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Member Since 19 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2021 03:42

#1000041 Eldevin supported

Posted by ZombieFreak on 26 March 2020 - 14:12

Make this go mobile. Heavens, im back on osrs.....

#949262 Please don't make threads against other players on the forum.

Posted by l3fty on 21 September 2015 - 08:59

Just a reminder that we don't allow 'calling out' or personal attacks on the forum. It's unnecessary; if you have a problem with a player or an exploit or something please put in a support ticket.


Some ask why we don't allow it. These threads always descend into arguing, players get ostracised unfairly and it gives a terrible impression of the community.


Please in future use the support system.

#872529 What Did He Just Say?

Posted by cyrus7 on 10 June 2014 - 10:05

Didn't need to see that face here. I come to FS/Eldevin to get away from this type of stuff.  <_<

#872522 What Did He Just Say?

Posted by ZombieFreak on 10 June 2014 - 07:36


#858683 Prophet Talent.

Posted by ZombieFreak on 30 March 2014 - 03:20

Life Breather


Increases the amount of health / mana the target is brought back with after you resurrect by 10/20% in add reduces the cast time of revive  by 1/2s (VERY USELESS)

MAYBE something like

40/80% an increases your healing power by 10/20% for 25seconds, ;]

#857134 Hardcore Pvp ( The Real Ups & Downs)

Posted by ernzor on 24 March 2014 - 03:09

I dont think warriors need an increase in attack distance. They can be plenty powerful enough.

#857129 Hardcore Pvp ( The Real Ups & Downs)

Posted by ZombieFreak on 24 March 2014 - 02:44

Well sorcery will be a big advantage even with pots.How about we add in a talent skill to the game where it halves the amount of healing you get from spells, maybe give that to assassins?

i love the idea, for halves the amount of healing, BUT i say we give it to TANKS or another PROPHET. like a stance almost....

#857122 Hardcore Pvp ( The Real Ups & Downs)

Posted by hussey on 24 March 2014 - 01:48

I accept grey's ideas . 

#857115 Hardcore Pvp ( The Real Ups & Downs)

Posted by Grey on 23 March 2014 - 23:55

I don't play pvp a ton, but here are some suggestions. Take them for what they are worth. Don't bite my head off if you don't like something...


- Make a larger cooldown for pots, like 2 or 3 minutes in between uses.


- Expand attack range for hand-to-hand (make it so you can hit with a sword from double the distance you normally can, etc.). This would help to balance out warrior some.


- Some sort of reward for playing!!! There is not much incentive for lower level players to do pvp with the exception of a few people. No one wants to go in, die 10 times for every 1 kill they get, waste 10 minutes, then have to wait in a queue for 10 more minutes. I like the idea of tokens that can get different tiers of chests maybe? (ex. 100 tokens opens medium chest, 1000 opens rare chest, etc.) Make prizes useful to all like equip even to your level, gems, gold...


- Show players in the queue. There always seems to be 1-2 people trolling the queue that never accept. In the past I have had to accept a match 5 times before we actually got to play.

     - Alternatively, you could increase the surrender period with each queue you miss within a 24 hour or 1 week period. (Ex. miss 1 queue-1 minute penalty, second missed queue-5 minutes, third-15 minutes, etc.) and keep the tally going on a daily or weekly basis.


- I really like the idea of 2v2, 3v3, etc.


- I don't know if you can select game type now (to my knowledge it's all random), but maybe allow custom games or allow players to queue for JUST CTF, just TDM, either/or, etc. I know that this would have to come once we have more active pvp players.


- Allow custom teams - show all players in queue. Let players sort themselves into two teams to balance them. To prevent trolls or abuse, have a "veto" button every time a player is moved. if X amount of players veto, the player will not switch teams. Something like this. I know there would be a lot of things to work out to make this work correctly.


Award prizes to all players - going to say this one again because I think it will be the biggest driving force for more players to join.


I've just been typing as I am thinking, and I am out of ideas for now. I'll edit this if I think of anything else I might like to see.


- Grey 

#857096 Hardcore Pvp ( The Real Ups & Downs)

Posted by Susej on 23 March 2014 - 21:15

As a non pvp player, some of this changes would make sometimes jump and do some pvp, just for the fun of it

#849772 Represent your Game!

Posted by ChelseaBrick on 16 February 2014 - 23:39

Representing my game...Azure Bluppity mask with Magnus chest.  :D


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