told me about it, I'm glad that we finally got some info from the devs that addresses the elephant in the room... BTW The elephant has been sitting there for maybe 6-8 months now.  ;)


I really do appreciate the effort of HCS to try and keep the game going, this I have to say. Hopefully the game doesn't completely die out, I haven't been playing the game regularly in a long time for the same reason as most players. However, I didn't quit or anything, just taking a break and hoping for the best that the game will still be up when I go check on it and maybe even updated. I'd love to come back to regular playing, and I'm sure most of us who are on a break and even quit the game do TBH but I highly doubt that it's gonna happen if there are no content updates or maybe even just event updates.


From a business standpoint it is completely understandable that HCS decided to pull back on the game updates because these things cost money however from this point on I must say that it's like a domino effect.

"Less updates = more players taking a break or quitting from the game = even less players." This is the reality of it. It was already quite tough to find groups for most players back when the game was at its peak and even more so at its current state. Imagine if it even gets worse, by then it'd be clear where the game is heading.

Maybe, just maybe... It's time to address the other elephant in the room... That one that has the sign that says "Game is a hidden jewel, hidden away from potential players". Perhaps if there will be less funding on updates maybe a bit of funding can go to advertising the game. It's just a suggestion ofc, and I'd like to help financially but I'm no Bill Gates.


I'm still hoping for the best as always. Eldevin is a VERY VERY good game, it has a lot of potential. I even grade it on par with the other well funded and highly developed games I've played and that is at its current state. Just imagine if things go well for the game, man it'd be crazy awesome I tell ya.

Sid bud, this game would've been a freakin' awesome flagship for HCS alright. Still holding my breath on it, maybe it might still happen. 


:D Whatever happens I still thank HCS for providing us with this good game!! 


HCS/Eldevin, I wish you the best of luck! More power!!!!! 


Alright friends!! Sorry for the long post, see you guys in the game whenever I'm on!!! 


#963959 Development Update

Posted by Crofil on 03 June 2016 - 23:31

just wondering if i can get a response on my ticket?? 



#963897 Development Update

Posted by Sacrier on 02 June 2016 - 23:54

HCS when are you opening the azraq port :) I don't care about eldevin city or drateol they may get eaten by the plagued xD

Let me escape to Xaralith so I can protect the lightorb and conquer the kingdom with it ♡♡♡

#963894 Development Update

Posted by ernzor on 02 June 2016 - 22:43

Is really sad read this, I know about some players quit and r supporting this game maybe they still supporting, waiting for the updates, i can give u some names lahara, ben, ernzor, mog,and others. 

Definitely me, I am still following the game and come to the forums daily and try to login once a week or so to catch up with the few that are online.


I actually probably prompted this post, as a few hours before he posted here, he responded to some of my skype questions about Eldevin.


I would 100% come back and be one of its biggest supporters if this game had updates both in content and improvements. I feel at the moment though that I have finished (which is an odd word for this sort of game) as much as I can here, and my time can be better spent elsewhere. Dont get me wrong, I did countless hours of grinding here, and I do not mind that one bit, but I dont really have anything to even grind for any more (only TA kills but was getting about 10 a day last time I tried as no one went there anymore). So right now, I spend my gaming time elsewhere, but I would most certainly come back again if there was more to do.


I know with the small dev team, when there was a dev team for Eldevin, updates can and do take a while. Now with even less people that time is going to increase even more.


There have been many great ideas to implement that would drastically increase the longevity of the game, from better rewards/drops, rarer rewards/drops, unique drops, custom craftables, more PvP maps, more PvP modes, bring back group queue pvp, expand the guild system to include guildhouse, GvG, guild emblems and gear, and even your own level 50 and also completing the ascended dungeons. Quite a lot more can be added to that list too, thats just off the top of my head.


How about to drive some development hours and get the lvl 50 content out (and maybe more depending on how much is raised) you guys run another "founder" pack scheme, call it something else, and have different rewards, but something similar. Could even run it through kickstarter or something like that, so those investing could see what each goal would get us. To get you guys rolling and releasing content again thats one thing I could think of.


But please, dont do that if it will just go back to how it is now afterwards. Like others have said, this game didnt get the following it deserved for a few reasons, one being a lack of timely updates. If we have a couple of people to stick around to release small upgrades (new weapons, mobs, minor quests) that doesn't require huge updates (world maps etc). Perhaps even let users design things if there is a way you can incorporate user design into the game.


Anyway, TLDR - I would 100% be back if this game was active in the devs eyes

#963887 Development Update

Posted by Undjuvion on 02 June 2016 - 20:02

These are really the main facets to make the game sustainable at a what most new and returning players would consider a non beta game hcs, then people can consider themselves literally playing a game than an unfinished work that is not quite so worthy to cling to,


Obviously 50 content(dungeon, sets and gear etc for it, professions all with lvl 50 items),


An AH, so there is ability to trade,


Something to the guild system(ie a leader board with probably these 3 factors as minimum IN GAME not top list... guild xp, pvp kills against other guilds, dungeons runs made in DUNGEON MODE), ability to buy bonuses for durations(25 EP or 75 gold grants +1 movement speed to all guildies for 12 hours.... 100 EP or 300 gold grants +2 movement speed to all guildies for 16 hours).... for example.


One thing that needs abolishing no matter how many are upset is that ICC needs to be changed from absolutes to defined,


ToC and arena need at the completion of every 15 rounds(ToC), 5 completed arenas(arena), ONE absolute gem,


WB's need upgrading to endgame, new loot of worth(small chance of getting an OP pot for example OR a very weird jewelry set that fits every class(hp/energy/focus with some really cool set bonuses + etc etc and + etc etc, 25% chance to resist a knock down for example, +10% chance to loot FP for another example)


Then its simply a matter of keep bugs maintained and lag away, talking with community and getting HUGE feedback before implementing any new features at later times when time becomes available to add anything new, occassional new quest for events.


That isnt the tallest order when 50 content was already 90% complete, 50 content is like 70% of the equation and its nearly ready, it literally then makes so much of the rest so coasty and cruisy.


edit: with how the game has gone, BT/RG could prob easily be changed to 50% chance of dropping a glimmering instead of a fair.


edit2: scribe, abolish it, not a great game idea.


edit3: stuff.

#963884 Development Update

Posted by gotan on 02 June 2016 - 19:33

Well I just spent over an hour crafting a post for this thread.. hit the button to post and it disappeared :(


Maybe it will appear sometime. in the meantime an appeal to all those who love this game:


Don't Give Up !!! Don't let the game die!!!


  • HC is not getting rich off this game or any other game. They need to eat.
  • don't withdraw your financial support in fear that the game will die anyway
  • those of you who play for free, don't be parasites! Donate what you can afford
  • HC provide a more flexible means to allow players to donate any odd amount no matter how small


Save Eldevin!

#963859 Development Update

Posted by panchop on 02 June 2016 - 13:06

Hi Mojawk,


Is really sad read this, I know about some players quit and r supporting this game maybe they still supporting, waiting for the updates, i can give u some names lahara, ben, ernzor, mog,and others. 


The game is really good people invite me to play lol and others pvp games but im stay here.


I have no idea, if u can safe the game with some idea more marketing or something. You can ask the more experienced players new ideas for safe the game bro i can help.


And thanks for says the true about the game. 

#963848 Development Update

Posted by davidutz on 02 June 2016 - 08:28

1.  make it open   end ...  let players stil get exp   with lets say 80 % penalty 

2 .  add some recipes of   potions  with ubber 1 h stats  and a truck load  of mats u need to farm / gather / kill to get 

3 . add a  random  drop chance for  big gems to all lvl  mobs 

4.  give some kind  of Bonus  to players  for recruiting  other players  in EP   not crap 

5. just put 1   person on developing recipes  for stuff  (  " fluff  " )   that  will listen to the comunity 



i think that with a MINIMAL  effort a game this nice  will  pass  FS   in the long run  and remember  if FS  dyes ..  u got nothing to  relay on  ... never keep  all  your eggs in 1  basket 

#963844 Development Update

Posted by Debrutsid on 02 June 2016 - 04:13

BTW blissy you are welcome in my guild.  and considering i was OCD before guilds..... :P


also i'd have like 20 cats if i had the space and money\

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